Strange Cases of Missing People

Sasquatch Central presents a presentation by author David Paulides. Paulides discusses missing person cases that take place in the wilderness under strange circumstances..


  1. The sasquatch is a violent anti-human beast that must be eradicated.

    1. However, my GAPING BUTTHOLE has been undocumented and ignored, IM GETTING SICK AND TIRED OF THIS!!!

      I DEMAND A "good ole fashion"ASSHOLE RESEARCHIN ,,,,NOW!!!!

  2. IktomiFriday, January 19, 2018 at 11:42:00 PM PST
    Make no mistake about it, above is the same psycho commonly referred to as Stuey. There is one troll here, there has always been one troll, and there will always be one troll. I’ve liaised with the old admins too many times, and can confirm that this was the case.

    Well that is just a lie. Before last night I had not commented on here in a few weeks. But I just had to point out that Bindernagel now really smells like urine. Because when people die they defecate upon passing. That is a simple fact of life and death.

    As far as me being the only troll that is just laughable. I am probably the most crude,but not the only one. I do not make the gay jokes though. I find that reprehensible. Pretty obvious that is iktomi/joe/mike doing that.

    Speaking of iktomi where is the FBI? Where are any of the authorities you claim to have contacted about my posts? All in your fantasy world with your magic monkey man I assume.

    After all this time you still can not name me. Yet you obsess over me. And I find that very,very funny. Keep wasting your life you creep.

    1. Here (link below) is where I prove Stuey, the thing above, is the one troll on this blog. He acknowledges that he is “Stuey”, plus you’ll find evidence that he is indeed same person who posted child rape threats and has boasted that the FBI can’t do anything;

      And here is where Stuey, the same thing up top, boasts again that the FBI aren’t knocking his door about publishing such threats. Which is context for what he’s referring to up top;

      There is one troll. There has only ever been one troll. There will only ever be one troll. I’m not the first to point it out. He claims to not “make gay jokes”, yet I can prove further that he publishes the most vile racism and homophobia. He is a coward, a predatory psychopath that has been banned multiple times by Shawn in the past. And all because he invested too much on the PGF being a hoax. If everyone keeps reporting it to blogger, then it’ll force Matt Knapp, who refuses to moderate the place, to do something about it. Nobody wants to know who you are. Nobody cares who you are. And such a pathological need for attention can only stem from the most horrific of upbringings.

      Now... I’m going out for a few hours, but when I get back I’d be more than happy to teach you a few more things. What will be the topic of study today?

    2. So after you analyzed years of BFE comments, you’ve determined that I have a consistent writing style? But you’ve also found that I change my writing style to appear as more than one person? Which is it? Oh wait, just like with bigfoot, anything your mooncalf mind dreams up is proof of your preconceived nutty idea! Ha ha ha!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. It’s important to expose sockpuppets, and there isn't anyone who believes you anymore, Stuey. I can expose you a million times over for the two writing styles you like to use. I can even provide the amount of times D. Dover made you look like a loon for the exact same thing. You've been doing it for so long, I think you might actually believe you're an army or something. But as much as you would love this comment section to be about you, nobody cares who you are. Do you get that Stuey? NOBODY CARES WHO YOU ARE. Story of ya life me thinks.

      Now, I seem to have picked up on a suggestion that the existence of “Bigfoot” is down to “dreaming”. How would you convince your audience of that Stuey? How does a good “American” boy like you go about substantiating that?

    5. To summarize, two posters supposedly using the same writing style is proof that they’re both me, but also two posters supposedly using different writing styles is proof that they’re both me. Thus, anything ever posted here is proof that I have made every comment in the history of the blog! And your mooncalf mind sees no problem with that logic! Ha ha ha!

    6. You’d love someone, anyone to think there’s another person with your writing style. You have two. There is one troll.

      Yes that’s right Stuey, I’d be weary of getting into another scrape on the subject matter as well. I don’t think you’re in control when that temper kicks in, are you? Mix it with alcohol and things like the “Paranormal Creature Sighting” comment section happens. Vile little coward.

