Multiple Alabama Bigfoot Encounters

BFRO researchers Paul Hulsey joins host Vic Cundiff to talk about his various bigfoot encounters in Alabama.

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  1. Angela Hammond for me. I feel so terrible for her fiance at the time of her disappearance. She was talking on the payphone with her fiance and saying how there is this suspicious truck that keeps driving around the block. Then, that truck parks near her where the payphone is, he gets out and starts looking around with his flashlight as if he lost something, then he confronts Angela and abducts her. Her fiance heard all of this on the other line and immediately got in his car to drive where Angela was. When doing so, he drove past the guy in the truck and Angela was apparently screaming his name for help, so he turns around and tries following the truck and his transmission fucks up and the guy got away. Angela has never been heard from again. And, she was pregnant.
    It's terrifying. It happened in Clinton, Missouri, which I've been there many times as a child because my dad was a truck driver that hauled lumber and I sometimes went with him (I live in Missouri). It's heartbreaking. I can't even begin to imagine the regret the fiance felt/feels. I believe over time he moved on and started a new family, but man, how could you not think about something like that every day, ya know?

    1. Daniel LaPlante is a triple murderer. He killed a nursery school teacher & her 2 kids in 1987. After a massive man-hunt they still could not find him. The ultra creepy thing is what happened. He was eventually discovered-after being on the run-in the closet of a girl he'd dated. She opened her door one night to see him standing there, in her mother's clothes, face smeared with makeup, holding a machete. He tied her & her family up , but the youngest narrowly escaped. As if this isn't bad enough, they AGAIN could not find him, till 2 weeks later. The family, who'd moved out, came back home and SAW LAPLANTE IN THE WINDOW. The police were called and later found out why he'd been so hard to find. Daniel had been living in the walls of his frmr girlfriend's house the entire time.

    2. The Hinterkaifeck murders. A family saw footprints in the snow leading to their farm, but no footprints out of the farm. A few days later, they were killed in their own home. There was evidence that the perpetrators were staying in their house or the farm before the killings.
      It's creepy because your house is supposed to be the safest place. It's hard to feel secure when you think about the possibility that your killer may be living with you without you noticing.

    3. The Setagaya murders because the killer stayed in the house for hours, eating their food, logging into the family computer and sleeping on their couch. It's so creepy because rarely does a killer stick around for hours after they commit their crime making themselves at home.
      Also, the Beaumont children. They were seen at the beach and walking home before they when missing, but they were also seen in the company of a man when they were at the beach who is unidentified. It's so creepy because someone had to have taken those children after gaining their trust and I wish their parents(both still alive) will get some answers as to what happened to their three small children.

    4. Truly terrible tales and I wish the living victims solace and peace...for the victims themselves I hope they did not suffer for long and that the perpetrators receive their just rewards for their criminal acts...all actions are counted and weighed...there is no escape.

  2. One thing that bothers me about this case is that even though Dorothy Scott had been receiving creepy phone calls, the night she disappeared, she had driven two friends to the hospital because one had been bitten by a spider. If the creepy caller was the one who abducted her, in addition to making phone calls, he would have had to follow her from the location of the meeting she attended to the hospital that night and if he did, he would have had to leave his own vehicle in the hospital parking lot. Police checked and recorded license plates of all cars in the lot. Consequently, I'm inclined to believe some man on foot saw an opportunity and seized it and the creepy caller had nothing to do with her abduction and murder.

    1. The Bennington Triangle disappearances. Beginning in November 1945 through October 1950, five people -- ages 8- to 74-years-old -- went missing in the area. One was an experienced hunting guide and another was a 53-year-old woman described as an experienced camper and hiker who knew the area like the back of her hand. I've hiked Vermont's Long Trail myself and there are places where you get a feeling of being watched by someone or some "thing." In 2008, an instructor at Bennington College and experienced hiker got lost on the mountain, later recounted his strange experiences and swore he would never again hike the trail alone.



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