Steve Kulls Exposes The 2008 Georgia Bigfoot Hoax On Conundrums TV [Video]

Back in August 2008, two Georgia men, one of them a cop, claimed to have found a dead Bigfoot pulled one over on Tom Biscardi, a self-described Bigfoot researcher who has a reputation as a hoaxer himself. owner Tom Biscardi allegedly paid up to $50000 to Matthew Whitton and Rick Dyer, the two men who said they found the body, for their frozen corpse and the privilege of trotting them out in front of TV cameras.

At the same time, Biscardi sent "Sasquatch detective" Steve Kulls back to Georgia to check out the body. Kulls was severely disappointed.

According to Dyer, the Men In Blacks eventually confiscated the Bigfoot body and it was never seen again.

Listen to this Conundrums TV interview with Steve Kulls as he talks about his a new book entitled, "50 Large" which takes the reader deep inside the Georgia Bigfoot Hoax of 2008.


  1. What is really disappointing is the fact that Steve continues to claim he exposed the entire hoax when it was nearly the entire Bigfoot community who proclaimed it as a hoax nearly three weeks before Steve claimed to have discovered it was a costume. What's even more disappointing is the fact that Steve has managed to climb back up in the ranks of the Bigfoot Community and given a free pass to the entire affair.

  2. Yea he never fooled anyone.i dont think he was directly involved in the hoax,however he acts as if he was the only honest person there..he thought if he was the first one to say it was a hoax,then he would get all the credit for outing biscardi..i wouldnt take his lousy book if he gave it to me..he is such a big star,just ask him he will tell you or just listen to his show,he spends half of it bragging on himself

  3. Cant pull one over on the "Squatch Detective" he will bust your butt and call you on your crap everytime!!

  4. Well to the first and second anonymous poster, again people whom run their mouths, know very little, only as political fodder.

    "Proclaimed" is not proof." Now we are supposed to believe because someone "proclaims" the PG film is real does that make it so?

    If it was proclaimed a hoax three weeks earlier, and it was proven, why did CNN and the network news affiliates cover the press conference, hmmm just three days before I managed to shut it down? Seems like the only one to get the media's attention was the one who got the only proof, not supposition.

    See statements out of ignorance, make me laugh and show how people want to use stuff for political fodder, instead of looking at facts. The ultimate proof was getting the eyes on the suit. Which I did. No one else. I did.

    Obviously just listen my show and listen to Biscardi's. Who's bragging about themselves half the time? Certainly not me. Obviously hiding behind the anonymous moniker makes you tough. I don't hide behind anything.But you see I DO know who you are, if I am wrong then you are just a person who plagiarizes another person's exact words.

    1. Sad fact is also...if I had not been there, or I went along with Biscardi's pathetic cover-up, Biscardi's film would have been "Anatomy of a Bigfoot" rather than "Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax."

      If you read the book, I don't take credit for "proclaiming" it a hoax. I exposed it. How, by getting on FoxNews on Feb. 20th.

      In fact the book isn't about at all what I did, rather what I uncovered to prove Biscardi was involved which is the real question in the matter.

      In fact I do recall calling the Georgia Boys a hoax on July 25th,2008. Hmm..that was three weeks before that as well. Have the YouTube video to back me on that one.

      So please, your weak, arguments are not supported by anything but out of jealousy and or self-righteousness. All my points are backed by facts and documents, that is what the world accepts, as evidence not proclamations or supposition.

    2. the first 2 postrs are bang on. which is of course why youve replied to them. bragging abot yourself tryng to sell your book! you are the same as the 2 boys and their hoax. nobodies trying to make money of a myth

      a typicl loudmouth self promoting dickhed. do one kulls and;your fans'.what have u ever done in life that would aquire fans??lol. wtf .delusional tool

  5. He was defending Biscardi and the Bigfoot in the Box till the end, long after most people knew it was a deluxe Halloween costume. Only when it was clear that he wasn't going to get a cut of the earnings (i.e. big promises from Biscardi) did he become the master detective who confirmed what everyone already knew.

    No he's trying another Biscardi move by claiming he was "hoodwinked" too.

  6. I wasn't defending anything. I said wait and see. Same with the whole Ketchum affair. Show me where I publicly stated anything that this was real?

    You can't. I was on NPR New Zealand and the best they could get out of me was, "I am cautiously optomistic."

    At the time I was there, I had no evidence to show whatsoever to say Biscardi was involved. So do you expect me to slander someone. Your expectations show your lack of expertise in investigative procedures and more to that of a pundit.

    After that, I went to work and obtained evidence and facts. (Jeez there's those words you need to prove things again) And guess what???

    Biscardi was not hoodwinked at all. Show's how much you're paying attention.

  7. Funny also how all my questions were ignored. Very Biscardi-esque of the poster.

    Ignore the facts, and go on to imposing opinion rather than fact.

    Fact is this individual is pissed at the wrong person. The person to be pissed at is Biscardi, how he turned something that the Bigfoot Community could have eventually resolved over time, into an international circus. (So much for taking credit, that's a quote from the book.)

    You're pissed at me for what? I took lumps, like a big boy.

    I've done so much over the last three years and beyond to stick it to the man responsible for this atrocity, Biscardi.

    Either you open a dialouge in which you listen to what really happened or you're a Biscardi troll trying to get my craw, which if you are not, or someone so mired in their own self importance, and image,that they cannot see their nose in front of them.

    So in the interest of maybe better understanding, you can contact me via my website, and I will give you my phone number and we can talk this out like real people do.

    Not hiding behind a keyboard. Maybe if you hear the entire story from me one on one, you can better understand all the truth from the fiction.

    That's the type of person I am, and that request not only goes out to this poster, but to the entire readership.

  8. On the subject of hoaxes, I'm not quite ready to dismiss the Fox/Deer video just yet. The Wood apes I have encountered have been multicolored due to shedding.

    On frigid nights in the King Wood ape's lair I remember curling up with wads of discarded hair, which is reminiscent in texture and odor to Ovibos moschatus.

    Smelling of musky Wood ape made me very popular with the ladies of the species, but when I was rescued by park rangers they were so offended by my odor they made me ride in the back of their pick up truck.

  9. Mr Kulls, I'm aware a lot of time and energy went into your book to expose all or at least, tell all.

    Sure, we all need to make a buck I understand this.

    However, wouldn't it make a larger impact to give this away free as a pdf? As in my eyes, your doing the same as Mr. Biscardi, capitalizing or attempting to capitalize with his own DVD "Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax".

    Just food for thought.

  10. I understand your thoughts on that. However, not only time and energy, but costs as well. It cost me financially to uncover the truths.

    And I would never deny anyone, any of the information in the book, and as with the Conundrums program, I answer every question put to me if I can answer it.

    Mr. Biscardi's DVD wasn't an attempt to capitalize on the hoax, it was his way of spreading propaganda about his "being duped," which he was not.

    Some of the information has been put out there, via my Biscardi Exposed blog which turned into his "Hall of Shame" page on my website.

    Truthfully, I wasn't going to publish this book. That was until someone convinced me otherwise. And I understand your concerns, but my work is a legitimate work, not propaganda, not propagation, but a legitimate factual look, interlaced with my own emotions thoughts in perspectives in certain parts, persona, intimate and emotional.

    Far from making a DVD, with interviews concerning people that weren't even involved in any segment of the affair, but rather painstaking hours making sure the work was factually accurate.

    Besides, who lost in the whole affair? For the betterment of the community, I lost a job and much more after it. Dyer and Whitton laughed to the bank, Biscardi just plodded on, surely skating out of the debt, or having someone pay for it. Me, I was left in ruins. Why shouldn't I be able to capitalize on something that had cost me so dearly. If I had my way the whole affair would never have happened.

    Sad thing is I was not a participant contrary to popular belief. Biscardi was. Dyer and Whitton were participants.

    I was there on my own dime, and hadn't received payment, remuneration, nor reimbursement from any of the parties involved. In fact the book points out that was how Biscardi thought he was going to avoid me from getting there in the first place.

    And from a justice standpoint, I was am not capitalizing on the hoax, I am capitalizing on the investigation I did afterward and my writing.

    Ever read a true crime story? How about a newspaper? Well from your standpoint the author or reporter is capitalizing on a crime right?

