Bigfoot Turns Dream Home Into Nightmare

Check out this bigfoot encounter story where a dream home was ruined by bigfoot activity. I wonder if the realtor disclosed that info.


  1. What a truly scary story ! These stories give me goosebumps and raise the hair on my arms !


    1. such a pity, such a crying shame. But you are still free to prance around in your blevins onesie with topstone mask if you please. Good luck boyo !



      You only had to ask.

    3. Wow - they actual got a picture of her before she turned her hair clear and cloaked herself. Amazing!

    4. Good god man, anyone would think you’re upset about something.

    5. Not upset just curious. It was you who said:

      "Hair follicle evidence has shown that sasquatches are able to cloak. That makes them paranormal. Sykes has demonstrated that the hairs have the ability to turn clear and appear invisible."

      I simply thought since you know all about Sasquatches you could explain to us all in detail your evidence for it.

    6. The fact is bigfoots don't exist. If they did there would be a body. Or a clear photo. Or they would be acknowledged by science, zoology etc. Or, or, or, or..... Nothing. Just folklore and a small handful of "experts." Now, after 10 years of Joetomi still hanging on and waiting, he's now claiming they can cloak. What's next?

    7. got topstone mask with robot monster baggy ape suit ?
      Bigfoot exists unless you can prove it was you running around in the woods for the past century or so with the so called topstone mask on. Thousands of reported sightings and countless more unreported ones says so unless you care to shed some light as to what everyone is seeing and you'd have to be daft if you say they were all bears !
      drops the mic !


    8. There are three generations of scientists who have documented 7-8 foot tall human skeletons in the US. I seem to remember your last complete melt down was after you were shown the skeleton of an 8 foot tall Steelville skeleton from 1933;

      Science is not some free thinking entity that acknowledges things, it’s a tool. And whilst it had been applied to testing the physical evidence that yield average weight and height ratios, then you’ll be reminded of the simple fact that there will not be a body until there is a concerted and well resources effort to do so. Because we know from the most primitive of hominids that they can hide their remains pretty bloody well.

      Quotation marks don’t debunk consistent scientific method.

      Got monkey suit?

    9. Wow! Where is this skeleton on display? I would love to see it in person. Have any present day Anthropologists examined it?

      You know have a concerted and well resourced expedition on TV right now searching in a Bigfoot "hotspot". You got our your wish. They should come up with some irrefutable evidence - right?

      Now please tell us the scientific method for the statement that Bigfoot can cloak themselves by turning their hair clear. We're all ears. One would almost think you are dodging the subject but surely that can't be the case since you know all about them.

    10. “The Act requires federal agencies and institutions that receive federal funding to return Native American "cultural items" to lineal descendants and culturally affiliated Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian organizations. Cultural items include human remains, funerary objects, sacred objects, and objects of cultural patrimony. A program of federal grants assists in the repatriation process and the Secretary of the Interior may assess civil penalties on museums that fail to comply.”

      You CAN however read all about their excavations, let me know if you need reminding on them. I know your memory’s a little shady with old age.

      Argh great. So what is the expertise of these people? How long are they out in the bush? Reality TV is a wonderful thing when you can’t pick up a book.

      You know, when you’ve finally got around to stopping your tantrum about believing in paranormal Bigfoot, when you least expect it... I’m going to remind you all over again and get you to whine for another 48 hours. And it’ll be easy.

    11. So what your saying is all we have is an old picture of it and the opinions of people back in 1933? So no one can see or examine it now? Gee - what a pity.

      Well one of them is a world renown Primatologist so I think that fits the credentials you are always asking for. They say they are there for 3 weeks in a Bigfoot "hotspot" so that should give them plenty of time to gather evidence. I'm waiting with baited breath to see what they come up with - LOL.

      Tantrum? You were the one who said:

      "Hair follicle evidence has shown that sasquatches are able to cloak. That makes them paranormal. Sykes has demonstrated that the hairs have the ability to turn clear and appear invisible."

      I merely want you to explain how it's done. Pretty please?

    12. No Kathy Newman... what I’m saying is that’s one example of a 7-8 human skeleton being photographed. And you can’t go to a museum to see them because by US law they have to be repatriated to native American tribes. But you can be reminded of more photos and details of excavations if you like.

      Oh fantastic. And who is this world renown Primatologist? You do know his/her name right? Three weeks would probably be enough to someone who isn’t aware of the effort being tracking pronates, but considering some primatologists only manage fleeting glimpses of primates in the wild for months in the bush, let’s hope they can get some tracks or maybe even some hair eh? Another primatologist getting involved and asking questions is good!

