Six Witnesses Watch Screaming Bigfoot

This bigfoot encounter from Wyoming is hard to disregard. There were 6 witnesses to the event, and they all experienced the same thing.


  1. The real story is that is was one bigfoot and Jerry Cline screaming like six scared kindergarten students.

  2. Just another bullshit story with nothing to back it up. Six so called witnesses but of course no names. Meh.

  3. Puke tells a story about where he was terrorized by a group of mountain midgets. They were 9 inches tall with small tusks. Khat will be happy to elaborate on the story if you pay her $50. She, of course is an expert on every cryptid and Indian tribe.

  4. Sham on Khat
    Shame on Khat
    Shaman Kat for all her lies.


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