1962 Bigfoot Corpse
From Mountain Beast Mysteries - The 1962 Bigfoot Corpse
Happy Thursday everyone and may the force be with you! In tonights video I go over an old story known as the 1962 COLUMBUS DAY STORM BIGFOOT. Apparently the storm fell a tree onto an unlucky Sasquatch... they say the body was recovered and analyzed with the report stating the creature is most likely and undiscovered biped.
Netflix just added a new documentary titled Discovering Bigfoot. I watched it last night.
ReplyDeleteThis one is hosted by Todd Standing. It is interesting. However, there are some major problems with it, not least of which is Todd Standing often being referred to by those in the bigfoot community as Fraud Standing.
Dr. Meldrum and Dr. Bindernagel are in much of the documentary. They do seem to be a bit skeptical at times at some of the evidence that Standing puts forth. Whereas Standing attributes a lot of things to sasquatches without doubt, Meldrum and Bindernagel are more cautious about quickly jumping to attributing these finds to sasquatches.
Here are the problems:
There are three times in the documentary in which footage is shown of sasquatches heads off in the distance and they are zoomed in. All three of them look ENTIRELY different. There is no way that all three can be sasquatches. They don't even look remotely the same.
The other problem is that the first of the three is so obviously not real. Well, if the first one is fake, what does that say about the second and third?
Once you see any fakery, that calls into question the integrity of the entire documentary. Watch it for yourself and see what you think.
These creatures aren't like deer where they all look the same, NONE of them look the same!
DeleteI hope this is on netflix, I'm going to bury the Charlatan!
Someone was desperate enough to allow you to take part in a convention, where the audience ripped you apart... You are no authority on this subject. It's thanks to people like you that people doubt the integrity of such events. You, your lighter and antiperspirant wouldn’t last two minutes in the terrain people like Standing are in for days on end. You have pareidolia that you’ve taken from your local public footpath (self-admittedly), and you think you have the capacity to “bury” someone? Let me guess, I "don't research"? Do you think playing adult make believe in your local community equates to research?
DeleteHave you found one person who’s willing to endorse what’s in your photos yet?
Deer look the same to you but not to each other xx
DeleteMy problem with the film was the varying looks of sasquatch but they all had human attributes, the black faced one at the end I totally believe to be a sasquatch and of course the earlier dark brown one I've always believed, blindly. I'm no subject on sasquatch but there are some very compelling things in this documentary and I don't doubt what they are. Is this blowing the lid off sasquatch and closing the case, no? It does contribute with moving facial shots of giant forest monsters, you call them what you want.After careful consideration and a quick text to Standing's research funder I'm prepared to accept his evidence in full, I am disappointed in the documentary because the talents of Bindernagle and Meldrum were squandered but that's sasquatch, he doesn't appear on command, if he did we'd have the proof we all want. When I talked to Erickson years ago he'd assured me Todd Standing was the real deal, this was from a guy who sank a ton of his own money into proving sasquatch and got a kick in his face for his trouble. I feel badly that guys like him and Todd bust their hump, even guys like you Dr Squatch, but the bar is high for the burden of proof, I get it, I'm just looking for a clear shot but others won't accept that. I guess it's time to talk about killing a sasquatch and funding an expedition to do just that. Peace and Rush rules!
DeleteLol at ikdummy saying someone other than ikdummy is playing adult make believe. ikdummy takes to heart such terms as "pseudoscience" and "adult make believe" that are used to describe his activities. ikdummy has mastered debate to the degree that bigfoot went from gigantopithic to a hairy native American whose culture and skeletal anatomy are indistinguishable from modern humans. You won that debate ikdummy. LOL ikdummy was cornered and shaped into turning his creature into a homo sapien human so that he could avoid ridicule.
Delete“An analysis of a complete 1.8-million-year-old hominid skull found at the archaeological site of Dmanisi in Georgia suggests the earliest Homo species – Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis and so forth – actually belonged to the same species.”
There are two widely reported types of American hominin. The morphological diversity in the skulls in the link up top suggests that early hominins with seemingly different facial traits can be a part of the same species.
You're a fool, ikdummy. Taking serious science research and plugging it in to your fantasy role play. Really stupid. You should be ashamed.
Deletehaha, Ds has enough problems trying to bury his tree bark pics let alone anything on netflix !
DeleteNetflix and chill doc :)
Oh and Stuey... Why don’t you try and find a quote from me where I’ve claimed American Hominins are anything other than a sub-species of modern human? And there never was a debate as far as you’re concerned.
DeleteDid you actually read that Andy White link properly this time?
