Crazy Bigfoot Creature Stories

From World Bigfoot Radio: Yuccaman, Sandman & Aquasquatch

Mattsquatch joins us to talk about Bigfoot in his area and some of the wild stories he has heard about them!


  1. Fattsquatch is an idiot. His "expertise" comes from listening to the fictional "Sasquatch Chronicles" and "Puke"s World BS. show. Listen to his pathetic upars video if you wanna have a good laugh.

    1. Ello mate , “fatsqautch “ is what I call my todger , would you fancycoming round to my flat to find out why it’s called that ?


  2. In a related story multiplpersonality sufferer Scat Hansen narrowly beat out the reigning compulsive liar Wes the Germ for being the biggest fraud in buffoonery 2018. Honorable mention goes to Brenton Sawin who needs more of your money. Please send via PayPal or Money Order.

    1. I have never listened to one of Brenton Sawin's shows where he HASN'T begged for money. He needs to get in touch with Jeffrey Meldrum who will show him how it's done.

      It's REALLY all about the money you know.

  3. Pedo Stu (all the above) obsesses about Bigfoot to the point of listening to all the YouTube channel shows, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

    His broke ass cries about other people making money, when he’s making them more money than most by clicking on their channels, ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    It’s like hiding behind sockpuppets whilst dedicating his retirement to driving people from a blog, at any cost, not realising that he’s slowly exposing his sockpuppets.

    Not... Too... Smart.

    I’m coming to get your money Pedo Stu!! Oh that’s right, you have none.

    1. CHA-CHING !
      PEDO $TU $AVILE is making a few people rich without even realizing it ! He could use that money for more meth, hahahaha


    2. Poor Stu stepped in a pile and Iktomi rubbed his nose right in it.

    3. Hi Chick Chick. Say - any more news about that Bigfoot in your backyard? The one that looks like a gorilla?

    4. Ah, poor, poor Stuey. He's had his nose rubbed in it so many times by Iktomi that I can smell him over here close to the west coast.

      Take a bath, Stuey. You're bound to have another nose rubbing soon!

    5. If Stu is so pathetic, why do you people talk about him in every comment?

    6. Because the stupid Pedo is rubbed in our face every comment section. The silly tramp still believes in his sockpuppeting, clings to it for dear life like it’s his only hope of sadism. When he’s not pretending to talk to be multiple people, he’s obsessing about us, or he’s obsessing about Bigfoot proponents stealing his money. What a coocoo!

      Is that clear enough for you, Pedo?

    7. If all of that is true about Stu, why don’t you simply ignore him? You seem to be giving him the attention he craves? I don’t get it.

    8. Hand down your shorts, Pedo?

      Don’t get too excited... It’s fun smacking around the village idiot, especially when he’s pleading for it daily.


    9. Okay you guys have dealt with "Stu". Now what about that Bigfoot that Chick Chick seen in her backyard - the one that looks like a gorilla?

    10. Pedo Stu, you know you’ve been responding to your name whilst special pleading gorilla reports?

      People have for decades, reported Bigfoot to look like gorillas. Chick reporting what looks like a gorilla to everyone else, has nothing but consistency... Three databases of it in fact.

      Silly Pedo.

    11. Sir, that was a seriously, serIously good read from quite clearly a very experienced person in this field. I myself am trying to learn as much as I can about the subject and this piece you have written has really contributed to 'keeping the ball rolling', so to speak. There is an awful lot to digest but it has a very convincing and honest feel to it all.
      Hopefully I can read more from yourself very soon.

    12. Well fantastic Mr. "everyone is Stu". Then how about Chick Chick posting and giving us updates since they come into in her backyard and she sees them regularly. Has she got film footage of them or has she notified the proper authorities?

    13. And I would advise Chick to never publish anything around here for any leeches to see.

    14. ...because he knows she can't back it up.

      Just another story as usual.

    15. More like not appeasing your rhetorical dog ****, Pedo. You’ve been presented the best of the best as far as evidence goes for years, and you’ve applied conspiracies that take twice the leap of faith.

