Rhettman Mullis Explains The Release of His Conversation With Dr. Melba Ketchum

For those of you who think the "Angel DNA" conversation with Dr. Melba Ketchum released yesterday is photoshopped, here's the truth from the person who released it. Bigfootology.com's Rhetman Mullis had urged Dr. Melba Ketchum to "do the right thing" and collaborate with other scientists such as Dr. Sykes to ensure her methodology and science was sound. In early 2012, after submitting samples and having long conversations with Ketchum, Rhetman realized that there was a problem and found Ketchum's conclusions highly "questionable". Here's a statement from Rhettman Mullis regarding Dr. Melba Ketchum and why he chose to release his conversations with her:

I sent Melba a sample through Tim Olson. I was first told it was viable.

Then I began conversations with Sykes and Nekaris to do this DNA project in January of 2012. By March it was going public early. At the same time I invited Melba to work with Sykes as the projects need to have replication anyway.

· That summer before (2011) I had invited Melba and Sally to become a part of Bigfootology and they both, understandably declined for the moment.

· Melba did not really answer me about working with Sykes...ignored me about it if I recall correctly.

It was soon after that I had this conversation with Melba on March 12th, 2012, and frankly after the conversation I was wondering if I had done the right thing.

· It was a little while later that the project with Sykes became a go and Melba continued to ignore me about it. It was also at that time when our sample was no longer viable, and then later we were told that we never submitted a sample.

· My conversation with Melba was a friendly conversation that had a great deal to do with theology as in addition to being a behavior scientist, I am an ordained pastor and I found her conclusions highly questionable and from a psychologist point of view I found her persona highly concerning.

Afterwards, frankly, I was okay with her not wanting to work with us because I did not want to deal with that since I work with clients like that weekly and I like working with healthy-persona people outside of work.

· But I am about the science first, and I thought it would be a good collaboration between her and Sykes if the science and methodology is sound.

I am not qualified to determine the authenticity of genetic science and that is why I turned her paper over to Sykes and Nekaris and both did not respond favorably to the science in the paper. Genetics is not my area of expertise.

· So the conversation evolved and that is what is public now. I am under no NDA or sample contract.

This was my attempt to push science forward and bring key-players together, which is what I do, I am a bridge-person, always bringing peace and people together, and some have seen me do this firsthand.

· Even publicly, on Coast to Coast AM when I gave my updates I continued to publicly encourage Melba to do the right thing...

· I have never attacked her privately or publicly. I just want her to maintain scientific integrity. I have always told people that I do not care who gets credit for the discovery, just that it is done properly. So no one can question the integrity of the finding and that is what has happened in Melba's project. Everything is now questionable.

· Statement regarding the release of the relevant parts of the conversation:

· For over two years I have encouraged Melba to maintain the integrity of her project and hoped for the best for her and her potentially-historic project. I withdrew that support last summer when multiple situations came forth and I began to see questionable actions and practices by Melba in her project. I maintained my silence and publicly continued to encourage her to do the right thing, but the situation has continued to decline. I am okay to stand on the sidelines for the purpose of keeping the peace and letting someone make their own bed of self-sabotage. In this case, however, it has become a larger problem when innocent people get attacked because they are being honest and I continue to say nothing while holding the evidence of her own words. Because I hold the evidence of her own words and I stand by and not let the truth be known then I become duplicitous in that attacking of honest people and that goes against the grain of who I am as a scientist and as a pastor. By releasing this I am not attacking Melba as that is never my intent, I am merely letting her own words show her for what she really thinks and what she is really doing in order to protect the many others who have been ruthlessly attacked and accused of being liars when it is not the case.

Rhettman A. Mullis, Jr., MS, MHP

Bigfootology: A study of the Bigfoot phenomenon.

P.O. Box 193

Oak Harbor, WA 98277





  1. Replies
    1. Because some people don't have a life.

    2. Rhettman Mullis. That's an unusual name, he must be South African.

    3. Melba and anyone who still believes in Bigfoot is absolutely insane. Shawn start a Nessie blog because Squatch is over.............

    4. ^ Contradicts himself at every turn. Still here...?

