Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo

Cliff and Bobo of the Bigfoot and Beyond podcast continue their conversation with Kentucky-based researcher Tom Shay.


  1. Bigfoot is now all about making money. Just ask Cliff. Cliff knows. Trade off your fame from Finding Bigfoot. Make appearances at Bigfoot conventions (for money) Open a Bigfoot museum (for admission cost) sell souvenirs (they aren't free) create a podcast (for hits which pays) and never work a real job for the rest of your life.

    As long as there are gullible fools out there ready to buy into this nonsense he has job security.

    1. False Attribution (logical fallacy):

      Description: Appealing to an irrelevant, unqualified, unidentified, biased, or fabricated source in support of an argument (modern usage). Historical use of this fallacy was in the attribution of "religious" or "spiritual" experiences to outside "higher" sources rather than internal, psychological processes (see fantasy projection).
      Logical Form:
      Claim X is made.
      Source Y, a fake or unverifiable source, is used to verify claim X.
      Therefore, claim X is true.
      “But professor, I got all these facts from a program I saw on TV once... I don’t remember the name of it though.”
      Explanation: Without a credible, verifiable source, the argument or claim being made is very weak.

      If Bigfoot is a fraudulent money making scheme (X), then demonstrate how scientific evidence is hoaxed. If you can’t, then you’re at “Y” of the above logical fallacy.

    2. Jealous PS ? You'd think that kinda deal would be better for you then living on your trailer park turning tricks for a living. Time to change up your job title...chop chop
      A genius like you seems to know everything about making lots of $$$ in the bigfoot world. So what's holding you back champ ?


    3. I imagine PS is like Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Please keep your butt plug practices to yourself you freak

    6. Thanks, you are free to compare notes with Joe

    7. Unfortunately PS... there are some of us around here that are well aware that pretty much everything that comes from those sausage fingers is gross psychological projection.

    8. is this the Cliff n` Bilbo Baggins show?

    9. Iktomi and Joe are the butt plug brothers

    10. Concentrate on answering below now, perv-nerd.

    11. No Mr. Butt Plug, I don't think so

  2. Making money using Bigfoot - it's so easy a Sasquatch could do it!

    1. Hey Cliff. How much money do you make from Bigfoot conventions, opening a Bigfoot museum, selling souvenirs, and creating a podcast?

    2. More than enough to pay for merchandising, rent,and employees. All the while turning a profit

    3. How much does he spend on merchandising? How much is rent? How many employees?

      Can you actually provide proof of the above claims?

    4. Why don’t you ask the franchise owner of the KFC where you work those questions and find out how he turns a profit.

    5. Oh come on PS... don’t tell me this is another one of your assertions that you trip up on the first questioning about?

      You have a world-wide audience to persuade, you don’t want them thinking you don’t know what the feck you’re talking about now, do you?

    6. Just as I thought, the boss man told you to get back to your station at the deep fryer before the grease catches on fire!

    7. So you’re telling me that not only are you using one of the most typically imbecilic of logical fallacies... but you also have not one fact regarding Cliff’s alleged income from his work? Not even a shred of a fact?

      You really are one thick f’n **** PS, ha ha ha!! See ya later Einstein.

    8. So following your logic Cliff makes all the merchandise, runs and cleans the museum and sells souvenirs all at the same time. You just prove yourself to be ignorant everytime you post.

    9. See this is Iktomi's fallacy and proof he's autistic. He finds bigfoot so sacred that the thought of anyone using bigfoot to make money is sacrilege to him. He's such a fool he has no inkling how businesses operate. I marvel at his sheer stupidity and ignorance.

    10. Sorry PS... I’m not making any claims here. Be a good little semi-intelligent human being and adhere to your burden. YOU made the claim to know Cliff’s profiting from the list of things YOU alleged.

      How much money does he make from Bigfoot conventions, opening a Bigfoot museum, selling souvenirs, and creating a podcast?How much does he spend on merchandising? How much is rent? How many employees does he have? Can you actually provide proof of the above claims?

      I’ll even give you a second chance. I’ll pop back in the morning to see if you know what you’re talking about. Nighty night dumbo.

    11. Cliff is worth 1.6 million dollars, fact. Hemade this money off a bigfoot TV show, fact. He makes money off of bigfoot, fact.