      Nobody owes a pervert like you anything, now feck off

    16. Hahaha Anon 1:17 - Mr. "everyone is Stu" has to resort to that kind of retort because it's the last defense he has. Here you have a poster who claims of a Bigfoot in her BACKYARD and it's brushed over with a "wow - good for you" type of response from all the footers here instead of pumping her with all sorts of questions. Belief in Bigfoot has now become a social club with wide acceptance of ANYONE who believes no matter how outlandish their story. Don't let Mr. "everyone is Stu" fool you - he has no evidence that is not questioned or formally accepted and never will.

    17. Stop talking to yourself Pedo Stu, it’s weird and f’n cringey!

    18. ^ 5 2:19! The ding dong hates it when he has his own stupid catch phrases thrown back in his face! I can feel his fury pulsating through the Internet! Ha ha ha!

    19. Oh please don’t, how will I cope?

      Still talking to yourself Pedo? It doesn’t bring your cult back to life boyo.

    20. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, about that gorilla - eh, Bigfoot seen in Chick Chick's backyard?

    21. Click, click, click... Keep making evil footers sole money, ya f’n great pleb.

      Ha ha ha ha!!

    22. I have photos and a short vid of a pretty intricate structure. It was large enough to get inside of and I did. Somebody would add onto it in the darkness of night and the next day we would go out and see what was added. There was fresh grass pulled up with the roots intact and mud still attached to the ends. It was about a quarter inch thick and arranged into an almost perfect circle pattern. To me it looked like a sitting mat for someone on the small side and it was inside the structure.. I have pics of all of it. Also some huge inline foot impressions (probably 20 inches long) in loose gravel leading up to a fresh tree weave. It was made at night about 100 feet from the structure. I wont be posting it up here. I will likely post them somewhere private where a few chosen people can look if they are interested but my husband will have to put in the time and effort so I can't say how long it will take. Nothing super amazing but your basic structures and foot impressions with no detail. Fun to find though.

    23. "I will likely post them somewhere private where a few chosen people can look if they are interested."

      That one sentence pretty much say it all. This too will fade into nothingness and provide no evidence just like all the rest.

    24. What a threatened, sad old person you come across as, ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

    25. Stu, you're a nasty little f@cker troll whom I would not want to have access to any pictures of me -I'm in some for size comparison- or any personal information (un-scrubbed iphone photos can be gps tracked). You've threatened to rape me and my sons now please explain why I should include you in anything I find. Go ahead. Right now, do it. I'm waiting lol. This should be RICH!

    26. Oh good Lord I have never threatened to rape you or anything else. You are of the delusional "everyone is Stu" club. I know this much - if I thought I had such earthshaking proof such as the structure you cited I would certainly notify the proper authorities starting with the local game warden. My guess is that it is simply a man made shelter for who knows what purpose (entertainment?). All you people constantly cry of proof and It's just become a social club with each trying to "out Bigfoot" the other. Go ahead and keep your "evidence" - it won't matter to anything anyway.

    27. Good find, Chick!!! I would love to see the photos when you get them posted, but I don't know how to get my email to you without posting it here. If you know of a way, let me know.

    28. Maybe we can use youtube to exchange that when its ready, I think we are already subbed to each other? It will probably be a bit before he has the time to put something together but I will update. We also found a juvenile trackway in the mud at the same time, just a little farther down the woods. I suspect it belongs to the owners of the structure. Lots of monkey sounds- like the primate house at the zoo during that timeframe. Sounded like young ones but Im just guessing. Hope you are well Uno!

    29. Sounds very interesting, Chick. Can hardly wait! So cool, and scary too.

      Does Iktomi have your email? He has mine, I think. It's been awhile since we've communicated, but I can email him again and have him pass it on to you. I hope you are well, too. Stay safe!

    30. And I think Chick nailed it... Pedo Stu is a pervert who’s utterly obsessed with Chick. He has a dossier of her comments and as you can see, will make reference to her multiple times weekly. Utterly obsessed. Then you have the tape comments and intimidation that lasted weeks and weeks. That’s the same sick **** up top.

      Chick, you’re right to not fall for it. Uno has my email, looking forward to it.

