YES !!!!!!!!!!!!! Spot on this is the greatest modern day footage of a bigfoot creature hands down ! No bloody way that is a costume. you can tell how natural the movement is . i just wish the person taking the footage would have got a closer shot but i can understand he must have crapped his knickers when it stood up and he feared being seen and possibly chased and buggered or worse. This is exhibit A -z in any court case and is a slam dunk to proving bigfoot is real and no skeptic has even the faintest hope of trying to explain this as anything but a living creature. Good luck in trying boyos ! cheers
thanks Puss ! This is on par with the greatest bigfoot footage ever. The fluid motion and the crash as it tears away parts of the tree are 100% real cheers
Originally posted on YouTube on October 28, 2013 and still Bigfoot is considered mythical. So much for the greatest modern day(?) footage of a Bigfoot creature hands down. Just another guy in a suit.
The above just reads like another PS prayer and another impossible burden he’ll never shake off; a career made of them. Myths don’t leave peer reviewed evidence... maybe you should go read the work of that scientist you bash without the first clue of his work?
I agree! Very important milestone in footage. Decade after decade this stuff keeps rolling in... and the Bigfoot Hoax cultists slowly die off.
are you that daft ??? How in heavens name do you think that is a suit ??? Put your crack pipe down chum, you are having serious hallucinations if you think that is a suit . Ok chum, prove it's a suit or better yet try to recreate the footage- bet you can't even come close. Wankers like you are all talk and little else , blowing smoke out of our arse. such an odd duck cheers
Oh well jeez - STOP THE PRESS!!! lktomi and Joe (one and the same) declare it absolutely authentic so therefore it MUST be real. I guess you will have to notify the world because they have ignored it for almost 6 years just like your "peer reviewed evidence". Hahahahahaha!!!
It is authentic and you can't ever prove it isn't so good luck trying chum. If you had any knowledge of biology and body movement you'd be able to see very plainly how fluid this creature moves, no suit mate. So go back and play your xbox games because clearly your opinion is irrelevant here cheers
Take my opinion or leave it, PS. Unlike you I don’t say things to bait for a cheap thrill, and I back up my opinions with substance. However, after the many stabilisations of that footage that shows incredible detail, and given the evidence of the same creature that’s proven impossible to hoax... I think I’m in a better position than you who merely relies on blind faith that every piece of evidence is bunk.
Oh and PS? People would have to be aware of something to ignore it. You on the other hand, how’s about another ten comments about researchers most have never even heard about?
Grandson - “Grandad doesn’t believe in Bigfoot!”
Grandmother - “What, after spending all his retired days on YouTube obsessing about it? Yeah... right (chuckles)”
Yeah, it's hard to be aware of Bigfoot...after 100 episodes of Finding Bigfoot on TV and all the Jacklinks commercials plus all the cheap movies made about it. All this publicity and yet NO ONE can come up with foolproof evidence. Doesn't that seem a tiny bit unlikely to you? Of course it doesn't because you are ready to unconditionally accept anything that you think will support your belief.
Grandson - “Grandad doesn’t believe in Bigfoot!”
Grandmother - Of course he doesn't, it's not real. Only dumb people actually buy into that (they both laugh).
“... after 100 episodes of Finding Bigfoot on TV and all the Jacklinks commercials...”
Need I really say any more? That sums up your knowledge of the level of evidence this subject boasts and you think you know what you’re talking about. Pair that off with type of channels you subscribe to on YouTube and it’s no wonder you’re clueless. You’re a fraud that has far more loneliness issues (psychologists write about trolls), than anything so much as a decent knowledge of the subject, let alone knowing about evidence. Since you’re so obsessed with telling people how to think, what do you offer to convince them you’re right about evidence?
PS, the current state of physical evidence cannot be debunked by any known scientist on the planet. The footprints constitute the most prolific body of data that permits repeatable objective evaluation... that’s fool-proof. What’s unlikely is there being such a prolifically consistent flow of evidence spanning thousands of years, transcending cultures and now gaining scientific recognition in the form of peer reviewed research... that it means Bigfoot “doesn’t exist”.
