The Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization travels through bigfoot country, Daniels Canyon, on their way to Skinwalker Ranch. If you haven't heard of Skinwalker Ranch, you should Google it sometime.
^ Hijacked Bluff Creek from the still living legend Gimlin. After his busted plot to plant fake bigfoot evidence, has ruined the location for research. Everybody now has to assume any evidence that comes out of bluff creek has been planted by the buggyeyed bigfoot bookstore hoaxer.
^^^ Once again Kelly Shaw starts it, blaming someone who wasn't even commenting here.
Everyone who laughs at Kelly most be the bookstore guy who never hoaxed anything but gets blamed for Kelly being called a girl in elementary school. Even now in middle age corpulence,the trauma still haunts him.
HeLlO fRoM tHe TroLliTion! I aM TyReLl SteveNs Jr, JamiEs pEt SoCKpUppeT. ThIS weEK wE mAke fuN of MaTT JohNSon and wE tHrEW ShaNe PateRRSon unDEr the BuS.
The WeASel stiLL isNT enDAnGereD and PGf SiTE waS nEVer foUND. PlEAsE seND baTTErY monEY. BYe foR NoW
^ I am a sucker for any new scam going around. I would ask where to send my money, but this is such an old lame scam I just cant do it. Get a new scam steven & I will be more than happy to send you my hard earned cash.
A crowdfunded research project that provides open-access views of wildlife in Bluff Creek and on the PGF site? A few hundred bucks for batteries and cameras and bear boxes?
Big whoop. All of the money donated is used to fund the Project cameras only. And you get to see Bluff Creek for free. Imagine that.
The marten subspecies in Humboldt County IS the Humboldt or coastal marten. It's a geographically distinct subspecies from the Sierra marten. There are an estimated 100 individuals left in California. The marten in the BCP images was confirmed as such by scientists and environmental groups, such as the prominent Center for Biological Diversity. We didn't make claims to it being a Humboldt marten until these objective opinions were expressed and it was recognized as such by others. We merely presented the images, which all sane people without petty jealousy should recognize as significant.
The PGF site is not claimed to have been found... it was absolutely confirmed with mathematical certainty and a large number of exactly matching artifacts and trees still on-site. Experts like Bill Munns objectively confirmed our survey and findings.
HeLlO fRoM tHe TroLliTion! I aM TyReLl SteveNs Jr, JamiEs pEt SoCKpUppeT. ThIS weEK wE mAke fuN of MaTT JohNSon and wE tHrEW ShaNe PateRRSon unDEr the BuS.
The WeASel stiLL isNT enDAnGereD and PGf SiTE waS nEVer foUND. PlEAsE seND baTTErY monEY. BYe foR NoW
The Coalition is a group started in 2011 for the purpose of moling and trolling the Facebook. Bigfoot Community. They hide behind the Bluff Creek Conspiracy, which has some merit if they weren't involved in their troll conspiracy.
Debunking their claims:
They claim they identified a Humbolt Pine martin, an endangered species by trail camera. First failure is that there is no DNA confirmation of the species. The second fail is the Humboldt Pine Martin is listed as Of Concern, not endangered by the government. It's a manipulation of data to enhance the project.
They claim they found the historical PGF site, but offer no confirmable proof. We are supposed to take their word for it. No evidence, no confirmation. Also this does nothing to advance Bigfoot Research since theres been no activity out of there, if it is there, in several decades. It's another attempt to enhance reputation.
They claim they outed SOHA from Matthew Johnson. What they actually did was cyberstalk and troll him for two years, and then conspire to commit a hoax at SOHA. There was a plan to discredit the Olympic Project in the mix as well. The geologist, the one actual scientist in the Bluff Creek Consipracy has had issues with the Olympic Project and saw a chance to discredit them. That and one of the Coalition admins is the actual SOHA hoaxer.
They also pick on a sixteen year old Austrailian kid over a cougar track. That's pretty lame.
my dream as a child was to be a proctologist Nothing would have been finer than me sticking my ninja fingers up people's bums all day long. and the beautiful part of it is that they'd be paying me ! KABOOM !
HeLlO fRoM tHe TroLliTion! I aM TyReLl SteveNs Jr, JamiEs pEt SoCKpUppeT. ThIS weEK wE mAke fuN of MaTT JohNSon and wE tHrEW ShaNe PateRRSon unDEr the BuS.
