Man Says He's Going To Legally Prove Bigfoot Is Real

Todd Standing is taking bigfoot to court! He believes he can prove bigfoot is real to a judge, and thus make bigfoot legally real. Think he can do it?


  1. Fraud Standing is a BS serial hoaxer. He should not be given any credibility here or anywhere else.

    Standing is a member of the Bigfoot Hoaxer Hall of Shame. His hoaxed BS is shown here. Cut and paste this link in your browser. When the page opens, click on the Todd Standing link to the right:

    1. ^ Steve Kulls AKA "Sasquatch Detective" wrote the contract between Biscardi & Dyer for the frozen bigfoot hoax. Kulls is either a naïve pineapple or was complicit with this scam. I believe Kulls to be both naïve and a willing contributor with that hoax all for 2 seconds of fame & few bucks. Referring to a squatchdetective opinion is about as worthless as titsOn a boar.

  2. That's no man, that's Turdd Stanking.

  3. The judge will toss the case because in Canada as well as the United States, Bigfoot is top secret.

  4. Todd the puppet master. Steve Kulls the contract master. Rick Dyer the frozen bigfoot hoaxer. Tom Biscardi the frozen bigfoot purchaser. Steven (Struefert) fake endangered marten propagator fake footprint hoaxer. Justen Smeja the bigfoot killer. What do all of these guys have in common? They are all in the top 10 bigfoot fakes of this century


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