    Wrong, I am capitalizing on my ability to get to the truth, facts and documents, of not just a 3 year investigation over the hoax, but a six year investigation of Searching for Bigfoot, Inc. and the Great American Bigfoot Organization, aka Biscardi's company.

    The same as any journalist would.

    But thank you for at least acknowledging the hard work that went into it. If you somehow get in touch with me, I would gladly forward you a copy in the mail when it's out gratis for your input, or I can give you a PDF view of it just prior to publication, with one caveat, I'd like your input on a private basis.

    I understand, but I hope you also see it from my point as well.

  11. Steve, just a neutral had to know dealing with Biscardi wouldn't turn out very well in all respects. Everybody knows Biscardi is full of it i would hope. Wouldn't it have made more sense to bring him down without infiltrating his "Organization"? The old "Lie down with dogs you get fleas"

    1. CC,
      You are correct, Kull's should have known about Biscardi's past. Kull's did know all about Biscardi before becoming a paid investigator to help clean up Biscardi's tarnished image.
      Biscardi approached Kull's in the same manor he approached everyone he wanted something from. He flashed promises of cash and limelight To Lure Kull's in.
      Kull's had a great little forum going at the time and was making a name for himself as a no nonsense bigfoot investigator. It was peaking for Kull's in 2006 and Biscardi noticed. Since Biscardi was crashing in the popularity contest because of all his hoaxes and frauds duped on the public. The public was getting tired of it, and Biscardi needed a new team player to help his image. So in comes Kull's. Lured in By Biscardi's flashy presence and wads of money.
      Kull's completely ditched his squatchdetective forum and let it waste away while he was 0ff to greater things, fully supporting Biscardi and his antics. Kull's was getting paid, and Kull's is all about Kull's and chasing the almighty dollar. It is all hype when Kull's talks about being truthful. He is second only to Biscardi when it comes to carnival barking about himself and his own value and ethics. His radio show spends most of the time preaching the virtues of being Kull's rather than bigfoot. His pattern of self promotion follows him. He chases the dollar with the best of them.
      He was collecting a steady paycheck from Biscardi when the Georgia hoax went down, but Just like Biscardi ever was, Biscardi was not gonna take the blame himself when the cards came down, Kull's knew this about Biscardi's character. But since Kull's never ever called Biscardi out for his frauds, ( how could he? he was an employee) Kull's was an expendible convenient scapegoat to lay the blame on. BUT Kull's had to do his own house cleaning at the point he realized he was being blamed and cut loose from his paying gig. So he grabbed a few pieces of incriminating evidence he was privy to and tucked them in his pocket. Then pretende3d to have done all this on purpose, Then he tried to make it look like he went under cover two years earlier just to get the goods on Biscardi and prove it to the world. Same old Steve, Do that dance to make him look as good as possible, But for the people who pay attention? Steve never did any real investigation on Biscardi until AFTER he was crapped on by his mentor. There was no undercover plan to expose Biscardi, It was just Steve doing what Steve the dollars and fluff up Steve, then doing damage control after the fact.
      I bet if Biscardi would not have turned on Steve after the Georgia fiasco, Steve would STILL be employed by Biscardi and STILL collecting his paychecks...and supporting him without question because that is why Biscardi Hired him to begin with, and Kull's was indeed filling that need for Biscardi's cleansing.
      Now I am sure Kull's is gonna come on here and go On and ON about how this is not true. But it is true, it IS how it went down, and Kull's character cannot recover from where he went with Biscardi to get that payday.

    2. Wow, this is spin from a pundit whom fits the facts to his own agenda. His timeline is off in a few key areas to give credence to his flawed "story"

      First of all does this person really know why the reason I went on the expedition team in the first place? Is he in my mind or Biscardi's? Is he Miss Cleo?

      I had told two organizations, that I was undercover as early as 2006 and also in January 2007. So you are wrong there sir. Do you think perhaps I should have placed that on my website.... I'm going undercover? This person's acumen of the definition of under cover is amazing. Thing is at the time of the freezer fiasco I was NOT under cover. I went under my own aegis. Paid my own way and hadn't received an compensation for such, before, during or after.

      Second of all I left the team because I caught Biscardi in a business lie. Not something that would take him down, or what I considered minuscule as to my real reason for being there.

      I have evidence that I WAS investigating him, long before the Georgia caper. Yep it's in the book. So much for the after the fact theory of this guy.

      Chasing the dollar with the best of them? Hmm? What evidence do you have to support that? In fact how much have I earned? I don't have a crypto museum, I don't get earnings on the show I do, I do get some gas money once in while for writing crypto articles on the, but I haven't CHASED anything. If I've made any money, it's come to me and been offered. But turning a legitimate buck doing what you love, is that so wrong anyway? Wow...sounds like he's a socialist.

      Obviously, this person has not listened to a show I put on. Small chat then on to the guest. Unlike the 25 minutes of banter and commercials on a Wednesday night broadcast I know of, with a self effacing horn blower.

      Biscardi, my mentor? Saying that under the banner of anonymous is the act of a coward, and further more, I had a mentor already, and I was not new to research. Again your true bias is showing.

      I didn't investigate until Biscardi turned on me? When did Biscardi turn on me exactly? The facts are as follows, the minute I left the scene of the fiasco, I transmitted the facts of the weekend to Cryptomundo, and the next morning I was on Fox and Friends and stated, "I would have not been there if it weren't for the lies of Tom Biscardi." who turned on whom?

      Do you even know what my first solid piece of evidence that Biscardi was in on the hoax? Do you know how I got it? And by whom? Of course this person doesn't because they've fit their own conspiracy theory to fit their own political agenda.

      Now why if I was so cash hungry as this person claims, not go along with the cover up, which is fact both in testimony by SFBI's own former VP, and contained in a police statement? Why did I go "cowboy," when Biscardi's final words directed towards me in a conference call state anybody going "cowboy" would not make out? Dear sir, that is not cash hungry. Biscardi is cash hungry, willing to lie to his own son about what he saw and did when alone in Georgia those two weekends.

      I grabbed evidence and tucked it into my pocket. Really, the evidence I have has no wrinkles, in fact the evidence I got, was either achieved by getting it on the computer, which was long before the freezer fiasco, or obtained from sources and in one case even sent to me. Again the evidence is there to support that.

      I have the EVIDENCE to PROVE what this person said is not true. The only fluff is in your very biased conspiracy theory which you have no evidence to support and evidence that does exists proves you wrong.

      Sounds like to me this person is hung up on me, and since he is anonymous, could be one of the long line of hoaxers I've hung out to dry.

  12. Good question, and while that cliche may sound true, let's look at the history prior to 2008. Biscardi was always smart enough to put himself in the "he said versus she said" type of argument.

    And yes, I got fleas, and pretty much had to shave myself to get rid of them, LOL. But the end justifies the means. Prove is in the documents, not just supposition.

    That neuters any defense by him. That's why he avoids rather than answering questions. Because of this, he cannot defend his position...period.

    Hasn't been anything I didn't do in my professional career I haven't done as well. You want the inside information, you infiltrate. Its a last resort, but in this case very necessary to get the evidence, and luckily it's spawned over 125 documents which implicate Biscardi's dishonesty in all matters Bigfoot directly.

    And in actuality I was done with the Biscardi missions by April 2008, number of trips with Biscardi's team 6, number with Biscardi actually there for a short period of time...4. People misconstrued that or forget that, or made it bigger than it actually was. In fact we had a huge falling out the end of June 2008 Just 5 weeks prior to the start of the Biscardi involvement in the hoax.

    Again, came what may of it, like I said I took my lumps, and may have done certain things a bit different now, but it is what it is. But I am who I am and that's why I told Biscardi to %*#! off when he tried covering it up, and again when he talked about anyone going cowboy basically would not profit from his "duped" story by not going along with it.

    Moxie is what it takes, now if someone did that with Standing etc. we wouldn't be dealing with his garbage as well.

    Also remember Biscardi does NOT want this book out.Why? Because he should worry about what documents are inside of it.

    1. When someone says another person has MOXIE, That is a compliment. When a person Says that about themselves...well, that shows volumes about self glorification and pompous attitude.

