Bad Blood Still Exists Between Matt Moneymaker and Todd Standing

There's still some bad blood between Finding Bigfoot's Matt Moneymaker and Canadian Bigfoot researcher, Todd Standing these days, since the Finding Bigfoot crew last season refused to legitimize his research.

Last season, Standing fanned the flames, when he became defensive and posted a comment just a few days before the airing of the Canada episode stating his disagreement with the way the investigation was conducted. Standing wrote:

Well congrats to the "Finding Bigfoot' team and producers. After being on hundreds of newspaper, radio and tv interviews and shows, the finding bigfoot production is the worst I have EVER seen. Their production company is Called"Snake oil productions" for a reason. They have no intention of finding bigfoot and they couldn't possiblly be stupid enough to believe they could. They literally filmed me in a spot they choose where cows are grazing all around. And they couldn't even sneek up on the cows! That is what the morons are hearing "in the Candian wilds" that they cannot identify. They are right when they say it is not coyotes making that sound. Its cows they are hearing. That is what happens when you go bigfoot hunting by a ranch you idiots. I could right a list of 500 reasons these people will never film a deaf three legged moose in live action. Never mind Bigfoot.

Here is a link to a good tv show that did a real piece on my bigfoot work.

Earlier today, a Twitter follower asked Moneymaker what he thought about Todd Standing. Moneymaker compared Standing to the infamous 1970s Bigfoot hoaxer Ivan Marx. Below is Moneymaker's response :


  1. Replies
    1. Ivan Marx was a hell of a hoaxer. He got away with things back then that he couldn't come close to today with all the technology we have. I know he is little known to the new Bigfoot crowd. Everyone should read up on him and see what all he did. Pretty amazing how he kept going and ignoring reality. Kinda reminds me of that Dyer character also.

    2. No, that just means he has no life and sits here refreshing the page constantly waiting for a new post.

    3. Ivan Marx also discovered the cripple foot tracks, and the most famous handprint. Hmmmm.

    4. I think he discovered the 2nd cripple foot track (the very long one). The first find was a few cripple foot tracks near a garbage dump, and when that was discovered Patterson, Dahidren and Marx arrived on the scene and hung around looking for the bigfoot.
      Marx surely hoaxed the second track, but did he also hoax the first set of prints or were they real and serve as an inspiration for his future hoaxes?
      A debunker or skeptic will say: There are no bigfoots, therefore Marx hoaxed the garbage dump prints, too.

      For new people the story can be found on or google 'cripple foot bigfoot' and scroll down...

    5. Interesting info. I try and follow NABS they seem to have the best real info from "The Track Record" (and other stuff, books etc.) and BFRO reports.

    6. Its hilarious to have Moneymaker make a shit statement about the people that created his job. Finding Bigfoot, Ummm really? Holy fuck, if someone actually found Bigfoot Moneymaker would be out of a job. What would they call the show? Finding Found Bigfoot? The hoaxers have done nothing but advertise for him with years of hoaxing. He should be far more appreciative of his "Friends" and promoters!

    7. And that should tell you and everybody they in fact have no intentions of ever finding this beast that isn't a beast. It's there alright but it ain't no ape, so what is it, important enough to only PRETEND you want it found knowing you won't. Not until it's okayed from wherever.

  2. Replies
    1. I've got some bad news for you sunshine...

  3. Moneymaker the fat-ass douche bag. Who is he blowing, anyway, to get that show on the air?

    1. Yep, he might be fat...and a douche bag, but so far he hasn't been proven to be a lying hoaxer. Is he a good, moral person? I don't know. What I do know is Todd Standing strongly appears to be a lying fraud. He doesn't appear to be an honest participant, which means he's only doing what he does for attention and trickery. Neither "deserves" a TV show, but only one deserves to be classified with Marx and Dyer.