Always a excuse heh ? ^
DeleteNo quote?
DeleteYou have posted that bigfoot was now homo Sapien. You used to say bigfoot was gigantopithicus. Pretty big leap, fool.
DeleteNo wonder you abandoned your real name Joe for fantasy myth name iktomi. Admittedly, you are an idiot. Try getting Andy White to delete your quote about you calling YOURSELF an idiot. LOL
No quote?
Deleteikdummy, just go to the page , press ctrl-f and search for "idiot" ..the word idiot within your quote will highlight, stupid.
DeleteJoe 6/20/2016 10:04:09 am
Joe: "Admittedly, sometimes I'm an idiot."
No quote about Giganto? Didn’t think so. Back to the drawing board for ways of getting attention to make up for having every argument for the last six years destroyed.
^ So, there's your quote, Joe. Shouldn't you be saying "Yes quote"?
DeleteJoe, you're in a safe position now. You have declared Bigfoot a homo Sapien. Now you can deem any human a bigfoot and you'll be right because they're one in the same. You have totally capitulated but you've stemmed ridicule. Good boy, ikdummy!
ikdummy posting the lovelock native american skull and bigfoot drawings. good job, ikdummy.
Deletebigfoot is homo sapien. I hadn't realized you had surrendered in 2016. I agree with you that homo sapiens exist. Why didn't you say so in the first place? ikdummy had to make it so convoluted.
Christ you’re angry. That’s actually an archaic skull found in a place that has rich oral histories of hominins (same as any other Native American tribe), a forensic sketch from an eyewitness, and a digital version of Patty that looks very homo sapien with no hair.
DeleteAren’t you meant to be ridiculing me, or something?
Never 'Mohammad you're angry' is it, ikdummy? Always with the self-hating of Western culture. Sad.
DeleteRich anecdotal tales... What does any of that matter, ikdummy? Bigfoot is homo Sapien by your own declaration. Bigfoot even have native american culture. You've already raised the white flag. Bigfoot is human. You're safe now, ikdummy.
Anecdotal? Stuey, just like you never actually read the comment section over at Andy White’s, you didn’t read the links up top;
It matters a lot as soon as there’s physical evidence involved. You try and chill now Stuey. I’ll see you around.
; )
"Bigfoot is homo sapien", so sayeth ikdummy.
Deleteikdummy, if bigfoot is just another term you are using for native American, then that is your prerogative. There's tons of physical evidence for native Americans. How can I debate against homo Sapiens when I believe they exist? We agree.
It’s actually a sub-species of homo sapien.
Delete(Learn to read)
Oh, I forgot. This is adult fantasy role play. WHO declared Bigfoot a sub-species of homo sapien?
DeleteWhat is the official name given to this homo sapien subspecies.
DeleteI took the liberty... Since I’m referencing evidence of its existence that leaves no room for the contrary, I got carried away.
You see, ikdummy, Jeff Meldrum's "Anthropoidipes ameriborealis" is a different species AND genus than Homo sapien, so that couldn't be it.
DeleteWhat's he official name given to this Homo sapien subspecies? Meldrum stood his ground but you're trapped by ridicule avoidance. You can't go the Meldrum route on this because "Bigfoot is Homo sapien".
What was I supposed to (Learn to read)? Ok, I found it:
DeleteJoe: "I took the liberty... Since I’m referencing evidence of its existence that leaves no room for the contrary, I got carried away. Oops!"
"The casts form the basis of the ichnotaxon Anthropoidipes ameriborealis (Meldrum 2007), namely the “North American ape foot.” Ichnotaxonomy is a Linnaean system of classifying tracks and traces generally of as-yet-unknown extinct animals. In this instance, the living trackmaker is unknown, i.e. unrecognized or unacknowledged, but not extinct. The nomen applies to the tracks, not the trackmaker, and a description and diagnosis establishes the distinctions of these tracks from those of other species (Meldrum 2007)."
Christ, you’re dense.
Gonna watch the new Star Wars... See ya later, Einstein!
DeleteNever 'Mohammed you're dense" is it, ikdummy? Always with the self-hating Western culture slights.
DeleteYou're supporting my argument even further. You also cant steal Meldrum's classification because his classification is for tracks. That further supports my argument. It's ANOTHER reason, it didn't detract from my argument. You've already admitted you lied when you said "It’s actually a sub-species of homo sapien". Anything else, ikdummy?
Shocking, ikdummy! Stop the presses! ikdummy is running away to indulge in watching fantasy. I never would have guessed ikdummy's life revolved around make-believe.