  13. Everybody knows Tom Biscardi is the REAL BIGFOOT HUNTER and this Kulls guy is a joke. Biscardi has exposed him numerous times as a fraud. Don't waste your money on this book of lies, use it to see some REAL proof of Bigfoot... Bigfoot Lives 3 is now available!!!!!!!

    1. Hey a Biscardi Troll!!!

      Where's Biscardi's proof??? I have documents.

      What's he got??? Nada!!!

    2. Since your name goes directly to the SFBI website, why don't you ask your master where the quarter of a million for museums went?

      What happened to his CFO?

      Or why he didn't write a statement to the police since he so badly wanted Dyer and Whitton prosecuted?

  14. See in actuality that's a list of things Biscardi had been involved in that were questionable or hoaxes. There's a bit of inaccuracy here saying this is what HE hoaxed...

    1971- Biscardi was not involved in the Marx footage. While the footage did draw his attention and led Biscardi to Marx. I believe it was 72 when Biscardi and Marx first linked up.

    2004- Albino Bigfoot - Did Biscardi take those pictures, nope... therefore he can maintain his belief in the picture, but not responsible for them itself.

    2004- Ivan Marx took the pictures of the lunch eating BS the Cryptomundo Article it clearly states Ivan Marx took the pictures.

    2005 - While very similar to the 2008 hoax, he skates out claiming he was duped. But no evidence to support either side. Even though we all can't understand how he could have said what he said if he wasn't involved. (In fact the 2008 hoax makes us revisit this and actually gives credibility he WAS involved.)

    2006 - Again, he promoted this "based on belief," I, you and 99% of logical people know what it is, but it's not proof Biscardi hoaxed anything.

    2006- Hand in A Jar, the hoax here was he cried foul ...covered in the book extensively, with the actual Documents from the DNA lab. Hand came from Don Monroe. Obvious misidentification.

    2008- Well we all know that one, yep this one's definitely on the list.

    2009- Last I knew as of 2011 Toenail is being retested. The results are not officially out on the toenail, as it had been returned to its rightful owner. This happens to be the source of Richard Stubstad's info comes from, and Stubstad was the one whom paid for the test on the toe.

    2011- Again did Biscardi take the picture? No, so he didn't hoax it.He can play stupid, but there's no evidence of him intentionally going along with this misidentification unless you actually know his thoughts.That's why premeditated murder is so hard to prove.

    See that's why the undercover effort. Biscardi is not your traditional hoaxer, but more of a vampire. He latches on to misidentifications, hoaxes and their ilk, spins them with untruths and when the bomb hits he gives himself at all times an out, of "I didn't take that picture or retrieve that item." Where it bit him in the bee-hind with the Georgia affair, he wasn't expecting me to spill the beans about his shananegins during the affair, or dig up the documents I've dug up.

  15. I agree, the Legendary Tom Biscardi is the only Bigfoot Researcher qualified enough to conduct research on such a creature. I listen to Tom Biscardi's radio show (Wednesday nights at 7pm pst) and he is quite knowledgeable and truthful. This Kulls yahoo couldn't solve a crossword puzzle!

    1. Wow 2 trolls.... well that's funny I figure out and PROVED Tom Biscardi is a hoaxer and a fraud. Just read his 2008 Business Plan.

      "Legendary"...yeah when it comes to empty promises to investors regarding TV shows and museums.

    2. Oh and by the way....I have the proof.

      Whatta bunch of sore losers!! LOL

  16. Hey Steve,
    I don't care for Biscardi but how could Ivan Marx have taken a picture of a fake Bigfoot in 2004 when he died in 1999??

    1. I believe the picture pre-dates 2004. But the picture is not dated, my mistake, it was for the picture above that.

      But there's also no annontation who took the picture. I think he'll lay that one on Peggy Marx.

  17. But Steve there is one thing you missed...He's a nutter Carny!

  18. Steve - you're mistaken again. Tom Biscardi was heavily involved with the faked Marx films. He's recounted his experiences as being a witness numerous times before and also does so on the intro on his Bigfoot Lives dvd. I don't feel like searching them out but here's an excerpt of a great independent review:

    "The Legend of Bigfoot" (1976) (also viewable on Netflix for free HERE, or on YouTube HERE) is an assemblage of natural historical "documentary" and confabulation, a bunch of made up stories and faked sighting footage showing his wife prancing and stumbling around in a field pretending to be the Bossburg Cripplefoot. This film was made simply to exploit the interest in Bigfoot after the Patterson-Gimlin film was shot. The "Bigfoot" footage in this feature is, in the words of anthropologist Jeff Meldrum, "a transparent hoax." And yet, to this day, Tom Biscardi claims that the ape-suited subject of the film was a 7-8 foot tall Sasquatch and was horrifying as it charged them. He tells the story with fake trembling in his voice and feigned excitement. Give me a break, please, Tom. There is perhaps no more ridiculous Bigfoot hoax film than that one!"


    1. Thank you for pointing that out. Again, I'm no expert on Marx. And the book starts in 2006 with a visit to 2005, and a historical reference to Marx. SO I guess I stand corrected on that one, and thank you. I know Biscardi produced a couple of films with the Amazing Horizons production company wasn't sure to what extent, as he also laid claim to being a Technical adviser to the "Legend of Boggy Creek," a gross inaccuracy.

      My focus was on his business plan and the Georgia Hoax. I probably could have dug up more stuff from the 70's and 80's, but I wanted the book out before I was eligible for Social Security. LOL.

      Again unless you have him saying I knew this was a hoax, it leads too many outs for him. "I was duped," as a great example. My mission was to remove those outs.

      No doubt whatsoever, he was neck deep in BS, I know, after all my research that he WAS involved in hoaxing, just so everyone knows. I wanted to capture him rock solid, no wiggle room.

  19. There is nothing that looks fake about those photographs. You people are nothing but bottomfeeders.

    1. there's a Biscardi term.

      See the side with no facts to their argument always turn to name calling because that's all they have.

  20. steve i will give you some credit for getting on here and trying to set the record straight..and i respect you for that..however there are alot of people who made up there mind along time ago about you and i dont think they will buy your book for you to prove anything different.good luck

    1. And that's fine and you see the book is not to prove anything different.

      But thank you.

    2. How can you possibly make a statement to know how many people have made up their mind about you?
      Because you only surround yourself with "yes" men and sheep you can fleece. The people who tried to tell you when you became an ass, were cut loose from you because that doesn't fit into a self centered persons life.
      But I hear you have MOXIE... not from anyone else though, just from you. Your arm must constantly be in a sling from patting yourself on the back so much.

  21. And that opens the question Mr. Kulls, how many other facts about Tom Biscardi are you mistaken about?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ahh, is this TJ Biscardi??? The man who said he was done with Bigfoot research?

      The supposedly stand up Army Ranger?

      Well the real TJ or not, documents do not lie. Do you think this is a fact book?? Hahaha.

      No.... it's a book of documents proving Biscardi is a... well let the audience decide.... contracts, business plans and police documents!

  22. None of these people here hold a candle to the Real Bigfoot Hunter TOM BISCARDI! It's a well known fact that Biscardi himself jump-started the knowledge of current proven traits of Bigfoot by not only lending his exceptional expertise, but also by being behind of every important Sasquatch discovery there has been to date. Kull's strategy is using flawed methods and incompetence.

    1. do you know my strategy? Were you there?

      Have you seen the documents???? Hmm? No you have not.

      Why don't you answer the question...where did all the museum money go? What happened to the CFO? Hmmm?

      Ducking questions like your master.

    2. How bout this question...

      What traits did he jump start?

    3. For starters he was the first to prove Bigfoot is a migratory creature. Also he was the first to discover Bigfoot is nocturnal and establish that it's favorite food in the wild is sardines & peanut butter.

    4. Sardines and peanut butter are food you find out in wild?? LOL

    5. Where the hell do bigfoot find sardines and peanut butter in the wild?? Is there some secret grocery store for sasquatch that we don't know about?? Crackpot.

    6. See Rob I knew you were going to say that. Sasquatch Migration was covered in John Green's book the Apes Among Us, by Ivan T. Sanderson in a conversation he had with a Tom Adams from Texas.

      I think the high sightings at night we all could have figured out Bigfoot is nocturnal, hell I knew that before I even knew there was a Tom Biscardi.

