Bigfoot Museum Hosts Grand Opening

With a cutting of the ribbon, the Crossroads of America Bigfoot Museum was opened. The first bigfoot museum to open in Nebraska.

HASTINGS — Skeptics and believers alike can learn more about Bigfoot thanks to a new museum.

The Crossroads of America Bigfoot Museum, 1205 E. 42nd St. in Hastings, hosted its grand opening Wednesday morning. Harriett McFeely, the museum’s owner, said she became interested in Bigfoot after seeing footprints on Mount Everest on TV.

“I was 8 years old and they showed pictures on TV of these footprints that the Himalayan natives called ‘yeti.’ I saw those pictures and never doubted it,” McFeely said. “At that time, that was when I got interested in science. I have been interested in science my whole life. I studied on my own for years. Then, in 1967, Patty walked down Bluff Creek, everybody saw that and I was hooked for life.”

She said she got the idea for the Bigfoot Museum after looking at her dining room table cluttered with Bigfoot artifacts.

“I couldn’t see it. Just about everything that is in this museum I have had in my dining room,” McFeely said. “There were pictures, footprints and everything; it was driving me crazy. I have gone out to different places and given talks. I always take different things I know about to groups. I thought it would be so much fun for people to see that.”
For more, click here.


  1. Sounds like she's the perfect woman for you Joe. Same age and everything!

    1. Oh sod off PSS ! But at least she is of legal age not like the underage lads you prey on online . You disgusting piece of rotting flesh , you sicko !


    2. Give him one to the chops old man !

    3. Ha - he would actually have to lift up his arms to do that.

    4. Don't let his age fool you, he's still got it !

    5. Oh you lads are a real riot ! But I do have a certain “grand opening” inside my knickers that you chaps might fancy !


    6. Listen up pops, I'm here to hear your old Bigfoot stories. Nothing else like that !

    7. i see the fake Joe @11>28 is back on the board. Nice to see you again old chum. You really think you muct be the biggest crack up on your block but the cold hard fact is you have no friends except the strays who play with you down at the trailer park where you reside. Have a good day bro



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