I will not dismiss the theory of bigfot being paranormal. if it is then chances are there might be a bigfoot creature here in the UK but at this point I am willing to hear the stories with an open mind unlike the vile skeptic tossers who can only say "gug, gug, so good" they deserve to be tar and feathered ! cheers
How convenient that bigfoot are paranormal huh. No wonder we can't prove that they exist.
This paranormal bigfoot crap is just that, crap.
I do believe that sasquatches may have the ability to mess with your mind in that they can trick you by throwing sounds. But as for being paranormal creatures, no.
The reality is that they are extremely rare, extremely shy, and are intelligent. They know how to avoid detection. The vast majority of people who have seen them do so because they come upon a sasquatch at those rare moments when it doesn't realize that a human is near. At other times, sasquatches are seen when they are curious.
How convenient that Bigfoot are paranormal now since there has been no proof all these years that they are flesh and blood creatures. How about just accepting the fact that they don't exist period?
“The reality is that they are extremely rare, extremely shy, and are intelligent. They know how to avoid detection. The vast majority of people who have seen them do so because they come upon a sasquatch at those rare moments when it doesn't realize that a human is near. At other times, sasquatches are seen when they are curious.”
Yet up top you go on a rant about their existence. There is honestly something fecking wrong with you mate. I don’t think you know what character you’re in from one comment to the next. And you’re satisfied in saying literally anything as a final comment in a thread. And Bigfoot have only been considered paranormal now?
“I do believe that sasquatches may have the ability to mess with your mind in that they can trick you by throwing sounds.”
... and how do you suggest they manage that? What well-known scientific ability that everyone acknowledges do they utilises to achieve this? Do you ever stop to consider coherence before press “publish”, you fecking dunce? And then wait for it... “But as for being paranormal creatures, no.”
(Head in hands, “sigh”) You oxyMORON. Let me explain something to you Eddy boy. If there is no proof that these hominin are flesh & blood, then why are there not only hundreds of years of physical sign referenced by indigenous cultures, but 60 years of physical sign in the present to point to? I could beat you around the head with a footprint cast, because it’s physical, it has been left by a biological entity interacting with the environment. Physical evidence that is now peer reviewed and proven to be impossible to hoax. D’you know what Eddy boy? The amount of people that have come and gone from here are ten times the person you are and ever will be. I lesson myself when I respond to your comments, and I can’t wait for you to finally drink yourself to the point of messing up totally on the internet and finally getting it taken away from you. You are a feckin disgrace of a human and thick as feck.
As usual icktomi suffers under the delusion that every comment comes from one single person. I make just ONE comment (in this case the previous one just before his senseless diatribe) and he goes into "gotcha" rant. Yes, a footprint cast is physical but that does not mean it was left by the creature people assume it portrays. It could be a hoax, it could be left by a known animal and misinterpreted, it could simply be a natural impression that looks like a footprint, it could be many things. I would safely say most of them ARE man-made and hoaxes. In any case you don't have any biological evidence to support your position that Bigfoot is real so you have nothing....period. Talk about thick - that thick fog of belief you wrap around yourself has got to get denser each passing year. But not to worry - Sykes is coming LOL!
“Yes, a footprint cast is physical but that does not mean it was left by the creature people assume it portrays.” Sorry PS... Can’t be a hoax because hoaxers would have to have known about certain archaic foot morphology before scientists did. Known animals in North America don’t have five toes and a mid-tarsal break, and they don’t leave entire trackways of that type of foot with toe bending and foot flexing. Natural impressions don’t accidentally come up with five toes and a mid-tarsal break, and don’t accidentally cause entire trackways of that type of foot with toe bending and foot flexing. So nope PS, you clearly haven’t even feckin bothered to look at the subject you think you’re clever enough to pass judgement on;
Lazy fat slob who hasn’t even bothered to look at the subject, let alone grow a pair of *****. You see, this is how it works. I would never just use my unqualified opinion and expect to win an argument based on that. That’s why I reference academics and professionals. I can reference a PhD whose work is not only being endorsed by the best scientists in the world, but who is an authority in his field. You have your unqualified, uneducated, uncredited opinion that nobody in their right minds would take over a PhD when you claim you “safely say” something. Who feckin cares?