      Now lets deal with proven, how the hell can anyone prove anything about something that hasn't been proven yet.

      Favorite food is sardines and peanut butter, keep drinking the kool-aid son. LMAO!

  23. Thanks NL, you're sure right, remember 2005, "we have scientists looking at the creature right now." Although I don't know if the SanFran area of California qualifies as Northern Cali. In NY us upstaters laugh at calling Poughkeepsie upstate by NYC folks. WE'RE UPSTATE. LOL.

    He has a penchant for that. Implying, as he was with the Georgia Hoax. "We got the pictures...We got the DNA," let alone, smell it touch it feel it remarks.

    Thank you again.

  24. First of all, most of that stuff in that list really happened. Tom has been doing this for 40 Years. It's easy to be an armchair detective and scream hoax. How many of you have encountered a Bigfoot face to face?? None, so how can you even guess what one really looks like? Let alone have the credentials to properly identify one.

    1. Has Biscardi seen one face to face? And not in a freezer? I am sure he claims he has seen dozens. Where are the pictures, videos?

  25. Ummm no. I agree it's easy to sit back and use opinion and say something is proven.

    But the stuff on that list, I would need hip waders to walk through.

  26. Yeah, keep up the good work. I have some similar Biscardi-isms recorded in my ledger I've uncovered since meeting him years ago. Stay in touch

  27. Ok sorry I'm not Tom's son. Even if I was you wouldn't be able to figure out how to put together proof to solve anything. You're just mad because you wanted paid more money for the hoax and Tom wouldn't give it to you. That's why you held up everything and blew the whistle on it days later.

    1. Really, how do you know that? Were you there?

      What did I hold up? Where's your evidence?

      Nice conspiracy theory. By the way I have two witnesses to the fact that is a LIE!!!

      So TJ, you may not be a Tom's son, but you are a liar and a troll.

    2. Or is that yet another version from the man who went on Fox News and said he "touched it, felt it and smelled it?"

      I smell something here.

  28. I agree. Only a very small minority dislike Tom Biscardi. Without him, nobody would know about Bigfoot and the internet wouldn't have such things as streaming video & Facebook.

  29. Why is it the Biscardi trolls seem to know so much but weren't there and have no proof?

    One of the funniest stories is the Biscardi, Steve set me up story, talks about a video on YouTube prior to the hoax of me, whitton and dyer riding atv's.

    Then when asked where's the video he has no clue.

    They can run their mouths with wild stories, that seem to change over time.

  30. Your book sounds very promising. I will be buying!

  31. For Steve - Didn't Biscardi say he measured it's feet too? How could he have done that when it was frozen in an ice freezer and says the Georgia guys only let him look at it for a few seconds before they slammed the lid?

    1. That was his first version, except the evidence proves this couldn't have been true.

    2. Seeing it frozen that is.

      He also put out quite a description of it.

  32. I posted the original post above, about your book and given it away free. And honesty, can't be bothered to read all these posts (typical BF believer idiots or knucklesheads).....I'll buy it for the sake of buyng it Steve (if I can call you that?)

    But if it does't bring Biscardi 'DOWN' I'm going to quash your balls ;¬)

    1. Hey fair enough. Please call me Steve, Mr. Kulls was my Dad. LOL.

  33. CC,
    You are correct, Kull's should have known about Biscardi's past. Kull's did know all about Biscardi before becoming a paid investigator to help clean up Biscardi's tarnished image.
    Biscardi approached Kull's in the same manor he approached everyone he wanted something from. He flashed promises of cash and limelight To Lure Kull's in.
    Kull's had a great little forum going at the time and was making a name for himself as a no nonsense bigfoot investigator. It was peaking for Kull's in 2006 and Biscardi noticed. Since Biscardi was crashing in the popularity contest because of all his hoaxes and frauds duped on the public. The public was getting tired of it, and Biscardi needed a new team player to help his image. So in comes Kull's. Lured in By Biscardi's flashy presence and wads of money.
    Kull's completely ditched his squatchdetective forum and let it waste away while he was 0ff to greater things, fully supporting Biscardi and his antics. Kull's was getting paid, and Kull's is all about Kull's and chasing the almighty dollar. It is all hype when Kull's talks about being truthful. He is second only to Biscardi when it comes to carnival barking about himself and his own value and ethics. His radio show spends most of the time preaching the virtues of being Kull's rather than bigfoot. His pattern of self promotion follows him. He chases the dollar with the best of them.
    He was collecting a steady paycheck from Biscardi when the Georgia hoax went down, but Just like Biscardi ever was, Biscardi was not gonna take the blame himself when the cards came down, Kull's knew this about Biscardi's character. But since Kull's never ever called Biscardi out for his frauds, ( how could he? he was an employee) Kull's was an expendible convenient scapegoat to lay the blame on. BUT Kull's had to do his own house cleaning at the point he realized he was being blamed and cut loose from his paying gig. So he grabbed a few pieces of incriminating evidence he was privy to and tucked them in his pocket. Then pretende3d to have done all this on purpose, Then he tried to make it look like he went under cover two years earlier just to get the goods on Biscardi and prove it to the world. Same old Steve, Do that dance to make him look as good as possible, But for the people who pay attention? Steve never did any real investigation on Biscardi until AFTER he was crapped on by his mentor. There was no undercover plan to expose Biscardi, It was just Steve doing what Steve the dollars and fluff up Steve, then doing damage control after the fact.
    I bet if Biscardi would not have turned on Steve after the Georgia fiasco, Steve would STILL be employed by Biscardi and STILL collecting his paychecks...and supporting him without question because that is why Biscardi Hired him to begin with, and Kull's was indeed filling that need for Biscardi's cleansing.
    Now I am sure Kull's is gonna come on here and go On and ON about how this is not true. But it is true, it IS how it went down, and Kull's character cannot recover from where he went with Biscardi to get that payday.

    1. Were you there? Did you actually have contact with Kulls and hear from him that he was saving his own ass? I'll admit, I've taken a gander at Kulls' show and he definitely does seem very arrogant, "puffed up" as you described and self serving but he is well respected and Biscardi is not. As far as I can see, your statements are speculation and opinion and not fact. Let Kulls' book tell the story. He claims it's filled with facts and documents, so let's find out. Unless you had a personal stake in the hoax yourself, you really aren't credible yourself. I personally don't care one way or the other. I'm a quiet, private researcher and it will remain that way until sasquach hunting becomes more mainstream but I do follow the sites and from where I stand this is just a bunch of blow hards slinging mud at each other for the same reason; everybody wants to catch the almighty dollar. Give it a rest and do your own research if you want answers

    2. Wow, this is spin from a pundit whom fits the facts to his own agenda. His timeline is off in a few key areas to give credence to his flawed "story"

      First of all does this person really know why the reason I went on the expedition team in the first place? Is he in my mind or Biscardi's? Is he Miss Cleo?

      I had told two organizations, that I was undercover as early as 2006 and also in January 2007. So you are wrong there sir. Do you think perhaps I should have placed that on my website.... I'm going undercover? This person's acumen of the definition of under cover is amazing. Thing is at the time of the freezer fiasco I was NOT under cover. I went under my own aegis. Paid my own way and hadn't received an compensation for such, before, during or after.

      Second of all I left the team because I caught Biscardi in a business lie. Not something that would take him down, or what I considered minuscule as to my real reason for being there.

      I have evidence that I WAS investigating him, long before the Georgia caper. Yep it's in the book. So much for the after the fact theory of this guy.

      Chasing the dollar with the best of them? Hmm? What evidence do you have to support that? In fact how much have I earned? I don't have a crypto museum, I don't get earnings on the show I do, I do get some gas money once in while for writing crypto articles on the, but I haven't CHASED anything. If I've made any money, it's come to me and been offered. But turning a legitimate buck doing what you love, is that so wrong anyway? Wow...sounds like he's a socialist.

      Obviously, this person has not listened to a show I put on. Small chat then on to the guest. Unlike the 25 minutes of banter and commercials on a Wednesday night broadcast I know of, with a self effacing horn blower.

      Biscardi, my mentor? Saying that under the banner of anonymous is the act of a coward, and further more, I had a mentor already, and I was not new to research. Again your true bias is showing.

