Encounter With A Giant Australian Yowie

From Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio:

On last week's show, our guest, Simon Young, talked about several encounters he's had with Yowies in the Australian bush. Well, tonight's show is a continuation of last week's show.

Click here to listen


  1. Yowie, much like its mythical north american cousin bigfoot, dont exist.

    1. Have you been to Australia ?

      If not then perhaps you might shut the mouth.

    2. Duh, yowie don't exist, shrimp on the barbie mate, duh, Australia dumbass

    3. mate me surf board won`t fit in me pocket

    4. Australia

      The home of fumunda cheese


    5. Oh ahh do like to joerg beside the seaside,
      Oh ahh do like to joerg beside the seaaaaa,
      Where I joerg away all day,
      And play the jolly joerging game,
      Oh ahh do like to joerg beside the sea.

    6. If you want my body and you want to Joerg me
      Come on baby let me know
      If you really Joerg me, just reach out and Joerg me
      Come on baby let it show

  2. If its not Dogman its not Evidence.

  3. This site was filled with interesting comment several years ago.

    Then IktomiJo came along and the rot began..it takes just one idiot to ruin a good thing and HE has been the greatest idiot of them all..GLAD to see he doesn`t come here much of late..he`s probably sobbing in a threadbare armchair surrounded by empty beer cans of high strength cider and ciggie butts.

    1. ^ "and high strength cider"

      Oooh ,you got me all worked oop Joe.

  4. 400,000-Year-Old Skull May Be From A New Hominin Species


    The Aroeira cranium is the oldest human fossil ever found in Portugal and shares some features with other fossils from this same time period in Spain, France and Italy. The Aroeria cranium increases the anatomical diversity in the human fossil record from this time period, suggesting different populations showed somewhat different combinations of features.

    1. ^ Is that dogman evidence related ?

      Pray tell us.

      Arf arf arf arf arf arf arf.

    2. Duh that old skull is a hunk of crap, duh, Stoopid skull

    3. ^`Arf arf arf arf arf ^

      fart fart fart fart fart

    4. ^ Joe having a go at a foreign language.

  5. I check in when I get the opportunity to read the comments and occasionally even the current story. Now it seems like fifty percent of the time it comes from one of these radio podcasts such as Bigfoot Eyewitness, Bigfoot Outlaw Radio, Sasquatch Chronicles, Brenton Sawin Mysteries, Dark Waters and a myriad of others. They relate stories that range from what some would consider believable to the absolutely ridiculous and bizarre. A common theme here is that mainstream science does not take Bigfoot seriously. If we are to believe all these stories than we would have to accept that there are thousands of these things exposing themselves constantly to the general public. The one thing they seem to hold in common is that they usually have nothing in the form of physical evidence to back up their stories. Many of the stories related are said to take place long ago so it's not easy to verify what they say is true.

    My question to those who believe in the existence of Sasquatch is do you think these programs help or hinder the case for Bigfoot? Where do you draw the line? How do you separate the good from the bad? What makes any report more believable than the others? It's my opinion these programs are doing no favors in generating interest from the mainstream science community and in fact are damaging it.

    What say you?

    1. Maybe in the 60s you could listen to a story and believe it. But now? Not a chance. They have had their chance to put up some evidence but the whole thing is an absolute joke. Every single story should be instantly dismissed. Bigfoot dont exist.

    2. Back when I was young I would buy paperbacks dealing with cryptid monsters for 75 cents which were the early equivalent of these modern day podcasts. The stories in those were equally unbelievable but as a young boy I WANTED them to be true. Sadly nothing substantial ever came from those either. Sometimes you have to come to the realization that stories are merely that - stories.

    3. That is the problem. People want bigfoot to be real so badly that they will lie and make up stories. If only people would appreciate the absolutely fascinating diversity of wildlife that actually exists. Theres some incredible stuff out there, truelly far more interesting than some lumbering monkey man if it were real.

    4. No, people want attention is what it is! These stories, and those who perpetuate them, like Kekky, are making fools of everyone that believes! That's why if you don't have proof, i'm going to blast you for it! I won't put up with non-researchers, and people who waste your time. Every time Kekky posts a story, a non believer is asking himself "Where's the proof" and if you keep doing over and over, it becomes a deliberate attempt to undermine real research, and that's what the Douchebag Kekky is doing, and he's probably just too stupid to realize it.

    5. I've been trying to prove your evidence is fake but i couldn't.Then i realised it's because you haven't got any xx

    6. I have listened to a few of the radio interviews and/or the differing podcasts etc that are out there - but I do NOT bother any longer as they are just not credible much of the time and are filled with irrelevant details such as whet the witness and his/her party were driving and other useless detail - most of the stories of sightings can be told from start to finish in about 22 minutes and that would be giving fine detail yet the podcasts string them out to last hours...they`re a hobby for the host to fill his time.

    7. P.I.B

      ouch , that`s just plain nasty and untrue.

    8. PIBs has a good point doc.  You can't verify something that isn't there in the first place.

    9. When bigfoot enter the portal the grass is red and the sky is black and things go all WOO but this is all perfectly normal, they aren't demons trying to fool us, they told me this in my head

    10. Dr Squatch ate a whole jar of craft miracle whip with Henry May

    11. Funny PIB how you, Vegas, Iktomi, and Chick don't have any evidence either, couldn't possible be all the same person right? Funny Joe said Hello to all his fake characters the other day!

      Debunk this, idiots!


    12. Question DS.  Your own father and sister believe you're taking pictures of bushes.  Are they idiots too?

    13. ^ They've never really looked at them.Neither can they accept their reality staring them in the face.

    14. DS is the biggest fraud on this site. i asked him which bigfoot site features his evidence and he wont answer me - probably because he knows his evidence is pure horsesh*t and no bigfoot site worth any salt would ever go near his nonsense MS paint creations.
      He attacks people who question him as well as respected researchers but yet all the crazed billy goat has to offer is blurry photos of plants and trees he circles hoping people will be fooled

    15. ^ When oh when will you see the truth ?

      Doc`s pictures are better than most of the other offerings by a long shot..he even managed to capture a dogman on film for goodness sake..isn`t that enough for you to show he`s the best hope there is of proving this ?

    16. My son ate a whole jar of craft miracle whip with Henry May

    17. He would answer me about the analogue camera either 1:04 xx

    18. I have issues with his behavior. He's done a lot of damage to bigfoot research but not because his evidence is very subpar but because of his conduct in trashing other researchers , threatening to punch Meldrum, lying about giving Meldrum a sample of pubic hairs and going on how he has the best evidence although strangely enough no bigfoot site ever features his evidence.
      He likes calling other people who question him douchebags .
      What a messed up fella who lives in his own little world of delusion

  6. Duh, I say that you is Stoopid, duh

  7. Australians are so congenitally stupid that you can just dismiss their research out of hand.

  8. How pleasant it is here without the asshole troll Ikkyjo.

    Stay away.

    1. The reason Iktojoe has not been around lately is because HE'S as DUM as Rachel(the fonz)Maddow! LOL!

      AC Collins

    2. ^ What are you talking about?

  9. I have to agree. Australians are hopelessly ignorant and crass. The bottom of the barrel was scraped to colonize there. Seriously the dumbest white people on the planet. If you look at the treatment of aborigines you might conclude that Australia is the rascist country on the planet.


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