    7. Yeah, yeah I know, I’ve posted every anti-bigfoot comment in the history of the blog. By the way, here’s a good analysis of how racists like you have been pushing the revisionist racist idea that white European giants were responsible for all of the pre-Columbian cultural wonders in North America:

      “Shows like ‘America Unearthed’ are heavily discussed on white nationalist alt-history forums, as well as general far right political sites like Stormfront. They are routinely praised for introducing viewers to variations on the Solutrean Hypothesis and raising the profile of racist pseudo-scholarship.”

    8. >>has been banned multiple times by Shawn in the past.

      I have never been banned you liar. No one except you has in fact.



      Naw I don't make fun of gays like you do joe. I do make fun of chick and her incredible stupidity. I am not the one asking people for their e-mail address joe....that is you. You stalk people on line and apparently in real life. That is some real creeper level sh-t.

    9. So I’ll take that as you not having a single direct quote from me even suggesting anything if the sort? Furthermore, if archaeologists have uncovered an ancient or even medieval European presence in North America, then you’d have a heck of a job demonstrating that the agenda of those scientists is far-right leaning. If dumbos like you, racists, wanna interpret things to suit their agenda... then that’s not to the detriment of the integrity of the archaeologists. For example, anthropometry, a tool for physical anthropology on human physical variation, was interpreted and twisted by advocates of discrimination & eugenics (the Nazis). Doesn’t means that anthropometry is racism. You blithering twit. Funnily enough... you did exactly that when you read this;

      ... and as a racist interpreted it as, “ALL the lowest IQ countries are in Africa according to non-political, non-racial organizations.” When in fact, the link states that differences in national income are correlated with differences in the average national intelligence quotient (IQ). What a stupid racist. Link here to the exact comment section where Stuey embarrassed himself;

      Ok... so you mean to tell me that after being repeatedly asked for 48 hours to provide some substance to the “Bigfoot myth”, you spent your time looking for a false moral high ground to distance yourself from your own racism, which was ultimately a stance that nobody here at BFE has ever taken? **** me, I’m exchanging with a genius.

    10. Oh and I like to mock dead "researchers" who wasted their lives chasing a fantasy.

      It takes the focus on the debate you so desperately want and puts it on me mocking you. Others pile on. Yet your simple mind can not comprehend this. So you try to make us all one. Nice persecution complex you have there "joe".

      Lets not forget all the times you pretended to be a Native American,sometimes a women sometimes a man. Such vile depths you will sink to. Abholi. Yeah I remember well. Stone Reader. John Paul Jones.

      Creepy,scumbag fraud you are.

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Not surprising because there are a lot of Welsh racists out there. Iktomi's Zana slander alone is sickening. It's surprising he hasn't been banned.

    13. You’re getting angrier, Stuey.

      Again... do you have any evidence that I’ve pretended to be a woman? Or did this again stem from you thinking that if you took ownership of people calling out your sockpuppets, by projecting your psycho ways on others, that people might get bored of reading it and cease to call you out on it? I seem to remember these accusations having perfect correlation to D. Dover making you look like a psycho a few years back?

      Oh and Stuey, you’re flattering yourself again, dear boy. Nobody is attempting to debate a throw-back degenerate like you... merely use you as the archetype idiot. And I do believe there was a burden there somewhere, claiming that a former wildlife advisor to the UN wasted his life? Maybe you should attempt the evidence he studied, since you have an audience to convince?

      : )

    14. Oh and Stuey? West Africans didn't have archaic skull morphology in the mid-1800's. You show your scars beautifully when you're angry.

    15. Joe F1tzgerald always has to project the way he feels on to others.... "you're getting angry" is a mantra Joe continually employs.

      The status quo is that bigfoot doesn't exist and that bigfooters are Iktomi and the deranged woman that recently posted that bigfoot had morphed into a 500 lb owl on her property...