Like I said before... you’re just lonely. And I think you’ve tried being “interesting” and it didn’t get you the attention your lonely backside needs. It’s a shame you weren’t as obsessed about the hucksters of this subject when you got duped around Florida, eh?
"now gaining scientific recognition in the form of peer reviewed research" ...... such as the Journal For Scientific Exploration which as been described as "while presented as neutral and objective, appears to hold a hidden agenda. They seem to be interested in promoting fringe topics as real mysteries and they tend to ignore most evidence to the contrary. They publish "scholarly" articles promoting the reality of dowsing, neo-astrology, ESP, and psychokinesis. Most of the prominent and active members are strong believers in the reality of such phenomena."
3:52, it’s even worse than that. The former editor of the journal is a crazy kook named Henry Bauer who is one of the leading advocates of the ludicrous theory that HIV does not cause AIDS (the journal published his “peer reviewed” articles on the subject). The ex-president of South Africa listened to the clown and others like him and instituted “policies that resulted in over 300,000 unnecessary deaths and over 35,000 infants senselessly infected with HIV.”
The fact that Meldrum would associate with these frauds (and even accept an award from them) tells you that (1) he can’t get his crap published in a legitimate journal and (2) he’s as dishonest as the collection of crooks propping up the fake journal.
3:52, it’s even worse than that. The former editor of the journal is a crazy kook named Henry Bauer who is one of the leading advocates of the ludicrous theory that H*V does not cause A*DS (the journal published his “peer reviewed” articles on the subject). The ex-president of South Africa listened to the clown and others like him and instituted “policies that resulted in over 300,000 unnecessary deaths and over 35,000 infants senselessly infected with H*V.”
The fact that Meldrum would associate with these frauds (and even accept an award from them) tells you that (1) he can’t get his crap published in a legitimate journal and (2) he’s as dishonest as the collection of crooks propping up the fake journal.
Ever heard of the National Centre of Biotechnology Information? Of course you haven’t, you’d have to half a brain and required to reference things in the past to even know what it’s about. Well it’s one of the most reputable sources for biomedical and genomic information in the world. Anyway, here is “Laetoli Footprints Preserve Earliest Direct Evidence of Human-Like Bipedal Biomechanics”;!po=1.08696
If you look in the references, you’ll note some of the most important names in anthropology, as well as some of the most reputable scientific journals sources that have been used to collate information. And guess what’s in that list?
“Meldrum D. Midfoot flexibility, fossil footprints, and sasquatch steps: New perspectives on the evolution of bipedalism. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 2004;18:65–79. [Google Scholar]”
Oops! Fringe topics do not mean bunk topics. You need someone to look at this subjects to debunk it, therefore even those invested in doing so (whether it be the JSE or JREF) are ultimately invested in fringe topics for at least a period of time. YOU are invested in fringe topics no less so than it’s enthusiasts. And a study about A*DS published in the same journal that published Meldrum’s paper, does not paint said journal in any poorer light than more mainstream journal that are being criticised for publication biases, as well as being susceptible to hoaxes. For example... “Academic corruption is an intractable issue plaguing journals, institutions, learned societies, and governments across the globe. While the volume of scientific publishing is increasing, the competitive pressure to get published is leading some researchers to indulge in misconduct. The enormity of this issue is evident from the increased volume of retractions. One of the major forms of misconduct is peer review manipulation, which is becoming increasingly and worryingly common. Every so often we encounter news of mass retractions by journals due to peer review manipulation. In 2015, more than 100 retractions were attributed to peer review scams. Recently, Springer Nature retracted 58 articles after discovering that the peer review process had been compromised. The incident brought back into limelight the loopholes in one of the pillars of academic publishing process: peer review.”
HUNDREDS OF OPEN ACCESS JOURNALS ACCEPT FAKE SCIENCE PAPER Hundreds of open access journals, including those published by industry giants Sage, Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer, have accepted a fake scientific paper in a sting operation that reveals the "contours of an emerging wild west in academic publishing". The hoax, which was set up by John Bohannon, a science journalist at Harvard University, saw various versions of a bogus scientific paper being submitted to 304 open access journals worldwide over a period of 10 months. The paper, which described a simple test of whether cancer cells grow more slowly in a test tube when treated with increasing concentrations of a molecule, had "fatal flaws" and used fabricated authors and universities with African affiliated names, Bohannon revealed in Science magazine.
