Baby Bigfoot in England?

This mysterious photograph was taken by a student named Terri Leigh Cox in park in Dorchester, Dorset. According to Cox, the ape-like creature walking on all fours was only 100 yards away when she spotted it from her bedroom window.

The 17-year-old believes the creature was probably an escaped primate, but according to the Huffington Post, the closest monkey zoo, "Monkey World" is about 10 miles from the park and the zoo's staff have not reported any lost primates.

The teenager said she was shocked and couldn't believe her eyes at first:

"It looked about the size of a small gorilla. It was walking like one as well, using its arms and feet.

"It was definitely a monkey because you could tell by its hunched back and the way it scampered across the field and up the tree.

"It wasn't a black dog. I managed to get a photo but it quickly went out of sight.

"I couldn't see it very clearly. When I tried to get another shot it had disappeared.

"I have no idea what the monkey was doing there. It could have escaped if someone was keeping it as a pet."

A spokeswoman for Monkey World said all of its monkeys and apes were accounted for.

She said: "The image is not clear and it is difficult to make out, so we would be unable to confirm its identity.

"I can confirm that all of our rescued monkeys and apes are safe and well in the park."

[via Huffington Post UK]


  1. Replies

      As for the pic. It's a 3 legged dog.

    2. Everybody- flex it out! Rrrrrr!

    3. I'd kick your ass in a fight, I just know it...

    4. Ahh confidence,100 bucks on the loose !!

    5. We (i) get scared if we see a fox. There's no bigfoot in the UK.

  2. Hey there's lucky bad boy lucky bad boy.

  3. It's a Staffordshire Bull Terrier facing the photographer. If it ambled along and climbed a tree why only the one photo that shows a dog?

    It's in this position

    and has it's head down. They run in a rolling gallop so perhaps it would look simian at a distance but if there isn't a photograph of it climbing a tree when the observer already has a camera out then why should we believe that it climbed a tree?

  4. can't be bigfoot because I can't see a poncho.

    1. That's quite enough! Go to your tractor shed this instant young man!

  5. Can't be a Squatch...according to BRFO Expert Cliff the Squatches have bodies just like ours...same leg and arm length. That creatures legs are way too short.

    1. Cliff is full of it, that's fo sure.

    2. But he's an expert researcher!

    3. With a four year degree in jazz guitar. What a putz! Money well spent, you effeminate bastard.

    4. One's expertise is proportional to the number of TV appearances in this field. Only Matt knows more than Cliff...

  6. It's the queen of England- Sir Elton John.

    1. I wish dragons were real, then all these queer actors and singers would have to slay them. They could make a reality show about it.

    2. you like dragons? cause in a minute ize be draggin my balls across your face

    3. Elton is gayer than a gifting basket full of flowers, that's obvious. But Rob Halford? Man, that was a shocker. Saw Priest during the British Steel tour. First encore Halford rode a Harley out on stage, hopped off and gave the kick stand a blow job! WTF?! Now whenever I hear "Hell Bent for Leather", I think of Rictor :) ...

  7. Hate to shoot the meesenger, but who is this Terry Cox anyway? We're going to need a little more backstory.

    To start with: can you provide us with the exact length and width of her hoo ha?

  8. The bigfoot used to abduct young women around dorchester and they would return home pregnant. Check out Wildman by Nick Redfern

  9. looks exactly like the north pole bigfoot.

  10. I'm bored

    There once was a Bigfoot named patty

    1. ..Who was really a costumed fatty
      Roger yelled "Action!"
      And the film got traction
      Proving many people are batty

  11. Headed out for a long weekend now. Keep the crazy going until I get back please.

    1. You can count on us Anon. See you Tuesday.


  12. Some people are just fucken retarded. If I had. To post a blurry picture of my dick and cry "bigfoot"!!!! Moneymaker and bobo would find a reason why the blurry penis is actually a bigfoot! The retardation levels are high in these woods. Zeef zeef

  13. i live in Uk there is no room to swing a cat never mind a breeding population of 8-10ft 1000pd apemen and their families living in suburbs undetected.

    oh wait thats what they do in USA according to the ilm on here. in campsites,national parks,back yards etc... so we have a dinosaur in loch ness,bigfoot. i thught this country was made up of the working classes and middles classes wit a huge divide,the rest was eastern europens in their thousands leaning our toilets etc,,, now it sems it isnt so dull. their is crytods everywhere . i hope we have a chubracabra,ive always fanceid seeing one of them

    i know for sure we have werewolves

    1. yes and bad teeth and hygene too

    2. they have good beer and music and sluts and whores too wierdo

    3. The UK Bigfoot guys will be going nuts over this one.

      Deluded is as deluded does.


  14. Big news on the MABRC (Mid-America Bigfoot Research Center) Forums. Forum member Ed Smith, formally of the "Orginal 6" now called "Quantra" received a text that his former group has a Bigfoot in a box. That's right, folks!! A live specimen!! See Bigfoot Chicks/Squatch Unlimited's exclusive interview with MABRC founder, Darren Lee, below for the latest on this exciting event!!

    1. holy crap I know we were duped before..but im willing to believe that again ley us know more when have more info please

  15. While it's easy to file this blurry image into the "It could be anything" file, the resemblance to the 'cave goblins' reported in Kentucky is rather startling.

  16. What changed the face of Bigfoot between early sketches in the 1960s and 70s up until now. Earlier depictions show Bigfoot with a much more simian facial structure while modern Bigfoot sports a look closer to humans.

  17. So now even chairs can be taken for Bigfoot?

  18. The picture was taken in an urban park in a town in the south of England that's surrounded by houses. The BF would have to have wandered along the streets before getting to the park. Or maybe he drove. Who knows?

  19. Could just be a dog looking over to its right shoulder.

  20. that's a stackable plastic lawn chair, chinese in origin.

  21. Why does it hurt when I pee?

  22. Had anyone else heard of the SheepSquatch prior to it being on that show "Monsters and Mysteries in America"???


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