Soldier Returns Home and Encounters Bigfoot

From Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio

Tonight's show is a continuation of last week's show, where our guest, Stephen Kohler shared experiences he had after returning to the United States, from military deployment, with us.

Click here to listen


  1. I think the soldier has PTSD - he is hallucinating.

    1. We see IktomiJoe suffering bouts of PMT each day...Pre-menstrual-Tension is his constant affliction - the ass-bitch he is.

    2. AnonymousTuesday, March 27, 2018 at 8:08:00 PM PDT
      I think Bigfoot fits in the imagination of some wishful people.

      ... And you’ve not slept since then. Your comments on consecutive comment sections prove it. I could probably go back even further again, and show how little sleep you’re getting, worrying about me and “mythical creatures”.

      It’s pathological, you crack head klutz.

    3. ^ Idiot believes there is simply a single poster who antagonises him and causes the great mental stress he clearly exhibits.

      Sheeeeeeeshhhhh - what a paranoid obsessive tomiJoechild is.

    4. You have no audience that believe you anymore, klutz.

    5. ^ Outshone again by his Nemesis,The Stuey.

    6. No Recess for you today Stuart. You'll be practicing your spelling and grammar. I'll not have you reverting to old sloppy habits. Oh, and the principle will be checking your lunch for booze in a bit so we will rule that out as well. Now go back to your seat and sit on your hands. You should enjoy that.

      Miss. Green

    7. WRONG yet again Mr Simpleton...Nemesis is capitalised in this instance simply due to it referring to the goddess of the same name...and was meant to be so.

      Get some eddycashun,boy.


    8. The grammar of the specific post ikkyJoechild refers to is perfect in its construction - he doesn`t have the knowledge to realise when he has been outshone - "The Stuey is your Nemesis"...idiot.


    9. Sorry dopey!

      There is no reference to a “goddess” of the same name (unless that’s a Freudian slip that you’re a woman?), you are merely attempting to blow your own horn;

      A word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things ( common noun ), or to name a particular one of these ( proper noun ).
      "injury, consistently his nemesis, struck him down during the match"

      ... Plus you needed a space after the comma.

      You klutz.

    10. You’ll be telling me you’re a “well travelled man” next,,,,,,,,,,,,,eh Stuey?

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Stuey meant to refer to himself as a goddess.

      Funny as heck.

  2. Well, if a credentialed person agrees with him, whatever he says is true.

    Bigfoot role play involves collecting as many credential people to okay your fantasy monster so that you can claim your fantasy monster as real without ever producing your fantasy monster.

    1. ^ Stuey having a nightmare.

    2. ^Iktomi/Joe F1tzgerald sockpuppet. Go back to sleep, Josephine.

    3. What time is it in the UK Stuey?

    4. I don’t think Stuey has taken to Harvey Pratt’s forensic sketches too well...

      Anyone else picking that up?

    5. It’s funny... Stuey demanded the credentials of anonymous peer reviewers the other day (after claiming for 8 years to understand the process), so he could ad hominem. Because he is too stupid to actually challenge the evidence for Bigfoot, it’s far easier for him to try and attach the characters of proponents. But suddenly credentials aren’t important... It’s a hallmark of his Three C’s that he can contradict himself as many times as possible.

      Oh... And fantasy monsters don’t leave evidence that’s being peer reviewed. And if these “fantasy monsters” are human, then nobody need “produce” one, just reliably document them;

    6. ^ paranoid to the point of obsession with his nemesis,Stuey.

    7. AnonymousWednesday, March 28, 2018 at 9:29:00 PM PDT
      ^Iktomi/Joe F1tzgerald sockpuppet. Go back to sleep, Josephine.

      “Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.”
      Psychological projection - Wikipedia

      And please don’t refer to yourself as a “nemesis”, you’re a whippin’ boy.

    8. Oh and there;

      ... I prove that YOU, Stuey, use “F1tzgerald”.

    9. ^ Succumbs yet again - Stuey is his nemesis and has shown that time and again he has the ikkyJoechild on the run - the Stuey has the measure of this silly vindictive paranoid obsessive as is shown every single day with the Stuey references and obsession to attempt to counter each of Stuey`s posts...and of course,The Stuey drives him to distraction ... in short,the Nemesis of the ikkyJoechild.

      What a sad sad state of affairs the ikkyJoechild is reduced to.

      Go and seek professional need it.

    10. I took your sockpuppeting away, I took your religion away... and now that’s all that’s left is to run what’s left of you into the ground. All the while using you for the archetype idiot concerning Bigfoot, of course.

    11. Drawing, dance, and plaster but never a body. The nutty fantasy world of a bigfoot role player.

    12. No expedition = no body.

      Doesn’t matter how many times you publish your incoherent, illogical conspiracy theory... You’re still too stupid to explain away the evidence.

      Evidence... The bane of Stuey.

    13. No one has found it worthwhile to invest in the greatest anthropological expedition ever, if bigfoot is real, because no one with money believes they'll get a return on their investment.

      Stooges like ikdummÿ bigfoot role play online to debate a fantasy monster man into existence without ever actually considering a body within the realm of possibilities. Notice that it all centers on folklore, drawings, fake prints.... but never, ever, a body.

    14. Doesn’t matter Stuey... Scientists being ignorant of the evidence, being too restricted to publicly invest interest due to ridicule, or even if the majority of anthropologists don’t believe in it...

      No expedition = no body.

