The Green Faced Bigfoot of Churston Woods

From Deborah Hatswell:

There are many witnesses to the Churston Green Faced Ape, around 15 of them in all. I am hoping to get in touch with at least one of them and try to work out what they saw. The area is an ideal food larder and there is cover to and from other sighting areas. Is the green colour due to breeding or is it the green algae that sticks to everything when your in the woods? who knows maybe like the green man of old they simply use it to blend into the trees.?


  1. Everyday is a good day when it comes to a Sasquatch tale. Eh Tubman?

    1. So Zabo is Joe F, eh?

      Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh? Eh?

    2. ^ confused much ?

      or just a little ?

    3. Not at all. Dan Zabo posts all his own info online himself. He is from the US.

  2. The Lowe Files - Wood Apes -

    1. Move past the bullshit to about 15;00 where the action starts...yeehah !

      ps...shitty small screen tho`.

    2. ^ don`t waste your time with this crap - nothing is found as usual although when the "wood apes" supposedly appear they can`t catch them with the flir camera they have - same old bullshit show.

  3. A Patterson family member told the press yesterday that Roger Patterson's widow is near death and has been telling people that her deceased husband used a caveman mask as part of a bigfoot costume that he constructed.

    It's not from Gimlin, but this could be the deathbed confession that finally puts the nail in the coffin on the Patterson film.

    I'm assuming that she is referring to this mask:

    1. link to the press report?

    2. There isn't one.11:29 is telling porkies xx

    3. I like a nice "porky" shafting my batty hole


    4. It's discussed in this article and elsewhere. The PGF is done, and with it probably bigfoot as well:

    5. The link doesn't work.The other thing that doesn't work is the efforts at debunking Patty :) xx

    6. OMG! I can't believe it. Patricia Patterson has spilled the beans. This is unbelievable.

    7. The link doesn`t work !!!

      You LIARS.

    8. Bollocks ! The link doesn't work. so typical of skeptics to lie like that !
      Get a new hobby chum


    9. ^ Joe`s hobby is belief in fantasy figures - he has a collection of gnomes featuring family resemblances in the garden

  4. ^ 12:29 - The linked worked for me. Are you using Firefox? If so, try it in Chrome or Explorer. Also, check your wi-fi connection.

    This is unreal. This is way bigger than the 2002 confession from the Ray Wallace family.

    I'm curious as to how Gimlim is going to get out of this one. He has been telling his story and collecting money via speaking at bigfoot conferences for years. Is he going to have to pay it back or get sued?

    1. In order to sue Gimlim, legally they would have to prove intent, prove that he deliberately falsified information. This would be difficult if not impossible to do unless something in writing could be authenticated. All Gimlin would have to do is say that Patricia Patterson isn't telling the truth now (she has dementia, is senile, etc.) and it turns into a case of he said she said, which would go nowhere in court. However, Gimlin's days of speaking at conferences are probably done.

    2. I'm using Chrome.The link takes me to Northcoast journal and says 404 website error.xx

    3. Also Gimlim can't be sued because Patty's real xx

    4. The link works for me too. I also found the story on the ABYZ news network site, which is odd since that is a foreign news outlet. It won't be long before this becomes major news. This basically proves that "Patty" was a hoax and that Meldrum was correct when he questioned if Patterson may have used a caveman mask to construct the face of the "Patty" costume.

    5. This is going to blow the bigfoot world wide open. I can't believe that the surviving Patterson family members are making what Patricia Patterson supposedly said public. That essentially makes her deceased husband out to be a major con artist, who for over 50 years has pulled off one of the greatest longstanding hoaxes of the 20th century. She probably has had a guilty conscience for decades and wants to get this off her chest before passing away.

    6. ^ shut your noise..the link you provided does not work and you well know are clearly a shill..unpaid at that.

    7. I got the link to work in Opera, not sure why it doesn't work in other browsers. Yes, she does seem to be admitting it's a hoax. When she says "others will do that" it sounds like she's saying that she will not reveal he hoax but other relatives will. She also says "in the palm of your hands" as if the mask AND costume still exists. John Green has stated that the P/G is the best evidence for bigfoot and I agree that this is way, way, way bigger than the Wallace confession, honestly, I'm not familiar with it anyway and won't even look it up because Wallace was a hoaxer.

    8. Yeah, Patricia Patterson's comments were relayed by Patterson family members, not Patricia directly. Yes, this is way, way bigger than the Wallace confession. If the mask and costume are produced, it is game over for the Patterson film and probably for the multi-million dollar bigfoot industry.

    9. ^ must be an amazing life you lead. Zero and I mean, zero respect must come your way on a daily basis.


    10. ^ Must be an amazing life you lead. On a bigfoot blog falling for a 50 year old hoax.

    11. 5:05, 4:53 was addressing myself, you jerk.


    12. 12:49, there will never be a court case over faking Bigfoot, or Dyer would be in jail.

      All this would prove is that the Patterson video is fake, doesn't do anything to Bigfoot Research imo. I've been questioning it's authenticity, and i don't see anyone replicating it since 1967...this is a red flag!

  5. The North Coast Journal also recently had this article about bigfoot. It's not looking good for cryptozoologists:

    1. It's not looking good for the so called researchers who turned in these samples...WHO ARE THEY??

  6. They're your mother DS, tee hee, I like you because you take pictures of penises and testicle


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