Bigfoot Witness Has Life Changing Encounter

From the British Bigfoot Reports youtube channel, an interview with bigfoot witness Joe Vogel. Joe had a life changing bigfoot encounter when he was just a young boy. Vogel had no idea that later on in life he would have another run in with the creature.


  1. Nice video of a fellow Brit interviewing a credible witness with a most splendid sounding name. of course a bigfoot sighting would be life changing, i wouldn't think it would be anything else but.
    in other news , i'm still boiled that Pedo stu Savile called me a 9o year old ! i have a right mind to hope on the next plane to his trailer park and kick his arse ! But i think i'd rather take the money it'll cost in airfare and use it to but more pints rather than waste it on a puke like stu anyways but it doesn't mean i'm still not bloody pissed about it


    1. Pedo Stu isnt worth a single thought

      He’s an idiot


      Electrogravidic flight ?

      The spider image is high def. makes a great wallpaper

      A great read for educated people like us bigfooter super friends.


    3. Cool find on the spiders MMC... They have skills.

  2. I have not commented here for awhile but occasionally check in to see if anything new has come up. It seems to be the usual stories and insults leveled at each other in the comments so I move on. Since it's a holiday and I have a little free time to waste I would like to pose a question that came up in a conversation I had last week with a friend. What is the strongest evidence for the existence of a Sasquatch presented THIS year? I have no wish to debate it's existence as I have been down that road before and everyone (including me) has pretty much made up their mind here. I would just like an answer to that question.

    Also I couldn't help but notice the absence of any stories about Dr. Matthew Johnson or Robert Dodson. I have also noticed no comments from Dr. Squatch who seemed to be a regular in the comment section. Just nothing new coming from them or something juicer? Yes, I'm . . . curious LOL.

    1. Our friend Robert Dodson recently passed to a better place Curious.
      Dr Squatch retired from his bullsh*t shortly after trying to set fire to a tree thinking it was a demon.
      I don't know about that Matthew fella. xx

    2. Dodson dead? Oh my. Hopefully it was natural causes and not something tragic. I thought he was an odd duck however he appeared to enjoy what he was doing. I will say Dr. Squatch's comments was certainly entertaining although I gave no credence to them. Dr. Johnson was probably the most fascinating character of all to me in the Bigfoot world (and not in a good way) but I lost track and interest in him.

      Anything BIG news as far as evidence for Sasquatch's existence since the beginning of the year?

    3. Yeah, DS certainly did amuse us greatly with his flame throwing stunt but too bad his so full of bollocks when it came to anything coming out of his yap. He's best retired but now who will be there to discover the next lion man hiding inside the trees ?
      If you want evidence then open your bloody eyes because every single day it's being posted on this site ,just yesterday that video of bigfoot walking up a hill


    4. With all due respect Joe when I was here before I found the evidence lacking and thought I would cut to the chase and ask for what is considered to be the BEST evidence presented so far this year. I just viewed the video you referred to and although it was way too long for me to watch the whole thing I did watch the part of the actual figure moving in the video. I simply seen a dark humanoid in the far distance which was dubious at best at your interpretation of it being a Sasquatch.

      I definitely would not consider it as the best evidence presented for 2018 if that is what you are implying. Sorry.

    5. Well Curious, I don’t know about bigfoot, but I found conclusive evidence that Joe is actually about 90 years old!


    6. And Stus blowup doll committed suicide.


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