Return of the Fouke Monster

From World Bigfoot Radio on youtube - Return of the Fouke Monster and guest William Lunsford to talk about bigfoot teeth.


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  2. Thank you for being here Bigfoot evidence during these trying times. I must admit this has got me by the past month of not being able to get out to the pub and hang around my mates drinking pints. They don't really care about bigfoot and often rib me for it but that is mostly social which I dearly miss and that is why I have needed a site like this with it's many valuable postings of bigfoot stories that have kept my mind occupied from going barmy


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    1. Yeah, but 3 out of every 5 men are gay.
      And hey, that’s okay the he world needs more super cool haircut, tea drinking blokes that know how to make blood pudding and bangers.

  6. Has anyone seen my teeth?!? BLIMEY!!!!!


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