  2. Replies

    2. Totally! Did you see his spread in Smokin' Scientist Pastor Monthly? He was wearing nothing but leather chaps and a smile.

    3. Of course Bigfoots are real or the pretending trolls wouldn't be here pretending.

  3. While Dr. Meldrum may still believe these tracks are from an undocumented species of hominin, we firmly believe they are the result of hoaxing. Nonetheless, he has published his results in a peer-reviewed journal. We wait for the evidence that will dispel this notion that a large bipedal hominin known as bigfoot was responsible for the tracks described. That evidence may have been recently located by a bigfoot enthusiast in the form of the suit that was used to create the PGF film. Even if that suit is not found, there is no valid scientific evidence for such a creature and as such, there is no reason for public funds to be used in the search for evidence. Our research concludes that this subject is best left for entertainment purposes only such as that found on the Discovery Channel in shows like “Finding Bigfoot”.

    1. "We"? Who is WE? Don't hold your breath for evidence to come that tracks in a line, that vary due to the flexure of the foot adapting to terrain and the subject's balance. There is no legitimate costume coming because there was no costume in the first place. There is a pile of evidence that such a creature exists. You just don't have access to it. The University of California at Berkeley, participated as observers and scientists, in a study at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories in the early 60's. There are a pile of living witnesses who either participated or read the report. The Feds have a cold storage warehouse full of bodies, that they keep to themselves because people like yourself cannot psychologically deal with the existence of the subject matter. Your diatribe is "Peoples Exhibit A" for why the Federal Government does not release their evidence. You inadvertantly proved that the Feds are correct in not releasing their evidence, so that millions of people like yourself, who barely have a grip on reality, will suddenly lose it entirely. Thus, requiring professional psychological treatment that will possibly become a burden on the health care system. I recommend that you yourself, SEEK HELP NOW!

    2. There is muscle and tendon definition, and vibration of flesh and meat, during the turn and semi-stumble, crystal clear in the PGF. If you study the various stablized versions you'll see it. There is a color enhanced version somewhere which makes it even easier to see.

      That portion of the individual, at least, is not covered by any sort of suit, material, or other layer. That needs to be taken into account in claims of costume or suit. There are no tendons and muscles and shaking flesh built into any suit.

      The dermal ridges of many of the cast footprints, as well as the stride length of many footways, makes any sort of normal hoax by a normal sized person impossible.

    3. Pgf was a bloke in a suit

    4. 1:44 There are no dermal ridges in the prints from Bluff Creek. The enthusiasts in the 50's and 60's use to sand down their casts...

    5. I have a idea! Why don't you non-believers PROVE that PGF is someone in a suit Or just shut the hell up. You expect everyone else to prove things to you well......Do unto others, lol

    6. I'll sum it up for you..... First comment a crazy Melba footer who has been on here before talking bout Bigfoots ability to jump dimensions, he is crazy. Second comment PGF beliver talking bout tendons and muscle definition who is seeing whatever he wants to as he has clearly watched the footage hundreds of times

    7. got monkey 3:39? no? well then stfu about that crappy pgf hoax

    8. No you stfu Mickey you know the film shows a real bigfoot now crap off, or recreate it which you can't in fact nobody can and you know that too whole purpose of you being here to trash what you know is real.

  4. She said it. So she should own it. No crying about it !!!!

    ...and oh yeah.....FIRST BIIIAAAATCH!

  5. hey shawn why dont you just disable all comments on here for now on????? it pointless to have them if all you have commenting are the typical morons which make up 99% of the responses....

    1. True dat. True dat.

    2. and is a melba camp nutbag...

    3. Waaaaaa stop the comment section it hurts my feelings and sensabilities. Besides that I can never seem to be first. I guess my main point of contention is I'm a little bitch.

    4. The comments here are the best thing about this site.

    5. ************************************************
      And what happened to cleaning up the language on this blog? There are still children seeing these (Adult) Childish and perverted comments?

    6. Yeah unfortunately your kids don't leave comments so how about keepin an eye on your kids dick instead of making us all pay for you letting the computer babysit your child

    7. I am a counselor at Camp Melba.

    8. I dont support anything melba has published or said for that matter. I wish the comments were gone for obvious reasons...(what i am responding to) all this first BS etc... just a waste of time to even bother reading any of the comments.

