Bigfoot Game Camera Results

From the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization:

Rough Canyon is a side canyon to the 35 mile long Sasquatch Canyon nick named by hunters during a spree of bigfoot sighting reports in the 70s. The most recent bigfoot sighting was last year. A day time road crossing. We will continue to monitor these canyons in our search for Bigfoot. These game camera results may be a 7 month window into a bigfoot habitat area.


  1. What's this? Some kind of video by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch showing gamecam results? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Big surprise - Bigfoot isn't in any of them so I guess that means everyone will be.....

    Not interested. Done.

    1. Boo hoo Whaaaaa waaaa ^ That's nothing,,, My new boyfriend just called me a "DUMB WADSOPP" WHAAAAAA Boo Whaaa.

    2. That creature looking horny thing moving is real scary to me! My brothers over the 50-60 yrs. have they’ve been hunting having deer with Many antlers and never ever had any of them have anything as this strange looking porcupine at least 4’ tall white full pointy head like this thing has! It’s no porcupine that’s for sure this creature is walking with two legs fast pace as well! This is more intriguing than Bigfoot! Ha! Ha!

      PS: don’t laugh please for I’m cursed with this Pareidolia but, please explain to me at 424-425 when sun rises this black shape is no longer there! I’m racking my brain to fine the reason for this very tall black shape behind it the center tree with a few long leaning stumps as half teepee shaped. This black shape seem to have a, hoody on its head. Even the dark legs and large right arm body are no longer there and I’m seeing no shape to identify it as tree limbs! Please look guys and tell me what I’m seeing is something real or pareidolia or it’s something you are able to sleep! Thanks

    3. What is the animal that appears at 6:50/6:51 in the video?  Is that a wolf or a very large fox?  

    4. It is scary isn't it Qué Lakota jeanfreaux?

    5. We think it's a Pine Martin Laura!

    6. Are pine martin really endangered or did you hear that on CNN?

    7. No pine marten aren't endangered.. Was steve the willow creek book store troll way of getting 3 seconds of fame he is also known to tell tall tales about his own fictional experience with bigfoot for a couple seconds of attention too

    8. Hes put on some weight. He goes by porky gollum now

    9. Yes. He should follow our example. Notice how slim and trim we are in our videos.

    10. He even videoed his hot date with Rictor the other night. They seem to be an item!

  2. 2.24 sec crazy stuff appears...
    What the hell is that???? Something, someone with spines or other weird stuff on him/it. Impressive

    1. Thanks Mas Nebs! It is crazy and weird isn't it?

    2. Not as crazy weird as a googlie eyes mold loving book store creep. Is weird in its own way though.

  3. can you attach a trail camera to that tree that is fell in the background?? might be able to get a better view or angle on this "creature should it decide to come back around... you see how the spines are curved upwards.. a buck or elk would have to be walking backwards and have its head totally tilted to make the spikes curve backwards ....

    1. Thanks I do believe you will get something definitive with those trail cameras

    2. Yes mike ^ We will get definitive proof of Saucequatch on film next Monday.

    3. ^ Steven Googlieyes Stuetard... Where you planting fake bigfoot tracks next Steven. Does your welfare pay for your gas to go on these planting fake evidence trips or do you get that gas money from donations? Pine Marten still isn't endangered

  4. For all of the gamecams out there for all these years, it strikes me as statistically improbable that someone hasn't picked up a Sasquatch yet. And it's not a matter of my not believing that such creatures exist. Given all of the "unrecorded" human sightings,, it strikes me as odd. I suppose this issue has been thrashed out endlessly already. I hope you guys succeed.


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