    31. Foolish paranoid Mr. "everyone is Stu" I am not "Stu" (or anyone else making ridiculous rape threats if that truly happened) but I do question everyone who insist that Bigfoot exists and I call out Chick Chick because she posts here and claims she has seen them and that they are living and existing close to where she is living. If I had such an opportunity I would spare no expense in gaining assistance from those who COULD provide expertise in proving what she says. If REAL proof could be provided this could translate literally into great fame and millions of dollars (not the chump change that Meldrum gets). Many claim to know where Bigfoot are inhabiting yet Either Bigfoot chooses to live and be seen next to the stupidest people in the world or it doesn't exist. By all means Chick Chick can share this supposed evidence with you if it gets you off but it will prove nothing as usual. If she really had anything substantial I'm sure I would hear about it from other sources anyway. You people can NEVER back up your claims and like the boy who cried wolf after so many times people just ignore you. Go ahead Chick Chick - prove Bigfoot exists and make me and other skeptics look like fools - I challenge you! But it will go no further than a few other people who ALREADY believe and gain no converts. I've said my peace and leave you to your "Stu" - you are all deserving of him.

    32. Blah, blah, blah, blah, Pedo, blah, Pedo, blah.

      IktomiFriday, November 16, 2018 at 12:34:00 PM PST
      More like not appeasing your rhetorical dog ****, Pedo. You’ve been presented the best of the best as far as evidence goes for years, and you’ve applied conspiracies that take twice the leap of faith. Nobody owes a pervert like you anything, now feck off.

      Does it make you feel all clever and important labelling yourself a “skeptic”, Pedo Stu? D’you know when your drunk old backside stumbled across this subject on the internet, did you think you’d finally belong to some sort of intellectual society who are saving the world from evil pseudoscience?

      Ha ha ha ha!!!

      You’re not a sceptic, Pedo, sceptics challenge their own views and refrain from passing judgement. You’re just a sick misogynistic pervert who simply wants photos of Chick to go along with the dossier you have on her.

      Because Chick has destroyed your self-esteem too many times to count, you just want her evidence so you can call BS no matter what it is... Pleading to get even. Now that’s such a sad state of affairs, but you expect it from the saddest sap on the internet.

      I’ll see you real soon Pedo! Don’t worry, I’ll let you know how awesome it is.

      ; )

    33. Man - you really ARE crazy Mr. "everyone is Stu". Hey go ahead and address me as "Stu" if it makes you feel better. Now if the "best of the best" evidence has been presented then that's a pretty pathetic commentary on the state of Bigfoot today. You state this has been presented for years and yet acceptance of the existence of Bigfoot is no further along than it was over 50 years ago. Good Lord, all I ask of Chick Chick is something substantial to back up her story and everyone goes immediately on the defense which should raise red flags right there. I could care less about her personal life I just wanted to see if she could back up here story and surprise, surprise more excuses and deflection. You people really are strange and I can clearly see how you could buy into the idea of a huge bipedal unknown creature living seemingly everywhere in the United States and remaining undiscovered all this time.

      I'm sure you will let everyone know how awesome it is because anything connected with Bigfoot gets your immediate stamp of approval. Of course we won't be allowed to judge for ourselves because you have no faith in the evidence standing on it's own. Have fun playing your little game but no one sane is buying into it. Just remember these words...nothing...will...ever...come

    34. Ooooooooh Pedo. Over the past 50 years to this point... Bigfoot evidence has done nothing but grow in credibility and is now being published in journals, prioneering geneticists are testing samples, and world renowned archaeologists & alike are defending the work of the likes of Meldrum. That’s all that’s happening, is Bigfoot becoming more credible as the scientific taboos are torn away. That’s the reality of it Pedo, the subject is only getting more credible. And by the way Pedo, Bigfoot has been discovered in the US, it has scientists endorsing its existence based on the physical sign it leaves, and three databases of its eyewitnesses attesting to its existence. It hasn’t been tracked to classification yet... Your daily reality check boyo.

      You’re not man enough or intelligent enough to acknowledge the current state of evidence which is impossible to hoax... therefore Chick is wise not to give slime like you the chance to find out more about her, and to rhetorically sneer at her evidence.

      Now feck off ya loser.

    35. “There’s no way I’ll accept physical evidence that stands up to every expectation of scientific scrutiny... And would quite simply need a time machine to hoax...

      But I’d somehow entertain someone I have a misogynistic hatred for in Chick’s photos of tracks and structures and see if she’s legit.”

      That might work with ten year olds, not with adults. Like I said, you’re not worthy of someone’s photographic evidence Stu. Feck off.