    2. From personal experience, I know for a fact that Moneymaker is both a fraud and a hoaxer. On his BFRO expeditions, he has the BFRO minions claim that they saw a Bigfoot when no non-BFRO people were around to dispute it. He does this in order to get the excitement level up. When someone goes out with a group that does not include Matt, Matt then sneaks into within earshot and does his Bigfoot howls in answer to their call blasting for the same reason. On Finding Bigfoot, Matt is constantly seeking to explain away paranormal observations because he does not understand the paranormal existence. His theory of lots of deer means lots of Bigfoot, is also completely bogus. In many areas of the country, deer have been run out of the woods by the hunters, and they live in semi-rural areas for their own safety. Using Matt's theory, then the majority of Bigfoot would then live around homes in semi-rural areas. Which is blatantly false. Matt's, pull it out of his ass theories and explanations, occur on every show. Matt also puts on his expeditions without obtaining a guide permit, without getting insurance, and without get a business license. He is defrauding the public agencies out of their license and permit fees. Matt pushes many falsehoods upon the viewing audience. Which is fraudulent behavior. Since he is profiting from this fraud, it then appears to become a criminal felony against viewers, against expeditioners and against various State agencies. Not that there is anything wrong with being an unconvicted criminal, a fraud, and a hoaxer. I am sure that it could be worse though. He could be just another JREF paid skeptic.

    3. Actually he is a proven hoaxer, remember that ir footage...

    4. Lied about a sighting, but no hoaxer.

    5. To Anonymous Jan 12,@ 6;53;00PM PST Everything you said is rite on!! Thank you!

    6. Goodness you people.. and the anonymous guy at 6:53. Let's pretend everything you droned on about is true.

      What the hell, who cares. He is happy and doing what he loves. For that matter, as much as I know Todd Standing is a fraud, he is doing what he loves too.

      Neither of these freaks are harming anyone, so let's let them do their thing and see where it goes...Although I was pissed off at Standing and the way he got the Search and Rescue in the Rockies involved with his bullshit.

    7. Moneymaker seems imperious and full of himself at times, but compared to his perverted blowhard critics on this blog he's Mother Teresa.

    8. They're both wrong about these big ones, or at least the opinions they pretend they're holdning are wrong and that means at least Matt and his BFRO could in fact be an undercover operation designed NOT to find Bigfoot, but put into existence solely based on the fact the species exists and will be encountered so why not grab the bull by the horn and be in charge of the game. Guys like that act the head honcho fanboy part but really federal, obviously the origins of the big ones counts a big enough secret to keep covered up for as long as it takes.

  4. Replies
    1. Carrying a grudge for years and years just doesn't seem healthy.

      Team Qauntrill

  5. I am sorry but We got the TITLE wrong on this story. It should be:


    You know that commercial ""MIKEY EATS ANYTHING!!!" Same thing here "MATTY HATES EVERYBODY!!"

    1. Can't argue with an equal opportunity hater. At least he's fair to everyone.

    2. Agree - MM hates any other researcher, period! What a douche.

    3. To MM, you serve MM's interests, or you suck.

    4. Anyone who profits off unproven things is a douche, no question...
      So is Moneymaker a douche?
      Is Todd Standing? (yes)
      Is the pope?
      Is your Pastor?
      Is Bobo?
      Was Einstein?
      All of them are douchebags until they are proven otherwise.

    5. Wow 11:02, you're either delusional or very ignorant to put Einstein's name in the above list. You wouldn't happen to be a Republican, would you? I hear science is not within their realm of comprehension.

    6. What's wrong with Republicans, 11:52? I'm Canadian. On my postings, I have been accused of being a liberal, and now a republican. Douchebags exist on both sides of the aisle. Anyway, I could have said Galileo, not Einstein. The point is, everyone looks foolish until their outlandish claims are proven true.

    7. Canadians are completely clueless about American politics, but he's right about unfounded claims. Whenever someone definitively claims that Bigfoot exists or Bigfoot does not exist they sound ridiculous because they don't know what they're talking about. There is no "proof" either way.

    8. Sorry Dude at 9:32 but Canadians are VERY ASTUTE in American Politics, because a large number are conservative and would like their guns back.
      They pay very close attention because they see us going down the same stupid liberal trail they did. They know what kind of tragic trainwreck is going to happen economically just like in their country and some of them want their damn guns back.

