Bigfoot Stories From A Native American Reservation

A Native American reservation in Oklahoma became bigfoot famous when a report came out that footage of a bigfoot had been recorded by security cameras at a casino. The bigfoot was raiding the dumpsters behind the building, and was recorded on security cameras. What people didn't know was that the reservation itself had a long history of bigfoot sightings and encounters.


  1. I am getting ready for tonight`s Grand Glory Hole convention and boy,am I going to show them all how good I am at bringing forth the yelps and moans of delight from the participants (pants down around ankles of course)..I have plenny o` thick lipstick smeared `roun` my chops to suck them flesh-poles dry of all hot juice,

    Joe (glory hole champion

  2. Big Chief Big Wheel it is a cake it is a candy it is two treats in oneSaturday, September 29, 2018 at 12:34:00 PM PDT

    The firewater the pale face gave us helped us to become the shining civilized tribe of savage Redskins you see today, thanks to pale face.


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