Look How Many People Are Into Bigfoot!

They might be ahrd to find, but according to this article, bigfoot are alive and well in North America, and so is the amount of people looking for them.

How popular is Bigfoot on Facebook? From right at 200,000 members in 94 Facebook Groups, the average number of individuals were members of ten Bigfoot groups. This number leads us to 20,000 huge fans of Bigfoot” who can be easily identified, nationwide. When you add an additional estimated 80% of additional groups which are related to “Sasquatch” and “Cryptid” it is easy to see at least 35,000 hard-core fans of Bigfoot, just in Facebook groups alone.

For more bigfoot statistics, including the number of sightings around the U.S., click here. 


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  2. I would like more information about this, because it is very nice., Thanks for sharing.
    Sushi Cat 2


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