  6. Replies
    1. True dat. True dat.

    2. He isn't judging. He has an opinion and is providing information. It is up to everyone else to decide.

    3. An opinion is like a Taterhole,everyone has one.

  7. wow!! she's a total looney toon for real!! (and a sociopath to boot)

    1. absolute crazy cat woman

      literally has no clue what dna even is and believes the world is 6000 years old and believes the noahs ark story

      only in footery would this be the scientist that is chosen to do the work

      absolute facepalm for all you footers

    2. And if we listened to people like you sodom and gammorah would be just a bible story. Also Troy would still be just another piece of Greek mythology. By the way I think Melba is batshit crazy but the problem is you're just as retarded.

    3. ^^ ran out of jars to poop in.

    4. Sykes now seems to agree with her the DNA's good.

  8. My taterhole alarm is going off like a buck during rutting season.

  9. who is this guy?

    it all went wrong for him when he decided he had a "bigfoot sample" in the first place

    what a tooner!!


    1. Yeah, who the hell is this 12:40 loser.

    2. He's a closet Randi footer secretly knowing they exist or he'd never be here wasting his time.

  10. Bobo will find bigfoot (in his dreams)

    1. kinda feel sorry for the guy, he means well though

    2. Why, this shit's real and you love it.

  11. click on bigfoots big nose

    we have seen rick dyers body


    BOOM there it is rise pause fall

    confirms on inline step, coned head, massive cock and infrared ultrasonic electro super duper sound

    just listen to this exhale THIS is amazing THIS is why its number 2

    click on bigfoots big nose


    1. To find out more read You Are Sasquatch By Jack Barnes and Jeff Anderson.



  12. How can someone who goes within light years of the travesty known as Coast to Coast AM dare to use the word science? Boggles the mind.

    1. all the real scientists go on coast to coast didn't ya know

      they proofed ghosts exists too derp

    2. Golly 12:51, is that you Sharon Hill? Shouldn't you be tending your Huff-n-Stuff blog about now?

    3. Shame on Dr. Sykes for going on that show! Of course if he doesn't find anything, praise Dr. Sykes!

    4. ^ Listens to it himself or he'd not be on a bigfoot blog.

  13. Prepare to believe

    1. Haven't you heard? There is a 'second film'.

      That 7 month old BF corpse must worth about 12 cents by now.


  14. Mulder, on 16 April 2013 - 12:19 AM, said:

    Does she have the DNA goods? I still think it very possible that she does. Do I think it makes any difference? Not any more.

    1. Maybe you didn't hear it but mainstream science first testing it agreed she'd found something new here, a new species they jokingly remarked not then yet realizing what they had. Then when the facts dawned on them, their old secret agreement with the government to keep certain things from the public went into effect. Then the media caught it and treated it according to plan also.

    2. ^ Are there nutjob conventions for your type?

  15. Oh holy hell. Everything everyone has been saying about her IS true. Well that's just great. A true FIASCO of epic porportions.

    1. I too was holding out hope she would deliver the goods. That is one bandwagon I hopped off of over a month ago. The woman is truly bonkers and needs help

    2. ^ funny how 90 percent of the negative comments About Melba are by one dipshit who posts 50 times a day pretending to be others.

    3. Fraid not there's plenty of us who think she's a nutcase and a fraud

    4. Only those employed at BFE do and the JREF cicus clowns, a nice little organized ridicule scheme going on here guys.

    5. No, YOU are wrong! Nothing but wishful thinking on your part. I am anon at 1:30 (yesterday). this is my second post in this category. You are so WRONG.
      Apparently, it is you that posts several times.

  16. Good for Rhettman Mullis as he's dead right about Ketchum's weave of lies. When the Sierra's steak came out bear, she even went so far as to insinuate Tyler H and Bart sent bear into labs to discredit her and protect Smeja. Yeah right

    The walls are crashing in on this monster as she (ketchum)becomes unmasked day by day.