The WeASel stiLL isNT enDAnGereD and PGf SiTE waS nEVer foUND. PlEAsE seND baTTErY monEY. BYe foR NoW
What's this? Yet another long video of driving around and talking about Bigfoot and skinwalkers by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? It doesn't matter...
Britain is almost perfect except we have no Bigfoot but our Queen has teeth like Bigfoot, America is perfect and has no Bigfoot since they are imaginary Joe
I believe Kelly has a job that helps him pay cash for his bigfoot expeditions. Steven being a welfare whore can barely afford to survive in his failing moldy bookstore & has to solicit donations for even the most basic items "batteries". Lesson is kids, go to school, get a good job. You wont have to beg for basic necessities & you too can afford to travel to the places people claim to see bigfoot.
Why does this Kelly Shaw have to commit libel and defamation to defend his sorry excuse for Bigfoot research? What does running a bookstore have to do with a trail camera project that is supported by donations for equipment? Steven has already said many times that he's been self-employed since 1998,and doesn't touch a penny of the camera donations. What is it with Shaw and lying all the time? Does he also lie about Bigfoot evidence?
Steven is a new man. He has been attending hoaxers annonymous meetings and they have helped him to curb his compulsive addiction to plant fake evidence. It has worked so well that his peers are encouraging Steven Struewfart into going to liars annonymous. They are hoping it will help with his compulsive liar addiction so he won't make up stories about identifying martens from a photo or his usual lies about Bigfoot experiences. However most of us think he is delusional so Steve really believes these lies to be true. He needs big time professional help. Dr Matthew Johnson should be able to help Steven with his delusions. Can we all encourage Steven to get the help he truely needs?
Kekky is more obsessed with Steven, than he is anything else, his severe Paranoia towards Steven is hilarious! Kekky doesn't have a job, he's bumming gas money. What total IDIOT would make this statement:
" Hijacked Bluff Creek from the still living legend Gimlin. After his busted plot to plant fake bigfoot evidence, has ruined the location for research. Everybody now has to assume any evidence that comes out of bluff creek has been planted by the buggyeyed bigfoot bookstore hoaxer."
Hilarious! So the reason Kekky can't get any evidence or pics, is because Steven planted fake evidence. What an IDIOT!
HeLlO fRoM tHe TroLliTion! I aM TyReLl SteveNs Jr, JamiEs pEt SoCKpUppeT. ThIS weEK wE mAke fuN of MaTT JohNSon and wE tHrEW ShaNe PateRRSon unDEr the BuS.
The WeASel stiLL isNT enDAnGereD and PGf SiTE waS nEVer foUND. PlEAsE seND baTTErY monEY. BYe foR NoW
"Great news for the Humboldt marten! In response to a lawsuit brought by the Environmental Protection Information Center and the Center for Biological Diversity, a federal judge overturned a April 2014 decision by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service denying endangered species protection to the Humboldt marten. Therefore, the Fish and Wildlife Services will have to revisit their decision on the fate of our furry friends.
Although good news for the Humboldt marten may be ahead, the Trump Administration still believes in the "modernization" and "overhaul" of the Endangered Species Act. The ESA is one of the sharpest tools in the EPIC legal advocacy toolbox—without it—the fate of our forests, watersheds, and wildlife are in danger of being swept back into time. The battle is not over, support EPIC and help protect the Humboldt marten.
Small carnivores related to minks and otters, coastal martens are found only in old-growth forest and dense coastal shrub in Northern California, and southern and central coastal Oregon. Coastal martens were believed to be extinct until 1996 because of historic fur trapping and loss of their old-growth forest habitats, but are now known to occur in three small, isolated populations in California and Oregon. Since then, researchers have continued to detect martens using track plates and hair snares. In 2009 a marten was detected in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park by remote-sensing camera, the first to be photographed in recent times.
Today, there are less than 100 Humboldt martens left in California. This number is so low that a single event—disease, poisoning, fire—could eradicate all the coastal martens from California. This number is also so low that the species could simply drift towards extinction. We have already seen an alarming dip in population. Between 2001 and 2012, the remaining population of Humboldt martens declined by 42%—and that was largely before the record setting drought!
The Humboldt marten is dependent on healthy forests. The hardwoods, shrubs, ferns, and forbes all make for prime habitat for the rats and voles and other small creatures that make up the diet of these iconic forest predators. Protecting forests and protecting wildlife go hand-in-hand, particularly in an age of dwindling forest resources and climate change."
