Mogollon Rim Bigfoot Activity

Kelly Shaw and the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch hit the Black Canyon area of the Mogollon Rim where there has been a long history of reported bigfoot sightings.


  1. I live in Payson. My dad and several other family members have saw the troll like bigfoot at to tonto creek and near christopher creek over the years. My uncle came face to face with it during the elk hunt one year. He quit hunting for several years. Must of really shook him up because hunting is his life.

    1. Naaarg. You need to source a Sasq'et before you morphologicaly dermal culture hops.

    2. 89 Year Old Man His First Erection Since 1987!MSaturday, October 28, 2017 at 7:32:00 AM PDT

      Dear men,

      The long-awaited, all-natural cure for ED has
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      I could barely believe it myself until I read
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      I must urge you to click that link and READ it NOW.
      because that website could be GONE from the internet
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      Let`s just say the $4.9 billion pharmaceutical industry
      does NOT want this secret going public, because of it
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      And how to instantly and permanently erase your ED
      so that you can achieve bulging, rock-hard erections
      on command, without pills, pumps or injections.

      Best Regards...

    3. There is nightly activity around my "rim" if`n`y`all get ma drift guys,


    4. Kekky Shaw...Rocky Mountain SUCKER of CAULK.

      Rocky Mountain C0CK Boy

    5. ^ Why is Steve throwing a jealous rant? Welfare boy is driven by greed & jealousy. Do your family a favor get a job, get them off of welfare & food stamps. Your family may not say it to you, but it is embarrassing for them to grocery shop with food stamps especially when someone they know is behind them in line. Nobody likes a govern assistance mooch Steve that's another of many reasons why nobody gives the willow creek moldy bookstore troll any respect. Not to mention your fake marten news story scam.

  2. My neck of the woods. My sighting was near Flagstaff not too far away from the Mogollon Rim area. Ran across the road while I was driving broad day light. Thought it was someone fooling around. After I pulled over & started to walk back to investigate I soon realized the tree this creatures shoulder brushed up against was 7 feet high making this thing at least 8 feet tall. I ran back to the car & got out of there. These creatures do exist.

    1. Yea, there ya go people,, More oral traditional proof of the existance of SQUATCH!

  3. What happened to Todd Standing's "mind blowing" reveal?

    1. Its a fact , that Joe is into "prolapsing" as many. Mogollon "RIM's" as possible,,!
      To stay on point!

    2. Fraud Standing has nothing, as usual.

    3. This site must BUY my movie to show all of you my indisputable evidence of Bigfoot, spoiler alert, you can see gigantic penises and testicles on the sasquatch as they surround me, you will feel the fear and rest assured Dr Squatch will be jealous as he views the crystal clear Bigfoot privates. Buy my movie and remove all doubt and recognize an amply endowed species

  4. Bad Job Kelly Shaw!

    K Shaw has been DUPED once again Lol!!

  5. What's this? some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization showing yet ANOTHER trip to the Mogollon Rim? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? They visit so much why don't they just move there? Well, even if they did we would still be ........

    Not interested. Done.

    1. Hi Steve! The marten still isn't endangered. Where are you going to plant fake bigfoot tracks this year? Oregon again or just stamp them locally around willow creek and bluff creek. Got mold?

    2. He's busy harrassing another ex friend on Facebook who finally blocked him. Creepy rain man bug eyed troll.

  6. Hey gang ! here's a video of me eating hot peppers. I know it isn't my usual excellent evidence but I wanted to change it up a bit
    in case you all thought i was soft this will prove that I can hang with the best of the best
    still waiting for your thumbs up pub photo Ikdummy !
    You've had enough time to come up with one measly pic. epic Failure !

    1. I'm new here and was wondering who is Ikdummy?

    2. the person who thinks he knows everything but does no research !

    3. Thank you DS, As I stated prior, I'm new here and trying to get "up to speed" as one could say.
      This is the first day I have left a comment after checking this blog out from time to time.

      R Zolofinsky

    4. Wow Doc is the man lol xx

    5. Dear Robert
      Ds is the site's biggest troll who tries to pass off photos of foliage and tree bark outlined in red sharpie as bigfoot evidence
      no one buys his utter rubbish and neither should you


    6. ^^ Another fake account.

      Pretty obvious who the fake accounts are, clearly the one's who don't research, and enjoy making themselves look stupid.

    very high quality -w- good narrative.

    1. ^ doesn't require much - easily pleased.

    2. ^ Stamps out fake bigfoot tracks in willow creek & has a marten that still isn't endangered as a mascot for his moldy book store.

    3. Bug eyed friend betraying bookstore rainnan nobody

  8. Oh yes! Much better to put trust in someone who was completely taken in by a confessed hoaxer and then has the audacity to claim he was responsible for the hoaxer confessing. But hey, if you enjoy watching endless shots from game cameras showing deer and local animals walking about than I guess your in the right place. Seeing proof of Bigfoot? Not so much.

  9. Look guys and gals, cant you just get past all this foreplay and go ahead and publish the Shaw/Streufert sex tapes, and get on with life? At least that video exists.......


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