    Now watch the ketchum spin team try and misdirect people by either playing victim of Mr Mullis for breaching confidentiality, or they will accuse him of manipulating this, you watch, and these melba loonies will believe it without even considering the length of this conversation and how it all seems to tie together oh so well.

    1. many of her remaining supporters show signs of cult like behaviour. Very disturbing indeed

    2. Does she offer free silk purple squares I found that zen yeti does not therefore I have retreated from this cult and really need a new one.

    3. Jesus christ bart please stop commenting on yourself on this blog in third person

    4. Of course, they have been blaming everyone else but themselves all along - why would now be any different?

    5. The smearing still it's working you goons we know you're acting on orders. LOL

    6. I suspect the insiders in her cult, those "guides" who taught her Mindspeak and relay messages/advice only they have been gifted to receive, were anticipating fat paydays from the protection for-profit that illegally labels itself a non-profit.

  17. Sykes must cut all ties with this lunatic now.

    Melba is truely mental but Mullis is just your garden variety bitching back-stabbing footer.

    Off to BFF to take part in the carnage!


    1. whats your username there?

      I have been trolling the habituators thread by making up crazy stories and they all seem to buy it, hilarious stuff!

    2. ^ keep it up. it's great entertainment.

    3. 1:24 is one of the reasons I joined BFF, people like that keep giving me nothing and I continue to like it!

    4. Of course you do Mickey of course you do.

  18. I honestly feel bad for this guy. Believing in Bigfoot is no way to go through life.

    1. ^ Says black ops dude trolling between lunch pretending to be a skeptard.

    2. ^ serious mental case. get help.

  19. Mullis says:

    "I have never attacked her privately or publicly."

    After he has attacked her publicly twice here:

    "from a psychologist point of view I found her persona highly concerning."

    "I was okay with her not wanting to work with us because I did not want to deal with that since I work with clients like that weekly and I like working with healthy-persona people outside of work."

    Big red flags of hypocrisy there.

    Then he blows his own horn here:

    "I am a bridge-person, always bringing peace and people together, and some have seen me do this firsthand."

    Wow, yes, publicly attacking someone's persona is definitely doing a bang-up job of being a bridge-person. God I'm in awe to have witnessed his bridge-person skills on this blog this fine day. Wowee.

    He's more of a bridge-burning-person.

    A person who puffs himself up in such a manner has a "highly concerning persona."

    Take Mullis's words with a pinch of salt.

    1. People don't need to, as now we have Melba in her own words

    2. agreed. This bigfoot believing losers is actually trying to throw shade on Melba...yet he keeps saying he's not.

      Grow a pair and say what's on your mind...and take the ridicule like a man.

    3. damn right! How can people continue to support her outrageous claims?!

    4. Yup. He is suspect. Melba's ship sank and there is no reason for this guy to toss her an anchor now.

      He would have done better if he had just released this months ago. Why now? Why call her a nut (while stating he is not attacking her..lol..)?

      Makes me think the Sykes project is in some kind of trouble and Rhett here is laying the groundwork for a "Melba discredited bigfoot DNA research" defense...

    5. I'd rather take Rhettman's word with a pinch of salt than Melbas word with a pinched loaf anyday.

    6. Good observations original poster.

    7. Totally agree with red flag alert. Obviously talking out of both sides of his feet.

    8. Not really, he didn't attack Melba in the first place all he he did was provide that other blog with her communications with no comments from himself except that they were genuine. All he's done here is defend the fact that this is genuine and that in his medical opinion she's unhinged and not someone he wants to associate with socially.

    9. Blame Bilderberg not this man.

  20. Props to Rhettman as sitting on the sidelines and pretending he didn't have or know about this while she through this sham on the bigfoot field would have been unacceptable.

    I respect this guy for doing this as this wasn't some private harmless conversation as she's out there harming and trying to harm many including, her benefactor Mr Hersome, the bigfoot field, the people who submitted samples to her, science, and other researchers who disagree with her.

    Way to go Rhettman! Enough was enough! I get it

    1. it's refreshing that someone finally had the nuts to say something and put their name behind it. None of this NDA or unnamed source bullshit

    2. Only had the nuts when the power resides in his favor, i.e. Sykes. He let it go on, so did everyone that knew her B.S. But truth is they all hoped, if only the science would be good. It wouldn't matter who would care who got hurt. Cowards all of them.

