North Carolina Group Has Evidence of Bigfoot
North Carolina Bigfoot was recently featured in an article talking about the group's evidence of bigfoot in North Carolina that they have collected.
A group in North Carolina is claiming they have evidence that Bigfoot exists.
The group North Carolina Bigfoot has posted photos they claim to be evidence of Bigfoot, including footprints and bent branches, over the years.
North Carolina Bigfoot claims evidence of Bigfoot sightings have been found in Pender County, the Uhwarrie Forest, and Lake Hickory.
The fascination with Bigfoot is also spreading to North Carolina classrooms.
Instructor Jim Charneski offers the class North Carolina Bigfoot at Mayland Community College. He began teaching the class four years ago.
Charneski said he became involved with Bigfoot Research Field Organization ten years ago and now serves as investigator for the organization.
For more, click here.
IktomiSaturday, June 4, 2016 at 8:27:00 AM PDT
ReplyDeleteThe Zana stuff is almost wrapped up... Tick, tock.
How’s that “wrapping up” going nearly two years later?
I’ll answer for you. A senile old man who’s become a doddering and bumbling fool wanted to try to regain his past celebrity status, so he chose a finge topic to dupe a bunch of gullible morons. He had no intention of proving anything, but the bigfoot believing yokelry got a collective, raging boner when they saw his name connected with bigfoot/yeti. Does sound about right?
Deleteikdummy Always, Everyday, 2016 at 24:07:00 AM PM PDT, EST, GMT...
DeleteSykes is coming!
and they will have the evidence dear Stu, you pathetic washed up role player !
Deletewait til these lads from North Carolina knock your socks off with the evidence have gathered .
and just remember - MYTHS DO NOT LEAVE FOOTPRINTS !
^ Correct. Hoaxers leave the fake footprints.
DeleteThanks, fake UK Joe, lad/cheers/mate/ahoy.
"wait til these lads from North Carolina knock your socks off with the evidence have gathered."
DeleteIndeed! I WILL wait......and remember what you said.
is it the 10,000 role playing hoaxers roaming around in the woods leaving tracks in the middle of nowhere in hopes that someone comes along said desolate area to discover them ?
DeleteBOLLOCKS !!!!
It's not 10,000. It could be any number of hoaxes. I really doubt 10,000 though. Who came up with that number. Why 10,000? Probably more likely in the hundreds. You love making up random facts and figures don't you?
DeleteWho's to say that the ones who "discover" these tracks in these desolate areas didn't make them? Can you be ABSOLUTELY sure they weren't discovered randomly? It would be interesting to know the backgrounds of these "discovers".
DeleteFair enough 3:51 . i think we should go on a case to case basis but I think you'd be amazing how many are just stumbled unto and i'm not ruling out that all the tracks are 100% legit but most are
Delete3:46, i'm off to bed sweetums , i'll see what's left of you tomorrow after Iktomi finishes mopping the floor with you
tata chum
^ Off to bed WITH "sweetums" who is gonna be rooting Joe all night long.
DeleteFake UK Joe has to force himself not to post at the same time ikdummy sleeps so that he will appear to be from he UK like ikdummy.
DeleteThe role-play never ceases.
Sweetums? Any chance of answering the question? Why 10,000? You are just making things up. Considering that Joe and Itkomi are the same person and have been busted many times. I am not too worried about any floor mopping. I'm sure you do enough of that at work.
Delete10,000 seems a plausible number since they would need to be running round the accounting for 200 sightings a year. People making up they’ve come across track impressions does not account for the type of reliable people who find these tracks, and even though you would like people believe your conspiracy theory transcends every pillar of modern society, it’s not plausible and is again the child-like naivety regarding you and this entire subject. So role-playing hoaxers would have to place fake footprints in places where some people might not trek for many decades, hoping that someone some day would stumble across them out of miles and miles of wilderness. Since nobody has that type of patience, or time to wait to trick someone... Far quicker results would need planning as well as the information on strangers’ whereabouts to predict the exact day and the exact yard out of hundreds of miles of wilderness. Different hoaxers would also have to have guessed up
Deletethe same Sasquatch foot, anatomically accurate to bipedal evolution that only very few educated people understand. This would require a consorted effort to between hoaxers and academics to manufacture and make convincing enough to fool biologists as well as anthropologists. To hoax convincing biological dermatoglyphics that are primate in origin, one would have to have a knowledge of all human primate and non-human primate dermals (that not many people on the planet do), THEN fool multiple forensic experts. This would require some association between amateur hoaxers from the general public and leading academics. The same is true of the behavioural traits noted by native Americans over hundreds of years, and by witnesses of European decent in the 1800’s and early 1900’s, before general knowledge of primates was common. AND before these hominins were in popular culture, eroding away any powers of suggestion. For there to be any consistency of this, not only would different groups of people from different cultures have to dream up the exact same traits before any general knowledge of primates existed... but there would also need to be a consorted, consistent and stupendously organised dialogue between such groups to invent such an impossible narrative over a transitional period of pop culture. All this is plausible to a fundie with a pathological need for Bigfoot to not exist, of course. So 10,000 is pretty decent estimate for the amount of people needed to achieve the current Bigfoot community.
But you say we’re in the hundreds to achieve this now? How many hundreds??