GOLLUM says: < We know that gorillas exist. They live in dense and remote jungle areas. Often a new group like the one discovered as mentioned will not be known as a new group or a possible subspecies even unless a scientist is involved. People have been looking all over for Bigfoot in much less difficult environs, and finding essentially nothing. There is plenty of open habitat for such a creature to live within, but evading discovery would be a real challenge. Something like that should be leaving sign all over the land, and should be easily trackable.>
Gollum always says he's an agnostic to bigfoot. Clearly he's a scoftic.
The statement above is not one of "scofticism," but rather a skeptical agnostic one. It accurately describes the state of "Bigfoot Research" today, after many decades, still failing to prove that the creature even exists. It *should* indeed be leaving clear sign of its habitation all over the place, if it is the large, lumbering monster described generally. Bears can be tracked, so why not Bigfoot? Why hasn't anyone who finds a supposed trackway been able to follow it to the ostensible creator of those tracks? The existence of Bigfoot is a possibility, indicated as such by the supposed sightings. However, the physical evidence of a real animal is still lacking. All of the YouTube gloryhounds posting endless videos of themselves bumbling on "Epic" adventures in the woods have proven nothing. That ought to tell you something. Either they are mostly idiots, or possibly Bigfoot isn't real. If it is real, it is incredibly elusive and rare, to such an extent that one has to wonder how it lives off the land without leaving clear marks and signs of its passing.
Propaganda and proof of hypocrisy. Hovering here like a vulture. Claiming to be agnostic but saying sorta doesn't exist. But canot because bad for business. Then the whole job is battery begathon.
It's called sociopathic gang trolling. Ganglian and KellyBot do it together, with their Aussie friends and a few more of whom we are aware. These are the same dudes who take a hypocritical stand on their "Ethical Bigfooting" and other ridiculous pages.
We know who you are, because we busted both of you on reddit. Pathetic little trolls, trying to make out as if you aren't trolls, when it's clearly what you do.
We made the "anti-troll" page to reveal you, what you do and have done for some two years now. You are the Real Trolls, and it's all too obvious. You're not going to find us creeping around posting lies on local Craigslist and reddit pages, but you do that. We don't make fake identities to follow you around and post ridiculous, childish vandalism on your Facebook pages and personal walls, Youtube videos, Twitter, and 4Chan... but that's what you do, the real trolls. Yours is a campaign of cyberstalking and harassment, and it's creepy as all f*ck.
It documents what *you* do, Trollbot Shaw and Ganglian. It has proof in hundreds of screen captures of your stupid trolling harassment. That's just the tip of your iceberg, liar. You don't see us going and pasting crap on your personal Facebook wall, now do you? Have you seen is going to Utah local pages on Craigslist and reddit and trying to damage your business and personal life with lies? Nope, you haven't. That's because you're trolls and we are not.
You're hilarious. Your screen captures only prove how *right* we are, whereas our screen captures of you prove that you are malignant trolls who go all across the internet to spread lies. If you come into our *closed* group as a mole and take screen captures of our discussions that is not US trolling; it is YOU trolling.
If you can't handle a skeptical Bigfoot discussion group critiquing the claims of the so-called "researchers" you really need to grow a set. The scrutiny we apply is light compared to that which the world of science will apply to you.
If your supposed "Bigfoot Evidence" is good, it will stand on its own, without you trolling anyone or coming on here like a fourth-grader and calling us names and lying about martens and film sites.
You're a paranoid fool. The fact is that I don't mole or troll any groups or pages, and if I comment here I'm only responding to your BS. Coalition doesn't have any organized effort to troll other groups. We comment of the affairs of the Bigfooting world, and you can't handle it. That's the fact of the matter.
Ha ha ha. The funny thing is you know I'm right and you're just a scummy lying troll. Any screen captures you might have from Coalition only serve to show how right we are and always have been. Meanwhile, the evidence of your trolling is with lies and ignorance is beyond comprehensive. You just go around repeating yourself like an idiot wasting enormous amounts of time and every that you really should be spending bettering yourself and your own supposed research. If you have the Coalition and our skeptical views then fine, just go away and don't read our conversations like a silly, cowardly mole in the ground.
