Woman Hides With Cats From Bigfoot

PacWest Bigfoot sits down to interview Candy. She has a terrifying story about an encounter she had. Have a listen:


  1. must have been terrifying for her as a 4 year old to have had that encounter !
    there are countless stories out there of people having similar experiences . The skeptics will never accept them because they suffer from a sort of mental illness that unless they get smacked in the face with one they refuse to believe.


    1. ^ Indeed,We all had similar bad dreams regarding the TOOTH FAIRY with a great big ASSHOLE STRETCHING DICK!!
      scary stuff ;(

    2. Joe talking total baloney again...sheesh, what a blind and accepting fool he shows himself to be - not an iota of ability to weigh information or glean knowledge - just accepts as truth what he wants to believe.

    3. speak for yourself, wank stained loser.
      Go find another blog to post your futile rot on ,stuey !


    4. 5:04 - i'd rather have blind faith in bigfoot which I am beyond convinced exists then be a fool like you and wait for scientists to tell you what is real and what isn't. do you even think for yourself or do you need to be told what to think ?
      As a freethinker i am more open minded then you will ever be and imagination is more powerful than knowledge . You may wanna look up the quote, it's from a bloke named Einstein , a little smarter than you'll ever dream of being


    5. By the way mate, I was with a sexy bloke last night and he had something for me that was “more powerful than knowledge” !


    6. 5:08 - 5;58

      Oh, Joe, you`ve been stewing for 50 minutes until the rage finally boiled over and you just couldn`t hold it in any longer...

      Thass da way boyo, you`ll show `em eh ?

    7. thanks a lot fake joe. Hope you get some real STD from your imaginary blokes you keep talking about
      totally wank trumpet !


  2. Yeah - a four year old always has good judgement and is able to determine what is real. And of course everyone has vivid memories of details as a four year old. A 5 star witness!

    1. you'd be surprised what kids that age can remember especially if it is something traumatic and i'd say having a bigfoot walking outside your place and having to curl up to hide sounds pretty traumatic to me.
      But carry on watching your Kardashians anyways


    2. ^ Fake Joe sure has a creepy fascination with kids.


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