    16. Just because Joe F1tzgerald is an unvarnished racist doesn't mean that all Welsh are.

    17. Again... Stuey thinks that if he uses the word "projection" all the time (a concept he didn't know until it was used to describe his bat **** craziness), that it somehow distances himself from the fact that he's clearly very irate.

      Really Stuey? By whose authority does "Bigfoot not exist"? Might I remind you... That not by all the sceptical academics in the entire world has the evidence for the Sasq'ets been shown to be bunk. Neither has it in this BFE fantasy world you live in, where you control the Bigfoot universe. I’m wondering if you have anything to convince your audience, other than your uneducated, unqualified ramblings as substance for that? How would you go about convincing anyone of such an assertion?

      And I think you’ll found that was actually someone who is very much liked around here, suggesting that a vocal sound from what was acknowledged to be a “Bigfoot” morphed from a roar into that of an 500lb owl (or vice versus). Let me gues... you’re desperate for Chick’s attention now as well?

    18. Notice that Joe F1tzgerald knows exactly who made the (cringe) owl comment.

      Joe cringed as well. With bigfooters like Owl Lady, who needs skeptics?

    19. “Vice versus”? I think you meant “vice versa” you illiterate mooncalf!

    20. Actually Stuey... based on the conclusion reached by Dr. Kirlin and Lasse Hertel on The Sierra Sounds, the results indicated that, “more than one speaker, one or more of which is of larger physical size than an average human adult male. The formant frequencies found were clearly lower than for human data, and their distribution does not indicate that they were a product of human vocalizations and tape speed alteration.”

      ... Pretty much sealing the deal as to the vocal abilities of Sasq’ets. Meaning the suggesting of the same hominin impersonating an owl really isn’t all that far-fetched, and is in fact a very regular reported occurrence by researchers. It therefore appears you are in fact in need of some sceptics. But the real kind, not the pseudosceptics you’ve championed for thinking for you and offering up nothing but shoddy scientific theory.

    21. Yes Stuey... thank god for that grammar app of yours, eh? You forgot to run it when you didn’t use capitals for names previously in this thread.

    22. Congratulations, you’ve proven that 500 pound owls exist! Ha ha ha!

    23. Why do you get the sickening feeling you’ve got your hand down your shorts every time you fake laugh?


    24. Notice Joe knew exactly who made the owl comment. I purposely didn't say her name. Joe brought up Chick. Joe's heart sank when he initially had his "brightest" ally Chick go Owl Lady on him.

    25. Joe's got quite the imagination. Our pale Welsh poof has a future in erotic fiction...

    26. Um, no Stuey. You brought Chick up above when you boasted that you’d threatened her. Like a psychopath. Your attacks on a Chick started on the 24th of October 2016, when under your “AC Collins” sockpuppet published the following comment and got Chick's response (below);

      AnonymousTuesday, October 25, 2016 at 4:15:00 AM PDT
      G night Chick, don't worry ,
      As I will be here to protect iktomi till 4:15
      AC collins :-)

      CHICK CHICKTuesday, October 25, 2016 at 11:29:00 AM PDT
      Iktomi needs no protection from trolls here! Hes been kicking troll butt and taking names here for years. A legend!

      Within hours of that response, you’d threatened her. Why?
      “Paradoxically, psychopaths are egomaniacs without pride. Their shamelessness, lack of boundaries and hunger for control often leads them to relentlessly pursue individuals who don’t want them, and who repeatedly reject them. Normal human beings not only don’t desire to stalk others because they have boundaries, but also they would feel too deeply embarrassed and humiliated to continue pursuing individuals who have rejected them over and over again. Being social predators driven by the need for power and control, psychopaths can’t take rejection."

      "Psychopaths can suffer emotional pain for a variety of reasons. As with anyone else, psychopaths have a deep wish to be loved and cared for. This desire remains frequently unfulfilled, however, because it is obviously not easy for another person to get close to someone with such repellent personality characteristics. Psychopaths are at least periodically aware of the effects of their behavior on others and can be genuinely saddened by their inability to control it. The lives of most psychopaths are devoid of a stable social network or warm, close bonds. The life histories of psychopaths are often characterized by a chaotic family life, lack of parental attention and guidance, parental substance abuse and antisocial behavior, poor relationships, divorce, and adverse neighborhoods.”