If someone is to make a claim they are expected to back up that claim with evidence. It’s the burden of proof... your burden is to prove how the evidence that shows a genuine biological foot made contact with the ground is hoaxed... you’ve never done that because not only are you too stupid, but there isn’t even a PhD that can debunk it. Hopeless... your case is hopeless. And as the years go by the evidence keeps rolling in, reports keep rolling in, peer reviewed studies, DNA studies, footage, and more and more people get used to the idea that hominin reside in wilderness areas of the US. Oh, and by the way... Sykes came... How did that end up for you? I seem to remember you claiming he was done and dusted after Bigfoot Files.
^ still operating under the "everyone is Stuey delusion huh? LOL - your burden is to produce a living, breathing Bigfoot which despite all the so-called evidence, sightings improved technology and ALL (lol) those scientists you have failed to do. Here is one simple fact that you cannot deny: NO BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF BIGFOOT EXISTS OR IT WOULD HAVE BEEN PROVEN BY NOW.
Yes, Sykes came and proved nothing with the DNA tests and since the book have heard nothing more revealing from him. But you can't change the mind of a fanatic - it's your religion but it won't come true no matter how hard you pray.
My job is to justify being convinced in Bigfoot’s existence. That is easily achieved by the physical evidence that’s impossible to hoax. Scientists at present aren’t looking for hominin because they can’t give up their day jobs... that’s then down to amateur researchers who don’t have the adequate resources to track a primate like the average field study demands... yet they’re STILL coming up with the evidence. Oh, and hair samples have been collected for decades, have a unique morphological trait, and are DNA tested as HUMAN.
It’s funny... One of us is referencing scientists and peer reviewed scientific research and the other isn’t even providing even an equivalent and demanding others have faith in what he says... even when it’s highly apparent he doesn’t know the first thing about this subject. If you want to change the minds of people who know what they’re talking about, get facts, references, academics and case studies... that’s how you convince people something is bunk. You’re just the village idiot that people like to push around when they’re bored.
Hard to get case studies when all serious academics realize it's all nonsense and not worth their time trying to prove imaginary creatures. All you have to do to convince people it's bunk is never to produce a Bigfoot despite all the so-called evidence and sightings reported over all these years. Pray harder icktimi.
Oh dear... Not one academic referenced? Are you sure you even know what you’re talking about there, PS? It’s not a good look when you can’t reference one single professional to back your corner. Well how’s this... I’ve actually spent the time reading the papers written by scientists who have scrutinised the science behind this subject down the years and it doesn’t stand up. I know more about your pretend sceptical stance than you do and you’ve been role-playing for ten years. You’re a joke. Utterly clueless. You won’t find a study because you would need a feckin time machine to achieve what hoaxers would have to have achieved. And I’ll be able to reference Meldrum’s latest work for years and years to come because it’s that water tight. It’s too easy now for me... debating people with ten times the intelligence of you was easy before, but since the natural progression of the physical evidence got to the point of peer review, dunces like you don’t stand a chance pal. Game... set... match. A scientific stalemate with an actual field study doesn’t make peer reviewed science go away. It’s fun knowing for the years you’ve harassed people around here you’ve had all your best arguments chipped away at because that’s what happens when there is a real biological subject at the root of the debate. You demanded DNA; you got it. You demanded peer review; you got it. Is there anything you haven’t been made to look like a fool about?
Oh and by the way, Bigfoot’s been discovered for the last 60 years... the only thing lacking is a classification.
Did you not read and comprehend anything I said? Of course you didn't. No academics were referenced because all SERIOUS professionals realize it's nonsense and not worth their time. If they had something to gain by it they would tear your so-called evidence to pieces. Actually the case for proving Bigfoot doesn't exist doesn't need their help as the believers do a pretty convincing case themselves with their blurry photos and so-called evidence. What has DNA proved - nothing! What has the peer review (by fellow believers) proven - nothing! If there is a real biological subject at the root of the debate then simply show the BIOLOGICAL evidence for it. Simples.
