This Man Will Prove Sasquatch is Real

The controversial Todd Standing is at it again, trying to sell his documentary left and right.

Discovering Bigfoot features Todd Standing and PhD's live interacting with Sasquatch. 3 new Bigfoot Videos and an incredible altercation between Todd Standing and multiple Sasquatch that ends in brutality.


  1. I thought Dr.B Sykes already proved the existance of almas(bigfoot), The DNA came back as a SuB-Saharan African woman?


  2. Yes, Bigfoot is homeless blacks and Mexicans

    1. Ha-ha. Blackus-o-wettusbackus without a home-us.

    2. I've already proved that "CLAM STENCH" is real!!

  3. Well Mr. Standing is certainly making some bold claims and I'm curious to see exactly what he presents. His past offerings have been less than impressive and quite frankly look manufactured. Those supporting his documentary (cough Meldrum, Bindernagel cough) may reap much criticism as well if he fails to deliver such claims. I predict this too will be a big let-down for those who believe in Bigfoot's existence as in the case of Dr. Johnson's Great Reveal. I also noticed Standing is offering expeditions on his website for $4800. Mmmmmmmm - I guess he can't do worse than the BFRO expeditions.

    1. Curious,, are you serious?
      Todd Standing will take you out on a Bigfoot expedition for "ONLY" $4800 bucks?
      Dang that's mighty cheep!!

  4. I never cease to marvel at the depravity of those running this site. Click-bait weasels.

    Todd Standing's lasting contribution to the field of bigfootery will be the exposure of Meldrum and others associated with him as profoundly stupid and gullible people.

    Todd is apparently a guy who lacks boundries or compunction so far as deceiving the public, destroying the reputation of fellow researchers or otherwise causing his own name to be closely associated with fraud. Doesn't seem to trouble him.

    When I want to look at Bigfoot I watch Zaskey and McCartney. The existence debate is over for anyone with functioning vision and hearing. The whole Bigfoot Mafia was left behind and shows no signs of catching up. Other scientists will confirm the species. Meldrum can hang out with Todd all he wants, doesn't matter now.

  5. Todd Standing was on finding bigfoot they also allowed known hoaxer Steven (Struefert) onto their show too. Puppet hoaxer "Todd" Fake news stories, planting fake foot prints "Steven" all they are interested in was Steves fictional bigfoot experience. Steve and Todd are one and the same.

  6. Todd Standing has been a proven hoaxer on numerous occasions. It's ridiculous to accept anything that this man does as legitimate. His Muppet Show "bigfoots" are now making a documentary. Whatever.

    1. Yes, he's a major charlatan, that's why he teamed up with the other two douchebags. I'll be the one to bust Standing, just like i busted Dyer's doll!

  7. Todd was brutalized by a Bigfoot, and he has the bloody bung hole to prove it.

  8. Standing is a genius. His authentic footage is credible, awesome, and proven real.


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