    27. Remember when Stuey was "ALL CAPS" and then "AC Collins"? Rememer when he believed Bigfoot were paranormal Skinwaker Ranch-esque Plant People? It’s hard to know which side of the coin he likes to role play, but nobody found him remotely interesting then, and now he's upset everyone else gets along.

      Poor fella is desperate for a friend.

    28. You sure are a legend, especially when you’re fantasizing about what I’m packing inside my shorts! Ha ha ha!

    29. Well I think it’s fair to suggest you’re a pathological pervert. And aren’t you currently obsessed with copy & pasting EDT links?


    30. The old Iktomi 'all anonymous posters' are the same person routine.

      How is this verifiable, Mr. Science? Because "I know it!!!!" isn't an argument...

    31. It’s because they use the same writing style, but they also use different writing styles. He can therefore “prove” that any person is whomever he chooses. It’s quite similar to his bigfoot logic actually.

    32. Stuey... I have comment section upon comment section where I can continue to show your sadistic ways.

      Anyway... You’ve had enough of a tuning for now. But I’ll be back 11-12pm PST to check on what’s been left here. So be a good lad and come read it, I don’t really want to school you in absentia.

      : p

    33. Joe F1tzgerald: You are the same person because you have a SIMILAR writing style.

      Joe F1tzgerald: You are the same person because you have a DIFFERENT writing style.


    34. Iktomi/joe fltsgerald is the author of 3/4 of all the anon comments, It's so obvious that this sicko will do anything for attention!!

    35. I love how the freak declares the exact time he’ll be here like we have a date or something. No wonder the mooncalf mentions me in every comment and is obsessed with what’s in my shorts! Ha ha ha!

    36. 4:05 I am starting to suspect the same. He is WAY to adamant about his 1 anon theory, one anon for 8 years....


      AnonymousSaturday, October 29, 2016 at 11:53:00 AM PDT
      You can't have an opinion without first running it by joe ikobolme. How dare you! Take it back.

      AnonymousSunday, October 30, 2016 at 3:07:00 AM PDT
      Yea like nobody can express an opionion without you butting in with your tired old 5 cut& paste's ,**** OFF CREEP,YOUR HISTORY!!
      AC collins

    38. “DINGBAT”

      AnonymousWednesday, October 19, 2016 at 8:06:00 PM PDT
      Hey iktomi you dingbat!
      define human?
      AC collins
      AnonymousWednesday, October 19, 2016 at 8:14:00 PM PDT
      a.c ,, you think iktomi will give you a answer to your question ?
      AC collins

      AnonymousMonday, December 26, 2016 at 7:31:00 PM PST
      MMC,why would side with such a dull tool? I mean the dingbat could NOT even get his last RANT correct!!,
      as he,she,whatever.
      Was far to Dumb to even relise he combined two posters as one ,,AC(the one that ALWAYS out debates Joe iktomi,F)collins.

      AnonymousMonday, December 26, 2016 at 11:59:00 PM PST
      It's true that AC Collins' penetrating analysis leaves that dingbat Iktomi completely dumbfounded.

    39. “WOW JUST WOW”

      AnonymousWednesday, September 28, 2016 at 3:10:00 PM PDT
      WOW JUST WOW !!!!
      AC(to easy)collins!! :-)) :-))

      AnonymousTuesday, December 27, 2016 at 5:30:00 PM PST
      Chick Chick gotta big thick ****??
      wow just wow!!

    40. F-AC - “LOW IQ”

      AnonymousMonday, December 26, 2016 at 7:31:00 PM PST
      MMC,why would side with such a dull tool? I mean the dingbat could NOT even get his last RANT correct!!,
      as he,she,whatever.
      Was far to Dumb to even relise he combined two posters as one ,,AC(the one that ALWAYS out debates Joe iktomi,F)collins.