Ha ha ha. The funny thing is you know I'm right and you're just a scummy lying troll. Any screen captures you might have from Coalition only serve to show how right we are and always have been. Meanwhile, the evidence of your trolling us with lies and ignorance is beyond comprehensive. You just go around repeating yourself like an idiot wasting enormous amounts of time and energy that you really should be spending bettering yourself and your own supposed research. If you hate the Coalition and our skeptical views then fine, just go away and don't read our conversations like a silly, cowardly mole in the ground.
I know you won't stop, because you are insane. Like with the 50+ identical stupid comments you repeatedly posted on my Facebook wall the other day using two fake identities. Ganglian? Kkkie Shaw? Nigel? Jack? Which one will you be today?
It's oh so amusing how much of your like you waste on trolling me.
I know you won't stop, because you are insane. Like with the 50+ identical stupid comments you repeatedly posted on my Facebook wall the other day using two fake identities. Ganglian? Kkkie Shaw? Nigel? Jack? Which one will you be today?
It's oh so amusing how much of your like you waste on trolling me.
You lie and deny. You troll RMSO and you troll yourself for attention. And you or Jamie troll your own group with an obvious sock puppet. What the fuck is wrong with you?
Clearly *you* can't help yourself, because you're an obsessed, hypocritical troll. You like to think I'm a "lab rat" in your little trolling game of libel and harassment. You'd like to say that we or I "smear" or "stalk" Johnson or Shaw, but even if that eye true (it's not), how does that excise your own behavior, which is fast worse than the critique and analysis of things publicly posted as Bigfoot claims by such as Johnson or Shaw? We don't stalk them, don't harass them on their personal pages, don't follow them around on the internet everywhere. It's you who do that sort of thing. In Coalition we have every right to express our views as an exercise of free speech and add an analysis of the various Bigfooting claims. As far as the marten goes, there are only an estimated 100 individuals of the recognized subspecies left. Fish and Wildlife don't want to manage a subspecies separately, so they contradicted their own science. They were sued, and just the other day a judge ruled that the matter will be readdressed. As far as the PGF site goes, I'm the one who found the big trees seen in the back of the film, and it was my group who documented and proved all of the other artifacts and aspects of the site. Certainly Bluff Creek is just as relevant as any other area of claimed Bigfoot sightings, just like the ones Kelly Shaw drives all over the place to try to visit. We found the exact, precise location. Shaw rarely accomplishes that. And really, Bluff Creek truly kicks the as* of "Sasquatch Canyon." Shaw and the rest of yoy trolls are just jealous, and you know darn well that the Coalition group is the most insightful and interesting of all of the Facebook bigfoot discussion groups. That's why it eats you up inside constantly that you just can't be a member.
Clearly *you* can't help yourself, because you're an obsessed, hypocritical troll. You like to think I'm a "lab rat" in your little trolling game of libel and harassment. You'd like to say that we or I "smear" or "stalk" Johnson or Shaw, but even if that were true (it's not), how does that excimuse your own behavior, which is fast worse than the critique and analysis of things publicly posted as Bigfoot claims by such as Johnson or Shaw? We don't stalk them, don't harass them on their personal pages, don't follow them around on the internet everywhere. It's you who do that sort of thing. In Coalition we have every right to express our views as an exercise of free speech and add an analysis of the various Bigfooting claims. As far as the marten goes, there are only an estimated 100 individuals of the recognized subspecies left. Fish and Wildlife don't want to manage a subspecies separately, so they contradicted their own science. They were sued, and just the other day a judge ruled that the matter will be readdressed. As far as the PGF site goes, I'm the one who found the big trees seen in the back of the film, and it was my group who documented and proved all of the other artifacts and aspects of the site. Certainly Bluff Creek is just as relevant as any other area of claimed Bigfoot sightings, just like the ones Kelly Shaw drives all over the place to try to visit. We found the exact, precise location. Shaw rarely accomplishes that. And really, Bluff Creek truly kicks the as* of "Sasquatch Canyon." Shaw and the rest of you trolls are just jealous, and you know darn well that the Coalition group is the most insightful and interesting of all of the Facebook bigfoot discussion groups. That's why it eats you up inside constantly that you just can't be a member.
Maybe if your books are so rare little man why expose them to the weather on your porch where they're easily stolen? Not very good at stuff you do huh? And jealous of a group of gossips? Are you that sad?
"Little man," says the little maniacal troll who just can't stop trolling. Pathetic.
Sale books on the porch are a very common thing to do on the used book business. Why do you even comment about books? Likely because it hurts your brain to read.
You're kind of obsessed, aren't you troll?