You don’t have any gold standard of journal to abide by, since mainstream journal’s credibility is being taken apart more and more all the time. And nothing is more evident of this than the long line of major journals that didn’t bother to fact check an alleged study on something as desperately serious as cancer, before publishing to the general public. The JSE is just a journal that doesn’t prejudice against fringe topics and puts them through scientific scrutiny and on the most part, debunks them. For such a terrible journal, you’re not doing a very good job at debunking Meldrum’s work, are you?
AnonymousFriday, August 23, 2019 at 9:30:00 AM PDT I see you still haven’t figured out how to post comments without having them whited out.
AnonymousFriday, August 23, 2019 at 1:03:00 PM PDT But old man, please try to do so without having your comments whited out!
Oh and while I’m at it... You’ll notice I don’t need to sockpuppet to look like someone agrees with my stance. That’s because I have confidence in my arguments and don’t need to resort to anything other than substance to make my comments look like they’re stomping you.
PS just got smoked like a kipper ! Anyone who is crazy enough to argue this video isn't real is a bloody fool ! This video stands by itself as the greatest modern day bigfoot footage bar none. i just wish he could have captured it's facial features - that would have been quite interesting to see. Luv this video a million times over ! cheers
Thanks for the Link Iktomi ! Bigfoot Tony is spot on this one and Phil is totally out to lunch sadly. Tony makes valid points while Phil rambles on with his bollocks . That looks like a real creature so he can sod off and so can @4:38 cheers
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSpot on this is the greatest modern day footage of a bigfoot creature hands down ! No bloody way that is a costume. you can tell how natural the movement is . i just wish the person taking the footage would have got a closer shot but i can understand he must have crapped his knickers when it stood up and he feared being seen and possibly chased and buggered or worse. This is exhibit A -z in any court case and is a slam dunk to proving bigfoot is real and no skeptic has even the faintest hope of trying to explain this as anything but a living creature. Good luck in trying boyos !
I agree Joe xx
Deletethanks Puss ! This is on par with the greatest bigfoot footage ever. The fluid motion and the crash as it tears away parts of the tree are 100% real
Originally posted on YouTube on October 28, 2013 and still Bigfoot is considered mythical. So much for the greatest modern day(?) footage of a Bigfoot creature hands down. Just another guy in a suit.
DeleteThe above just reads like another PS prayer and another impossible burden he’ll never shake off; a career made of them. Myths don’t leave peer reviewed evidence... maybe you should go read the work of that scientist you bash without the first clue of his work?
DeleteI agree! Very important milestone in footage. Decade after decade this stuff keeps rolling in... and the Bigfoot Hoax cultists slowly die off.
are you that daft ??? How in heavens name do you think that is a suit ??? Put your crack pipe down chum, you are having serious hallucinations if you think that is a suit . Ok chum, prove it's a suit or better yet try to recreate the footage- bet you can't even come close. Wankers like you are all talk and little else , blowing smoke out of our arse. such an odd duck
Oh well jeez - STOP THE PRESS!!! lktomi and Joe (one and the same) declare it absolutely authentic so therefore it MUST be real. I guess you will have to notify the world because they have ignored it for almost 6 years just like your "peer reviewed evidence". Hahahahahaha!!!
DeleteIt is authentic and you can't ever prove it isn't so good luck trying chum. If you had any knowledge of biology and body movement you'd be able to see very plainly how fluid this creature moves, no suit mate. So go back and play your xbox games because clearly your opinion is irrelevant here
Ouch! Well I guess Joe (lktomi) told me! Now all he has to do is convince the REST of the world. Good luck with that. Hahahahahaha
DeleteTake my opinion or leave it, PS. Unlike you I don’t say things to bait for a cheap thrill, and I back up my opinions with substance. However, after the many stabilisations of that footage that shows incredible detail, and given the evidence of the same creature that’s proven impossible to hoax... I think I’m in a better position than you who merely relies on blind faith that every piece of evidence is bunk.