    9. Mr. Average being old enough to actually remember the "Mikey" adverts and, being named Mike myself, I can confirm the original advert went...Mom buys new are skeptical....older brother gets bright idea....let's try to get Mikey to try it BECAUSE....he WON'T eat it, he HATES everything! But, SURPRISE, he does like it after all! We have a new cereal because the consumant critic...Mikey....likes it! Now you get it? If you intend to use humour to make a point, be sure you have your facts correct first! lol.

  6. BFRO does cross burnings at night after gay pedophilic satanic sex orgies under the cover of trees. Nothing to do with Bigfoot.

    1. What did you say cunt? Fuck you, bitch. I've fucked over 9000 guys in prison, moslty little bitches like you.

    2. Wow, you should run to the clinic! You are certainly infected with the Anally Inflicted Death Sentence. Funny how you throw the words "cunt and bitches" around when you couldn't get either one. Go back to cleaning your prison toilet with your tongue jackass!

    3. Make sure to fuck Dyer when he shows up in your cell block

    4. Anon 5:57 is your name Michael Merchant?

    5. What was Merchant in prison for anyway, anyone know?

    6. Wasn't he caught banging horses?

  7. Moneymaker sets himself up for so many defamation lawsuits it's ridiculous. One of these days, he's going to talk shit about the wrong person and lose his ass in court. It's not defamation to state an opinion, but Matt regularly words his negative opinions about others as fact and is perceived as an authority on the subject (at least by himself). So if he can't back up his smear campaigns against others with proof it's grounds for a defamation suit.

    1. Wouldn't all that depend on people like Standing here refuting the claims that Moneymaker's made about him being a hoaxer? Isn't that kind of impossible to do as it would mean proving that the creatures in his videos were Bigfoot and thus proving there existence? Face it you can hoaxer on anyone and they can't argue unless they can produce the animal.

    2. Here's what you don't know: Moneymaker is an expert on the subject of defamation. He has a law degree with a concentration in 1st Amendment law (i.e free speech) and intellectual property. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing.

      You idiots don't think he knows what he's doing and he just laughs at your jealous gripes. You have know idea how well he knows his game.

    3. Both Matt and Todd are nuts in the first place for thinking squatches are animals they can somehow safely chase while knowing they'll never be found (to be that). LMFAO

      Snap out of that coocoo fantasy and grow up, the public watching your goofing around is actually way ahead of you guys now and no longer as gullible as you clowns trapped in each your own arenas, or at least admit you're part of the coverup which eventually is gonna come out anyway.

  8. Ivan Marx is a proven hoaxer, Standing is not, he has integrity. Nice bait and switch approach Shawn.

    1. So you beleive the "puppet" photos to be legit?

    2. Actually bigfoot's not real, so you're all hoaxers.

    3. Seeing a bigfoot, or believing they could exist does not make anyone a hoaxer. Claiming they dont exist would make you a lier.

    4. Flawed logic much douchebag? We’ve been over this you stupid asshole. There are an infinite number of things which could exist and a finite number that do. Divide a finite number by infinity and you get zero. Therefore the default state of all things not proven to exist is nonexistent until proven otherwise. If you deny this basic fact of nature then you MUST confirm your belief in pixies, leprechauns, fairies, ghosts, unicorns, goblins, and everything else I can dream up. You know your logic’s flawed because you don’t apply it to other areas of your life therefore you are a sophist, and you should be dragged out into the street and publicly disemboweled for the crime of trying to make other people stupider.

    5. Standing has no integrity at all. If you think his footage is genuine you must be either blind or deluded.


    6. Yeah, it was pretty funny when that "family man" with integrity forgot to block his "Likes" on YouTube the night he was searching for "hotel models" in Calgary. xD

    7. 8:06 bitter armchair scientist in denial.