    3. Only coward is your kind, her data's fine and Sykes must know it which is why you weep those salty tears.

    4. ya, I think you Melba bigfoot fanatics are in for a surprise.
      oh, but wait, no matter what the results, you'll cry controversy right?

  21. If you haven't read the wacky stuff from Melba in the PDF, do yourself a favor and be wildly entertained.

    1. brilliant wasn't it? my sides hurt a lot.

    2. I am new...what does PDF mean?

    3. He is referring to a link to a pdf file in last nights Melba post...

    4. I'm not new here and I don't know what it means don't feel bad. Hey assfaces what PDF are you referring to is this a file or forum?

    5. Thank you sorry for the assface thing.

    6. http://weeast-infection.com/MKetchum.pdf

      Direct link in case any of the comments above weren't sarcastic.

    7. ^Nice try, but I'm not looking at pictures of Melba's yeast infection.

    8. No prob, 2:33...my comment came out while you were busy typing..I was first...

  22. Let us make fun of Melba some moreTuesday, April 16, 2013 at 1:25:00 PM PDT

    Where are the bleevetards who said this was photoshopped? Still think Melba will sue? LOL, pwned.

    1. pwned indeed

      just when you think SURELY nothing can top the latest massive joke in footery it gets topped EVERY SINGLE TIME.

      I thought nothing could top the denovo self publishing and junk paper, surely NOTHING could top that but nope yet again I was wrong.

      Never write off footing, hilarity is GUARENTEED, superb entertainment.

    2. it will get even better in the next couple days!

      BUCKLE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. I think Chad is a good dude, but its really funny that a true blue believer like him decided to de-bunk something and it turned out to be real....

    4. A more emphatic method of owning.

    5. ^ There's nothing top about a sad bunch of geeks trolling a site nobody reads or takes seriously. Real Bigfoot news you get elsewhere this place is just a damn joke.

    6. ^^but you check the site everyday right?

  23. bigfooting = massive circus show and drama and not a single shred of evidence that there is actually a monkey out there

    1. ^ Gets paid for writing stupid stuff about monkeys on a Bigfoot blog, let's dedicate the song Monkeymand by Kim Larsen to him.


  24. MMG is cool but he would be even cooler if he admitted to himself and everyone else that bigfoot is just a myth

    1. Ah you guys crack me up. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.

      Some days I'm pretty convinced there is a huge hairy man ape running around looking in peoples windows.

      Others I'm like 'meh'.


  25. I still think bigfoots are real so anybody who disagrees can go eat a big juicy bag of dicks!

    1. I am homosexual and just had the treat of a lifetime!

    2. Wow Mayor, that is a far cry from the elegant mathematical proof of bigfoot you offered a few years back. Now its all alcohol fueled emotion...

  26. I find it cowardly that Rhettman Mullis did not have the cahoanes to post "his half of the conversation", but posted something that he was supposed to keep private.

    Melba Ketchum is just a typical, highly religious female who attempts to explain scientific observations with her personal interpretation of religious literature. She apparently also is using her recollections of her telepathic conversatons with the local Sasquatch, to influence her conclusions. No harm in that, as long as she does not force it down anyone elses throat. Let the record show that the Rhettman Mullis conversations, WERE NOT TO BE MADE PUBLIC AND WERE ALSO NOT PART OF ANY SCIENTIFIC CONCLUSIONS. Rhettman seems to think that private conversations need to be made public.

    The "Angel DNA" thing is a religious female's attempt to simplify her understanding of the inherent ability of both Sasquatch and a wide assortment of other paranormal people, to make themselves invisible for their own safety. After all, Smeja and Dyer are not exactly anomalies of the human race. The human race runneth over with under educated morons who have no qualms about killing for the fun of it. Which is why there are so many paranormal people alive today. If they weren't paranormal, then they would all be dead, due to a nation full of under educated morons like Smeja and Dyer, who own guns.

