Interview with the "Godfather of Bigfoot" Tom Biscardi

Tom Biscardi sits down to discuss the past 50 years of bigfoot, and talk about how he became the "Godfather of Bigfoot".


  1. Who's the fucking moron who stated Godfather? Fucking idiots. The dude who runs this site is a moron. I say dude cause yeah, women aren't that stupid.

    1. A sure-fire way to cure impotenceFriday, October 27, 2017 at 7:55:00 PM PDT

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    2. ^ my men-friends never have that problem when I present them with my open and willing asshole for them to poke with their fully functioning stiff todgers - oh it is such a joy to feel full of throbbing manhood.


  2. Yes, I said it, and I will say it again. I once watched him and his team work in the field and I did not see any fakery. Saw no signs of Squatch, either. So go ahead, Iktomi and Joe: troll me again.

    1. Someone from Tom's crew came to my area about 10 years ago, it was Legit, however, i just recenly signed up for that Million dollar offer, which his son TJ totally gave me the run around. Played phone tag and text tag, but i can tell you they aren't serious about this. I don't wasye people's time, and TJ totally wasted his time, and will continue to waste his time, because i'm the only one that can find them.

    2. My skin is rough like bark because it is bark

    3. You lack research!

  3. Biscardi is the "Godfather of Bigfoot Hoax BS"

    Biscardi is a BS serial hoaxer. He should not be given any credibility here or anywhere else.

    Biscardi is a member of the Bigfoot Hoaxer Hall of Shame. His hoaxed BS is shown here. Cut and paste this link in your browser. When the page opens, click on the Tom Biscardi link to the right:

    1. ^ Steve Kulls was front & center completely involved in the frozen bigfoot scandal. Kulls AKA "Squatch Detective" wrote up the contract between Biscardi & Dyer.. Either Kulls is a naïve pineapple or a complete delusional hoaxer. I believe he is both. Another dishonest hoaxer that will do anything for a buck and 2 seconds of fame.

    2. Ummmm, Naaarrrg, Biscardi has sourced 7 Bigfoot and is one of the top Bigfoot researchers.

  4. That woman wants his todger pumping away inside her.

    Joe wants the guy to do the exact same thing to him.

    What a weird jerk he is.


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