The Patterson Film On Coast To Coast

From Coast To Coast AM Official on youtube:

Coast to Coast AM November 02, 2018. On October 20, 1967, Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin emerged from a forest in Northern California with 59 seconds of grainy, shaky, silent 16mm film that supposedly offered documentary evidence of the Sasquatch. Although neither Patterson nor Gimlin had any previous experience in filmmaking or zoology, they presented their remarkable footage as the first motion picture confirmation of the existence of the mysterious creature. Movie podcast host and author Phil Hall joined George Noory to discuss the history of the Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot film and examine it as a work of cinema.


  1. The PGF is the real deal bigfoot. I correspond with quite a few blokes there in the states who are also fellow bigfooters and those who claim to have had a sighting have told me whatthey saw is 100 % spot on the same type of creature as in the PGF and to me they are very credible so i have no reason to doubt them and unlike our fellow troll on here they have never done meth . Anyone out there ,go ahead and take your best shot to prove me wrong and i'll bet you can't !


    1. Who's older, you or Gimlin ?


    2. Hey Pedo- who's sicker, you or Bill Cosby ?
      Now why don't you go stick your wanker in some jello puddin' !


    3. ^ i think you mean poops - after all Joe is full of shit

  2. Bigfoot sightings 2018 and a "No known animal" sighting

  3. If the Patterson film is ever debunked, the multi-million dollar bigfoot world would collapse.

    1. I know I shouldn't take the bait Stwartz but let me just say:


      We can count on your f@cktardery like the rising and setting of the sun. Thanks for the laugh, not sure why it really struck me this morning but it felt good.

    2. ^ as good as cock up your crabby ass ?

      i`ll bet not

    3. ^ PSS is speaking from experience i'll bet.Local troll who never misses a chance to project his sick fantasies on here. such a twisted perv


    4. ^ "she" says just as the thick todger slips from her ass leaving a yukky thick tepid brown sludge behind

    5. 10;09

      shut up Joe - you love reading about your fantasy life - plus it gives you some meaning to your old man benefit life of misery

    6. Your obsession with asses and poop is so boring. It was played YEARS ago. Amusing that you still think it has the power to shock or offend anyone here. Now take your hands out of your pants and go start up on your meds again weirdo.


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