      I didn't investigate until Biscardi turned on me? When did Biscardi turn on me exactly? The facts are as follows, the minute I left the scene of the fiasco, I transmitted the facts of the weekend to Cryptomundo, and the next morning I was on Fox and Friends and stated, "I would have not been there if it weren't for the lies of Tom Biscardi." who turned on whom?

      Do you even know what my first solid piece of evidence that Biscardi was in on the hoax? Do you know how I got it? And by whom? Of course this person doesn't because they've fit their own conspiracy theory to fit their own political agenda.

      Now why if I was so cash hungry as this person claims, not go along with the cover up, which is fact both in testimony by SFBI's own former VP, and contained in a police statement? Why did I go "cowboy," when Biscardi's final words directed towards me in a conference call state anybody going "cowboy" would not make out? Dear sir, that is not cash hungry. Biscardi is cash hungry, willing to lie to his own son about what he saw and did when alone in Georgia those two weekends.

      I grabbed evidence and tucked it into my pocket. Really, the evidence I have has no wrinkles, in fact the evidence I got, was either achieved by getting it on the computer, which was long before the freezer fiasco, or obtained from sources and in one case even sent to me. Again the evidence is there to support that.

      I have the EVIDENCE to PROVE what this person said is not true. The only fluff is in your very biased conspiracy theory which you have no evidence to support and evidence that does exists proves you wrong.

      Sounds like to me this person is hung up on me, and since he is anonymous, could be one of the long line of hoaxers I've hung out to dry.

    3. To the second poster, okay... I was unaware that's how I was coming off. Sincerely it was not my intention in my show to appear that way and my apologies. We will strive to be better in that department.

      A little constructive criticism never hurts here and there, and I appreciate it.

    4. Wow.... again really sorry about that. If I come off as arrogant, not that I haven't been told that before, I'm sorry.

      I do listen though and care what people have to say. I have a strong belief in the research I have done, so please do not take my passion for arrogance. Again my apologies.

    5. There you go, excusing abuse of others and arrogance under the guise of 'passion'.

    6. ...whatever makes the pill easier to swallow.

    7. I have an honest question, what two groups was it that knew you were undercover, and who in that organization can vouch for your undercover statement.

    8. Lets see mr. Kulls, you stated
      "Second of all I left the team because I caught Biscardi in a business lie. "

      So Biscardi Lying in a business setting was low enough to have you leave scfreaming " unethical". BUt all the hoaxing and raping the hard earned dollars from your fans with deceit and lies while you were employed by him, was not enough to warrent a raised eyebrow from you.??? I see.

  34. I like redheads with big boobs.

  35. I read Steve`s post about the book the other day and it sounds like it would be an interesting read.(if it`s available in Canada when it comes out).

    I want to ask so many questions,but the one that keeps popping up in my mind is; How does a guy with 40 yrs. experience get hoaxed by two hicks?
    Rick Dyer is a proven liar,yet he expects people to take him seriously AND he actually has followers.
    His latest lie about being able to hunt Bigfoot in Canada is a prime example. And yes,I have a real document from Environment Canada that states NO tags are issued for an animal that is not on a controlled list.
    As far as I'm concerned,once someone is proven a hoaxer,anything they do after that is a hoax.

    Hoaxers need to be obliterated from the community in my opinion.

    1. Good point SasquaiNation, Steve should have known the georgia boy's were hoaxing fools without having to go hang out with them. Everyone else had them figured out. Steve should also hav e known who Biscardi was, and yet he DID know Biscardi.
      But promises were made and Dollars were handed over to Steve, Guess that would cloud my judgement too. Until the gravy train stopped running, then I would stop supporting Biscardi and turn him out like dirty laundry...Oh wait... That is exactly what happened. LOL

    2. Boob's are very good to look at.

    3. Actually,I was referring Tom Biscardi in my above comment.
      I don't know enough about Steve Kulls to inform an opinion of him.
      I wanted to clear up any confusion there may have been in my previous post.

      I have no tolerance for hoaxers of any kind,regardless of their intent.That much is clear.

    4. Wrong SasquaiNation..... no dollars were handed over to me WHATSOEVER.

      Don't know where you got that information but its wrong wrong wrong.

    5. Sounds like Sasquai Nation is a Biscardi troll...

      That's how it happened???? Were you there???

      No. Where's your proof I got money handed over as you claim? There isn't any.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Mr Kulls....did you read my comments at all?????
      I take offense to you calling me a troll!!!!!!!
      In my comments I NEVER even mentioned money,so where did you get that from????
      Are you reading too fast.
      All I asked was how could Biscardi get duped by two hicks,and I said your book might be an interesting read.
      You have insulted me more than you can imagine.
      Good day.

  36. i thought the only thing that made you look involved steve was that the first live show u did after it all came out about the hoax..if i remember correctly,u stated you didnt think biscardi was involved,then the next day u said he was but was afraid for your safety at the time?that in my opinion was the deciding factor for me..i could be mistaken.i might have it all wrong,but thats how i remember it...i do feel as others that you brag on yourself on the show even if you dont mean to..however when i made my comment about you and your book i never ment for it to go this far with everyone attacking not a biscardi fan and all you guys that do believe his crap are just as bad as him..i think you are all about the cause however you made some bad choices along the way

    1. Thank you for the comments.

      Agreed hindsight being 20/20 there were some things, mainly about that show that I would have done much differently.

      The only comment I made during that show was I was asked if Biscardi had been duped, and I responded, "IIIIIII think so." I didn't sound too sure of the statement.

      At the time I had no physical evidence to link him to the hoax, other than him lying. But I needed a bit more than that in my mind.

      There was circumstances during that show, I would say are very unacceptable to me today, and given the hindsight, the show should have been postponed or handled very differently. I was being monitored very closely as to what I was saying. I wasn't worried necessarily for my safety physically per say, but I was worried about being stranded, because I was about two hours from the airport, did not have any bearings, and in the middle of nowhere. Again hindsight, I should have postponed the show, when I could speak in my usual uncensored, unabridged manner.

      This has been the major reason why some people have the malice towards me, for stating a three word opinion, in under three seconds in a show that lasted 2 hours.

      But hindsight is 20/20. I had another show less than 24 hours later, when the circumstances had been removed, and along with the Cryptomundo article I had sent along, I talked about the weekend, and Biscardi's cover up. I stated at that point I had no evidence that Biscardi had been involved. But that was the truth.

      When I landed and got home I started immediately getting the material together. The next morning I was on Fox and Friends and started the direct attack on Biscardi.

      No matter, I was put in a set of extraordinary circumstances, and I've apologized for not being perfect, or acting in a manner in which people thought I should act.

      I know I disappointed people with that show, I disappointed myself in retrospect. I am not perfect, but I've done a lot to right that mistake and have accumulated more information on the hoax more than anyone. I have more documents than the police department had.

      I had made some mis-steps, not denying that at all, but I more than made up for that by torpedoing Biscardi's excuses and lies with facts and documentation.

      Please don't feel bad for any attacks, the Biscardi trolls are laughable. Peanut butter and sardines....LOL. But on a more serious note, perception is people's reality.

      The people without malice that have reservations, will read what I write with a skeptical yet open mind, that's why at every instance, I document with evidence the reality of what had occurred. The people with malice, well nothing will change their minds, as if they've never made a mistake, misjudged, or changed their opinion in their lives. There is nothing I can do to change that shortsightedness.

      More to the cause, I am writing a second book on a much more palatable subject, Bigfoot research. Its coming along nicely, and has been painstakingly accurate to the science of it all. There is no rush on it, but I am trying to finish it by the middle of autumn this year.

      Again thank you for your kind words.

  37. Actually I was asked, and what I said was "I think so" because I had no direct evidence linking Biscardi to the hoax at that point. Three little unsure words and that's why the bomb hit.

    As to some of the storyline that some folks claim to know as fact....funny, I knew that story line before that fateful show. These folks that say this and that about me, with vigor, believe in a story that was spun by someone who had a vendetta against me, before I said a single word, before Monday. They were spinning how to attack me before I said anything, not even knowing what I was saying.

    I was also being monitored, and although I was not worried about my safety physically, but I could have been stranded.

    Hindsight, the show should have never happened, and I am definitely not perfect.