DeleteHAA HA HA, IKDUMMY is now saying Brock Lesner is a Bigfoot! Notice the humbolt skull and Brock Lesners profile are a PERFECT MATCH!
DeleteHaa haa haa lol.
Right now, ikdummy is trying to figure out ways to incorporate Star Wars mythology into his Bigfoot role play.
DeleteThat was amazing!!
DeleteI’m not stealing anything from Meldrum, Studummy... The point you were too stupid to notice, is that ichtaxon of tracks has no bearing on the potential classification of the species leaving that ichtaxon. Perfectly articulated in that reference This might even be the 5th time this has been pointed out, yet you’re too backward and too illiterate to understand.
Using a mere photographic comparison of someone like Lesner as a model for the Humboltd skull can never be accurate. Even forensic facial reconstruction by a mix of artistry, forensic science, anthropology, osteology and anatomy, it is still easily the most subjective as well as one of the most controversial techniques in the field of forensic anthropology. The skull might indeed correspond nicely in the sense that a robust model might fit well via 2D with what is essentially the skull of a very robust human, but that is not to the detriment of my argument.
“You've already admitted you lied when you said "It’s actually a sub-species of homo sapien"”
DeleteCare to explain what that’s meant to mean?
ikdummy, you moron, Meldrum's "ichtaxon" was brought up as a joke as in 'don't bring it in to the conversation' like you always do, you buffoon. You are distracted like a cat chasing a laser. Re-read where I brought it up.
DeleteYou stated that: "It’s(Bigfoot) actually a sub-species of homo sapien. (Learn to read)"
Now provide me where I can read that scientists have classified Bigfoot as a sub-species of Homo sapien. I won't tell you what NOT to do so as not to sidetrack you, little kitty. ikdummy, you are dense.
So your repeated inability to fathom what ichtaxon means was a “joke”? Do you want me to cut and paste the last time you didn’t understand what it meant? I’m exchanging with a buffoon.
IktomiSaturday, December 16, 2017 at 11:00:00 AM PST
I took the liberty... Since I’m referencing evidence of its existence that leaves no room for the contrary, I got carried away.
Also... It’s basic common sense that since the DNA keeps coming back as human, and given their archaic morphology, that they would naturally be a sub-species. Google Homo Sapeins Idaltu... and learn something. Not that I’m claiming that’s what they are, just an example.
DeleteIktomiSaturday, December 16, 2017 at 2:12:00 PM PST “You've already admitted you lied when you said "It’s actually a sub-species of homo sapien"” ****Care to explain what that’s meant to mean?*****
Deleteikdummy, you just RE-pasted your OWN answer, you got "carried away" and LIED:
IktomiSaturday, December 16, 2017 at 11:00:00 AM PST
I took the liberty... Since I’m referencing evidence of its existence that leaves no room for the contrary, I got carried away. Oops!
ikdummy, I realize Homo sapien subspecies have been classified, you idiot. Provide me a science journal stating conclusively that Bigfoot "is actually a sub-species of homo sapien." I don't care what your opinion is. Give me facts.
DeleteNotice Ikdummy using Jimmy Chillcutt ..who says the dermal ridges are NON homo sapien pattern and thickness and dr Meldrum says the Mid-Tarsel break is Way outside homo sapien parameters .including people that have the physical DISABILITY OF FLAT FEET .Its easy to get a undercovered north american ape under his old sockpuppit name of JOE F***gerald.
2:36 Mid-Tarsel break is NOT Way outside homo sapien parameters. Meldrum was proven wrong and is worse than ikdummy:
*Undiscoverd north american ape quotes
Deleteand some = how many? just another EXCUSE as always
Delete2:39 You use J Chillcutt all the time as evidence, WHATS YOUR EXCUSE FOR THAT?
2:49, that link proves ikdummy and meldrum wrong. It says .......1 In 13 Humans.........
DeleteThe P/G films creature feet was supposed evidence of an uniquely non-human foot when in reality 1-13 humans had a mid-tarsal break.
Oops 2:53 here my response was for 2:25
Delete2:53 What????
DeleteI don't know who Jimmy Chillcutt is off the top of my head. I'd have to google him. The bigfoot verbal speech language guy?
I'm confused, are you a bigfoot believer? I AM NOT.
2:56 I will check out your link thnx
DeleteLied? Oh dear.
DeleteI noticed you tried these little finger acrobatics the other day with PIB, trying to make her slip up, no matter how dead your stance was. Because you’ve got nothing else to go on, of course. It would help if I could understand your angry little ramblings. What you’ll have are the facts on the evidence for the same creature that not only looks like an archaic homo sapien, but repeatedly has had the DNA of a homo sapien. Rhetorically demanding that this should be in a journal, doesn’t really begin to explain away the sources of evidence that have brought me to that theory.