  9. MM's beliefs on the habitat of Bigfoot has no scientific background to stand on, rather just assumptions from past reports. We know what happens when you assume, right? His word are not gospel so I dont know why people listen to him. Matt thinks Bigfoots eat deer a la carte just because he finds a dead deer in the woods. No one should take his beliefs seriously.

    1. I've never bought into the whole Bigfoot deer thing either makes more sense to me it'll have a bear like diet. I think the reason why people jump to that conclusion is cos there are reports of people witnessing a Bigfoot deer kill or the after effects of one, of course that's assuming these tall tales are true....

    2. Why would that be tall tales, oh tall bigfoot.

  10. standings footage is horrible nuff said

    1. Just wait til grammar dude gets here to ream your ass for cliche usage. It won't be pretty.

    2. Excuse me. You appear to be confused. I am the person who sometimes comments on peoples spelling. The guy who flipped out about cliché usage was just some random douche. I think it may have been the same guy who was telling Shawn to turn the comments off so he would “get respect from the community”.

    3. fuck all yall punk ass whiteboyz

    4. I'm neither, but "nuff said" and "you mad bro" are annoying.

  11. Standing has integrity? How so? The guy is a hack. There is no place called "Sylvanic" in our country, though Standing will tell you there is. His explanation for the name "Sylvanic" (attributing it to a native word) is hilarious in its sheer idiocy. It's of the sort of stupidity that my mind is quite unable to contain. Standing's whole Sylvanic project was a poor and not-even-half-concealed ripoff of the Blair Witch Project. Rush has a pretty bizarre idea of integrity if he thinks it's something that Standing's got. Either that, or he's not done his homework.

    I'm not defending Matt, here, I'm just calling Standing out for the George-Lucas-level hack he is.

    1. Why are you calling Lucas a hack?

      -Count Sunday

    2. I don't want to stir anything up but have you seen the prequels??

    3. George Lucas is no hack. Food gave us friggen Darth Vader, Han friggen Solo, and light sabers. A try man among men...or Big foots as it were.

    4. Dood gave us.....gawdam autospell

    5. LeBaron, you are SO right. I am so tired of hearing about this Sylvanic B.S. I have lived in the Rockies, and have been working and playing in Southern Alberta and Eastern B.C. for sooo long that the creep Todd Standing's head would explode. I get a kick out of his pretensions that it is so dangerous with bears and cougars.. What a maroon.

    6. And now Melba is pulling the same PR crap as Standing -- pretend you are for "protection" before you cough up one iota of proof.

    7. She's been in favor of that for a long time, this is just a petition that reflects her views that are known anyway.

  12. Do you JREF homos bleeve Kitakaze is now a secret agent and Parnassus is a cardiologist after he stated on JREF that he was a pediatrician and 10 other professions on the BFF ?

  13. Standing brought his own illegitimacy to light when he refused to take the Finding Bigfoot crew to the location he filmed his video.

    1. It would be impossible to hike in 15 miles with 20 crew members, equipment, food, camping equipment, etc., without someone getting hurt. Matt also only sleeps in hotels and motels, and eats restaurant prepared food. There are no hotels and motels in Sylvanic, and he sure as hell is not going to eat freeze dried. Furthermore, when someone like Moneymaker finds out where Sylvanic is, he will do everything he can to destroy it as a research area for Standing. Simple logic. The Standing video does appear to show a back of a real Bigfoot that is remarkably like the back of the Hovey photograph. The Hovey photograph is pretty solid as evidence, therefore the Standing video is as well.

    2. ALL ABOARD!

      -short bus driver

    3. To someone watching, his refusal to show them is suspicious. Doesn't mean his other research is wrong. But the video is suspect.

    4. The hypocrisy of the Finding Bigfoot crew was unbelievable on that episode. They beeotch about Standing not taking them to his sight, mocking his reasons that it's too dangerous, and then, when the goofball crew set out on their own, they turn in at the first sign of snow, like pussies. They can't handle what Standing does, nor could their crew. That episode made me sick.

      -- Mountain Melons for Hashbrown Hags!

