Northern California Bigfoot Hotspots

Check out this article on the most well-known spots for bigfoot in Northern California.

Second to Washington state, California has the most reported Bigfoot sightings in the U.S. This legendary creature, thought to be a cross between a giant human and ape that lives among the forest wilderness, has had reported sightings all over the world. If you’re in Northern California, there are a few places that are among the most popular for the Bigfoot creature.

Yosemite National Park

Yosemite is already believed to be one of the most haunted national parks. Among many of its urban legends, Yosemite is believed to be the very first home of Bigfoot. The sightings reported here tend to be more of the frightening nature. One such encounter happened when a camper was woken up while sleeping in his tent in the park. He ran out of his tent screaming, in hopes that it would scare off whatever wandered into his camp. The camper was instead met by Bigfoot who let out an even more malicious scream than the camper, before running off.

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  1. Bob Gimlin is either lying through his teeth or sasquatches actually exist. That's all there is to it.

    Gimlin has told his story periodically through the years and has never wavered. If he is lying and has been for decades, he is exceedingly good at lying. The far more likely scenario is that he is telling the truth.

    Even if you are a skeptic, you have to admit that, if that was a hoax done via a costume, it was an exceedingly well done costume. What is the likelihood of Patterson being able to create such a well done costume (with little to no budget) so much so that over 50 years later a number of scientists who have studied it have concluded that it is far more likely to be an actual animal rather than a man in a costume.

    I have to go with Jane Goodall's argument when she said that she has personally talked with so many credible eyewitnesses over the years that she believes that bigfoot has to exist. There are simply too many credible people who have seen this animal for them to all be lying or misidentifying some other animal. I also agree with Jane Goodall when she said that she can't explain why there is no proof yet for science. I think that it has to do with the fact that this animal is incredibly rare, is likely the most intelligent primate after man, and is extremely shy. When it is seen, it is almost always seen in situations where it was surprised. In many cases where humans have reported interacting with it, the animal is not even seen but only heard as it seems to want to drive people out of the area in what appears to be a territorial display.

    Unfortunately, there has been so much BS associated with bigfoot, especially since the rise of the internet, that the BS has given credible interest and research into the subject a black eye.

    I am hopeful that some hard evidence/ proof will come within the next few years as more amateur researchers gain access to high tech surveillance gear that is becoming increasingly more affordable. The most likely scenario for the final proof of their existence is that one of them will be hit by a car some day as the animal attempts to cross a road. Road crossings are by far the most frequent situation in which the animal is sighted.

    1. ^ knows all about ho`spots...`specially the gay ones.

    2. Gimlin is such a LIAR! His body language shows It, he's clueless about Bigfoot, has ZERO evidence besides fake Patty, and Patterson had a signed pic of Patty you can buy called "Man in a suit".....To think for one second men on horses are going to surprise a Bigfoot, and get one walking off is so ridiculous! If Patty was real, there would be THOUSANDS of vids just like her since 1967, and there isn't ONE!! Bigfoot is 100% real, but Patty is not a real creature, and those who think she is, have never researched Bigfoot, that is a fact!

    3. If you're going to dispute what I said, then POST YOUR BIGFOOT PROOF! PROVE ME WRONG!

    4. Stop the presses, Bruce has spoken ! So no vids like Patty but hundreds of pics of fairy tale tree creatures and pokeman on the local footpath taken by........the one and only Bruce. Oh Bruce, you really need help mate. if these imaginary tree creatures did exist as you claim there'd be hundreds of photos out there taken by many people walking along the same footpath but guess what? the only pics of these fantasy creatures were taken by you and you alone. If they exist show me another photographer who has also taken them - PROVE ME WRONG BOYO !


    5. @ DS: Where can I buy this "Man in the Suit" signed pic?

    6. the signed pic doesn't exist, just like the imaginary creatures Bruce claims to film along the footpath . He's clearly mad as a hatter and suffers from grand delusion. I would not be surprised if he's been in a mental lockup all this time and they are letting him on the net every so often like they would give a lad who behaves a sno cone. Anyways don't believe a word he says, it's all utter rubbish


    7. Iit sounds like DS is talking BS.


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