    12. Of course I'm wasting my time arguing with an autistic person.

    13. There is no logic when it comes to lktomi Anon 2:34 - just fanatic devotion to a belief. Talk about the perfect scam! Good old Cliff plays off his fame from Finding Bigfoot (oh yeah - they never did find it) and sets himself up with a little side hustle. What better way to make easy money - just have a bunch of pictures, some cheap foot casts and spend a little dough on a statue and BOOM he has a museum. Furthermore no one can question the accuracy of what he's showing because it's officially considered a myth. It's easy to be an authority on something no one has proven exists. Who's going to doubt him at those Bigfoot conventions? It's all just gravy for him!

    14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    15. Sure, the Facebook page for the North American Bigfoot Center has a visitor comment about the very nice and knowledgeable staff. Did Cliff clone himself? Go on the Facebook page and read it spectrum child.
      Laters fool

    16. I see you removed your comment asking for proof, even an autistic child like you realizes how stupid that is

    17. You’re repeating yourself now PS. You angry there by any chance? If Bigfoot is a fraudulent money making scheme, then demonstrate how scientific evidence, much of which Cliff endorses is hoaxed. If you can’t, then you’re at “Y” of the false attribution logical fallacy. Clever people who know what they’re talking about tend to not require logical fallacies... not to mention sockpuppeting, you’d think you lacked confidence in your claims there old boy?

      The evidence for the hominin Cliff has devoted a career to is in fact shown to be consistent with widely accepted hominin trackways, and is now peer reviewed. The scientific community can very easily question the accuracy of what he's referencing, that’s the whole idea of peer review. There are plenty of authorities on bipedal evolution & anthropology too. Maybe once you’ve shown me some references of income for the museums, the merchandise, the souvenirs and all... you can finally start the ball rolling after ten years on the evidence that gets you all flustered like you are now?

      So hey! Let’s hope you know what you’re talking about now, eh?

    18. if Cliff makes 1.6 million off bigfoot then good for him. Are you jealous PS ? just because you have to rub your two pence together to buy smokes maybe you are in the wrong business bro ! Cliff in super knowledgeable in the bigfoot field so he has earned all his money and if i chose to buy souvenirs or visit his museum that's my fricken business not yours.Time to grow up Bubbles and leave the trailer park boyo !
      Extra creased !


    19. Joe, I agree with you that he’s free to make millions off you morons if you’re stupid enough to waste money on his crap, but why is the other retard arguing so desperately that Cliff isn’t making money?

    20. Well bubbles , I don’t speak for Iktomi - if thats who you mean by the other retard . hell have yo answer that one himself chum .


    21. Argh ok... so you don’t have a single fact to go along with your asserted typed vomit. Didn’t think so. You see PS, I could claim that he’s worked for his net worth and now at a financial loss for all these things he’s partaking in, and not present a single referenced fact and my claim holds just as much basis in reality.

      “it's so easy a Sasquatch could do it!”

      Seems it’s so easy, you couldn’t do it. Does that make you stupid or a fantasist? You helplessly thick ****. Ha ha ha ha!!

    22. 11:16 is not me but nice try PS. I do not call Iktomi names as he's the one on here trying to clean up this site from losers like you . Me, Cliff and Iktomi are dangerous to you PS because we know bigfoot is real and will use the truth to bury old bladdered fools like you . PS can't seem to get his facts straight abut Cliff, it's so hilarious watching this poor sot tie himself up like twine . i shall repeat- who cares if Cliff makes money. Good for him if he does. He's got big plans while you are still stuck in our trailer park
      Check mate


    23. I'm angry at the well documented fact that Cliff has 1.6 million from a bigfoot show and a staff that works for him at his museum but you absolutely refuse in your autistic world to accept that. That's proof of mental illness. Everyone here can easily verify this so you are wrong. Proven wrong 100%

    24. This comment has been removed by the author.

    25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    26. Not a according to this source;

      And this source;

      Not only do those two sources dispute what you’re claiming, but it’s his NET WORTH. So I’m gonna need some facts, old boy. Don’t dribble all over yourself in rage now. Welcome to adult level debate.

    27. Keep deleting your own comments and trying again, maybe you’ll eventually provide something that makes sense. I doubt it will ever happen though!

    28. Excuse me if you purposely ignore his real net worth as anyone here can obviously Google you autistic fraud

    29. I googled it PS. I even gave you references... notice how that worked? I substantiated my claim... that’s how adult debate works. I’m sorry you don’t understand what net worth means. Maybe you should go away, grow up, stop drawing people into exchanges your little mind can’t handle. Ya thick ***** ha ha ha!!


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