    Show me a person that has never made a mistake, changed their opinion, or have been wrong in their life.

    Thank you for your comments, the Biscardi trolls don't bother me.

    Thank you however for your comments.

    1. obviously the "trolls" are getting to you. You're still trying to defend yourself against them. A little insecure, are we?

  38. You know there are some here that want to permeate total garbage.

    I was paid off...

    I wasn't paid enough?....

    Sour grapes about not being paid enough?....

    The only sour grapes are from those folks, and frankly they are all lies. LIES.

    They have no evidence to prove any of what they are saying. it didn't happen.

    I thank those whom asked legitimate questions and if you have more, please email me through my website. And gave input in a constructive manner.

    Now some wise guy will make a snarky comment to this, claiming to know things even though they weren't there, don't know any of the facts and pump there chest saying that IS the fact, with no evidence to corroborate such. To the objective folks, ask them, where's the EVIDENCE to what they say? There is none. I know this because THAT is the truth.

    Perhaps from the mouth of Biscardi himself? There's a reliable source and why would he try to discredit me? I destroy him with evidence.

    Next ask yourself why they are saying these lies? What agenda do they have? Is it their own sense of inadequacy that they forge forward. Is it some hoaxer I've busted? Is it Biscardi folks, (BTW Stubstad the Biscardi shill calls them Sasquai and is partners with JavaBob)

    Don't be sheeple people, ask them where's the evidence? Catcha y'll in a bit.

  39. Steve,
    You yourself posted a reciept showing that you were paid by Biscardi for your investigative services, That alone with the fact you NEVER ONCE called Biscardi out or questioned his treatment of innocent victims shows that for the 2 or 3 years you were under his employment, you never spoke againsthis treatment and victimization of others. People you expect to be your fans now.
    You were paid, you followed along until you were cut loose.
    You cannot cover up the depth to which you were a part of Biscardi's circus until you knew you would not be getting anymore free trips and paydays from him.
    Spin it all you want, but you have dirty hands and a bloated view of yourself.

    1. Kulls,
      Do you hear what people are saying here? If you can stop with the spin long enough? You are a self promotor second only to Biscardi, You became a moderator on the BFF it seems, NOT to add to the discussion of bigfoot or the discovery, But to promote your radio show and get as many listeners and downloads as possible. You have even stated that on your radio show. It is foremost in your mind at all times. Build yourself up and get followers, therefore market to them any advertising and books you bark about.
      Listen to your own shows, and looka t what you have posted on the BFF, if you cannot see that you are in it to win it regardless of the cost or truth, you have only fooled yourself and woe to those who follow you like sheep.
      Take a hard look in the mirror.

  40. Some background about myself; I am a retired FBI investigator. I now teach Forensic Psychology at a university close to my locality. The bigfoot phenomenon has intrigued me for decades but from a standpoint of the human psyche. I began following Tom Biscardi, analyzing him based on evidence gathered following his hoaxes. Enter Steve Kulls. He was a young buck with a passion for the hunt. Here is my conclusion; my profile, if you will. Tom Biscardi and Steve Kulls are the same person. They strive for the same result, have the same, self serving persona, and love to be the exact center of attention. They speak to their apostles out of self proclaimed expertise about creatures that are, as yet, unproven. These personalities turn out their friends and families in pursuit of glory and fame. They use the people around them for their own benefit or protection. An example of this is Biscardi's use of his wife, putting any and all assests in her name so that he loses nothing while taking from so many. Kulls himself has made detrimental sacrifices of family so that he would be free of responsibility and be able to drop everything to hunt a beast which most likely does not exist. The psychology behind these behaviors is what I look at. These are two deeply flawed individuals. Both share narcissistic tendencies. Both believe that they are serving the greater community with their "research" but there hasn't been a shred of actual, documented evidence in all of the years of this mystery. Both gentlemen, if they can be referred to as that, only want the glory that will be bestowed upon them should one of them actually prove the existence of such a creature. Both claim to have behavioral knowledge of such creatures which, from a scientific viewpoint, is impossible without actual, biological beings to observe. Kulls seems highly intelligent but is short changing himself in his professional and personal life, denying himself of the real rewards of humanity. Biscardi, also intelligent, has discredited himself over and over again, in the name of "research". What have either of these men actually proven? I have noticed that, on this forum, Biscardi has remained silent, allowing his followers to do his fighting for him while Kulls has spent hours defending himself against the onslaught. This is indicative of an uncontrolled obsession on Kulls part which eventually could be his undoing. This observation is evidence that Biscardi clearly does not worry about what is being said; he will simply move forward with his endeavors, unaffected by the gossip. Kulls, however, can not help himself. He must have the last word. This is such an interesting conflict for me professionally.
    On a bigfoot note, I have a question. It seems to me that the only actual evidence that anyone retrieves from their missions is casts of footprints. My issue is this, why only one footprint at a time? From a perspective of common sense, this does not add up. Casting one foot print from a set of alleged tracks proves only that there is a cast of a print that could well have been faked for dramatic effect. Why is it that there is only ever ONE print in the soft forest floor? No photographic evidence of a full set of tracks? I am very curious. Please don't take offense to this post. I've been following these men for years and finally found a forum to share my expertise.

  41. That was an exceptional account of the two personalities involved. Most eloquently stated and it is a home run on Kulls behavior past, present, and future.

  42. You know how I know the FBI guy is right? Because Biscardi has made money off the hoax by making a movie about it, and the only other person trying to cash in on it is Steve Kulls, 4 years after it happened. Steve is squeezing as much money as he can from a 4 year old stain we would all like to forget.
    Kulls, Are you listening?
    Do you see your flaws in any of these posts?

    I doubt it.

  43. LOL I am sure Steve Kulls will soon be promoting a radio show about this blog. I can hear it now, all full of commercials, and self promotion and soap box preaching.
    .....Q- up the radio show...

  44. Because Biscardi has made money off the hoax by making a movie about it, and the only other person trying to cash in on it is Steve Kulls, 4 years after it happened.

    Of course money was/is the main motivation here. Ask why Steve quit his job, used his last pay check and flew out? (to 'Bust' a possible hoax, to prove it real or whatnot? BS) He wanted to be part of history. Solely by being there, had it been proved real.

    "..The find of the Millennium, causing history books to be re-written.." Steves own words!

    i.e. Money.

    1. WoW! Steve so desperately wants to BE somebody.

  45. Steve Kulls is and always has been an opportunist. He would rather have you believe he is a Saint and a D0-gooder, But he is what most people are stating here on this blog. An opportunist who uses everything and everyone at his disposal to promote himself.

  46. Seriously? Really, Seriously?? This entire comment section for this blog is being saved to the MABRC website for our 2 million viewers a month to see. The information being discussed here should be read by everyone and they should take note of it. I consider myself friends with Steve Kulls, yet I do believe that he is wrong in continuing to dredge up the Georgia Bigfoot Hoax. (Sorry Steve, but I'm tired of hearing about it) Steve was advised by many in the Bigfoot Community, to walk away from it and not go to Indiana where the body would be transferred, it had already been exposed as a hoax by the community, the suit was found and displayed along with the so-called leaked pictures on every Bigfoot forum out there at the time. He would not listen to common sense, and already had the plane tickets and paycheck (yes, he was being paid to be there) from Biscardi to be there. Regardless of what happened there on the ground, Steve did not expose the hoax, it had already been exposed 5 weeks earlier by others. The shameless self-promotion is much the same manner as Biscardi, and the spin put on this has changed story-line wise more times than I care to admit. Steve disappeared for months from all bigfootery after this hoax, and when he came back, the things he said were not the same things that he told many on the phone during or immediately after the hoax incident. Damage control after many had forgot many of the details, and Steve began his ascent back up the ladder in the community. For him to regain that spot, he had to make himself look like the one that exposed the hoax, and he has many believing he did. I for one, do not believe he exposed it, he was a part of it.

    1. Really? NO DW you are wrong. You make assumptions that are false.

    2. And if that's the way you feel FINALLY your true colors have shone!

      You consider me a friend? Funny there are more poeple reputable than you that know my timeline hasn't changed.

      Sorry dude but I know why the way you are but thats okay.