DeleteOh and PS? People would have to be aware of something to ignore it. You on the other hand, how’s about another ten comments about researchers most have never even heard about?
Grandson - “Grandad doesn’t believe in Bigfoot!”
Grandmother - “What, after spending all his retired days on YouTube obsessing about it? Yeah... right (chuckles)”
Yeah, it's hard to be aware of Bigfoot...after 100 episodes of Finding Bigfoot on TV and all the Jacklinks commercials plus all the cheap movies made about it. All this publicity and yet NO ONE can come up with foolproof evidence. Doesn't that seem a tiny bit unlikely to you? Of course it doesn't because you are ready to unconditionally accept anything that you think will support your belief.
DeleteGrandson - “Grandad doesn’t believe in Bigfoot!”
Grandmother - Of course he doesn't, it's not real. Only dumb people actually buy into that (they both laugh).
“... after 100 episodes of Finding Bigfoot on TV and all the Jacklinks commercials...”
DeleteNeed I really say any more? That sums up your knowledge of the level of evidence this subject boasts and you think you know what you’re talking about. Pair that off with type of channels you subscribe to on YouTube and it’s no wonder you’re clueless. You’re a fraud that has far more loneliness issues (psychologists write about trolls), than anything so much as a decent knowledge of the subject, let alone knowing about evidence. Since you’re so obsessed with telling people how to think, what do you offer to convince them you’re right about evidence?
PS, the current state of physical evidence cannot be debunked by any known scientist on the planet. The footprints constitute the most prolific body of data that permits repeatable objective evaluation... that’s fool-proof. What’s unlikely is there being such a prolifically consistent flow of evidence spanning thousands of years, transcending cultures and now gaining scientific recognition in the form of peer reviewed research... that it means Bigfoot “doesn’t exist”.
Like I said before... you’re just lonely. And I think you’ve tried being “interesting” and it didn’t get you the attention your lonely backside needs. It’s a shame you weren’t as obsessed about the hucksters of this subject when you got duped around Florida, eh?
See ya tomorrow PS!
Delete"now gaining scientific recognition in the form of peer reviewed research" ...... such as the Journal For Scientific Exploration which as been described as "while presented as neutral and objective, appears to hold a hidden agenda. They seem to be interested in promoting fringe topics as real mysteries and they tend to ignore most evidence to the contrary. They publish "scholarly" articles promoting the reality of dowsing, neo-astrology, ESP, and psychokinesis. Most of the prominent and active members are strong believers in the reality of such phenomena."
3:52, it’s even worse than that. The former editor of the journal is a crazy kook named Henry Bauer who is one of the leading advocates of the ludicrous theory that HIV does not cause AIDS (the journal published his “peer reviewed” articles on the subject). The ex-president of South Africa listened to the clown and others like him and instituted “policies that resulted in over 300,000 unnecessary deaths and over 35,000 infants senselessly infected with HIV.”
The fact that Meldrum would associate with these frauds (and even accept an award from them) tells you that (1) he can’t get his crap published in a legitimate journal and (2) he’s as dishonest as the collection of crooks propping up the fake journal.
3:52, it’s even worse than that. The former editor of the journal is a crazy kook named Henry Bauer who is one of the leading advocates of the ludicrous theory that H*V does not cause A*DS (the journal published his “peer reviewed” articles on the subject). The ex-president of South Africa listened to the clown and others like him and instituted “policies that resulted in over 300,000 unnecessary deaths and over 35,000 infants senselessly infected with H*V.”
DeleteThe fact that Meldrum would associate with these frauds (and even accept an award from them) tells you that (1) he can’t get his crap published in a legitimate journal and (2) he’s as dishonest as the collection of crooks propping up the fake journal.
^ This bears repeating ;)
DeleteAnd lktomi is proud of this journal and uses it as an example repeatedly. Shame.
Ever heard of the National Centre of Biotechnology Information? Of course you haven’t, you’d have to half a brain and required to reference things in the past to even know what it’s about. Well it’s one of the most reputable sources for biomedical and genomic information in the world. Anyway, here is “Laetoli Footprints Preserve Earliest Direct Evidence of Human-Like Bipedal Biomechanics”;
If you look in the references, you’ll note some of the most important names in anthropology, as well as some of the most reputable scientific journals sources that have been used to collate information. And guess what’s in that list?