Bigfoot has most certainly been NOT discovered. That is an outrageous lie even for you icktomi.
Again... Nope! I could reference about four sceptical scientists now ... you pathetic and clueless little chump. And the reason you’re not listing them is because not only are you utterly clueless, but you’re not remotely concerned with finding anything of the sort because you’re too busy cheerleading your own favourite researchers and YouTube channels.
And on what basis, what chink in the maille would they find to tear the evidence apart? You can’t even name the footprint casts that are being used as evidence, let alone the details of such evidence, and the circumstances that they were found. If you can’t even tell me those basic details, how do you expect to make someone believe you that said evidence is bunk? Faith? And in the face of the data being provided, that counter argument is getting awfully like a religion there old boy. You’re a feckin fraud and have been entertained so long with these exchanges that you actually think you know summin... but the truth is what you DO know has been beaten around your head when making you look like an naive old timer with nothing to say or impress people by. And that’s your issue... you don’t like being a nobody.
Oh, and the PGF is so detailed that a pioneering plastic surgeon could point to clear examples of biological tissue that not only few highly trained surgeons would add to a costume but would be impossible to add to costume today let alone 1967. The majority of people expect to see a non-human primate’s DNA, whilst the peer review has proven that the footprint evidence is impossible to fake. Impossible.
Here we go chump; http://www.texlaresearch.com/okhair4.jpg http://www.texlaresearch.com/okhairroot.jpg http://www.texlaresearch.com/unknown-chimp-bear.jpg
That’s biological evidence. Understand what that means? You sure? I’m not sure you know what the feck you’re on about, do you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
“Ha HAHA HAHA scientific evidence rejected by mainstream scientists, it's all a conspiracy by the government“
There we go then Einstein... I’ll be back tomorrow to see if you can provide me with some mainstream scientists that have looked at the footprint evidence and rejected its authenticity.
Ever notice how he references the same people and evidence over and over and over? That's because nothing new is being presented to bolster his case. His main champion is Meldrum who I suspect continues just for the money and fandom. Besides anyone who buys into those crazy Mormon beliefs can't be too scientific. lktomi will go to his grave just as so many others never being able to verify or justify their belief. It's actually sad really.
Oh and PS? Why wouldn’t I keep referencing the ace card? You’ve been destroyed on footage, audio, eyewitness testimony and native culture too many times to count... all bookmarked when you need reminding about it too. But don’t you think it’s a little rich you claiming that when you can’t provide one single case to bolster your pretend sceptical stance? You’d have to prove Meldrum’s work is bunk before the money he earns from his hard work isn’t justified... because that’s what hard working academics tend to end up making. You flunked at research and a cryptoblog... what a sad **** you are for then moaning at others who have actually made it.
Another interesting fact about idiot savants is you can literally see what they are thinking as shown in the cartoon bubble to the left of MS's gigantic head.
iktomi If you could raise 5000 quid you could get your micropenis fixed and your anger would dissapear with the more prostitutes you hired. Im under no illusion that you have the money to fix your face, man boobs, lipo your fat head and get implaants in your flat old man ass.
If you answer yes. Your a filthy, demented criminally insane nutter but if you answer no, then you are a non-beleiever in Bigfoot. So what's your answer BIG BOY?
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. This is the reason some experts are looking into the Asian dialect theory, some have said it could be a lost dialect, which was carried from Asia by the Bigfoot species that colonised America.
I will not dismiss the theory of bigfot being paranormal. if it is then chances are there might be a bigfoot creature here in the UK but at this point I am willing to hear the stories with an open mind unlike the vile skeptic tossers who can only say "gug, gug, so good" they deserve to be tar and feathered !
^ bear-man-pig kinda guy
Deletegug gug gug
Good report here ------ https://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=62432
ReplyDeletePlanet Bigfoot
How convenient that bigfoot are paranormal huh. No wonder we can't prove that they exist.
ReplyDeleteThis paranormal bigfoot crap is just that, crap.
I do believe that sasquatches may have the ability to mess with your mind in that they can trick you by throwing sounds. But as for being paranormal creatures, no.
