The Beast of Bray road

The Supernaturalist Channel takes a look at the elusive Beast of Bray Road

The Beast of Bray Road aka The Elkhorn Dogman is arguably one of America’s most infamous cases of something that looks like a real werewolf. The creature has been terrifying locals and unfortunate passerbyers in and around Elkhorn, WI since at least the late 30’s. The Beast of Bray Road may actually be another dogman running loose on the back roads and lonely highways of Elkhorn and its neighboring communities, it's not a real werewolf encounter. Because of lot of sightings happen around land that’s full of Native American history, there’s theories out there that these creatures might actually be some kind of real Skinwalker or Native American spirit. The creature was sighted on Bray Road, hence the name “Beast of Bray Road” was coined by Linda Godfrey when she was given the case to report on. She describes them as Upright canines.


  1. Bray Road ?

    Is that where Jotomi lives where he brays and bleats his way through the endless days of his meaningless life ?

    1. he ain`t known as Joebaloney for nothing - baaa baaa baaa bray baaa bray baaa bleat bleat

      haha haha haha

    2. "I'm fascinated by Testicals"-iKTOMI

    3. _________#############______
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  2. I live in southeastern Wisconsin, about an hour from the Kettle Moraine/Elkhorn area where the Beast has been sited from time to time over the years.

    The creature has been described as appearing canine like, while others who have seen it give a description that seems more like a typical sasquatch description. I recommend reading the Wikipedia article on The Beast of Bray Road.

    This area has huge, dense forests. A creature could easily go undetected in these large forests.

    1. ^ The confusion is easily explained as there are both types of creature within the vicinity..dogman and bigfoot.

    2. Don't forget manbearpigs

    3. 4:40, That would be a "Dogsquatch"


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