      AnonymousSunday, November 20, 2016 at 12:57:00 PM PST
      Khwit skull is 50% African so your question is as DUMB AS YOUR IQ IS LOW !!
      HAAAA Haa haaaa lol,,
      schooled once again!!
      AC collins

      AnonymousSunday, November 20, 2016 at 1:42:00 PM PST
      ^ khwit and Brock lesner exhibit almost the same skull morphology ,Khwit & B lesner are both caucasian and thier skulls fit within normal racial perimeters ,,
      khwit is 50% Caucasian that looks 100% ,by portrait and skull !
      once again you fail to answer
      my statment @ 12:57.
      and confirm your low iq,,,,,,
      ,,,,,"CHUMP"!! HAAA HAA HAAA LOL!

    41. ... AND THEN STUEY - “LOW IQ”

      IktomiTuesday, September 5, 2017 at 10:43:00 AM PDT
      AnonymousSunday, September 3, 2017 at 10:36:00 AM PDT
      Joetomi also botched the definition of Freudian Slip. His meltdown was a doubly whammy.
      I think Joe's low iq'd mind reads science journals and processes them as a smattering of big words confusingly structured and tries to imitate this bizarre perception in his posts.

      AnonymousSunday, September 3, 2017 at 1:51:00 PM PDT
      The only way I can explain Joe is that he has a low Iq but he also way kept away from education until later in life and he is scrambling to make sense of it all. Joe, were you not interested in school or kept away from it and are now working hard to figure things out in your mid 30s? Maybe you're from a culture or neighborhood that doesn't value education and u broke away and are trying to make up for lost time? You're in way over your head intellectually but have the scrappy false bravado of a street punk.

      AnonymousMonday, September 4, 2017 at 5:15:00 AM PDT
      You pasted the definition but you still don't understand the meaning.
      ikdummy = idiocy + hubris
      You know what you do for a living and that's what matters. A high iq'd person wouldn't be doing what you do. You have trouble processing information and delve into minutia without understanding basic concepts and premises. All done with clueless confidence.

    42. “PIZZAGATE”

      AnonymousSaturday, March 4, 2017 at 1:07:00 PM PST
      PIZZA GATE IS FACT! Plain and simple, And iktomi(joe Fitsgerald,VD,ect...) was CAUGHT using SECRET underground PEDOPHILIA TERMINOLOGY JUST Released by the FBI, As it is a absolute FACT THAT EVERYTHING iktomi(Joe Fitsgerald,VD abholee,ect...) accuses others of. is what HE is guilty of,
      Seen it a hundred times!!
      SHAME ON YOU JOE (racist rapist)Fitsgerald!
      AC Collins

      AnonymousSaturday, March 4, 2017 at 1:40:00 PM PST
      Are you so stupid as to not be able to type "pizzagate" into Google. lol. Millions of people at this point know about this "secret pedo language". So please spin us another yarn.


      AnonymousThursday, February 2, 2017 at 3:48:00 AM PST
      Remember to never debate Joerg on the subject matter. Its what he craves. instead hit him with urine, feces, perversion, and racism. Its the only things that he knows

      AnonymousThursday, February 2, 2017 at 8:52:00 AM PST
      ^ fockin iktomi didn't even read Sykes book.but then again you proved your lack of SUBJECT MATTER each and everytime!
      AC collins

    44. And I could have gone on, and on, and on, and on, and on... Not to mention, that it’s no coincidence that Stuey and F-AC Colins repeatedly attempt to take ownership of the same insults, whilst projecting various intellectual shortcomings to distance themselves from their own... even when one does not apply to the other sockpuppet account. They also bring up the same subjects regardless of being made to look foolish on them, maybe even a comment section prior. Again, even when one such subject does not apply to the other sockpuppet account. And for further reading, here is where I bust Stuey as the anon who threatened Chick with child rape threats;


      AnonymousThursday, November 3, 2016 at 8:30:00 AM PDT
      >>Freedom of speech does not equate to posting child rape comments towards posters. You couldn't walk down the street and do it to somebody

      Yes it does and yes I could.