    36. Boy you ARE delusional Mr. "everyone is Stu". Yes, Bigfoot has grown in credibility according to YOU. That is why comments on Bigfoot sites have diminished to almost nothing, that is why news people snicker and laugh when a story comes up, that is why the average person treats it like a joke, that is why the vast MAJORITY of professional scientists roll their eyes at the mention of Bigfoot unlike a few handpicked oddballs who you champion. Don't you get it? The REALITY is that you have no body - not even a body part to prove it exists. Bigfoot has been discovered in the US??? Do tell because the last I heard it was still OFFICIALLY considered a myth. Three databases of eyewitnesses - yeah that's certainly a strong point because people who have a tendency to WANT to believe would never lie, embellish or make a misidentification. In fact that's a strong argument against it because of all the inconsistencies in these "reports".

      Your not objective enough to even consider the possibility that it may not exist because of you fanatic, almost religious-like faith that it does. For the last time I could care less about Chick Chick unless she has something substantial to back up her story and that's obviously not going to happen so as far as I am concerned case closed on her story.

      I sense the desperation in the abusive language you use Mr. "everyone is Stu" and you would like nothing better than to go unchallenged here for the benefit of the two or three people who care. Great - I'm happy you feel you are contributing to their faith that Bigfoot exists and feeding your frail ego at the same time. But just continue to remember these

    37. Blah, blah, blah, blah, Pedo, blah.

      Nope! Bigfoot has grown in credibility, purely by the sheer facts that it is being published in journals, more and more credible scientists endorsing, as well as willing to test the evidence. If you don’t like that, none of you uneducated feet stamping is going to change that. You don’t have the credentials to be calling long lists of PhD’s “oddballs”, Pedo. You harass women with rape threats and then apply conspiracy theories and logical fallacies to repeatable scientific PUBLISHED evidence. Please, you’re a nobody who isn’t remotely qualified to speak on behalf of anyone, let alone a mainstream scientific community that’s never even heard of the type of evidence that’s being published, to even get a chance to be cynical of it.

      You live in a dream land where your word is the world, and you can talk on behalf of people who aren’t even aware of Meldrum’s work. Unlucky perv.

      And what evidence is there for this diminshed subject, Pedo? Show me a dead blog other than this... Bigfoot Forums seems to be doing just fine. You ever been there? Have you ever been anywhere other than here? Of course you haven’t. You canr sockpuppet for the most part. You see, because you’re so f’n obsessed with this cruddy blog, it defines your world view of the subject. Sorry Pedo, a dead Bigfoot Evidence comment section due to rape threats and poor admins, doesn’t mean Bigfoot is diminishing. On the other hand, where’s your PGF hoax cult? Did I beat them all up and send them packing, or have they lost faith?

      “Argument from ignorance (Latin: argumentum ad ignorantiam), also known as appeal to ignorance (in which ignorance stands for "lack of evidence to the contrary"), is a fallacy in informal logic. It asserts that a proposition is true because it has not yet been proven false (or vice versa). This represents a type of false dichotomy in that it excludes a third option, which is that: there may have been an insufficient investigation, and therefore there is insufficient information to prove the proposition be either true or false.”
      ... No professional Bigfoot expedition, no body, ya stupid Pedo! Instead, and due to the hard work of amateur researchers... there areThree decades that have produced morphological congruency, before particular replica casts were made, and before things like mid-tarsal breaks had attention drawn to them... aligned with track ways that show that a genuine biological foot has made contact with the ground. I would have to be a perverted denialist to ignore that! Doesn’t matter about myths, doesn’t matter what I think... 14,000 years of people seeing what they allegedly want to see doesn’t make your boogey man go away. There are no inconsistencies across different cultures, Pedo... that’s a lie you like to peddle because you have nothing for the opposite, which is people don’t guess the same anatomical and behavioural traits over different cultures and for hundreds of years.

      Now feck off ya Pedo! You’re not welcome to anything Chick has!!