Why not post it twice? You do. I've seen you post the same exact thing 50+ times a day.
"Little man," says the little maniacal troll who just can't stop trolling. Pathetic.
Sale books on the porch are a very common thing to do on the used book business. Why do you even comment about books? Likely because it hurts your brain to read.
You're kind of obsessed, aren't you troll?
Why not post it twice? You do. I've seen you post the same exact thing 50+ times a day.
Nope you are. You have to chase down every disagreeable comment.
If that isn't obsessed what is. Your group of cluster fucking gossip are nothing to be jealous of. Just a good study in mental illness. You play your role well. Suck it troll. Don't hesitate to respond. You know you must.
Ha ha ha Ha. I thought you didn't like IKYABWAI? Pathetic troll. You know you're the perpetrator and the one who starts this crap. Deep down in your duplicitous, rotten core, you know I'm right, and it haunts your filthy Ganglian dreams at night.
"Iky bamay" is what you just did, you dull, perverted creepy stalker. F*ck you and your slimy "study," you troll. Seriously, get a freaking life, sociopathic loser-boy. I know you can live without me and the Coalition. Give it a try, one day at a time, bro. You can do it.
Notice here how the specimen, having failed to gain a reaction for his trolling now resorts to what can only be called a tantrum. When the smear campaign tactic fails he, the specimen lapses into a tantrum like state of frustration.
You've probably heard this phrase numerous times before. It's the cardinal rule of being in an internet community, and with good reason. Avoidance is and has always been the best course of action, hands down. The majority of trolls thrive on the confrontation—after all, their singular goal is to get attention—so the more you ignore them, the better. Downvote their comments or block them if you're on a forum that supports such features, and move on. It's incredibly tempting, but try to ignore them the best you can. Don't respond to them, not even to call them out as a troll, and they'll go away. Even a simple comment like "please stop" or "go away, troll" can bring attention to their comments (either by lengthening the thread or, in some forums, actually causing that thread to move higher in the chain). If a troll returns to their computer with zero replies, however, or if their comment just floats to the bottom of the thread, they'll go looking somewhere else for the attention they crave. Showing them that you can be baited, even a little bit, is just asking for more.
This story was circulating the internet way back in 2004, or maybe as far back as 1999. Back when everybody was on 56k dial-up modems and a "Facebook" was just a regular book with directory listing of names and headshots. This story was so disturbing and so shocking that nobody believed it at the time. It was the Robert Lindsay " Bear Hunter: Two Bigfoots Shot and DNA Samples Taken " story of the time. And like Robert's Bear Hunter story , this witness didn't have a name. The only thing known about the witness is that this person was a government employee, anonymous of course. The author of the story was a science teacher named Thom Powell who believe it really happened and that the whole story was an elaborate cover-up. Powell said the anonymous government employee alerted the BFRO about a 7.5 feet long/tall burn victim with "multiple burns on hands, feet, legs and body; some 2nd and 3rd degree burns". Sadly, there was no DNA samples taken from...
Rumors abound on whether or not Finding Bigfoot will continue, but hopeful news is on the horizon. Snake Oil Productions, the production company responsible for Finding Bigfoot, is seeking a permit for filming in the Monterey, Virginia area. Monterey lies between the Monongahela and George Washington National Forests. Definitely a good place to look for bigfoot. We can only speculate if this means Finding Bigfoot has been signed on for additional seasons, or if perhaps a new bigfoot show is in the works. We'll keep you updated on any further announcements for sure.
Editor's Note: This is a guest post by Suzie M., a sasquatch enthusiast. Crypto-linguists believe that the species known Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti/Yowie ect speak and understand a complex language, which by all accounts seems to stem from Asia. When one listens to it there is definitely a sense of it being Chinese or Japanese. It is a very odd mix of sounds, clicks and what could be actual words. This is the reason some experts are looking into the Asian dialect theory, some have said it could be a lost dialect, which was carried from Asia by the Bigfoot species that colonised America.
Yes, you should goggle foreskin
I know exactly where my foreskin is as I pull it back and forth all day long.
ps .. and by the way,it`s my dick and I can wash it as fast and hard as I like.
I like to wash it in a vagrant gents mouth as he sleeps in a public park
Kekky is such a bore...why does he hang from the coat tails of real researchers ?
DeleteIs he hoping some glory (hole) will rub off on him ?