The reality is that they are extremely rare, extremely shy, and are intelligent. They know how to avoid detection. The vast majority of people who have seen them do so because they come upon a sasquatch at those rare moments when it doesn't realize that a human is near. At other times, sasquatches are seen when they are curious.
Tribes-people all state bigfoot lives in and accesses another dimension - so what do you know about it,Paleface?
DeleteWhat we do know is that Stu lives in the third stall of the mens room. He's a real sick bitch!
DeleteHow convenient that Bigfoot are paranormal now since there has been no proof all these years that they are flesh and blood creatures. How about just accepting the fact that they don't exist period?
Delete“The reality is that they are extremely rare, extremely shy, and are intelligent. They know how to avoid detection. The vast majority of people who have seen them do so because they come upon a sasquatch at those rare moments when it doesn't realize that a human is near. At other times, sasquatches are seen when they are curious.”
DeleteYet up top you go on a rant about their existence. There is honestly something fecking wrong with you mate. I don’t think you know what character you’re in from one comment to the next. And you’re satisfied in saying literally anything as a final comment in a thread. And Bigfoot have only been considered paranormal now?
“I do believe that sasquatches may have the ability to mess with your mind in that they can trick you by throwing sounds.”
... and how do you suggest they manage that? What well-known scientific ability that everyone acknowledges do they utilises to achieve this? Do you ever stop to consider coherence before press “publish”, you fecking dunce? And then wait for it...
“But as for being paranormal creatures, no.”
(Head in hands, “sigh”)
You oxyMORON. Let me explain something to you Eddy boy. If there is no proof that these hominin are flesh & blood, then why are there not only hundreds of years of physical sign referenced by indigenous cultures, but 60 years of physical sign in the present to point to? I could beat you around the head with a footprint cast, because it’s physical, it has been left by a biological entity interacting with the environment. Physical evidence that is now peer reviewed and proven to be impossible to hoax. D’you know what Eddy boy? The amount of people that have come and gone from here are ten times the person you are and ever will be. I lesson myself when I respond to your comments, and I can’t wait for you to finally drink yourself to the point of messing up totally on the internet and finally getting it taken away from you. You are a feckin disgrace of a human and thick as feck.
^ thick as shit Joe
DeleteAs usual icktomi suffers under the delusion that every comment comes from one single person. I make just ONE comment (in this case the previous one just before his senseless diatribe) and he goes into "gotcha" rant. Yes, a footprint cast is physical but that does not mean it was left by the creature people assume it portrays. It could be a hoax, it could be left by a known animal and misinterpreted, it could simply be a natural impression that looks like a footprint, it could be many things. I would safely say most of them ARE man-made and hoaxes. In any case you don't have any biological evidence to support your position that Bigfoot is real so you have nothing....period. Talk about thick - that thick fog of belief you wrap around yourself has got to get denser each passing year. But not to worry - Sykes is coming LOL!
Delete“Yes, a footprint cast is physical but that does not mean it was left by the creature people assume it portrays.”
DeleteSorry PS... Can’t be a hoax because hoaxers would have to have known about certain archaic foot morphology before scientists did. Known animals in North America don’t have five toes and a mid-tarsal break, and they don’t leave entire trackways of that type of foot with toe bending and foot flexing. Natural impressions don’t accidentally come up with five toes and a mid-tarsal break, and don’t accidentally cause entire trackways of that type of foot with toe bending and foot flexing. So nope PS, you clearly haven’t even feckin bothered to look at the subject you think you’re clever enough to pass judgement on;
Lazy fat slob who hasn’t even bothered to look at the subject, let alone grow a pair of *****. You see, this is how it works. I would never just use my unqualified opinion and expect to win an argument based on that. That’s why I reference academics and professionals. I can reference a PhD whose work is not only being endorsed by the best scientists in the world, but who is an authority in his field. You have your unqualified, uneducated, uncredited opinion that nobody in their right minds would take over a PhD when you claim you “safely say” something. Who feckin cares?