    38. Oh gee thank you Mr. "everyone is Stu" I'm not welcome to what Chick has - which is nothing apparently.

      If by scientific journals you are referring to Meldrum's The Relict Hominoid Inquiry and Ketchum's Denovo Journal I simply laugh. You have ONE journal whose content is peer-reviewed by other Bigfoot enthusiasts. Sure doesn't seem to be making much of an impact outside of Bigfoot circles because I never hear much about it. No, I don't have any credentials and neither do you to state their conclusions are correct. The Bigfoot Forums HAS diminished with the same posters commenting over and over. Sasquatch Chronicles and Cryptomundo is down to nothing, the BFRO and Cryptozoology forums are dead and plenty of others have come and gone. I have no idea what you are talking about with this PGF hoax cult. There are plenty of people who think it's a hoax. Perhaps they got bored with trying to convince people like you. I do know it probably had nothing to do with you scaring them away (you think too highly of yourself).

      Now think about this - why is there no professional Bigfoot expedition? Could it possibly be THAT THE EVIDENCE PRESENTED DOESN'T WARRANT IT? Why would any scientist pass up the opportunity to be famous and gain wealth at the same time by such a discovery. Why doesn't all these "professionals" you are always talking about get together and form one? I guess it's easier just to speculate and line their pockets from going to Bigfoot conventions where they preach to the choir. You know plenty of people claim to see ghosts as well with different cultures having similar stories. There are lots of witnesses, photographic and sound evidence presented and papers written but they are not accepted as real - sound familiar? ALL evidence is subject to hoaxing but not biological - a body or body part is pretty hard to dispute.

      Man this "Stu" must have really wounded you - you have him on the brain.

    39. I’ll be back in the morning, Pedo. It doesn’t bother me how many times I’ve got to repeat the same slam dunks, you think it might but I’ll repeat myself around here until I’m banned or the blog closes down. But I’ll leave you with this...

      When you have thousands of years of anthropological data from indegenous peoples, archeological studies where the biggest name in world anthropology has documented giant human bones, on a continent that has for the same period of time transitional reports by modern cultures regarding the exact same hairy biped... to which it’s physical evidence is now so profound that it has been proven that nobody could possibly hoax it... that’s without the footage, the hair samples, the audio, the thermal...

      ... and the best clowns like you can come up with is “it should have been found by now”, or “a body should have been found”... which is essentially pleading for Bigfoot to be what you NEED it to be (a dumb animal), you’ve just gotta smile and draw out the same pathetic excuse for a logical argument time and time again. Just to read how stupid and desperate for Bigfoot not to exist, some sad career denialists like you are.

      One of us has science... the other has conspiracy theories.

      Now feck off.

    40. No Pedo! I’m referring to the actual paper Meldrum has published. Here we go;
      The paper published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 356–374, 2016. You'll notice that Jeff presents the exact same foot morphology from two casts found in North America, with that of one sourced in China, essentially providing irrefutable proof that the track impressions are of the same biped. Hoaxers from different continents would have to have guessed a shared morphology of Sasquatch foot, encompassing total accuracy regarding bipedal evolution that only very few educated people understand. Why don't you have a little listen what Meldrum has to say from the 27mins mark in this link?
      ... And take note of the calibre of world renowned scientists that are defending his work? Martin Lockley, University of Colorado Denver... And Jeong Yul Kim, Department of Earth Science Education, Korea National University of Education, Cheongwon, Chungbuk, Korea. Not much of an impact outside Bigfoot circles? You don’t know what the feck you’re talking about boyo.

      ... All Fine! Cryptomundo went crud when Coleman left, and to be honest, when the subject of the PGF footage’s physical evidence is getting peer reviewed, and no SFX development is providing answers the cult like, I’d give up on the PGF hoax cult as well.

      If evidence meant the creature that’s leaving it didn’t exist, then we wouldn’t have eventually classified the last mansized primate in the early 00’s, ya twonk. The difference here is... The extraordinary nature of what this evidence for Bigfoot entails is in fact what's holding back the requirement of subsequent mainstream investigative measures. It means that until extraordinary evidence surfaces (a body out in the open like a dumb animal ), the subject isn't going to draw the attention of a majority of mainstream scientists who would only THEN be in a position to become aware of the many evidences that preceded it. Without this, few will see beyond the hoaxing and pop culture. It's a very detrimental circle that can be simplified as the requirement of extraordinary evidence without the extraordinary effort it would require to source it. The cart before the horse.

      But hey! If the papers keep rolling out and Meldrum can keep “lining his pockets” like all good academics do for their hard work... and maybe fund a study, that expedition might not be too far off, and it would be 60 years in the making of breaking down extraordinary evidence idealism taboos!

