Dr. Jeff Meldrum Speaks From Pocatello

Dr. Jeff Meldrum speaks from Pocatello, Idaho, where they are hosting a bigfoot conference. Cliff Barackman of Finding Bigfoot is there too!


  1. A living legend.

    Carrying the torch from Grover Krantz, John Green, John Bindernagel, Peter Byrne, Rene Dahinden, and others who are gone but not forgotten.

    1. Crap on all of them.

      He looks like an insane old fool.

    2. You mean a living con man.

      That torch by the way is slowly burning out and those guys will be remembered as gullible fools.

    3. The reality is Meldrum’s work is being recognised by more world renown scientist, as well as having his work peer reviewed.

      Tell me Pedo Stu, can you provide one verified instance where Meldrum has conned someone? I noticed your link below didn’t seem to manage anything of the sort apart from circular logic.

    4. Come on Iktomi

      WHY are you conversing with a pedo ?

      IGNORE the pedo

      Can you do that ?

      I wonder if you can

  2. Sure, I would go around promoting Bigfoot's existence if I got paid $2,200 plus travel and accommodations to speak about it for an hour or so.


    I'm sure he profits off the books and casts he sells as well. Nice little gig he's got going on there.

    1. Scientists & authors have always toured seminars for their hard work, and if more people want to attend and pay and the opportunity is there for him to make money, then good for him. The finances to fund more research aren't coming from anywhere else.

      Have you ever been to a seminar or attended a talk by an author or scientist? Of course you haven’t... only to an uneducated patoot would the idea seem wrong.

      Maybe you should spend the time looking for that mainstream scientist to debunk his work instead of attacking his character? Oh wait...

    2. who cares if he makes money ??? PSS seems to have issues with people making money. Maybe he needs to get off his arse and make some himself instead of the daily rant on here. And btw, shouldn't he be in jail for his sicko behavior ? There's a buff bloke just waiting for him in a small cell carving his initials into the wall surrounded by a heart


    3. Yes, you guys are right. If people are stupid enough to buy into it then more power to him for fleecing them.

    4. Poor PS wishes he had some money. Maybe getting off his backside instead of depending on welfare would make him less bitter?

    5. LoL - yes every comment is from this "Pedo Stu".

      Maybe he should get into the Bigfoot business and make some money off you rubes. He could quote the flimsy evidence (just like you do) and make up his own facts (just like you do) and argue against the skeptics with religious like devotion (just like you do). Yep - he should join the circus that is the Bigfoot community. All he needs is his imagination and some made up stories and a publisher. In very little time he will be on the Bigfoot convention circuit with all the others peddling his books.

    6. I’m still not reading one... at least one... ONE mainstream scientist that supports your “flimsy evidence” angle with Meldrum’s peer reviewed research, Pedo Stu? I mean... these are all “made up facts”? Surely you have one example for your daily assertions??

      Surely, just one?

      Are you skint, Pedo Stu?? Maybe you can make some cash with all these money making methods you can’t provide one example for?

    7. PSS lacks the motivation to make money, he's too comfy collecting welfare and chasing young lads like the dirty old nasty pervert he really is


    8. ^ this old man's days of chasing young lads are over unless they are in a wheelchair.

    9. Isn’t it incredible to read how much Pedo Stu desperately tries to take control over the things that upset him?

      How many times have you been called a retired psycho?


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