Bigfoot Filmed On Ridge In Salt Fork State Park

In 2014 a bigfoot creature was caught on video on the side of a ridge in Salt Fork State Park in Ohio. The park is famous for sightings of bigfoot, so this is a real possibility.


  1. NV TV mmh , they gotta be legit!

    1. Yeah, brands are very important. In many cases, knowing the source of a video can prevent one wasting his time watching it.

  2. Is belief in mythical creatures such as bigfoot a mental illness or something else? Id like to think the believers "know" there is no such thing and it is merely a role play hobby scenario. The alternative is a frightnening prospect as to the state of the human race.

    1. The mental illness part is fully on the trolls like you who come on this site and spout your bollocks !
      Take a pill mate, go and meet some girls (if you are even into them) put down your xbox and wash up your hands from all the cheetos dust and maybe you'll see a brilliant change in your life


    2. ^ 9:07 Joe, you're mentally ill. Seek help. Find out why you need there to be an illusive 10 foot tall monkey-man in a country you don't even live in.

    3. Better a 10 foot monkey-man than a 4 foot tosser like you in a country I don't bloody live in.


    4. Joe, are you the queen of england everyone is talking about?

    5. LOL DS removed the link

      which went to his
      "carry on from behind " cryptids (the one he called HIM which implied it was male :) xx

    6. still there pib:

      u had posted a link to another vid u must have been watching that was removed. It was lurid and i will keep your secret.

    7. Oh yeah sorry i got that one mixed up with the saucy one.It's the saucy one he's removed :) xx

    8. Just to make your day I also found the baby albatwitch !
      Try to replicate that !
      You are such an idiot !
      Epic failure as always !


    9. I never saw the saucy one. What did I miss?

    10. This one is pretty saucy, I rate it a 8/10 in sauciness.

    11. Another one of your CLUELESS accounts!

      What's saucy is PIB's lack of research! I posted a pic of a Long nose Dogman, and another creature....yeah it was blurry, but the funny thing is, NO ONE HAS A PIC OF ONE CREATURE, LET ALONE TWO!

      New challenge to the idiot trolls with multiple accounts, let's see you get a pic of more than one! LOL, you can't even get ONE PIC OF A BUSH THAT LOOKS LIKE A DOGMAN OR A BIGFOOT!


  3. Have you actually done any research into the subject or do you just go about blindly posting stupid comments on things you know nothing about? There's more evidence to suggest there "is" a large hominid walking the northern hemisphere than there's not, most of which has stood the test of time and advances in technology that's all been used to try and disprove its existence! In some cases the technology has increased the claim for it existence by letting more unexplainable and most often incredible new detail be seen! You go back to your government induced ways of thinking where the world is flat and we are the only intelligent beings in the universe

    1. Has stueyIK a new account? L0L

    2. BB..........8 inches, can you handle that?? Im gonna make you worship it.

    3. Keep dreaming, people who post things like that usually suffer from micro penis disorder! Away an tug yer wee tadger!!

  4. Am a bitchin Egyptian wrapped up in the kitchen!! It's not me that's still feeding from yer maws hairy nipple, posting utter shite while your arse has a wee spunk dribble!

  5. Need a parabreakdown on this one. Phil, where are you?

  6. Funny how nurse squat always shows pictures and videos of blurry brush, shrubbery, rocks and leaf foliage while scribbling in tiny eye's, mouths, etc. and then calling then strange non-popular cryptid names in an attempt to lend credibility to his blurry foliage photos.


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