If someone is to make a claim they are expected to back up that claim with evidence. It’s the burden of proof... your burden is to prove how the evidence that shows a genuine biological foot made contact with the ground is hoaxed... you’ve never done that because not only are you too stupid, but there isn’t even a PhD that can debunk it. Hopeless... your case is hopeless. And as the years go by the evidence keeps rolling in, reports keep rolling in, peer reviewed studies, DNA studies, footage, and more and more people get used to the idea that hominin reside in wilderness areas of the US. Oh, and by the way... Sykes came... How did that end up for you? I seem to remember you claiming he was done and dusted after Bigfoot Files.
^ still operating under the "everyone is Stuey delusion huh? LOL - your burden is to produce a living, breathing Bigfoot which despite all the so-called evidence, sightings improved technology and ALL (lol) those scientists you have failed to do. Here is one simple fact that you cannot deny: NO BIOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF BIGFOOT EXISTS OR IT WOULD HAVE BEEN PROVEN BY NOW.
DeleteYes, Sykes came and proved nothing with the DNA tests and since the book have heard nothing more revealing from him. But you can't change the mind of a fanatic - it's your religion but it won't come true no matter how hard you pray.
Sykes proved bear
DeleteMy job is to justify being convinced in Bigfoot’s existence. That is easily achieved by the physical evidence that’s impossible to hoax. Scientists at present aren’t looking for hominin because they can’t give up their day jobs... that’s then down to amateur researchers who don’t have the adequate resources to track a primate like the average field study demands... yet they’re STILL coming up with the evidence. Oh, and hair samples have been collected for decades, have a unique morphological trait, and are DNA tested as HUMAN.
It’s funny... One of us is referencing scientists and peer reviewed scientific research and the other isn’t even providing even an equivalent and demanding others have faith in what he says... even when it’s highly apparent he doesn’t know the first thing about this subject. If you want to change the minds of people who know what they’re talking about, get facts, references, academics and case studies... that’s how you convince people something is bunk. You’re just the village idiot that people like to push around when they’re bored.
Go make another cryptoblog, loser.
You typed all that and still lost the argument
DeleteHard to get case studies when all serious academics realize it's all nonsense and not worth their time trying to prove imaginary creatures. All you have to do to convince people it's bunk is never to produce a Bigfoot despite all the so-called evidence and sightings reported over all these years. Pray harder icktimi.
DeleteOh dear... Not one academic referenced? Are you sure you even know what you’re talking about there, PS? It’s not a good look when you can’t reference one single professional to back your corner. Well how’s this... I’ve actually spent the time reading the papers written by scientists who have scrutinised the science behind this subject down the years and it doesn’t stand up. I know more about your pretend sceptical stance than you do and you’ve been role-playing for ten years. You’re a joke. Utterly clueless. You won’t find a study because you would need a feckin time machine to achieve what hoaxers would have to have achieved. And I’ll be able to reference Meldrum’s latest work for years and years to come because it’s that water tight. It’s too easy now for me... debating people with ten times the intelligence of you was easy before, but since the natural progression of the physical evidence got to the point of peer review, dunces like you don’t stand a chance pal. Game... set... match. A scientific stalemate with an actual field study doesn’t make peer reviewed science go away. It’s fun knowing for the years you’ve harassed people around here you’ve had all your best arguments chipped away at because that’s what happens when there is a real biological subject at the root of the debate. You demanded DNA; you got it. You demanded peer review; you got it. Is there anything you haven’t been made to look like a fool about?
DeleteOh and by the way, Bigfoot’s been discovered for the last 60 years... the only thing lacking is a classification.
Bye, bye, chump.
Did you not read and comprehend anything I said? Of course you didn't. No academics were referenced because all SERIOUS professionals realize it's nonsense and not worth their time. If they had something to gain by it they would tear your so-called evidence to pieces. Actually the case for proving Bigfoot doesn't exist doesn't need their help as the believers do a pretty convincing case themselves with their blurry photos and so-called evidence. What has DNA proved - nothing! What has the peer review (by fellow believers) proven - nothing! If there is a real biological subject at the root of the debate then simply show the BIOLOGICAL evidence for it. Simples.
DeleteBigfoot has most certainly been NOT discovered. That is an outrageous lie even for you icktomi.