^ Hijacked Bluff Creek from the still living legend Gimlin. After his busted plot to plant fake bigfoot evidence, has ruined the location for research. Everybody now has to assume any evidence that comes out of bluff creek has been planted by the buggyeyed bigfoot bookstore hoaxer.
Delete^^^ Once again Kelly Shaw starts it, blaming someone who wasn't even commenting here.
DeleteEveryone who laughs at Kelly most be the bookstore guy who never hoaxed anything but gets blamed for Kelly being called a girl in elementary school. Even now in middle age corpulence,the trauma still haunts him.
Somebody help this sadsack become a man.
Not even his fiancée can do that.
DeleteI have seen Pegasus in the sky.
DeleteIt`s as real as bigfoot you nerdy fart sniffing wastrels.
HeLlO fRoM tHe TroLliTion! I aM TyReLl SteveNs Jr, JamiEs pEt SoCKpUppeT. ThIS weEK wE mAke fuN of MaTT JohNSon and wE tHrEW ShaNe PateRRSon unDEr the BuS.
DeleteThe WeASel stiLL isNT enDAnGereD and PGf SiTE waS nEVer foUND. PlEAsE seND baTTErY monEY. BYe foR NoW
^ I am a sucker for any new scam going around. I would ask where to send my money, but this is such an old lame scam I just cant do it. Get a new scam steven & I will be more than happy to send you my hard earned cash.
DeleteWhat scam?
DeleteA crowdfunded research project that provides open-access views of wildlife in Bluff Creek and on the PGF site? A few hundred bucks for batteries and cameras and bear boxes?
Big whoop. All of the money donated is used to fund the Project cameras only. And you get to see Bluff Creek for free. Imagine that.
It's a lot cooler than SAUCE-SQUATCH CANYON.
Go see.
The marten subspecies in Humboldt County IS the Humboldt or coastal marten. It's a geographically distinct subspecies from the Sierra marten. There are an estimated 100 individuals left in California. The marten in the BCP images was confirmed as such by scientists and environmental groups, such as the prominent Center for Biological Diversity. We didn't make claims to it being a Humboldt marten until these objective opinions were expressed and it was recognized as such by others. We merely presented the images, which all sane people without petty jealousy should recognize as significant.
The PGF site is not claimed to have been found... it was absolutely confirmed with mathematical certainty and a large number of exactly matching artifacts and trees still on-site. Experts like Bill Munns objectively confirmed our survey and findings.
HeLlO fRoM tHe TroLliTion! I aM TyReLl SteveNs Jr, JamiEs pEt SoCKpUppeT. ThIS weEK wE mAke fuN of MaTT JohNSon and wE tHrEW ShaNe PateRRSon unDEr the BuS.
DeleteThe WeASel stiLL isNT enDAnGereD and PGf SiTE waS nEVer foUND. PlEAsE seND baTTErY monEY. BYe foR NoW
DeleteThe Coalition is a group started in 2011 for the purpose of moling and trolling the Facebook. Bigfoot Community. They hide behind the Bluff Creek Conspiracy, which has some merit if they weren't involved in their troll conspiracy.
Debunking their claims:
They claim they identified a Humbolt Pine martin, an endangered species by trail camera. First failure is that there is no DNA confirmation of the species. The second fail is the Humboldt Pine Martin is listed as Of Concern, not endangered by the government. It's a manipulation of data to enhance the project.
They claim they found the historical PGF site, but offer no confirmable proof. We are supposed to take their word for it. No evidence, no confirmation. Also this does nothing to advance Bigfoot Research since theres been no activity out of there, if it is there, in several decades. It's another attempt to enhance reputation.
They claim they outed SOHA from Matthew Johnson. What they actually did was cyberstalk and troll him for two years, and then conspire to commit a hoax at SOHA. There was a plan to discredit the Olympic Project in the mix as well. The geologist, the one actual scientist in the Bluff Creek Consipracy has had issues with the Olympic Project and saw a chance to discredit them. That and one of the Coalition admins is the actual SOHA hoaxer.
They also pick on a sixteen year old Austrailian kid over a cougar track. That's pretty lame.
You have "debunked" nothing.
DeleteYou've just created MORE bunk.
This lesson: Gollum doesn't speak truth. He makes up stuff and thinks repetition will make it true. Nope.
DeleteWeasel no es endangered. Pgf no es confirmo.
Can Skinwalker Kick BigfootsASS?
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Dr nor do I play one on TV
ReplyDeleteWho ?
