Mogollon Rim Bigfoot

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization takes a look at the Mogollon Rim area, an area known for bigfoot activity.


  1. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization showing (yawn) yet another drive around the Mogollon Rim area? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? I think we are all getting carsick from these videos and it's making everyone.....

    Not interested. Done.

  2. Everyone is done it seems...Cryptozoology is on the respirator and bigfoot has been dead for 2 years now...

    1. There are plenty of surprises left with regard to undiscovered animals but none will be the famed monsters of cryptozoology. In addition the bulk of new discoveries will be diminutive insects and reptiles. The oceans may hold out hope for some major surprises but every year that passes decreases the chance. Yes, I believe cryptozoology will have few success stories in it's future.

    2. New primate "discovered" each year the last 12 years in a row. Bili Ape over 10 years ago, a 6 foot tall over 200 pound primate. Just recently a new orangutan species the Tapanuli. It is a species all its own. People will say, they aren't new. All of the locals say everyone in their neck of the woods knew these primates existed. Sorry not real, until science says its real hahaha.. When a "new" primate in North America is finally "discovered" by science, what ever species they deem it. People will say again. This isn't a new primate everyone knew they were there.

  3. Keep up the good work Kelly Shaw!

    1. ^ Reads comic books and acts out superhero fantasies...(it`s Joe)

  4. Bug Eyes tried to broker a deal with Buscardi to confront Gimlin? Shame on you buggy. Shame!

    1. Buggyeyes is the cancer of cryptozoology. Aside from his favorite hobby of cultivating book mold. Steven also online stalks and trolls, he also plants fake bigfoot foot prints in bigfoot research areas. And then for extra fun he contacts news papers and television shows with fictional fake news about martens and bigfoot experiences.

    2. The Cash Deal with Bissqwik is his latest alledged caper.

  5. I really like Kelly Shaw and enjoy watching his videos.

    Over the years though it has been frustrating to realize that Kelly doesn't actually believe BF exists and cannot or will not analyze his own video, ever. He says he isn't a "face guy".

    Ok fine. Ultimately his video is analyzed by others and there is a nice cottage industry making videos showing actually BF imagery captures in Kelly's footage. Its sort of a weird situation but it works. Kelly, in fact, captures AMAZING imagery of BF but.... it isn't shown found or shown by Kelly because he thinks BF will step out in front of his camera or cross the road in front of his truck.

    The reason that is a boneheaded move is probability and stochastic processes. Kelly goes to locations of reported sightings raising his probability of an encounter. He films with good equipment and does quite a few deep static zooms into treelines further increasing his probability of capturing imagery. Then, because of his beliefs, he simply doesn't analyze the footage dropping his probability back down to nearly zero.


    1. ^ Agreed everyone should be more like Dr.Scamsquat. Get a good sharpie and draw faces on every stick and shadow that looks like bigfoot.

    2. 1:05, He's being paid to make a mockery of Bigfoot, just like all the other yo-yo's featured here everyday without a single shed of proof!

    3. ^ No worries nobody has ever take Dr Squatch seriously. All know from the beginning he is a petty serial hoaxer.


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