Female Bigfoot Filmed At Encounter Location

Crypto Reality on youtube says they captured a female bigfoot on film at an encounter location. Take a look at the video.


  1. Shadows, blobsquatches. Nothing in these videos so don't waste your time. If you don't put out patty quality videos or better then you are wasting every ones time and you look like an idiot to boot.

    1. How many videos do we see on YouTube purporting to show an actual Sasquatch? Certainly hundreds. How many are convincing and appear credible? Zero if they have proven Bigfoot is a living, breathing entity. Actually by putting out these blobsquatch videos they are causing more people to be skeptics than believers.

  2. Crypto reality has cornered the market on 30 min films of bushes.

  3. Jerry Cline has cornered the market on being a scared little schoolgirl.

    1. He's certainly cornered the market on the neighborhood liquor store. You have to be some kind of drunk to call 911 with that bullshit.

  4. There may be a bigfoot in those highlighted areas, but it’s just blobsquatch to the viewer. Only a bigfool watching this would accept it as proof of bigfoot. Also, the conspiracy rant is only meaningful to someone who already is a conspiracy type. Overblown and not worth watching.

  5. CRYPTOSHRUBERRY again bores the hell out of viewers for 37 minutes. They should put their channel on a botany channel.

  6. JERRY cline has also been physically attacked by two sasquatch and went through the horror of having one of these creatures walk through his yard all in a span of two years. that's a lot of encounters for one guy....

  7. jerry makes GERMER LOOK HONEST.

  8. Jerry explained he has a speech impendiment after he boozes it up. Oddly I have the same condition...

  9. Who wants to watch a nearly 30 minute clip? Just show the section with the supposed bigfoot and cut the rest that no one cares about.

  10. Jerry was so amazingly fucked up drunk in that 911 call its an internet classic. Screaming and carrying on and just absolutely blasted drunk.... hilarious.

    You folks have Cryptoreality all wrong. Those folks are getting bigfoot video. If you actually watch one of the vids you are going to see a living breathing sasquatch. Unless you are a commpletely blind asshole.

  11. Why don't they just make a 5 min highlight reel showing bigfoot?

  12. Jerry Cline now calls himself the "King of all Cryptid Hunters". He by his own count has seen 7 bigfoot and 2 Dogmen. That's a lot of cryptids in a very short span.

  13. Jerry Cline is also a ladies man.


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