      ... There is nothing that I say that brings Bigfoot into existence, it is however the evidence I reference that does that. It doesn’t matter how many times you harp on about your “role-players”, who don’t appear to have a single bit of coherency in their alleged methods... who have impossibly low numbers to achieve all the activity and evidence around the US, who are in cahoots with PhD’s, who nobody reports seeing, and who dodge loaded weapons all year round... it doesn’t even begin to start explaining away peer reviewed science.

      Circular reasoning doesn’t cut it... Conjecture doesn’t cut it... Contradictions or conspiracies neither (I do believe there’s 4 C’s now). Stop whining like a little girl and explain away the evidence. You’d have a far better chance of convincing someone if you tackled that head on as opposed to leaning on conspiracies.

    15. 7;12 ^ Kerchiiiing !

      Hooray,we`ve hit the jackpot again...another mental breakdown of mumbo jumbo.

      hahah hahah hahahahahaha

    16. Stuey... You’re running around claiming people are having breakdowns but you’ve not been to sleep for 24 hours (probably far longer), and you’ve still got a whole lot of evidence to explain away.

    17. "... so he could ad hominem. Because he is too stupid to actually challenge the evidence for Bigfoot,..."

      How ironic is that?

    18. If you didn’t already notice... there’s nothing he’s spewed out at the subject matter, that I haven’t bulldozerd. I’m ok to insult the pervert then.

    19. You berate someone about ad homs while you are calling them stupid, i.e. you are guilty of the very thing you are complaining about, all in the same sentence.

      You haven't "bulldozerd" anything.

    20. He definitely “bulldozerd” his own attempt to spell that word! Ha ha ha!

    21. I know you’re trying to encourage your creepy little fan, but there’s not one thing either of you “chums” have ever brought to the table other than special pleading and circular logic. It doesn’t take long before I’m warranted in hurling some crud back.

    22. You stick to hunting for typos, it’s... It’s not like either of you can use capital letters properly.

    23. Inferiority Complex


      An unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere, sometimes marked by aggressive behaviour in compensation.

    24. ^ Knows all about his condition.

    25. iktomi is mentally ill. He has this bizarre need for there to be 10000 hairy 1000 lb. 10 foot tall angry men perpetually hiding in US woods and has been posting here for 8 years defending his fantasy man's existence. Sick.

    26. I have no need... I have logic based on peer reviewed evidence to be convinced that 10,000 hairy 1000 lb. 10 foot tall angry men are perpetually hiding in US woods.

      As a counter claim to that, you apparently have 100 “role-players” who don’t appear to have a single bit of coherency in their alleged methods... who have impossibly low numbers to achieve all the activity and evidence around the US, who are in cahoots with PhD’s, who nobody reports seeing, and who dodge loaded weapons all year round.

      One of us has the scientific method... the other has circular logic, conjecture, contradictions and conspiracy theories (the 4 C’s).

    27. You are role playing as if 10000 10 foot tall 1000 lb hairy men hiding in USA forests were real. Everyone understands that you want it to seem legit, like you're a scientist. You're still bigfoot role playing.

    28. "You stick to hunting for typos, it’s... It’s not like either of you can use capital letters properly."

      Why don't you cite a source that says usernames need to be capitalized? It's not my name, after all. It's an username.

      I bet you cannot find a single source that supports this notion.

    29. I can find plenty of sources saying it does not matter to start an username with a capital letter. Bet you can't find one that says it must.

      For example, from the Guardian newspaper's style guide:

      "We spell it however the user does, including at the start of a sentence."

      Plenty of similar ones out there after searching for all of 10 minutes.

    30. Don’t get touchy Don, your blunder, not mine.

    31. It's not my blunder, it's yours. And you have been clinging to it for far too long.

      Put up or shut up. Find one source that says the first letter of an username must be capitalized.

      Come on now, we're waiting.

    32. Nothing about usernames in these references:

      10 Rules of Capitalization

      Capitalization Rules

    33. Don... it’s such a blunder on my part, that you were sensitive enough to start spelling your name “dMaKeR” in defiance.


    34. So, I guess you can't find anything, can you?

      Keep harping on about it. Doesn't make you look like an idiot at all.

    35. You’re the one that got sensitive about it Baby-D! Guess that makes us both idiots.

    36. Is dressmaker still stomping his feet about usernames? That's funny as hell.

    37. I did not get sensitive. I got tired of hearing you yap like a little dog about it.

      You're the only idiot involved.

    38. I’m not referring to you being sensitive now D, I’m talking about your reaction as a while since it was pointed out. If you’re going to be the grammar police, make sure you’re water tight.

    39. I am water tight. It hasn't been a while. You accused me of not knowing how to use capitals properly today.

      Funny, given that you're flat out wrong and have the poorest language skills of anyone here.

    40. You clearly don’t know how to use capitals properly, because you had a tantrum after it was pointed out... inadvertently showing how much you realised it to be the case.

      : p

    41. Uhm, no. I point out to you that you were wrong from the first moment you stupidly brought it up.

      Just admit you are wrong, Joe. It won't kill you.

    42. Don’t worry about it, nobody’s perfect D!

    43. Don Wednesday, December 11, 2013 at 6:44:00 AM PST
      And he has them man-boobs......egghhhh

      Spot what’s missing!

    44. I think Baby D could use a nap at this point. If you can't debunk Bigfoot, I guess you can always argue your identity into existence.


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