Todd Standing's World Premiere Bigfoot Documentary

Todd Standing is premiering his bigfoot documentary in Canada, and you can go see it! Discovering Bigfoot, the movie, is finally being released!


  1. I grew up watching the Muppet Show. Exciting!

  2. Documenting what, his hoaxed photographs?

    1. More hoaxes on the way!! I can't believe Meldrum and Bindernagel got out of the house! Love to know what Standing paid these Charlatans! Cracks me up how Standing has ZERO proof, other than his fake muppets and fake dude running up the hill. He acts like he's this super stealthy navy seal in his video, that alone is a total joke! Funny how clueless Reo does a video trying to prove it wasnt Standing in the muppet masks, reguardless if it was him or not, these creatures do not look like rhis, and they will not come out clear. Standing is such a Lying Fraud its not even funny. Preying on naive people.

    2. I's crazy how so many peeps are so prone to believing that fraud standing is actually putting out legit evidence. He and Rick Dyer and Erickson all need to be ignored from now on. But nope, folks keep talking about their "evidence", and more people end up being convinced that their pix are real. frustrating. As for Meldrum and Bindernagel and Reo...I am very disappointed that these 3 legit researchers were boonswaggled by fraud standing into associating them selves with him. They are legit, he is a fraud.

  3. Standing ?
    haha, longest standing joke in the bigfoot community !
    it's the muppet show lads !


  4. Fraud Standing is a serial bigfoot hoaxer. He is in the Bigfoot Hoaxer Hall of Shame. His bigfoot hoax BS is shown here:

    Fraud Standing is a hoaxer, and he should not be given any credibility on this bigfoot site or any other.

    1. ^ So is Squatch Detective! Wow calling the kettle black. Fraud Standing definitely the puppet master & Squatch Detective was Tom Biscardi right hand duechbaggg right there to support the frozen bigfoot narrative. Steve Kulls is a nieve pineapple

    2. Todd has little Standing in the bigfoot world.

  5. The "Patty" video is clearly a guy in a mask and can see the face looking out from behind the hairy area and is so ridiculous it is laughable...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH YOU IDIOTS.

  6. Terd Stinking is one of the most credible odors in the lying sack of sheet community.


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