Lone Star Puckwudgies

From World Bigfoot Radio:

The conversation with Brett continues, as he recounts his other encounters with these little monsters, and Robyn Moonshadow also joins us to give us more information on these tiny terrors, their relatives, and how to best defend agasinst them!


  1. Certainly better than listening to that bastion of knowledge The Puke with his made up monsters like mountain giants, gugwes and face eaters. All of which lurk in his LSD addled head or from his co conspirator Ms. Khat Hansen. Show us some proof of a mountain giant thatv20 feet tall. I only recall a 17 inch footprint that Puke gleefully claimed to be from a mountain giant. Wouldn't their feet be a tad bit bigger Mr. Puke?

  2. Have you ever seen his photo? Please give Brian the respect he deserves he clearly had a run in with a face eater and escaped before the creature could finish eating it.

  3. The only person who's more full of Crap than the Puke and Khat is Gus Werner and his BS encounter and his weekly creditors stories for the unenlightened Sasquatch enthusiast.

  4. I think you mean Creepypasta.

  5. Lots of Hoaxers I wish Big Tony would go after the Worm bros but it's their bogus encounter story that was proven to be a complete hoax not a video which is his forte. The Khat Hansen juvenile Gorrilla was a classic. Her defense was that she took the photo ten years previuosly. Somehow her twisted logic thought that would satisfy the masses even though the leaves match perfectly.
    The crazy thing is she still has sycophants who believe her BS.

  6. Anyone who calls themselves Moonshadow is a complete fraud. No need to listen to this Crap.
    Sincerely Mr. Stefan Wolffart.

  7. Duke knows how to pick em. His show is entertainment not educational. Also remember his show is a spinoff from another entertainment bigfoot show the Sasquatch Kronikles and nobody needs to be told how truthful that rubbish is.

  8. What about Knobby he needs to be told.


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