Juvenile Bigfoot Filmed Near Old Car

From Blayne Tyler:

While hiking off trail in N/E Ont. I spot the sun reflecting off an old car wreck. When investigating I pan around to film if I am being watched. Sure enough there some juvies in front of the trees in the grass watching. In one of my pans I film a brown haired 3' tall juvie ducking in the long grass. There's also seems to be a dark shape between the gaps in the trees when I film left. Filmed with my old camera a few summers ago and recently found.


  1. great video !
    They always seem to be hiding in plain sight !


  2. and there's no doubt that dark shape between the gap is most likely the adult bigfoot keeping an eye on the young ones


  3. I'm sorry, but I couldn't see anything. Just some weeds moving up and down in the breeze.

  4. If you want to see the "juvenile bigfoot," go right to 3:10 and revel in the stupidity.

    I believe that bigfoot may exist, but this is asinine.


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