“Meldrum D. Midfoot flexibility, fossil footprints, and sasquatch steps: New perspectives on the evolution of bipedalism. Journal of Scientific Exploration. 2004;18:65–79. [Google Scholar]”
Fringe topics do not mean bunk topics. You need someone to look at this subjects to debunk it, therefore even those invested in doing so (whether it be the JSE or JREF) are ultimately invested in fringe topics for at least a period of time. YOU are invested in fringe topics no less so than it’s enthusiasts. And a study about A*DS published in the same journal that published Meldrum’s paper, does not paint said journal in any poorer light than more mainstream journal that are being criticised for publication biases, as well as being susceptible to hoaxes. For example...
“Academic corruption is an intractable issue plaguing journals, institutions, learned societies, and governments across the globe. While the volume of scientific publishing is increasing, the competitive pressure to get published is leading some researchers to indulge in misconduct. The enormity of this issue is evident from the increased volume of retractions. One of the major forms of misconduct is peer review manipulation, which is becoming increasingly and worryingly common. Every so often we encounter news of mass retractions by journals due to peer review manipulation. In 2015, more than 100 retractions were attributed to peer review scams. Recently, Springer Nature retracted 58 articles after discovering that the peer review process had been compromised. The incident brought back into limelight the loopholes in one of the pillars of academic publishing process: peer review.”
Now take a look at this;
Hundreds of open access journals, including those published by industry giants Sage, Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer, have accepted a fake scientific paper in a sting operation that reveals the "contours of an emerging wild west in academic publishing". The hoax, which was set up by John Bohannon, a science journalist at Harvard University, saw various versions of a bogus scientific paper being submitted to 304 open access journals worldwide over a period of 10 months. The paper, which described a simple test of whether cancer cells grow more slowly in a test tube when treated with increasing concentrations of a molecule, had "fatal flaws" and used fabricated authors and universities with African affiliated names, Bohannon revealed in Science magazine.
You don’t have any gold standard of journal to abide by, since mainstream journal’s credibility is being taken apart more and more all the time. And nothing is more evident of this than the long line of major journals that didn’t bother to fact check an alleged study on something as desperately serious as cancer, before publishing to the general public. The JSE is just a journal that doesn’t prejudice against fringe topics and puts them through scientific scrutiny and on the most part, debunks them. For such a terrible journal, you’re not doing a very good job at debunking Meldrum’s work, are you?
AnonymousFriday, August 23, 2019 at 9:30:00 AM PDT
I see you still haven’t figured out how to post comments without having them whited out.
AnonymousFriday, August 23, 2019 at 1:03:00 PM PDT
But old man, please try to do so without having your comments whited out!
(Face in hands... major sigh)
Oh and while I’m at it... You’ll notice I don’t need to sockpuppet to look like someone agrees with my stance. That’s because I have confidence in my arguments and don’t need to resort to anything other than substance to make my comments look like they’re stomping you.
DeleteSad old psycho-nerd.
PS just got smoked like a kipper !
DeleteAnyone who is crazy enough to argue this video isn't real is a bloody fool !
This video stands by itself as the greatest modern day bigfoot footage bar none. i just wish he could have captured it's facial features - that would have been quite interesting to see. Luv this video a million times over !
Phil from Parabreakdown says that this clip is a hoax. He has a video on it (actually two) on YouTube, one recent clip and one from a few years ago.
DeleteThanks for the Link Iktomi ! Bigfoot Tony is spot on this one and Phil is totally out to lunch sadly. Tony makes valid points while Phil rambles on with his bollocks . That looks like a real creature so he can sod off and so can @4:38
Funny that someone once proclaimed:
Delete(unverified)Wednesday, October 30, 2013 at 10:29:00 AM PDT
“That's sealed it for me... No muscle tone whatsoever.”
Lucky we have great footage analysts around to change our minds about things, eh?
DeleteSo's you're saying bigfoot ain't real
DeleteI’m saying you’d better go do some homework, because at the moment, it’s waaaaaaaaaaay too easy to make you look silly.