Large Animal Mocks Multiple Animals

Can bigfoot imitate other animals they hear? According to this report, it sure seems like a possibility.

So far we've heard an owl, a dog, a cat's meow, a monkey, and a weird howl. I call them the peanut gallery because they seem to be doing this almost comedicaly. Also, I have noticed that my cats and dogs don't like going into the woods behind the house during the fall and winter months. (even thoug we can't get them inside all summer!) also, when I'm out in the woods in the winter, I just can't shake the feeling like I'm being watched. (this has only been experienced with odors once. today in fact.) it's like my productivity levels drop because I am constantly looking over my shoulders for something I can't see but know is there.)

For the full report, click here. 


  1. I'm watching Expedition Bigfoot now. It seems like fake boloney, maybe a few steps above Mountain Monsters.

    1. Yeah, why would there be a children's cemetery in the remote wilderness, out in the boonies in the middle of supposedly nowhere? Either the area is not that remote, or the cemetary was staged.

    2. if you buffoons had any knowledge in your pea brains you would have learned something by watching the show. it might seem like a remote area but it many moons ago it was settled by people during the gold rush and also the indian wars took place near that area. if you clowns had any common sense you'd do some research instead of running your gobs like bloody muppets.
      Like the travel channel goes to great lengths to stage a cemetary in the middle of nowhere for a bigfoot show- total bollocks !
      now carry on with your lunacy lads


    3. Ha ha ha - the show (as predicted) proved absolutely nothing but it was fun listening to the expedition members almost begging to continue the show for another season. Their motto should be: "I'm not saying it was a Bigfoot....but it was a Bigfoot.

      Joe - the travel channel could go to great lengths to locate their production in an area with a cemetery, caves, abandoned homesteads or and anything else to make episodes more suspenseful. Remember - it's all about entertainment not science.

    4. So it's not about science yet they had two of the world's leading primatologists on there and both agreed the thermal was of a great ape . Egg on your face mate


    5. Primatologist x 2 = meltdown ÷ TV series - pride = daily tantrum x focussed on Iktomi because you mouthed off = get over it

      You lose PS!

    6. Eh PS! I’ll be giving my review of the series before long. You’d better be around for that.

    7. Just finished watching the final episode. Am i disappointed they didn't find a bigfoot body ? not at all, wasn't planning that they would but what they did find was oodles of evidence that just further supports the cold hard fact that bigfoot is a real creature . Now i am hoping they do a follow up series and focus on the areas they found that can be game changers like the mine shaft . if they can put a camera on the entrance who knows what delicious evidence they can come up with ! i'm hopeful that they do go back . Let's hear it for another season of expedition bigfoot ! hip hip horay !


    8. Staged TV show - Common Sense + Gullibility = Joetomi

    9. So, a toxic tunnel that would be small for humans is big enough for an 8 foot tall 800 pound sasquatch? And somehow the toxic air doesn't affect a sasquatch?

    10. Are you actually suggesting using common sense in discussing Bigfoot Anon: 6:20? We can't have any of that here.

    11. Common sense would tell you if Patty was real, there would be THOUSANDS of video's just like it, and there aren't any!

    12. Nothing like a nice thread of sockpuppeting to reveal how confident PS is about his arguments. There’s a version of Patty on in the Leaping Russian Yeti footage. Go take another looksy. How many pieces of footage if the Billie Ape was there before it was classified?

      (Drum roll... )

    13. Well they had an actual skull before so.................

    14. Plenty of archaic skulls in the US boyo, try again.

    15. Listen Rum, you actually believe that an 8 foot 800 pound sasquatch could fit in that tiny tunnel? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.........You are just the type of gullible rube that the producers of shows like Expedition Bigfoot love to have as viewers.

    16. Easy up PS. I do believe that I’ve not even been asked my opinion there, and Bigfoot aren’t born 8 foot tall and 8 hundred pounds.

      “AnonymousMonday, December 9, 2019 at 6:59:00 PM PST
      In any case Joetomi you know have a expedition armed with the latest gadgetry, with a prolonged stay in the field in a Bigfoot hotspot with a professional Primatologist and other experts hunting it.”

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. Not looking to start a war or offend anyone here but you guys may be interested in what they have to say about the Expedition Bigfoot show over at the The Bigfoot forums. I found it interesting.

    19. Who is this Iktomi character that believes Patty and the jumping monkey are real Bigfoot? Every researcher would have the same proof, and they don't! Some people are so gullible, and want to believe so bad, they think Patterson and those Russians got lucky, WOW! There would be footage all over the world, not TWO!

    20. Every time a researcher brings footage you rhetorically cry “hoax”, PS. Here we go, a little reminder;

      Stop watching repeats of Expedition Bigfoot and go learn something.

    21. Im not PS, and i dont watch tv, no idea what "Expedition Bigfoot even is??".....what is a hoax is what you think Bigfoot is, and people you think have real Bigfoot footage...Bigfoot is real, but not what you claim is real. For example, above you mentioned 2 Primatologists, so funny, like they have any clue whatsoever about Bigfoot! If you yourself researched, you'd know they aren't visible on thermal.

    22. The problem with bigfoot is that we can't find them or prove that they exist.


    23. Oh Jesus... looks like the character that see’s Bigfoot in tree bark is back.

  2. "Plenty of archaic skulls in the US boyo".

    Wonderful! Please list those museums in the US that have a skull labeled "Bigfoot".

    "In any case Joetomi you know have a expedition armed with the latest gadgetry, with a prolonged stay in the field in a Bigfoot hotspot with a professional Primatologist and other experts hunting it.”