      AnonymousMonday, January 23, 2017 at 11:31:00 AM PST
      >>I exposed the blog's troll for making vile child rape threats towards a female poster

      Um that was me idiot. I never saw you "expose" me. I am still waiting on the FBI. You still have no idea who I am.

    46. This comment has been removed by the author.

    47. This comment has been removed by the author.

    48. This is a cracking comment. You’ll notice Stuey doesn’t know which style to write in the same comment, and gets mixed up with his “,,,,,,,,” and “......”. The former used when he is in his F-AC Collins sockpuppet mode of course...

      AnonymousThursday, April 27, 2017 at 1:19:00 PM PDT
      12:53 Yes, hard work and creativity. Bigfoot isnt real. Therefore anyone creating anything bigfoot-related has to go out with their camera and create something.
      These leeches like Parabrkdown or whatever,, honestly I didnt even watch the video, download the hard work of others, talk over it, upload it on their own channel, and claim "fair use". ...sometimes getting more views than the people who created the original video.

    49. Hahaha, so owned.

      Nice work, my friend. I hope all is well in your neck of the world.

    50. Bless ya Vegas!! Yeah, all good here. Hope you are well buddy.

    51. Talking to myself again I see, sad,weepy weep weep

    52. Those idiots, if not sockpuppets, don't even know each other but are all like "friend" and "buddy". LOL

      ikdummy, who hates and mocks Christ, is suddenly "Bless ya". Idiotic.

    53. Hates & mocks Christ? Only a crazy religious fundie loon who can’t think for himself would say such a thing because I say “Christ” here and there. No, I don’t hate Christ at all... I don’t hate anyone who has any faith in Christianity. It’s not something I ever really think or care about to be honest.

      But Stuey? You’re toast after that. I may even start using the link at the end of every comment as a signature. What ya think?

    54. Funny how your religious vitriol only surfaces with Christ-related epithets...

    55. You care, Josephine, and although "friends" like Zabo, for example, will ally with you on the mythical creature, they are diametrically opposed to you where it matters and are not accepting of the Islamification of Europe like a trendy, virtue signaling Josephine F1tzgerald is.


    56. Um no. I don’t care. Nobody cares one little bit. Sorry Stuey. And do you by any chance have anything for your audience as a means of convincing them that “Bigfoot” is mythical?

      Eh racist?

    57. This comment has been removed by the author.

    58. And since we’ve established you’re second writing style... Do you want me to publish links to the most hideous racism you’d ever read on any comment section anywhere? FROM YOU??

      Or are you happy to admit that you’re a lying coward?

    59. Oh, you care, racist Joe F1tzgerald...

      Got Zana?

    60. Got 19th century West African skull with archaic features?

      Actually... I’ll save the vile racism for another day, nobody needs to read that filth and I’m convinced you get off on it anyway. I’ve got a couple of tricks up my sleeve for you in fact.

      Christ, you’re gonna hate me so much by the end boio.

    61. We hope you'll never post your vile racism and NOT "save the vile racism for another day".

      Your brand of hate, Joe F1tzgerald, has no place on this blog. Have you no decency? And your anti-JudeoChristian slur did not go unnoticed...We know there are better people in Wales and that you merely represent the worst. Shame on you, Joseph F1tzgerald.

    62. You’d love me to publish that stuff, wouldn’t you? You pathological pervert. You’re getting off on this stuff aren’t you?

      I can remember when you cried and cried that I wasn’t from Wales, and that someone like me could never know as much as I do about “Bigfoot” and not be from the United States. And even one of the admins, I seem to remember?

      Who am I Stuey?

      : )

    63. ^ Nonsense from Welsh racist Joe F1tzgerald.

      Weak fiction, Josephine.

