Update on Dogman Encounter

From Dogman Encounters Radio

If you listened to Episode 257, you heard tonight's guest, Roy Stubblefield, talk about the encounter he and several other men had in Metairie, Louisianna several years ago. One of the men, named Herman, tripped and fell on his back, during that encounter and found himself face to face with the 9-foot tall Dogman that charged them. When we recorded Episode 257, Roy didn't know how well or poorly Herman had been able to deal with that experience, because he didn't keep in touch with him. Since we did that show, though, Roy was able to track down Herman's son. On tonight's show, Roy's going to update us on Herman's status, as well as his own. Unfortunately, the news he has for us about Herman isn't good. It's not good at all.


  1. Ever notice how all these reports, encounters and stories all come from the same Bigfoot sites? How much do you hear about Bigfoot (other than tongue-in-cheek) from national media sources? Wouldn't you think that something as earthshaking as what is usually shared here would make the front page of major newspapers? Have you noticed that it's always the same academics who show support for Bigfoot's existence being quoted over and over? If they have so much evidence than why are there not hundreds of others supporting their findings? If there was any chance of Bigfoot actually existing don't you think there would be major expeditions out looking for it? You don't think any zoologist wouldn't jump at the chance to make a name for themselves if the evidence was strong enough to support their quest? Expeditions are sponsored to other countries just to look for tiny insects so if the evidence was strong enough you don't think a professional, well equipped expedition couldn't be assembled to look for something as amazing as an unknown humanoid in our own backyard? Really, what sense does that make? If you believe all the stories reported here Bigfoot should be so numerous there would be no way they could escape detection by professionals out looking for them.

    Sadly it's just a myth perpetuated by those wanting hits on their websites or those hoping to cash in on Bigfoot's name. There just is no rational explanation for Bigfoot escaping detection IF you believe all the stories told right here on this website alone. Factor in the fact that whoever would bring in a body would find themselves wealthy beyond their wildest dreams just adds more to the incredibility of Bigfoot not being discovered by now. Ask yourself when was the last time a large mammal was discovered in the United States and then ask yourself the probability of a bipedal giant creature eluding everyone for this long?

    Believing in Bigfoot is harmless and it's fun to speculate but holding out hope that it will be proven real is a false dream and a waste of time (unless your selling and making a profit off the name or someway).

    1. The reasons why the evidence isn't being chased up by mainstream scientists are a) if scientists are interested in studying the topic, unless they are already established then they have careers and credibility to look out for. b) the general public which account for people in all professions including mainstream scientists, have "flag ships" like Finding Bigfoot as the main mainstream output, which would make anyone remotely intelligent cynical. c) Hoaxes always get massive publicity. Making sensitive weary of getting hoaxed for their efforts. d) when people are already suspicious of the credibility of the subject, they'll settle very quickly for an uncountered "debunking" due to the "extraordinary" nature of what's being proposed. However, should these people listen to the actual experts' counter opinions to these shoddy "debunkings", they'll realise very quickly that the evidence is reliable by consistent scientific standards. The problem is the only people who realise this are those willing to put in the time to look at it. So many "sceptics" claiming they rest on the high standards of scientific absolutes, yet they are happy to lessen these standards and rest on what someone grossly unqualified puts forth rather than listening to what the actual experts say.

      The extraordinary conclusion that can be drawn from scientifically testing the evidence (and there is irrefutable evidence, no matter how much you cry about it), is in fact what's holding back the requirement of subsequent mainstream investigative measures. It means that until extraordinary evidence surfaces (a body), the subject isn't going to draw the attention of a majority of mainstream scientists who would only THEN be in a position to become aware of the many evidences that preceded it. Without this, few will see beyond the hoaxing and pop culture. It's a very detrimental circle that can be simplified as the requirement of extraordinary evidence without the extraordinary effort it would require to source it. The cart before the horse.

      All this would be very problematic if things weren’t moving along scientifically... but as the years roll by the evidence is to the point that it is being peer reviewed. World renowned geneticists conducting DNA studies and rallying amateur researchers to continue their research. And a scientific stablemate as far as an well resourced expedition is just a scientific stalemate. Bigfoot hasn’t escaped detection because it’s been observed for thousands of years and left its physical sign over two continents. So much so that the data that can be extrapolated from it yields average height ratios. Myths don’t leave physical sign.

    2. https://www.scientificexploration.org/docs/18/jse_18_1_meldrum.pdf


      Your turn.

    3. If you have issue with the evidence, it’s your burden to debunk it.

      Prove it.

    4. Can't debunk nothing. Where's that real proof?

    5. “Nothing” is your burden. You upset, PS? Funny to see someone trolling but only getting angrier.

    6. ^idiot with nothing to say or provide to the real "bigfoot community" - he`s an unwanted hanger-on type nobody says hallo to and he desperately needs to belobg to an anonymous club...that`s why he stays here.

    7. Provide something to the Bigfoot community and debunk footprint evidence PS. You’d finally become one of those people you’re obsessed about on YouTube.

    8. Footprints of what? Just so's you know- bigfoot ain't real

    9. What would Scott Carpenter have to say about that?

  2. If you found a body it wouldn't belong to you even if you shot it on your own property. You would be threatened with murder or likely the powers that be would just take it and what recourse would you have? Call the cops and tell them some govern3 abc group stole my dead bigfoot? A dead bigfoot would be worth nothing .

  3. Bigfoot is obviously real and it obviously paranormal. It is a forest spirit ad the Indians say. The Europeans called the same creature a "Woodwose". They considered it to belong to the fae.

  4. Herman done had his mind blown. Poor guy. I believe the dogman dick whipped Hermans face while he was crouched over him 8with his hind quarters.Thoughts. on my theory Iktomi?


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