    In conclusion, Rhettman Mullis lacks both field experience and the understanding of the paranormal nature of the Sasquatch. Melba Ketchum is a run of the mill, highly religious female adult who is attempting to explain scientific observations with her understanding religious literature. Neither are in the loop as to the scientific explanation for natural invisibility, that was hypothecized by staff in 1975 at the University of California at Berkeley, of which Stephen Hawking was an outside participant.

    1. LOL, I enjoy these mock posts by you. Your best work is on BFF though!
      f*cking classic stuff right here!

    2. Crazy ramblings of a mental midget about dimension hoping Sasquatch experiments at Berkley

    3. Melba can release his half, we should see it tomorrow

    4. Angel DNA is a subservient to the God particle; they always collide.

    5. Def not Cathiee. 1:42 uses proper grammar and punctuation.

  27. Jesus! You supporters would defend her even if she committed the worst kind of crimes!
    Let it go....forget about defending her. She has done nothing for you!

    1. she has done nothing! Just learn to like it!

    2. That's not entirely true. She lost alot of supporters when we finally saw a recent photo of her.

    3. She definitely has Sasquatch DNA proven genuine.

  28. 'angel dna' zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    only in America.

    1. She's never said that, ghosts don't leave DNA behind.

  29. Confirms on all four points. Crazy. Liar. Questionable reasoning. Crazy.

  30. Yawn... Why is no one discussing Dr. Sykes trip to meet Curtino and Smeja?
    This is surely the most interesting recent development. Oh well, fuck it. Tim, U.K.

    1. too respectable David still, but I'll bet money people posting praise for Rhett today will bring this up down the road and be critical..

  31. Ketchum may be nuts, but this Mullis guy is just as bad if not worse. My group has had run-ins with Mullis in WA and he is an egocentric narcissist. He thinks he's God's gift to sasquatch research and all would do well to avoid him.

    1. i agree with the egocentric narcissist part !!!

    2. he is a pastor didn't you know? Obviously he is god's gift to sasquatch research, duh.

    3. A pastor that doesn't believe in angels, burn the heretic !

  32. too much reading guy = melba

  33. I happen to know with 100% certainty that bigfoot is an actual creature.

    1. I know with 100% certainty that bigfoot does not exist. pwned.

    2. I know with 100% certainty that you both will get Nothing and Like it.

    3. I know with 100% certainty that the bigfoot argument will bring out the irrational on both sides of the fence.

    4. I know with 100% certainty that 3:39 is a jackass.

    5. Agreed, have pity on fools like 3:39 he's only in denial.

  34. "In the valley of the woodapes"

    anyone manage to not laugh when they saw that title?


    1. I believe in bigfoot. I've seen one.

      I've never been too keen on Melba Ketchum. Ever since I heard she was a vet, I asked "how do we know she's qualified to do this"?

      So if that's what you're asking, yes, I still believe in bigfoot. The fact that there is a lunatic cat doctor publicly having a meltdown doesn't change my interpretation of the bigfoot I saw.

      And my opinion of Melba has gone from skeptical that she's qualified to quite certain she's a lunatic. And I'm banned from commenting on her facebook page because I said it was a joke when she said her study was "Nobel worthy"

    2. Travis, you have earned my respect.

    3. I'm honored.

      I just get sick of being associated with people like her, you know what I mean? I saw a bigfoot. I'm convinced they're real. I have a family. I'm a college graduate with a really good job. I'm not a lunatic or feeble minded.

      And then people like Ketchum come along spouting this horse shit and people assume I think the same crazy stuff.

      It's frustrating.

    4. Travis the tranny is a travesty.

    5. All respect here too Travis. We need to hear more from realistic researchers like you.

  36. melbas youtube channel:



  38. I have a nine year old daughter who expresses herself in writing with more eloquence and correct grammar than mullins. Scientist or bullshitter?

    1. well Mullins does a better job at expressing himself than I do. What does that make me?

  39. Cat lady!!! Cat Lady....with Crystals around her neck!!!

    Cat Lady!! Oh oh oh Cat Lady!!

    Nuttier than squirrel turds.........ohhhhhhh Cat Lady!!