      I suppose there is a chance Bigfoot could use pareidolia. Pareidolia is a fantastic way of getting someone else to see what isn’t actually there. Ya dig Rum?

    13. PS just got schooled by Iktomi for the millionth time I believe !
      or it is the rumforlife fella ? well whoever it was Iktomi surely put him in his place yet he keeps coming back for more like a punch drunk fighter. Ring the bell ref- TKO ! You are done mate. Pick up your slobber off the ring mat and go on your merry way, don't you know when you've lost ?
      guess not. he'll be back for more lumpings soon


    14. Yes, Joetomi you are right. Old photos are irrefutable evidence. Would you happen to know the name of the tribe they were repatriated to? Surely there are records of that.

      Here's the team. You can judge for yourself:

      Yes, as I said in another comment section there's nothing paranormal about it - pareidolia would certainly explain why people think think they are seeing a Bigfoot and it suddenly disappears. It wasn't there to begin with because they don't exist. That makes a lot more sense than:

      "Hair follicle evidence has shown that sasquatches are able to cloak. That makes them paranormal. Sykes has demonstrated that the hairs have the ability to turn clear and appear invisible."

      Oh look Joe - I'm back for more "lumpings". Since you profess not to be Joetomi's sock puppet, maybe you could explain this to me:

      "Hair follicle evidence has shown that sasquatches are able to cloak. That makes them paranormal. Sykes has demonstrated that the hairs have the ability to turn clear and appear invisible."

    15. My father and I had an encounter. I know what I saw and what I saw was 100% organic. This rubbish you guys are arguing over about these creatures being paranormal and turning invisible is ridiculous.

    16. What’s irrefutable are decades of archeological excavations backed up by photographic evidence of the same in the early to mid-20th century. That’s what is irrefutable. If you look online I’m sure you can find all sorts of tribes where these bones have been repatriated over the years.

      I’m sorry, you appear to have provided me with a TV schedule. I was asking for the details of world renown primatologist you were touting.

      Pareidolia is defined as seeing shapes in inanimate objects. It doesn’t find you your magic monkey suit. It doesn’t explain basic eyewitness testimony, let alone by the tens of thousands, and it certainly doesn’t begin to explain the physical evidence that yields repeatable traits across many different examples. I didn’t expect you to know that since you hold the “Laurels” Bigfoot photo as the greatest thing you’ve ever seen.

    17. Anyway Rummy Bear. You take care now until tomorrow. I’m off to bed. Don’t turn your back on the good old pareidolia now. It appeared to build you some positive bridges for you at a time when you were getting to know about the subject;

      ed nolanSeptember 15, 2012 at 10:26 PM
      Those "trees" have some pretty wild bark formations where you live Joe.My trees never show these faces in photos,but then again they are city trees.Great job

      Edward NolanMay 21, 2013 at 8:26 PM
      That is a real pink one,the reason you get so many great face shots is because they are so curious,the have to expose thier faces to see what you're doing.Always fantastic to see the actual face of a bigfoot and you sir are the truemaster in this endeavor.

    18. Again not me and are you saying the laurels picture isn't a sasquatch, mouth open and closed I might add. Don't preach and then throw away great evidence. There are very few good clear sasquatch photos and laurels is one of them, also see his black nosed bigfoot and a picture he took of a face in his own backyard. Come on, what the hell is it?

    19. Sasquatch, that's what it is. You know as much as it might piss you off there are actually very few clear photos of sasquatch. Now I've pointed out some real gems, actual sasquatch. Even DS has produced actual Sasquatch. I know some of the researchers seem crazy but they're actually running around the woods photographing giant monsters. That's what's crazy.

  2. Mmmmmmm - the link I provided clearly states the backgrounds of those involved. Since your such an authority on Bigfoot a little search engine work shouldn't be beyond your capability. Here's a hint - her name is Dr. Mireya Mayor.

    Sorry, if you really want to convince than the only irrefutable evidence is the bones themselves not old pictures or stories. Guess they missed a great opportunity to prove their case eh? What a pity.

    Don't know nothing about this "Laurels" photo (will have to look it up) but I guess pareidolia can't explain your cloaking statement either.

