"Researcher" Skat Hansen today reveals that for the first time she has found Mountain gorillas in her research site. "The proof speaks for itself" she is quoted as saying after Steve Kulls accused her of hosting last week. Hansen elaborates by revealing that Kihosa the gorilla shown has a "cocaine problem". I plan to stage an intervention very soon Hansen is quoted as saying. This marks the first time a wild gorilla has been discovered outside of equatorial Africa. Its just another feather in my cap Hansen remarked recently. Thanks to her online Addiction certificate Hansen is confident she can get the beast to enter a 2i day rehab.
Just because Khat has seen every living cryptid and has lied about her college degrees and uses photoshopped gorillas and uses 35 different photos of herself and claims she was attacked by a well known hoaxer and Doaent live live where she says is no reason to be a hater.
Apparently several Sasquatch "Contactees" are telling Mr. Kulls that they are "very, very upset with Ms. Hansen's lies and will be personally visiting her to show their displeasure". They indicated that an advance team of Dogmen were on scene awaiting orders.
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
"Researcher" Skat Hansen today reveals that for the first time she has found Mountain gorillas in her research site. "The proof speaks for itself" she is quoted as saying after Steve Kulls accused her of hosting last week. Hansen elaborates by revealing that Kihosa the gorilla shown has a "cocaine problem". I plan to stage an intervention very soon Hansen is quoted as saying. This marks the first time a wild gorilla has been discovered outside of equatorial Africa. Its just another feather in my cap Hansen remarked recently. Thanks to her online Addiction certificate Hansen is confident she can get the beast to enter a 2i day rehab.
ReplyDeleteJust because Khat has seen every living cryptid and has lied about her college degrees and uses photoshopped gorillas and uses 35 different photos of herself and claims she was attacked by a well known hoaxer and Doaent live live where she says is no reason to be a hater.
ReplyDeleteApparently several Sasquatch "Contactees" are telling Mr. Kulls that they are "very, very upset with Ms. Hansen's lies and will be personally visiting her to show their displeasure". They indicated that an advance team of Dogmen were on scene awaiting orders.
ReplyDelete'Gug',so busy at the knot hole in the men's room stall today, be mine valentine you young lads, 'Gug ' so good
^ Yummy yum yum that sounds sweet heaven itself - (licks lips)
Apparently Ms. Hansen has expressed an interest in Iktomi as her Valentine.��