    Bigfoot changes her kitty litter.......oh.ohhhhhhjj Cat Lady!!

    LMFAO @ ALL of the degenerate schmucks who supported her and continues to support her LOONEY TOONED campaign.

    All of you Ketchumites are patently RETARDED.

    Pathetic human low life gutter trash.

    1. ^ Retard in denial describing himself.

    2. I was thinking her supporters are more along the line of con artists that will need to find a new game to suck in the gullible.

  40. I think it's amusing that people are questioning Mullis' ethics instead of focusing on the fact that he exposed Ketchum as actually saying the kinds of things she has been rumored to say all along. He has vindicated a lot of people, and finally laid the rumors to rest as fact.

    The religious stuff is not as important as what she says about the DNA, though. Doesn't sound like the mitochondrial DNA is 100 percent human as she has been saying. To me, that is something that needed to be exposed. A lot of the religious stuff could have been left out - well, except for confirming the angel DNA references.

    1. only the die-hard Melba supporters are questioning this guy.
      I am grateful so many legit and intellectually superior bigfooters continue to expose her lies and wild fantasies.
      Seems like her fantasy world is crumbling down around her.

      I am certain her female bigfoot will carry her away from society, into the vast Pacific Northwest, to become a permanent member of the elusive forest people. Where she can howl and moan to her hearts content.

      Maybe those "people" out there, will accept her.

    2. Its only a handful of people here taking up for her, if even that.......and those very few are posting over and over again.

      Furthermore, it doesnt matter, because looney toon opinions mean nothing. Theyre not taken serious and theyre also as transparent as glass.

      Grade "A" LOONEY fuckin TOONS

    3. The guy is merely jealous so now he's going around telling lies.

  41. I don't care about the religious "stuff" but if you are going to criticize the experimental techniques and procedures you should be very specific. Just saying that the Melba Ketchum study is flawed doesn't say anything other than you do not know enough to be a critic.

    1. LOTS of very specific criticism by real scientists over on the Bigfoot Forums. Check it out.

    2. Her science is solid even a layman can see that. The problem is blogs like this and mainstream media/science.

  42. You people are ill-intentioned, stupid or confused. Personally, I initially believed this was faked, but what I or anyone else believes is beside the point.
    There are many top scientists who believe in very weird unscientific stuff and PRIVATELY express it. That has nothing to do with science. The only belief relevant here is belief in difference between private and official communication and trust.
    Of course Ketchum did not want to “work with” Sykes – her results were LEAKED to him, and then she was “asked” to ASK HIM to work with him, actually to get merged in his work, with all her samples and already done analysis, most certainly as the third author or less – after COMPLETION of her study, paid by Hersom and Erickson, that was LEAKED to him! What would you do?
    This repulsive act by Mullis (vomit!) is just a stunt intended to put pressure on PhDs whose support she collected and are about to be named in a new press release. Sykes wants them to retract their support, made him do this, or made him want to do it. Poor Mullis (vomit!) is not aware he’s been used, and will be tossed away just as the napkin I dispose of after I vomit on every mention of his name. The sentence about “credit for discovery” says it all.
    And guess what: 1) she’s not done yet, because she is getting support, and only time can prove her right or wrong, and 2), Mullis (vomit!) is done.
    And the fact he leaked her replies while omitting his part of the comnversastion… And after being exposed, he now is suddenly transparent, frank, non-attacking benevolent truth seeker… He (vomit!) makes me vomit. Another napkin in the trash.

    1. That is Cathiee or the wannabe Suzie. Ignore her just like we all do.

    2. There's no huhs necessary here my friend we all know she has the goods and I personally think she'd be very smart to join forces with Sykes at this point, she won't lose any credit by it we know what she did in this and will be laureled with history's reward. Let's just get this thing over with and the truth out for the world.

    3. "laureled with history's reward" Hahaha (vomit!)

  43. making printscreens during a private conversation? proceless! Vomit!

    1. Would any of your motion-sickness meds for cats be helpful?

    2. Guess he's lost out now too bad, plenty of scientists involved with cracking this new sensational find wide open in a brief while.

    3. Soon? As in a Melba-Soon?


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