Les Stroud Talks Bigfoot with the RMSO

The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization sits down with Surviviroman Les Stroud to talk about his new projects and bigfoot.


  1. Hey,it`s Les - bien.

    That`s tres bien.

  2. Latest interview/podcast with Richard Hoagland...and with Dr Horace Drew ...

    Richard C Hoagland on what he says is his biggest project yet – and Dr Horace drew on the messages in “crop pictures”…


  3. HA HA - look at Jenny's face! She's absolutely memorized. Watch out Kelly - I think she's getting a little TOO interested in Les.

  4. Les is a forest beast. Takes an animal to find an animal. Les will do it.

  5. What's this? Some kind of interview with Les Stroud of the Survivorman show by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw doing the interview? I guess Les will use any medium to promote his channel. Too bad I nor anyone else are....

    Not interested. Done.

    1. ^ Got mold? Don't be jealous Steven. Finding Bigfoot allows known hoaxers like you and Todd Standing on their show. Add to the Bigfoot stories you made up the first time on their show or make up a new one. I am sure they will have you back. Or you can tell them about the marten you couldn't possibly identify and isn't endangered. Maybe you can plant fake evidence for them too. You are a pro at that chap. Keep up the mooching pal. Noticed your latest endeavor to mooch on Patreon. You live the life. Welfare, food stamps, go fund me and now Patreon. Too bad nobody will buy a thing you may capture on those cameras after your hoax scandal.

    2. Not interested. Done.
      Is. Not. Steven.

    3. Oh well then that's OK then. Sorry about spreading the truth about you bugeyes.

    4. Don't apologize is Gollums fault he has created his own reputation of an obsessive childish online troll. When he isn't mooching cash or making up stories about non endangered species he is right here following his real passion as number one troll. He even created a ten step guide to online trolling and gets upset when people use the guide he published. We need a ten step guide to help Steven curb his pathological habit of lying for personal gain.

    5. Hilarious how Steven rules your life! Your posts reveal your paranoia kekky.
      You're so paranoid you can't even research because you think Steven is out to get you, Lol!
      Hey Steven, get a bunch ofcpeople to make up a story about seeing a Bigfoot, then have Shaw interview them. Wait a week or so, then come out and say it was all a joke! Soon Kekky will become so paranoid, he'll leave the Bigfoot community. He's better off doing car battery video's.

    6. Doc, your nasally voice is the most irritating thing in this world. if you can dish it out then you can take it
      Maybe you should invest in a real camera and go out into the real woods, maybe you'll actually find something so you wont have to rely on sharpie drawn creatures .
      You can say what you want about me but the truth is I am more respected among the bigfoot community then you can ever dream of being and your jealousy on this blog is so apparent.
      Get a life Doc

    7. Hilarious how Steven rules your life! Your posts reveal your paranoia kekky.
      You're so paranoid you can't even research because you think Steven is out to get you, Lol!
      Hey Steven, get a bunch ofcpeople to make up a story about seeing a Bigfoot, then have Shaw interview them. Wait a week or so, then come out and say it was all a joke! Soon Kekky will become so paranoid, he'll leave the Bigfoot community. He's better off doing car battery video's.

    8. Doc, go to walmart and buy some more sharpies to draw your imaginary bigfoots you see behind the mall.
      Les is a good friend of mine , he knows more about surviving the wilderness than he'll ever forget. if you ever got lost in the wilderness and heard an animal you'd crap your pants and they'd find you still crying in a ball. That is the difference between a real man who knows about the woods and a fraud like you who tries to pass off ms paint creations as the real deal.
      Most of the people I interview do not make up their stories and it is their stories that need to be heard and shared unlike you fake photos

  6. What is WRONG with Kekky Shaw?
    Why does he troll his own articles always talking about this other guy?
    It's really weird, man.
    I thought RMSO was supposed to be a real research organization?

    1. Dr Scamsquatch is Steven Stupidtards alternate personality. He has many. One that tries to convince people he is smart. The nasty, jealous one that is the most prevalent. He also has the meek beggar personality that solicits hand outs & then every ones favorite personality, the lack of confidence nose talking pip squeak Dr cant find squat. The serial hoaxing, online troll. All of Stevens personalities like to troll because that is Steve's true passion.

    2. That is just about the most foolish thing I have ever heard. How ignorant and paranoid. Doctor Squatch is not Steven. Doctor Squatch has his own Youtube channel. Steven doesn't use fake identities to troll people, like you do.

    3. Kekky has a head fukk of Kakky.

      he`s full of piss and shit and he likes to spread it far and wide - but he can keep downwind of me and spray the rest of you with his shitty diatribe.

    4. 3:31 This bug eyed moldy bookstore owner is gonna get him! That should make your day, lol.

      2:36, what ever in the world gave you the impression RMSO was a research organization?
      You have to have something Forest never heard of...PROOF!