Sykes' DNA study is yet to be published, and is in fact due to be, as stated by the man himself. Even if we were to use Sykes' last verdict on Zana, he not only attests to her descriptions that was documented from an entire community, but he was theorising that Zana was an archaic subspecies of homo sapien. Essentially what many enthusiasts as well as myself assert that "Bigfoot" are. So when you're trying to get a reaction feom a closure desperate self-proclaimed victory, keep that in mind, Stuey.
One of the oldest native names for this creature is "Shoonshoonootr", one of the few native words to literally translate as “big foot”, giving us some indication of how long physical evidence for this creature has been surfacing. It is generally accepted by modern anthropology that Native Americans have inhabited North America for 14,000 years. But someone with pathological denial like Stuey would have people believe that for thousands of years, there has been a culture hopping secret society of non-human primate suit wearing conspirators all out to get people’s money. These people, though finding each others customs undesirable, and spanning from a time when they didn't even know what a non-human primate looked like, have in fact managed to hoax the exact same anatomical and behavioural traits, as well as cheat experts with fake morphological traits too!
So it’s “hundreds” you say? “Hundreds” of role-players accounting a community running around the wilderness of the US, who don’t appear to have a single bit of coherency in their alleged methods... who have impossibly low numbers to achieve all the activity and evidence around the US, who are in cahoots with PhD’s, who nobody reports seeing, and who dodge loaded weapons all year round?
DeleteAnonymousSunday, March 25, 2018 at 3:51:00 PM PDT
DeleteWho's to say that the ones who "discover" these tracks in these desolate areas didn't make them? Can you be ABSOLUTELY sure they weren't discovered randomly? It would be interesting to know the backgrounds of these "discovers".
Remember Stuey... This theory is absolute. Where hoaxing can still occur and legitimate evidence still surface (as in any field), there is lea-way. But for everything to be down to the alleged lies of every individual there can be no lea-way. Every report and every case of evidence must have a logical basis for it to apply to this theory, which encompasses every pillar of modern society and every different type of circumstance whereby evidence was come across and subsequently documented. Therefore simple lying across the board is impossible and special pleads away reliable sources who at the least would fall under the bracket of being hoaxed. But THEN you would need to demonstrate how these people were hoaxed... which has proven to be impossible for even people ten ones cleverer than you.
I'm a little shaky on some of your beliefs myself, mate, but I'll keep defending you as long as I can.
It appears that sockpuppeting is all you have at this point.
DeleteThey're all asleep, mate. I'm in your time zone. Funny, they accuse me of being your sock puppet.
DeleteAre you going to cry for threads on end about being accused of sockpuppeting now?
Mate, bloody hell, I defend you all the time but I am entitled to my own opinions from time to time, lad?
^ I see Stu/Fake Joe has assumed puppet mode today . Oh stu, you just never give up your delusional role playing do ya ? I'm glad to see that Iktomi has done a bang up job of delivering the coup de grâce to your pathetic little dreams on here. pleasant dreams Stu :)
10,000 came from the clueless idiot Meldrum!
DeleteYet when i find i print in the middle of no where, ikdummy says I don't have any physical evidence, and finding TONS in the snow lately too, all on video ikdummy!
Sykes is a total joke, for you to even mention him ikdummy, is just passing off more lies!
So much for retirement eh?
DeleteDidn’t you claim YouTube was trying to shut you down?
You have no physical evidence Bruce. That is something you can only dream of finding.
The only thing Bruce finds in the snow is his name spelled out in bright florescent yellow
Never mentioned the word "Retirement" Liar!
DeleteNever said anything about Youtube shutting me down, Liar!
We know the Hoaxers Patterson & Gimlin never went back into the woods, ever, what a freakin JOKE!
You state, quite clearly, “it’s coming to an end”, and “it’s time to wrap this up”. You also claim (paraphrasing), that YouTube are preventing your videos from getting views. You have not one shred of physical evidence. If you had, you’d be putting links to it here and every comment section from here to China. I’ll tell you who has more; Kelly Shaw. You have no proof, you have blurry images of brush with dots drawn on.
"Roger's next plans were to capture a Bigfoot, which he planned a full expedition returning to California and searching all the way up to Canada. He planned a one-year expedition with tracking dogs, cages, a large crew, and the entire project filmed. This would have been a huge financial project. So they immediately went to Hollywood for funding, but they turned him down. Roger then went on his film tour- he made lots of money, started his own organization, and started investigating capture claims to bag one that way (and was duped in the process). He partnered with Ron Olson to fund the 'capture expedition' that he originally planned. They were going to fund the expedition themselves by making a movie, but that never panned out and the expedition never happened. Roger kept investigating claims. He eventually had Ron do investigations for him because by that time he was getting too sick. Roger died and Ron basically continued where they left off doing research, and ended up making a docudrama movie based on Roger's ideas (Sasquatch: Legend of Bigfoot). For one, a lot more people were in and out of that area immediately following the film. So the odds of seeing another in the general area were much more slim. He also had no means to capture a Bigfoot which would be the next logical step. We could speculate all day long and go over 'would haves' and 'could haves', but reality is never that black and white. The facts show that Patterson did make immediate plans for a return to California and a capture- it just didn't pan out financially."
- Roguefooter from the BFF
It’s ok... I can cut & paste the same comments forever.