    64. Like I said... I’ve got a load of tricks up my sleeve for you Stuey. By the time I’m done with you, it’ll be unequivocal that there isn’t a single thing that you don’t project on others, and in fact take it to pathological lengths. And you contradict yourself... Am I “accepting the Islamification of Europe & virtue signaling”? Or am I a racist? Do you even understand the terminology you use?

      You’re a mess.

    65. Yes, you have lies. You're a liar. Bigfoot isn't real.

      You refer to a black woman from Russia named Zana as the Russian Bigfoot. No further proof of your racism is needed. Case closed. Racist Joe F1tzgerald is history. Pretty simple.

    66. Got 19th century West African skull with archaic features? By the most intermediate of anthropological understanding, you fall flat on that fat face every time.

      What are you doing to convince people that Bigfoot isn’t real, Stuey? 8 years of cowardly attempts at intimidation isn’t your legacy is it?

    67. Wow... actually, I’m just looking over this comment section and I don’t really need to feed your personality disorder anymore. You’re toast.

      See ya later Stuey!

    68. ^ 1:48 Conjecture.

      You defamed a black woman with living relatives, scum.

    69. Wow, I accused me of being other people, another wrong to add to my growing list of wrongs but it certainly prove I'm incompetent at the very least, also I would like to acknowledge to everyone that my avatar self is wrong about everything and apologizes, the good thing is he reads and cuts and pastes and saves everyone's comments while accusing them of being obsessed with him, priceless. Sad that Bigfoot is a homeless negro and 8 years and no proof of Bigfoot:( , again Avatar self is wrong about everything and apologizes, tee hee, laters, schooled

    70. If avatar self replies it proves everything I said, tee hee, go ahead avatar self I know you can't resist running on my command

    71. And even after that drubbing, you’ll attempt a mind game.

      Sad, sad, sad little person.

    72. ^ Joe F. talking to self. Transparent and weak.

    73. Did you know you spell the same words wrong time and time again? Might want to fix that weirdo.

    74. testicles, so delicious, duh

    75. So, Bigfoot is real because Vegas misspells?

      And why does Vegas chastise himself over spelling errors in a post?

    76. No, “Bigfoot” is real because not only is the evidence totally consistent with what would be expected from any other animal... but also because people far cleverer than you have failed for decades to explain that evidence away.

      And for 8 years of worrying about what strangers think on the internet, you have nothing but two sockpuppets and an archive of failed intimidation attempts.

    77. Hello ikdummy, I’ve been gone for a couple of days, but it’s certainly entertaining to read the results of your meth induced bender! You see, while you were sleeplessly spending your entire weekend frantically searching every comment in the blog’s history to support your latest paranoid obsession with me, I was out on the ski slopes with a beautiful woman. The apres ski activities were memorable indeed! Anyway, keep spending every minute of every day worrying about me. It’s a real boost to my ego, knowing that I’m worth as much energy as you put into thinking about me! Ha ha ha!

    78. IktomiMonday, January 22, 2018 at 1:43:00 PM PST
      And for 8 years of worrying about what strangers think on the internet...

      StueyMonday, January 22, 2018 at 3:12:00 PM PST
      Anyway, keep spending every minute of every day worrying about me.

      Anybody see a pattern? You don’t worry anyone Stuey. I rather enjoy annihilating trolls. And I’ve got LOADS more on you that I don’t even use. You made the above reeeeeeaal easy.

    79. You go girl! I’ll enjoy watching! Ha ha ha!

    80. Before I leave again, I’ll give you some advice: search the entire history of this blog for instances where other people have used the phrase “you go girl.”

      That will give you an excuse to (1) Smoke more meth, (2) Spend all night blathering incessantly on this blog, and (3) Further intensify the man crush you have on me! Now get cracking!

    81. Anybody? Anybody see a pattern? No?Am I the only one? 8 years and no proof of Bigfoot :( , everyone see yhe pattern now?

    82. Like I suggested, now that I have established our F-AC writing style... I can link you to the most horrendous racism and cowardly attacks that anyone should be exposed to.

      You be a good little psycho now, “muir”.

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