Actually... Chulcutt is on record stating that the dermals he’s analysed have the same texture and ridge flow pattern, like a humans however twice the size. And since you’re deliberately trying to bait me into endorsing Chilcutt’s work, so you can publish the same links that try and challenge that evidence, I’ll remind that they have nothing to do with the actual dermals I endorse... which are neither in Crowley’s or Chilcutt’s work.
And to Meldrum and his mid-tarsal break, which is the most confusing angle from you yet. Since I’m maintaining that “Bigfoot” are a subspecies of homo sapien, how does citing the fact that these traits are found in modern Homo sapiens pose any threat to what I’m putting forward?
Something tells me that Brucey baby is in anon mode trying to be clever.
DeleteOh dear.
Oh and Brucey... Since you’re so clever at helping me prove my point, why don’t you actually try and substantiate your drivel and find 1 out of those 13 modern homo sapiens that not only have a mid-tarsal break, but a 17 inch foot with toes that spread unnaturally, etc.
Deleteikdummy, you chimp, someone else brought up Chilcutt etc....
DeleteAnyway: """""looks like archaic homo sapien, but repeatedly has had the DNA of a homo sapien"""""
There are plenty of humans that fit that category, so you're safe. Like I say, in order not be ridiculed, you have changed your bigfoot narrative to the point where bigfoot is a Native American. Way to stick to your guns, scared appeasing "masterdebater". LOL
You’re head is going to explode if you don’t calm down, Stuey.
DeleteAt the earliest stages of this exchange, you were asked to provide a quote from me, as evidence that my stance on what “Bigfoot” is has changed. I’ve always asserted that it is a human. If you want your imaginary world audience to believe you, please, quote me.
You’re only going to get angrier at this rate.
Deleteikdummy, you used to post as Joe F1tgerald with the correct spelling. Even with 'your name' and Bigfoot Evidence, Google greatly limits the responses. You aren't even honest enough to admit you're Joe F, "Who's Joe?", but I'm supposed to construct a dossier on you prior stances?
Delete*your....right back atcha.
DeleteNo, you’re supposed to substantiate your accusations. Even a stupid troll would have some basis in what it is asserting over a period of several hours. So... You haven’t got one little example, to substantiate what you’ve alleged for the past few hours of your deranged little life? I’m supposed to have this “narrative” that’s changed to “move the goalposts”, yet you don’t have one little example of how this alleged narrative has evolved?
DeleteAre we done here I think? Like I said... Back to the drawing board Stuey.
ikdummy, you show up as (unverified) instead of Joe F but (unverified) doesnt get factored into google's search unless it's unverified used in a sentence. Why not just be honest and admit that you didn't always believe "bigfoot" to be Homo sapien and that your view has been shaped during the debate process on this matter?
Delete: p
^ dishonest LIAR Joe F1tzgerald. Sad.
DeleteHe came from Leeds he had a thirst for bigfoot
Deletehe studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College,
That's where I,
got on his nerves
he told me that he was playing xbox
I said "In that case I'll have a rum and coca-cola."
Stuey is totally like common people , Total Yank tosser who wastes his life playing his role playing game
Just like common people do
I heard the echoing slaps and came to see what was going on- satisfying read above. Shout out to Iktomi and the real Joe.
DeleteSo, "Joe" is Chick Chick. A trailer park American guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a guy from England.
DeleteHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! "Joe" has to look up every British reference before posting.
"Chick" works a little too hard pretending to be a girl. He has to use a term for a GIRL(Chick), TWICE(Chick Chick), plus a PINK WOMAN's boot. FOUR references to being female will convince us. LOL
DeleteAnd, of course, Leeds, Saint Martin's College, yank, tosser, and the regular quota of British terms for it's British persona.
awww poor Stuey from Leeds (actually a trailer park in Alabama) is butthurt .
DeleteDrink up ya sot
Iktomi Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 4:58:00 AM PDT
DeleteMy point?
You're British. So all these "American" sockpuppets
Iktomi Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 5:05:00 AM PDT
British Stuey... From Leeds. Did a gig there a few years back. People were rude as heck, no manners. Have a great weekend Stuey!
Don’t you just love the attention... it clearly makes up for what you don’t get at home. Nobody gives a **** where you’re from... Sad, lonely old man.
DeleteYou obviously don't care where "Stu" is from, ikdummy. It's not like you spent any time obsessing, theorizing, posting, and trying to arrange to drive to Leeds to meet me. LOL. Fool.