    5. No, Anonymous at 7:01:00 it would NOT be impossible to hike in crew. I have hiked in crews, further than that, in the rockies, multiple times, with heavy equipment. In fact, I think you are trying to perpetuate the myth that Standing is some kind of rugged explorer.
      Any worker in the mountains would laugh at his supposed heroics.

    6. Muckraker, Perhaps you have forgotten how Matt has used as an excuse for not staying longer at a location with activity, is because they are on a very tight time schedule with plane tickets already purchased for the trip home, for instance. Therefore, the same applies to adding 3 days in, one day shoot, 3 days out for a total of 7 additional days to visit Sylvanic. The jet won't be waiting on the tarmac for them to return. Therefore, regardless of whether Standing was willing to have his research area destroyed by the BFRO, the Finding Bigfoot crew would not have the time to visit it. Therefore, Matt's attempt to smear Standing for him not taking them there, is yet another fraud perpetrated by the BFRO and Matt Moneymaker.

    7. "Matt also only sleeps in hotels and motels, and eats restaurant prepared food."

      So all those thousands of expeditioners who have camped with Moneymaker for several days in the woods ... Were they hallucinating that Moneymaker was camping with them, or was that just a look-a-like who sounds and looks exactly like him?


  14. Please, proof of his hoax, anyone?

    1. Hi Ho Kermit the frog here.

    2. No ewok's were harmed during the filming of Standing's footage.


  15. say what u will about MM but he never lies and says his honest opinion. If he ever told u he had a body it would be true. groups and people come and go but if his group says something then to me it's more realistic. Even the other groups use his data base!

    1. Matt is a prolific liar about the Memorial Day footage. His website represents it as real when all BFRO people who were present for the followup scientific inquiry, knew for a fact that it was hoaxed. Therefore, Matt Moneymaker is a liar by representing that video as one of an authentic Bigfoot.

    2. MM lied about having a sighting.

    3. Did he? That is news to me.

      You are all knowing and all wise, Anonymous.

    4. The only people that have anything good to say about MM, are his kiss ass minions who have to ask him, everytime they want to go pee in the forest. For instance, when I first met Cliff, he apparently thought that I was somebody that he should know about, so he immediately made a long distance phone call to Matt to get the low down. Next time I run into him, Cliff immediately starts in with his BFRO mind games where he seeks to imply that something that I just happened to mention off hand, and was not attempting to have it validated by him or anyone else, was false. That told me right then and that Matt's mind control over Cliff is complete and he has been fully asymilated into that inbred and sick organization.

    5. BFRO they're part of the problem not the solution, how many reports do they have by now - and how many bigfoots have the found? They'll never find bigfoot because they're likely in cahoots with the government.

  16. what's amatta Matt ... u jelly?

  17. Whoa SU called Ed and all that daisy crap a hoax deleted his profile.


  19. Perhaps they should call this blog Bigfoot dram because that's all I see on here. Never seen a lick of evidence.
    Shawn knows there's no Bigfoot, it's all about clickies.

  20. Guys empty ur pee and poop jars. Bigfoot ain't real.

  21. Don't know about moneymaker but why didn't Todd Standing take them to the spot?

    Maybe he's a date setter?

    I'll take you to the spot next month.

    No, no, I'll take you next year.

    Have to reschedule that "taking you to the spot" until 2014 because one of my friends was kidnapped by Bigfoot for breeding purposes.

    1. Agreed, Great comment.

    2. Disagree, poor comment. Finding Bigfoot's plane tickets home were already purchased so that it would have been impossible for them to devote an additiona 6 or 7 days to visit the Standing video site. Simple logic.

    3. An Animal Planet production crew is unable to pick up the phone and change flight reservations. Wow. Do you realize what a lame-ass excuse you are giving?

  22. my god how can anyone believe standing??? those are obvious animatronic puppets in those videos!!!!!!!!

    1. Animatronics?! Seriously? If this happened in a place as remote as Standing claims there is no way you could get a complex robotic system in there without a helicopter. Not many have the resources for that. Either way the video is a fake.