    1. Great to have Mayor aboard! And here’s a quick paste before bed. Just jog your memory from October;
      The 7 ft skeleton from Serpent Mound;

      7 feet 2 inch skeleton during the complete excavation of the Cresap Mound;

      An over 7-foot skeleton found on Catalina Island;

      Given the sheer weight of publications from sources such as the Smithsonian and Scientific American in the 1800’s, these photos are pretty much as much proof as you need that such publications were factual. Which nobody with common sense really needed given how many waves of archaeologists documented them. You’d need an archeological and academic hoaxing conspiracy never before seen, spanning three generations, not to mention what I’ve sourced you in the links by easily traceable excavations being referenced. In the following links you’ll find more about giant skulls as well;

    2. Lot's of pictures of skeletons of reputed tall people but I'm not sure of the correlation with Bigfoot and cloaking. Are you saying these are skeletons of Bigfoot? Say - your not one of those Nephilim nuts are you? They're even crazier than those who think Bigfoot can cloak.

    3. Looks like the team may have hit pay dirt ! Great news ! Now all the skeptics who were putting down Mayor and comparing her to the topstone mask may have to eat crow soon !
      Oh i just can't wait til these wankers have egg on their faces !
      Soon lads, very soon !


    4. Read it and weep



    5. Oh dear!

      "And when we were in the field, we were able to capture something on video that fits this description," she told Live Science.
      "Very big and moving in an apelike – if not bipedal – fashion.
      "That, to me, is probably the most compelling piece of evidence that I've seen so far."
      Mayor shared the footage with another primatologist, and she says he was impressed.
      "When he saw the footage, he was completely blow away," Mayor said.
      "[He] agreed with me that something apelike was far from its home."

      Now tell me Rum... since Mayor is a world renown primatologist, are you prepared to accept her opinion after bigging her up so much?

    6. And what I’m saying Rummo, is in a county where there are three databases of modern eyewitness reports of 7-8 foot hairy humans... and enough physical evidence that the average height & weight ratios of those hairy humans points to 7-8 feet tall... then three generations of scientists excavating 7-8 feet tall humans is in no way shape or from a bad thing. Ya dig?

    7. Oh my, this is getting ever so delicious .
      The end game is near Mr Rum/PS/etc. Almost time for check mate. Shouldn't have bragged so much about your queen that you left your kind wide open !
      Mayor may have just got some tantalizing evidence of something big, something apelike moving in the forest . Let the fun begin !


    8. OMG!!! It will end like it does every single time. Lots of hype and than..... Nothing. Sykes is coming, remember that??

    9. Yeah, Sykes came. Go back on recent previous comments Rum for a reminder of how that went down.

      So... Where do you stand on this world renown primatologist’s opinion?

    10. Notice how Rum tries to change the subject to Sykes now that he realises Mayor might just have something big. No doubt he will try to poo-pooh it away as usual per skeptics handbook but he's the one who will have egg on his face in the end.
      Sunny side up Rum, Always look on the bright side of life old bean !


    11. "Mayor might just have something big." Probably not. There will be hype followed by let down as always. You will buy it, then you will try to justify it when it turns out to be nothing. Same story different day.

    12. So after hyping her up to be a “world renowned primatologist”... her opinion is suddenly without integrity? I asked you if you are prepared to accept her opinion. Answer the question.

  3. People cannot comprehend why they are unable to find BF or otherwise collect anything but residual evidence so they assign metaphysical attributes to something Earthly and natural.

    BF is sporting a brain capacity on par or *greater* than ours. That brain is not concerned with differential calculus, urban life or monthly budgets. That brain is dedicated to hunting and concealment.

    Entertain the possibility that BF is extremely intelligent in matters of survival and not paranormal.

    1. ...But can't build a decent campfire.

    2. "In 20 years of active participation in the investigation of reports of giant, hairy, humanlike creatures, I have constantly looked for indications of whether the things described were human or animal or something in between. The initial impression, from Indian traditions, was they were some sort of wild humans, a tribe that kept aloof from its smaller relatives, but nonetheless lived in villages, spoke human languages, used fire, and even carried off human females for breeding purposes. Indeed the non-Indian community generally had the idea that the Sasquatch were hairy only to the extent of having long hair on their heads, something almost unknown among Canadian males at that time. I have seen a drawing in a high school yearbook depicting a handsome long-haired Sasquatch wearing a breechclout. At the same period a sasquatch costume was made by an Indian living in the same area and it was a complete fur suit."

    3. Ok, lets look at Standing, one very human looking and another very ape/human hybrid looking so what you're putting out makes a lot of sense.

    4. Let suppose a minute that the more “ape” like images from Standing are real. They still look human without the fair on the face. You wolly.


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