DeleteIktomi Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 12:55:00 AM PDT
DeleteA real man emails the person he's been stalking. What a p*ssy.
I could be in Leeds in a couple of hours. Fancy a couple of beers Stuey?
^^^^^^ Gay stalking threats from iktomi Joe F1tzgerald, the Welsh loser that asks for guys to email him and meet in Leeds but "doesn't care where you're from". Busted, you projecting, stalking, little weasel. You even invented a pet name "Stuey", psycho.
Never did use that email your stalked me for, did you Stuey? What a coward... And no, nobody gives a **** where you’re from. You’re still a lonely old man nobody cares about.
DeleteI guess that makes you a nobody, little lady.
Deleteikdummy, you volunteer your email to men on other bigfoot blogs. You call me a coward for never emailing you. You beg men to email you and if they decline that means they stalked you for your email??? Is this more ikdummy logic?
DeleteThere we go Stuey... Since you have such a short memory, everything I need to say about you stalking me is in there (just from the other day). Your imaginary audience will be disgusted.
ikdummy solicits men online to email him. ikdummy provided his email address. ikdummy asked to meet up for "beers" in Leeds. Which is not true, ikdummy?
Delete: )
Only to a homo like you but heterosexuals don't call other men cowards for not hooking up with them.
Stuey... Outside of everything that anyone might or might not believe by your little attempts at “mind games”... As I’m sitting here and you’re sitting there... We both know you’re a little coward who was too scared to use the email you were making threats with. And that’s why you’re extra angry.
Delete: )
You just think about that for a little second.
^ Scared and angry little Welsh fop Joe F1tzgerald meditating on being rejected.
Who is this Iktomi guy that keeps cut and pasting stuff that is outside of the ongoing discussion. I thought we were discussing the Todd Standing Discovering Bigfoot documentary now on Netflix.
ReplyDeleteFolks, Todd Standing is fraud, a charlatan, a huckster. The term con man is short for confidence man. A confidence man operates by gaining your confidence. They come across as entirely sincere and legitimate. They establish your trust. This is exactly what Standing does with many bigfoot enthusiasts.
DeleteCheck out these sites that expose Standing's bigfoot BS (cut and paste these links into your browser):
It's too bad that Meldrum and Bindernagel were duped by the Standing fraud.
Oh, by the way, Standing is making money with bigfoot. Gee, I wonder why he continues with his con job.
It boggles the mind that ANYONE can fall for Standing's fake "Eskimo" bigfoot. It is sooooo painfully obvious fake BS to anyone with even an ounce of objectivity. You've got to be a dim bulb to fall for that one.
DeleteAnd yet there it is in the Discovering Bigfoot documentary now on Netflix being passed off as a legitimate sasquatch. It's no wonder that the skeptics laugh at "footers."
I believe that bigfoot may exist. I guess you could call me an open minded skeptic. But the Standing stuff is BS with a capital B.
As long as there is money to be made with bigfoot, bigfoot hucksters will continue to ply their trade.
Jeezus do I have to straighten out each of these threads? Adjust your tinfoil hats because I'm laying down some FACTS right up in here.
ReplyDeleteJeff Meldrum:
Nice guy who can't find his car in the parking lot. Absolutely blind to actual evidence. Has developed a new habit of associating with a HOAXER and is now deemed GULLIBLE by actual researchers.
Todd Standing:
A hoaxer who went a bit too far with his imagery including apparently having his wife (professional makeup artist) make him up as bigfoot and then peddling his hoaxed imagery to the ends of the internet as genuine while dragging the name of certain GULLIBLE scientists down the drain as those images where debunked. See Jeff Meldrum.
Dr. Matthew Johsnon:
This guy started out with a very sincere story of encountering a giant sasquatch near the Oregon Caves. Subsequently, however, Dr. Johnson completely lost the plot and began to claim bigfoot mindspeak encounters involving foot massages. Unable to find evidence of bigfoot Dr. Johnson then began to claim that Bigfoot was an interdimensional being that travels through portals in the space-time continuum. And he has a book. Yeah...
Dr. Squatch:
Some vision-impaired guy who makes blurry modern-art videos of objects from nature with an emphasis on tree stumps
Joe Ikotomi:
A guy who knows the truth by sussing it out logically. He is willing to bitch-slap the skeptics and it has become a source of entertainment for all. LOL
Hey Joe Ikotomi. Nice summation. Except that first sentence about yourself is not correct.
DeleteIt should read:
A guy who cut and pastes and has a screw loose.
Good assessment except for Joe which is far too generous.