    Exactly! This is what you have been crying for all these years to prove the existence of Bigfoot and this is what you got! What a pity they proved absolutely nothing.....except even primatologists will follow the script for money.

    1. So then no credible scientist can be trusted because they all follow the script for money ? My god man ! are you the dumbest cluck in the henhouse ! i have seen used tires laying by the side of the road that have more common sense that you do PS. Once you get over your intense monthly meltdown you may want to go outside and get some fresh air, it might clear your head from the nonsense you spout


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. May I remind you from just the other day, PS, that you would have a hard job seeing these in any museum since not only have these skulls been repatriated, but modern anthropology is a little slow in linking these skulls to the three databases of reports of very large archaic humans in the US. Luckily we have references such as this to go by;

      And you miss my point, PS. The quote that I used was directly from your sausage fingers. You have touted this TV show as having the latest tech, the best credentials, in a known hotspot, yet when all those things appear to have been delivered on you then rather typically reach for a psychological safespace. Like DNA, like peer review, like footage, like EVERYTHING you have rhetorically demanded over the last few years, you get given time and time again that makes you look stupid. Thank god for you that you have sockpuppeting to maintain your psychological safespace so as to not have the stink of failure follow you around like a bad smell. I shudder to think what repercussions people in the real world might have from you if the Internet wasn’t such an important outlet for psycho nerds to vent their Dark Tetrad.

    4. Anthropologists are a little slow catching up to iktomi's proof that archaic skulls are Bigfoot skulls, LOL! Where's the rest of rhe bones?? Where's documented Bigfoot hair? If you ever left the couch, and researched, maybe you wouldn't be so gullible.

    5. Iktomi, why arent you out researching trying to PROVE Bigfoot, instead wasting your life away on this blog with PS? What are you accomplishing? Im sure you'll avoid answering.

    6. HaHA, PS is tops in sockpuppetry and role playing this game he just can't keep away from ! Why ask Iktomi when your own failure as a researcher made you go off the deep end ? Stop projecting your very own failings on others mate. Take up a new hobby like knitting or gardening. go get some fresh air before your knickers get tied up into more gordian knots


    7. Oh dear, looks like “DS”, who see’s gouls & goblins in tree bark is back. And by leaving the couch, you mean getting “out there” and exploring on my local public foot path, correct? I seem to remember one of your videos where you claimed that by the end, you were seeing gouls and goblins behind every bush, and I’m gullible?

      The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) -
      The Act requires federal agencies and institutions that receive federal funding[1] to return Native American "cultural items" to lineal descendants and culturally affiliated Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. Cultural items include human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. A program of federal grants assists in the repatriation process and the Secretary of the Interior may assess civil penalties on museums that fail to comply.

      There’s the rest of the bones. It is illegal to have these in storage or on display. And if you like I can provide you with journals and photographs of 7-8 foot skeletons.

      Can I ask, what have you accomplished, DS? I at least don’t make any claims to be the “#1 Bigfoot Researcher on the planet.” Can you show me your latest claim to evidence? I could do with a good laugh.

    8. Last we heard of DS he had a grand meltdown at his local postal office and then he just retired from searching for tree bark creatures . Wonder if this means he just got out of the nut house ? are we in store for some wonderful tree elves in 2020 from DS ?


    9. You avoided the question, LOL, because you've never left the couch, AND, what's it been 3-4 years since i challenged you to replicate ANY of my evidence on your local paths, talk about SERIOUS EPIC FAILURE! I deleted all my evidence, and i've accomplushed more than anyone else, proved what we're dealing with, proved who the hoaxers are, proved you NEVER took me up on my challenge of proving me wrong, proved Patty is FAKE, proved 98% of researchers fake, proved you're a troll with fake accounts, proved you've done absolutely nothing but mislead people. I'd kove to know why you cant take one pic and make me look stupid...lazy, lying troll is what you are. If you had any clue, you be blasting Meldrum, Standing, and so many Charlatans, but since you dont research, you have no idea what we're dealing with, TAKE ONE PIC OF A TREE OR A BUSH THAT LOOKS LIKE A DOGMAN OR A MONKEY!! YOU CANT DO IT!

      There are several 7- 8 foot humans, i guess when they die, their bones are Bigfoot right? If there were Bigfoot bones, or hair, the world would know about it, and there aren't!

    10. Hey DS ! Find any good wood fairy pokemon creatures lately ? or are you looking for a new local path to check out ? i'll admit that even though you were full of bosh you were amusing so carry on with the ridiculous attempt at fooling no one


    11. DS, to the best of my knowledge there are no Bigfoot in the UK. I could climb to the highest peak and walk into the deepest wood, and you wouldn’t know it because you have no information about me. As much as you’ve tried.

      Your only accomplishment is to impose your nonsense on sane people who take pity on your tree bark. If your evidence is so profound, why delete it? You asked me to replicate your “evidence”, but you can’t replicate pareidolia. No one tree is the same on the planet. No shrub is. Not even you can replicate your own images, how can you expect anyone else to?

      You have never proved Patty is fake. Not even the most qualified in fields such as wildlife biology, anthropology, primatology or SFX have ever managed that. You haven’t managed to prove anyone here has fake accounts. You have however managed to run around smearing me like some sort of deranged mad man, to people who couldn’t even care who I am, or who have ever heard of me for that matter, so I’ll congratulate you on that.

      There are 7-8 foot tall humans on the planet, yes. But they’re not at the frequency of which science journals documented, and they certainly aren’t going to be placed in early woodland mounds when they die, by cultures who have always had “Bigfoot” at their cultural core.

      But I’d love to see your latest finds DS. What have you got Sporto?


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