Giant 17 Foot Tall Sasquatch

World Bigfoot Radio discusses some of the reports of encounters with absolutely giant bigfoot creatures, including the 17 footer pictured above.


  1. Replies
    1. I thought that a story about a 17 foot tall bigfoot must be an April Fool’s joke until I listened to the dingbats in the link. Ha ha ha!

    2. Believe, in bollocks, Duh...I love bollocks

    3. I was ready to applaud you PIB until I realized the date. It's a shame because there are so many REAL rare and fascinating animals out there deserving of your attention and concern. You seem like a nice person and I can only hope you are not wasting any money supporting charlatan "researchers" interested only in lining their pockets when REAL endangered animals are in need. It's a shame they don't turn their time and efforts towards something that would be truly beneficial.

    4. ^ Failed researcher who never lined his pockets. Nobody gives a feck, PS. And maybe you should come to terms with what scarred you a hot this subject and go obsess about “REAL” endangered animals in need.

      For every one of your failures there are people who never even tried and ran into a hominin by accident, or came upon tracks in the middle of nowhere.

      Maybe if you’d ever contributed anything worthwhile for benefit of this subject, you might not be so bitter at like minded people for your own shortfalls eh?

    5. IktomiMonday, April 1, 2019 at 1:10:00 AM PDT

      Reality check... I can now step back from this crud hole of a blog.


      Ha ha ha!

    6. Moneymaker confirms Matilda

    7. Iktomi you are such a bitter, fucking idiot, do everyone else a favour and shut the fuck up.

  2. Brian Sullivan SAW a 38 ft. Mountain Giant. It had tusks. Brian does NOT lie. In his home state of Montana he has found 35" tracks. If you do the math, the BF stands 33 feet. Khat has also seen a 100 foot troll in central America.

  3. Reo saw a 600 foot BF after ingesting LSD. The creature then offered him a carrott and proceeded to do the huddle as the rest of the clan sang along.

  4. Todd Standing saw a Sasquatch that was approximately 66 miles high. It was measured by the space shuttle. Its frat resulted in Katrina...

  5. Wife beater and deadbeat Rene Dahinden claimed to have seen bigfoot 567,897,654 feet. It wascsquatting at the time.

  6. Dan and Vickie saw a 22 ft. Dogman at LBL. Dan shot it twice with an airlift rifle whereupon the creature eviscerated Vickie. Dan remains behind bars awaiting a bail hearing;


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