    5. whatever in the world gave you the idea that doc Squat was a researcher ? His fake photos don't even make it to the most dubious bigfoot blogs. He evidence is made up on his laptop using ms paint . He's a giant troll who is having a laugh at the expense of the bigfoot community. open your eyes folks
      the less we talk about Steven the better
      2:36- what is wrong with you ? you seem confused about life

    6. Kelly Shaw talks about Steven every day. I think he's secretly in love. Instead he's stuck kissing Survivorman's behind.

    7. It's quite apparent that doc Squat is jealous of me and every other researcher who actually does any work . His attacks are so characteristic of people with some psychotic disorder

    8. Trolls apparently Jealous RMSO. Keep up the good work & the whiny trolls will keep on crying. Good job guys.

    9. Aw, look at the Shaws patting themselves on the back.


    10. When is Steven Struewfart going to appologize about claiming he can identify a marten species from a photo or a video when we all know a physical examination by an expert is required? When is he going to appologize for claiming it is endangered when it is not? I guess right after he appologizes for plotting to plant fake evidence and harassing a sixteen year old boy.


    11. How low will Kelly Shaw and his friends go?
      So far no one has seen the bottom of their depravity. It's unfathomable.

    12. ^ CheeseDick Steven in here trolling when he should be publicly apologising for lying to his local paper about his marten scam and about lying to finding Bigfoot about a Bigfoot experience he has already admitted did not take place. You are quite the liar champ

    13. Damn, but you are stupid. As dense as a brick, and a willfully ignorant liar to boot. It's hard to believe you actually think you are accomplishing anything by constantly trolling your own stupid articles on the crappiest Bigfoot blog out there. But hey, Kelly Shaw has to have a domain somewhere... let it be this sewer.

    14. Steven would be better off sucking monkey nuts than trolling in here. C'mon dillweed everyone knows it you childishly & obsessively trolling. Your brain is stuck in child mode Steve. Grow up.

  7. Ah baloney. You were in here trolling me long before I'd said a thing, just as with every Kelly Shaw page on this lowly blog. You do it every time, and everyone with a brain can see that.

  8. This comment is pure comedy.
    Quote" Anonymous Friday, April 14, 2017 at 1:02:00 PM PDT
    How low will Kelly Shaw and his friends go?
    So far no one has seen the bottom of their depravity. It's unfathomable."

    The same could be said about you Steven for the countless targeting of people you dont even know. You stalk every Shaw post here. You attack easy targets like the stump squatchers,teens showing foot prints the woo crowd etc so you can stroke a pathetic shallow ego. Coalition of critical .... what a joke you and your minions are.
    The literature major who comes to groups an pages to stalk them for people he can belittle. what a waste of a degree. Your parents must be proud of you for all your worldly success and to see how you use that degree they paid for. Double thumbs up troll an happy stalking Steven.
    Keep up the good work Shaw, Its good to see you dont let this obnoxious malignant narcissistic sociopath get to you. People see through his BS contrary to how many times he tries to say he is not doing what he accuses everyone else of doing.
    As entertaining as it is to watch him do it , it is tragically sad at the same time.
    Happy squatching everyone.

    1. Exactly Stevens brain is stuck in childhood. Brags he is number one troll then denies he stalks and trolls. Bugyeyes is a low life hypocrite and his degree has nothing to do in the field he fails to be a citizen scientist in. Obviously he is only involved to solicit donations. Trolling and panhandeling is the only reason the failing moldy willow creek bookstore owner is involved with this subject.

    2. ^^^ typical cult believer response to skeptical inquiry, just a bunch of false ad hominem.

    3. "Cult believer response to skeptical inquiry". That is to date the funniest comment yet. Its that kinda stupidly funny comments that just dont get old.

  9. Stroud really seems hell bent on destroying whatever credibility he has left. First Standing and now the RMSO? What's next? Flat earthers?

    1. ^ Jealous moldy willow creek bookstore owner. Don't worry Steven Finding Bigfoot allows Bigfoot hoaxers in their show. They allowed you on to fabricate a Bigfoot experience once and they allowed a known hoaxers like Todd Standing. There is hope for another episode with you. Just add to the fabricated story you already told or make up a new one. You can even tell them about the fabricated narrative you already had published in your local newspaper. No need to be jealous pal. Finding Bigfoot likes you. Maybe

  10. Jealous? Of what? The foolhardy escapades of a buffoon in the woods.

    Laughable. I didn't even make that comment above, Mr Paranoid.

    Yesterday I met with producers from Finding Bigfoot. It looks like it will be a great episode from all I gave them. Bluff Creek Project is going to be featured, so I'm told. Plus, we'll have good old Mr Gimlin.

    You really can't beat our area anywhere on Earth, and I suspect that's what makes *you* do jealous, petty, and vindictive.

    1. See Finding Bigfoot have no problem allowing known hoaxers on to their show. Are you going to elaborate more on the last fabricated story you told them? Or did you come up with some new fiction for the show? Be cool if they show a clip of you travelling to Oregon to stalk and harass Dr J.. You have so much good material. You may want to point out your false narrative you sent the newspaper about a marten species you falsly claim to identify and personally went around beuracrasy to self proclaim it as endangered. Good job!

    2. I've never hoaxed anything, you lying little troll scum.


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