Ha HAHA HAHA scientific evidence rejected by mainstream scientists, it's all a conspiracy by the government
DeleteAgain... Nope! I could reference about four sceptical scientists now ... you pathetic and clueless little chump. And the reason you’re not listing them is because not only are you utterly clueless, but you’re not remotely concerned with finding anything of the sort because you’re too busy cheerleading your own favourite researchers and YouTube channels.
DeleteAnd on what basis, what chink in the maille would they find to tear the evidence apart? You can’t even name the footprint casts that are being used as evidence, let alone the details of such evidence, and the circumstances that they were found. If you can’t even tell me those basic details, how do you expect to make someone believe you that said evidence is bunk? Faith? And in the face of the data being provided, that counter argument is getting awfully like a religion there old boy. You’re a feckin fraud and have been entertained so long with these exchanges that you actually think you know summin... but the truth is what you DO know has been beaten around your head when making you look like an naive old timer with nothing to say or impress people by. And that’s your issue... you don’t like being a nobody.
Oh, and the PGF is so detailed that a pioneering plastic surgeon could point to clear examples of biological tissue that not only few highly trained surgeons would add to a costume but would be impossible to add to costume today let alone 1967. The majority of people expect to see a non-human primate’s DNA, whilst the peer review has proven that the footprint evidence is impossible to fake. Impossible.
Here we go chump;
That’s biological evidence. Understand what that means? You sure? I’m not sure you know what the feck you’re on about, do you? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
“Ha HAHA HAHA scientific evidence rejected by mainstream scientists, it's all a conspiracy by the government“
DeleteThere we go then Einstein... I’ll be back tomorrow to see if you can provide me with some mainstream scientists that have looked at the footprint evidence and rejected its authenticity.
See ya later d*** head.
You typed all that and you still lost the argument, I see you hurling the insults in desperation since you can't prove a damn thing, sad little fool
DeleteWhere are you, is someone at the drive through window?
DeleteI guess you got hurt badly so you'll just come back tonight when no one's around and talk all tough, it's okay
DeleteIktomi has made me lose my faith in Mankind.
DeleteEver notice how he references the same people and evidence over and over and over? That's because nothing new is being presented to bolster his case. His main champion is Meldrum who I suspect continues just for the money and fandom. Besides anyone who buys into those crazy Mormon beliefs can't be too scientific. lktomi will go to his grave just as so many others never being able to verify or justify their belief. It's actually sad really.
DeleteJust as I thought... sweet feck all.
DeleteOh and PS? Why wouldn’t I keep referencing the ace card? You’ve been destroyed on footage, audio, eyewitness testimony and native culture too many times to count... all bookmarked when you need reminding about it too. But don’t you think it’s a little rich you claiming that when you can’t provide one single case to bolster your pretend sceptical stance? You’d have to prove Meldrum’s work is bunk before the money he earns from his hard work isn’t justified... because that’s what hard working academics tend to end up making. You flunked at research and a cryptoblog... what a sad **** you are for then moaning at others who have actually made it.
DeleteYou lose. Too easy.
See,always proves me right ^
Deleteshaddap rag-wearer
ReplyDeleteOXYmoron? Lol. Oh and let's not forget there are now werewolves in every patch of shrubs big enough to hold Mattsquatch's oversized AKON head.
ReplyDeleteAnother interesting fact about idiot savants is you can literally see what they are thinking as shown in the cartoon bubble to the left of MS's gigantic head.
ReplyDeleteI speak that gibberish and he said " Iktomi and Joe are revered in our country as very learned experts on Children's Fairytales".
ReplyDeleteiktomi If you could raise 5000 quid you could get your micropenis fixed and your anger would dissapear with the more prostitutes you hired. Im under no illusion that you have the money to fix your face, man boobs, lipo your fat head and get implaants in your flat old man ass.
ReplyDeleteIktomi would you take it up the arse on camera from a 14 foot Pacific Northwest Alpha Sasquatch to prove their existence once and for all?
ReplyDeleteIf you answer yes. Your a filthy, demented criminally insane nutter but if you answer no, then you are a non-beleiever in Bigfoot. So what's your answer BIG BOY?