    3. So let me get this straight Steve, Can you NOT have a friend who disagree's with you?
      Are you so ate up that you can only surround yourself with "YES" men?
      Only people who buy your tales and say " yes sir" all day long and tell you how great you are? Are you REALLY that shallow? insecure? Many here are painting you as such, and everytime you post a comment, it backs up what most are describing you as.
      You are ATE UP with being the center of attention, you are compelled to be right, even when you are WRONG.
      You have filled this arena with venom and garbage longer than most, first by saddling up next to Biscardi with your hand out, Then by dredging up this misery for a buck years after the fact. Most people were sick of this before it was even over in 2008, So thanks alot smart guy, for keeping it front and center while still fleecing the bigfoot believer flock. Shame on you.
      If I was DW, I would have been ashamed to admit you were a friend. Then have you come here and show why the other poster who claimed to be your friend in the past was smart to cut you loose.
      Don't you have a radio show to hawk somewhere? go sell some commercials for it? Dredge up some more stank from the past if you have a slow day?

    4. First off Steve, am I not allowed to post my views on something that should have died 4 years ago? Am I supposed to follow the Steve Kulls bandwagon? Do you not remember all the phone calls you and I had on this subject? I am not wrong, and I am not making assumptions. I did not hide behind any anonymous posting, I came out in the open and voiced my opinion, and you attack me for that? Geez dude, man up for what you did.

    5. Can't man up if he ain't a man.

  47. I was a close friend of Mr. Kulls for many a year in the 90's and early part of 2000's. I had to finally cut ties because his obsession with Sasquatch pushed him far enough as to destroy his young family. He made a dead beat move for a lame cause. His only loyalty is to himself. I only wonder if anyone else has been foolish enough to endear themselves to him, as he is incapable of being a friend or companion unless he can benefit from said friendship and so the relationship is doomed from the beginning.I am posting anonymously because I have a family and life to protect and it is clear that Mr. Kulls is not concerned about hurting others to get what he desires. As for his bigfoot expertise, he doesn't appear to have any more answers than anyone else but he is a good talker. He reminds me of one of those carnival barkers. This is all a shame because Steve was, at one time, a very respectable man; pillar of the community, but he has taken a very steep dive.

  48. Everyone should let Steve's book speak for itself. This is all just ridiculous drama over nothing. Everyone in the bigfoot community wants the same thing; to prove that something exists. Some do this more passionately than others. Biscardi has proven that he is not a respectable member of this community. Kulls seems to just want to do the right thing. This blog is out of control.

  49. ...or don't buy the book at all, It will still say the same thing sitting in a discount bin at foodmart.

  50. is 'passionately' a blanket excuse for 'abusive'? If you are saying Steve gets a pass for being Passionate, I would have to disagree.
    You call it Passionate, I call it abusive.

    Looks like the FBI guy doesn't subscribe to your Passionate view either.

    1. So you say, Everyone should let the book speak for itself??
      How about we let Kulls past behavior and abuses speak for itself,and to his present state of relations with others... and even to how he will probably act in the future.

  51. This book = Steve Kull's version of Biscardi's Anatomy of a Bigfoot Hoax DVD. And how many people were stupid enough to buy that one?

  52. Tom Biscardi already has an advance copy of this book and knows everything in it. He's already debunked all Kull's claims with ease and proved they are not true! If you want to see REAL Bigfoot research and evidence go to:

  53. Finally a voice of reason. Steve Kull's is over-filled with jealousy over Tom Biscardi's Legendary status!!

  54. Can anybody tell me what B-movie the FBI guy's script was from?

  55. Regardless of the camp you subscribe to, both of these men are self righteous, self serving, money hunters. There is no true research happening in either camp. There has been NO material evidence collected to prove the existence of bigfoot. This is just another cryptid; not at all a true science. All statements by either party are based on opinion and conjecture. How many cryptozoology books actually create a substantial profit? None, because those writing them are not credible scientists with any biological evidence to back anything up. The hoax here has happened and been done with. There is nothing to be gained by dredging up the past, especially being that it's been four years since it's occurence.

  56. Kulls and Biscardi are on the same bowling team. working together despite all the fluff.

  57. Didn't Biscardi already prove he wasn't involved with the Georgia hoax and Steve Kulls was the one who stuffed the body??

  58. Why all this venom over Steve and his book??? This all just sounds like a few are bitter against him because of their own inadequacies and lack of personal success. Impure motives expose impure motives, and the ones doing the finger-pointing here are probably just tying to overcompensate for their own mis-guided cravings to "bloviate" and dance for the spotlight. How much you want to bet that a few of you attacking Steve have been banned and kicked off websites for doing what you do best, stirring up *%$^storms for personal amuzement and the entertainment of the thoroughly jaded. Your the reason I'm growing sick of the hole bigfoot community... If Steve's wrong, time will tell. In the meantime, you guys who are trying to "expose" Steve are far worse..... This all such utter BS>>>>>>

    1. I couldn't agree more. It's all just poison in the well.

  59. ...sounds like you could be making that statement to Steve. His is the venom that keeps this subject regurgitated 4 years after the fact.
    Why don't you address your last statement like this:
    ... If Biscardi's wrong, time will tell. In the meantime, Steve, why are trying to "expose" Biscardi? You are far worse..... This all such utter BS>>>>>>
    So Try to be consistent in what you expect. If your statement can be said about Steve OR BIscardi, but you only use it to address one, Then you are a hypocrite. Or probably Kulls responding.

    1. It's poison on both sides. This argument will never end. It will simply go round and round. It's an unfortunate fact. The insecurities displayed here are proof that this will never die. Some people will never grow up and move on.

  60. Just let it go, stop giving these ass hats attention.

  61. Well I see both of you had to jump neck deep in it too. So Asshat, meet the guy who will never grow up. LOL

  62. I have an honest question for Steve, what two groups was it that knew you were undercover, and who in that organization can vouch for your undercover statement.

  63. He won't answer you, he took his ball and went to play in another sandbox. Preferably a sandbox with followers who don't know his motives. Or a sandbox where nobody can pin him down with questions that he should man up and answer rather than blaming everyone and the kitchen sink for being a troll.
    Guess he can ask the tough question for others on his radio show because he does he say?.... Moxie! But only when it comes to asking questions, not answering questions.

  64. One of Steve Kulls post above stated that he left the Biscardi group when he caught Biscardi in a business lie.

    Are you kidding me??? You make a statement like that?
    All the while you were working for Biscardi and posting articles about how Biscardi was misunderstood and really not so bad, He was milking people...poor people at that...of their hard earned money in his hoaxes and scams. This behavior from Biscardi never even warrented a raised eyebrow from you Steve! On the other hand it didn't phase you in the least, because your praise of Biscardi continued up until the georgia hoax fiasco.
    Reading through these posts and seeing your attempt at spin for your answers makes you look like a bumbling idiot. Karma will roll back around and Clock you for the people you quietly sat back and allowed to be abused by your employer with Nary a word said by you.
    Until of course YOU felt wronged and turned on or spoken against...then you RELEASE the hounds. But what about the fans you should have went to bat for????/ Your a scumbag Looser!

  65. ... I meant to say Scumbag Loser!!!

  66. ...look at the effort Kulls put's into it when he feels like he was done wrong. Blasting Biscardi left and right, penning a tell all expose' boof 4 years of plotting his revenge. But he turned his head away and pretended not to see while others were abused when he was a part of the Biscardi crew.
    Oh he saw alright, But he could not say anything against his employer ( Biscardi)

  67. I'm sorry, but who is the real troll here???? Time will tell if Steve is wrong. He probably has made some major mistakes -- but who hasn't? Why are you so bent on throwing a hissy fit here??? You act as if you have a clean plate and that you are Steve's personal judge and jury. Who are you, the morality cop of bigfootery? Geeze, get off your high horse buddy and give it a rest! No, you probably can't pass up this opportunity to take cheap shots at your former friend from the dark. (With friends like you who needs enemies). What's the matter? Have you been banned and kicked off so many Bigfoot sites that this is the only one who will let you post anonymously? Me thinks so..... I wonder how many others you have turned on and betrayed? Me thinks the list would be too long to post here..... pride goes before the fall O high-minded one.... I bow before your self-perceived position of superiority! Me thinks you have a much higher opinion of yourself than you ought and it sickens me. If you were smart, you would take heed to yourself and stop all this limp-wristed slap-flailing and focus on adjusting your own arrogant mindset. Methinks you are self-deluded and misguided and of no benefit at all to this subject in your current condition. Back to the basics oh superior one!!!