    2. Um, if you think the video’s a hoax what makes you think that it was shot where Standing claims? I’m not inclined to think it was animatronics either, but your attempt to use the word of (someone you consider to be) a hoaxer as support for your position seems illogical.

      -Captain Logic

    3. I don't believe anyone credible has ever said they look like real animals. Indeed "Muppets", is heard quite a bit.

    4. Animatronics? Ha, Good one.

      Do you think those shameful photos were so good that they had to be animatronics?? They were so BAD that I laughed when I saw them. Puppets/bad taxidermy with marble eyes. But they had glorious fur hoods, didn't they. Looked like my Mom's old 1970's overcoat.

    5. Right, too bad there's still idiots thinking the Patterson film's fake they wanna see fake look no further than where Todd's standing.

  23. Isn't there bad blood between almost everyone in Bigfooting now?

    1. Actually Shawn and Merchant are apparently on good terms.

      It's pissed some people off to no end.

    2. Moneymaker and crew are the morons for sure. Their show does more to harm the whole thought of bigfoot than to ever help it. BFRO has lost credibility to these clowns who produce the show and who star in it.

    3. I will be anxious to see what happens when there are more Bigfoot shows on to choose from.

    4. The bad blood goes towards Canadians who set up puppets, or bad marble-eyed taxidermy disasters in the leaves of trees, take a photo or two, and then pretend they have some kind of first-nations blessing to protect a species. That boils the blood of other Canadians who take pride in telling the truth.

  24. Whats the difference between the Fat Matt Moneymaker & the little Chubby Honey Boo Boo???? Honey Boo Boo could find a BigFoot!!!

    1. Just to funny. Caught your ;)

    2. If there was a Bigfoot to find, but guess what?...there isn't.

  25. Love Standings comment on finding bigfoot show...lmao :)

    Oh wait! That's a sqautch....hahaha mooooow.

    1. Like that Puppeteer has any credibility. I know you are a faker Todd Standing. I KNOW IT. I will expose you soon enough.

    2. Melba Ketchum will, her study will destroy all these kooks and fakers from Moneymaker to Standing the lot of them.

  26. Matt will be sucking Todd D*ck in time you will see.


  27. Did Moneymaker get the job on Finding Bigfoot because of all his commercial experience as the California Cheese Cow?? Moooo,wahahaha

  28. Todd Standing. What an embarrassment. Sorry to call him a fellow Canadian. He is a liar.

  29. Moneymaker has a spin-off to "Finding Bigfoot" in the works. It will be centered around Renee and is going to be called "Finding Pole".

    1. What do you call an army of lesbians?
      Militia Etheridge

    2. What's the difference between the BFRO and an army of camoed out lesbians with an attitude?


  30. Todd Standing is most likely the greatest living Bigfoot researcher. He is what all strive to be.

  31. On Todds Sylvanic website he challenges people not to believe him but to come out and see. When the people of Finding Bigfoot wanted to go see Todd said they could`nt because it is too dangerous. That is why Todd is a fraud!!!!!!! And so is his buddy Albert Fuhs

  32. Finding Bigfoot never wanted to spend 6 extra days, hiking to and from Todd's site. Therefore, Finding Bigfoot is a fraud by never genuinely intending to investigate Todd's site.

  33. You forget, Animal Planet lines up a half dozen shoots back to back. If they were going to change plane tickets for the Alberta departure, they would have had to change to plane tickets for all of the rest of the shoots in that series. Therefore, it would have been impossible for the Finding Bigfoot team to have investigated Sylvanic. The act of placing blame on Standing for Finding Bigfoot not being able to visit Sylvanic, IS FRAUD! Which is something that MM, a former law school student, should have more than a passing acquaintance with.

  34. But lesbians don't wear lipstick.

  35. But lesbians don't wear lipstick!

  36. Leave moneymaker alone. These people love what they do,and I love watching them. If you don't like it,don't watch the show. I HATE commenters who are bold and hatefull..... You people need to get a life "anonymous" I bet you know so much more than people who have been in the field for twenty years.


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