Dogman In Pennsylvania Spotted by Hiker

A hiker got the shock of their life when they encountered a dogman in a Pennsylvania state forest. What's a dogman doing so close to people?


  1. Hello mates !
    Haiku time :

    There once was a bloke named stu
    Who went around smelling like poo
    He tried to diddle all the young lads
    and was beaten to a bloody pulp by their dads
    and now everyone just calls him vegetable Stu



  2. There once was a pedo named Joe who stangely new for a fact that a certain bigfoot site was frequented by young boys, funny how he never mentioned girls, and further had a pet name for eating sphincter, 'salad tossing 'and thought he could come and call other people pedo, eat shit Joe you freak....How's that poem, tee-hee?

    1. as a wordsmith you should keep your day job chum. Oh wait, you're on welfare. Oh well, maybe you can use your bigfoot faking knowledge to make some extra coin so you can buy more booze you salacious tosser pervert sicko !


    2. Says Joe the pedo salad tossing freak

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