    1. MoM! is that you? I really AM sick at home in bed today!!!

  68. .....good try bub, but you are no FBI profiler. Not even close on any points.

  69. So you would have us all believe...

  70. 2 days later and still no answer Steve. I have an honest question for Steve, what two groups was it that knew you were undercover, and who in that organization can vouch for your undercover statement. You have made that statement, so now I ask who?

  71. You do know that the poster at 7:11 was Steve himself right?
    He has been the only one on the whole blog calling others TROLLs.

    Steve, Get this through your cranium, The top of this blog states,
    "Encouraging readers to draw their own conclusions from the evidence and arguments."

    So that is what people are doing. Thiis isn't your radio show or you facebook page or the BFF where you can selectively weed out the people with opinions about you and what you have done, and continue to do.
    This blog also gives people the option of commenting as anonymous, So yank your panties out of your crack, because since that is you at 7:11, you are using the anonymous function too. I wonder how many other anonymous posts belong to you.

    1. I have noticed too, that Steve DID read the Fbi profilers evaluation of Steve and he took it to heart.
      He has not come back and identified himself as Steve in his rebuttals, but his personality will not allow him to NOT respond.
      That is why you have several anonymous posts defending steve in a manner that can only be Steve. Hey Steve! Your a Troll on your own blog.

  72. This entire comment section for this blog is being saved to the MABRC website for our 2 million viewers a month to see.

    You forum below which has been up a number of years, only shows a hit counter of 3,141,777

    1. That's really rich Steve, but that is the forums, not the website. Geez, no wonder you suck at being a detective.

  73. That is good, it should be posted everywhere people only get bombarded by Kulls yarns about himself.


  74. My apologies to Steve. I see that my earlier posts are now being attributed to you. I know that Steve can certainly defend himself, but it urks me to no end when people take it upon themselves to hurl judgments at others without recognizing the unabashed arrogance within themselves. Straightforward questions from honest people who readily identify themselves are perfectly acceptable here as far as I am concerned-[Kudos to the owner of the MABRC site]. It's the high-minded skull-thumping of self-appointed anonymous sycophants that bug the S%*# out of me. Why do I use an anonymous tag? Because what's good for the goose is good for the gander. How's it feel Mr. Anonymous to be called to task by another anonymous? How does it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? But since I'm sure you will continue to insist that this is Steve I will conclude my comments now. And Steve, If you're still reading these posts maybe you can respond and the webmaster can compare our IPs (privately) to prove that I'm someone else? Mr. Anonymous cheap-shot taker probably wouldn't believe it anyway, but it might help to settle this matter once and for all.

    Steve, my apologies again for feeding the troll......

  75. erm!! it's tough BTW reading these posts also, so nope it ain't 'that good' unless you know what your talking about. ;)

  76. Regardless of what you post as anonymous Steve, answer the question posed to you, because failure to do so is showing very badly on you. What two groups was it that knew you were undercover, and who in that organization can vouch for your undercover statement. You have made that statement, so now I ask who?

  77. Funny how 'facts' get lost with time. The Georgia Boys Hoax was originally exposed on the old (now dead/revamped) Bigfoot Discussions forum. When it was, one (both?) of the jokers even registerd and posted there about it. People can take all the credit and rewrite history all they want, but it doesn't change anything.

  78. I will say it again, I am not Steve. Either Steve is totally ignoring this last batch of posts or he's moved on to more productive things, [and who would blame him????]. I'm about to do the same thing...... this is going nowhere.....

  79. This question was asked 6 days ago of Steve, looks like the Squatchdetective won't answer it, giving many the impression that he can't answer it because it was a fraud comment made by him. I will ask again, Steve, what two groups knew you were undercover that entire time and who in those groups would be willing to substantiate your claims? You want the truth to be know, then back it up.

  80. Hey DW dude, Steve Only ASks the questions, Him gets flustered when he is asked to answer one.
    But Him IS the anonymous. ha

  81. Or he answers a question with another question hoping to change the subject altogether!

  82. Listen, Kulls has a long history of treating people badly both in his private life and publicly then blaming others for his faults and misgivings. He is the master of excuses and is an exceptional speaker who believes his own lies are true. His book is sure to be entertaining at best but truthful? Not likely. It looks like most of the readers here can see through the smoke and mirrors.

  83. 'Randy Harrington'
    I know a guy Steve just called and asked if he would read his book and give a testimonial or a critique of it. The guy wasn't interested, and said That Kull's phone call sounded contrived and phoney.
    The gentleman said that Steve had not called or talked to him in over 2 years. Never called to say 'Hi' or 'what's up' or ' How ya been' . Now he calls because he NEEDS something from the gentleman to help him sell book's.... I said to this gentleman... Are you surprised?
    Steve also called me asking about some of the anonymous post's here and asked if I thought it was an aquaintance of Mine. I said I did not know.
    I had not talked to Steve for a couple years either. No calls to shoot the breeze or touch base as friends would do, Just a cold call after 2 years wanting me to help him figure out who an anonymous poster was. So I know Steve is not interested in nurturing any kind of friendship unless it has something attached for him to use for himself.

  84. Well, Kulls' book was supposed to be released today but, so far, there has been no big announcement after all of his hype. Interesting!

  85. Can't imagine he would pass up an opportunity to talk about his favorite person, HIMSELF!

  86. The book has been cancelled... sorry fellas!

  87. Yes, it's been learned Mr. Kulls and Tom Biscardi couldn't decide on how they were going to split up the profit. What a letdown!

  88. WHAT! deprive the masses of a literary Masterpiece? LOL

  89. It hasn't been cancelled. I asked Steve directly and here is what he said:

    "Yes it is Jessica, we're reassessing a new release date, will have a date by Monday next week."

  90. Whatever, Tom Biscardi runs the Bigfoot world

  91. Great!, Now we will have to see and listen to all the fluff and puffery of Kulls talking about all his accomplishments, on his website, now to include world reknown and best seller Author.

    gag me!

  92. Not likely. Has there ever been published a best-selling book about Bigfoot? No. Because the subject is unorthodox. No doubt there will still be "puffery" because Kulls is all dramatic effect to capture attention but he is one of the most phony Bigfoot researchers that I have ever followed. By the way, March 5th is the new release date for his book, if anyone is really still interested. My opinion is that these researchers should stick to their own work and not try to analyze photos from other sources. Now, Melissa Hovey has released a photo given to her. Dismiss it and move on. Prove your own findings, if you have any and stop feeding into the masses. If you want to be taken seriously, which will be tough in this field regardless, stop the carnival barking and self promotion and claims of authentic photos from anonymous tips and get out there with your own "boots to the ground" to quote Kulls. Kulls should practice that which he preaches. My guess is he prefers to have others do the legwork for him. He appears to be the type of person who would rather make an attempt at making money while sitting on his padded behind and let others filter info to him. He will not succeed. He will continue to be called out on his indiscretions. He will use information from past experiences rather than bring new information to the table. It is unfortunate that he has climbed back into the community in this manner. Dazzle us with something new, Kulls! Prove that you deserve notoriety!

  93. Kulls is the self promotors self promotor, you WILL see author on his website now, among all the other self promoting blather.

  94. Kulls might as well put a banner on his website saying "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT WHAT I HAVE DONE IN MY LIFE FOR YOU LOWLY SHEEP!!!!!" " LOOK AT HOW IMPORTANT I HAVE BECOME" " LOOK AT WHAT ME! ME! ME! ME! HAS DONE!!!

  95. Here is a link to Kulls most self glorifying page. Read it and see how self centered and full of self importance Kulls has become. All for fame and Money. So don't forget he is available for speaking engagements$$$$$$$$

  96. Do you guys realize that now Tom Biscardi is coming out with his own book about the Georgia hoax? He wants to bury Steve while cashing in. This stuff is better than daytime television. Source:

  97. Still watching for it on the New york BEST SELLERS far not even a ripple. LOL

  98. Looking great work dear, I really appreciated to you on this quality work.


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