      Ghosts don’t leave evidence that’s consistent with other examples, are certainly not verified in collaboration with tens of scientists who have determined anatomy like heels, ankles, and Achilles' tendons... And are consistent with casts over a period of 60 years (after examining hundreds of Sasquatch footprints). Ghosts don’t yield measurements and estimates on ghost dimensions, collected over the last 60 years in the Western U.S and Canada, that are subjected to statistical analysis and extrapolation by scaling laws appropriate to primates and mammals. With average population values for foot length and width, scaling factors of foot length to height, values for weight, plantar pressure, walking and running gait, speed, and a tentative growth curve as a function of time for the female of the species.

      Like is said Pedo! You’ve just gotta sit back and smile sometimes.

      See ya tomorrow!

    41. I'll email you soon, Iktomi. Hope you are well.

    42. No Mr. "everyone is Stu" you won't see me tomorrow because there is nothing to be gained by continuing this conversation. It all started with just asking Chick Chick if she could back up here story with evidence and all of a sudden everyone circled the wagons and said nothing would be shared. Obviously just a story is all you people require. Same as it ever was - nothing to back up the story. Go ahead and believe in your myth but just remember...nothing...will...ever...come...of

      I guess I will go "feck" off now.

    43. Pedo Stu... you’re f’n dense.

      People don’t need to invest mere faith in the existence of Bigfoot, because there is ample evidence... evidence you are neither intelligent enough to grasp, or counter with logical reasoning.

      People are happy to invest confidence in Chick, because she is a lovely person and what she is saying is consistent with many other people’s experiences. Can any of us vouch 100% that what she is saying is accurate? Not really... but it makes the idea ten times easier to entertain because we already have the proof of Bigfoot’s existence.

      So with your latest f’n catchphrase attempt in “nothing...will...ever...come...of”, plenty has already come of the subject, Pedo. And when I get a chance to see Chick’s stuff, I know it’ll come from an honest person who will be happy to have her photos scrutinised by people who haven’t already judged her, and who don’t have a rhetorical agenda to get even at her.

      Now feck off.

  4. Hey Stutard, Chick owes you NOTHING, no matter how much you stomp your feet in your tantrums. She can write whatever she likes without having to defend herself to you. You mean NOTHING to her and that just burns your butt something fierce. Put some cream on it, accept the fact and get over it! Though I doubt some cream will deter an obsessed skeptard like you.

    If you'd like some evidence, get off your ass and go get it yourself. We are not handing you anything on a silver platter as you expect. Life doesn't work that way. Now, stomp your feet as you run away and sulk.

    1. Oh jeez another delusional "everyone is Stu" person. Well Mr. Uno I am so sorry I asked if she had anything to back up her story. Yes you are right - we should accept every story without question and just take for granted that it's true. That's how belief in Bigfoot works. Go get evidence? Of what? Geez if all you fanatics can't come up with proof then why would I waste my time. Don't worry, I won't waste any more time on this because there is nothing to be gained. There will never be anything here of any importance to back up the stories you people spout. You freaks and this "Stu" person you keep referring to can have this site all to yourselves. I'll be chuckling over the coming years thinking about this exchange. As for proof of Bigfoot just remember

    2. Bigfoot... already... amounted... to... plenty... now... we... get... to... see... Chick’s... stuff... and... you... get... feck... all.

      Pedo Stu, if a Bigfoot were documented by Nat Geo tomorrow, you’d claim it was a homeless deformed person and demand one more as proof. I’m pretty sure that there is nothing Chick can present that would trump the Sierra Sounds, the PGF, Brown’s Thermal, Elk Wallow Dermals, Leaping Russian Yeti, and now Meldrum’s published work on Midtarsal Breaks. Yet I’ve seen enough of habituation sites and other people’s experiences to recognise genuine activity when I clock it.

      You’re here every single f’n day worrying about what “crazy fanatics” have to say. You are here more than anyone, you watch every f’n youtube channel and visit every f’n blog (all self-admittedly). I can vouch for everyone around here not having that much of an emotional investment in the subject compared to you. Who’s the fanatic, Pedo Stu?

      Remember the 1933, Steelville Ledger Giant photo you had a biblical level meltdown over?


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