DeleteWhat ?
my dream as a child was to be a proctologist
DeleteNothing would have been finer than me sticking my ninja fingers up people's bums all day long.
and the beautiful part of it is that they'd be paying me !
^ Well you nearly got there - all that`s different is that you poke you dick up mens asses now...impressive.
DeleteHeLlO fRoM tHe TroLliTion! I aM TyReLl SteveNs Jr, JamiEs pEt SoCKpUppeT. ThIS weEK wE mAke fuN of MaTT JohNSon and wE tHrEW ShaNe PateRRSon unDEr the BuS.
DeleteThe WeASel stiLL isNT enDAnGereD and PGf SiTE waS nEVer foUND. PlEAsE seND baTTErY monEY. BYe foR NoW
You're the King of Stupidity & Jealousy!!
DeleteTrolition lies
DeleteIs buggy actually hawking dvds on amazon in coalition today? Fail much?
ReplyDeleteWhat's this? Yet another long video of driving around and talking about Bigfoot and skinwalkers by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization? Isn't that Kelly Shaw's group? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? It doesn't matter...
ReplyDeleteNot interested. Done.
You wankers
Shut up Joe.
DeleteBritain is almost perfect except we have no Bigfoot but our Queen has teeth like Bigfoot, America is perfect and has no Bigfoot since they are imaginary
Are you Gollum's brit pal?
DeleteYou wankers
Shut up joe
DeleteMississippi Skunk Ape - IT'S REAL (imo) - Breakdo…:
ReplyDeleteDon't fvck with the big guy
DeleteYes, wankers
^ Runs his own club of foreskin pullers.
DeleteNo wanker: YOU
ReplyDeleteHow does Kelly Shaw pay for all these vacations?
ReplyDeleteAnd before I get some stupid answer about Stephen Whatshisname, I don't don't care about that guy.
I really do want to know how Kelly Shaw pays for all these trips. Because maybe I'd like to go see all these places in person too.
Of course you do. You are that guy.
DeleteBecause everyone is Stephen Whatever? (Not even going to try to spell his name.) Please.
DeleteJust answer the question. How does Kelly Shaw pay for all these vacations?
I believe Kelly has a job that helps him pay cash for his bigfoot expeditions. Steven being a welfare whore can barely afford to survive in his failing moldy bookstore & has to solicit donations for even the most basic items "batteries". Lesson is kids, go to school, get a good job. You wont have to beg for basic necessities & you too can afford to travel to the places people claim to see bigfoot.
DeleteI don't believe such jobs actually exist. How can he do a job when he's on the road so much?
DeleteWhy does this Kelly Shaw have to commit libel and defamation to defend his sorry excuse for Bigfoot research? What does running a bookstore have to do with a trail camera project that is supported by donations for equipment? Steven has already said many times that he's been self-employed since 1998,and doesn't touch a penny of the camera donations. What is it with Shaw and lying all the time? Does he also lie about Bigfoot evidence?
DeleteAnd buggy now speaks of himself in the 3rd person?
DeleteAnd Kekky now speaks of himself in the 3rd person?
Icky bammy
DeleteSteven is a new man. He has been attending hoaxers annonymous meetings and they have helped him to curb his compulsive addiction to plant fake evidence. It has worked so well that his peers are encouraging Steven Struewfart into going to liars annonymous. They are hoping it will help with his compulsive liar addiction so he won't make up stories about identifying martens from a photo or his usual lies about Bigfoot experiences. However most of us think he is delusional so Steve really believes these lies to be true. He needs big time professional help. Dr Matthew Johnson should be able to help Steven with his delusions. Can we all encourage Steven to get the help he truely needs?
DeleteKekky is more obsessed with Steven, than he is anything else, his severe Paranoia towards Steven is hilarious!
DeleteKekky doesn't have a job, he's bumming gas money. What total IDIOT would make this statement:
" Hijacked Bluff Creek from the still living legend Gimlin. After his busted plot to plant fake bigfoot evidence, has ruined the location for research. Everybody now has to assume any evidence that comes out of bluff creek has been planted by the buggyeyed bigfoot bookstore hoaxer."
Hilarious! So the reason Kekky can't get any evidence or pics, is because Steven planted fake evidence.
What an IDIOT!
Are you a real Dr?
DeleteWhen you have a Doctorate degree in any profession, it does not say "Real" before "Doctor."
DeleteSo that's a no
DeleteI have a "Doctor of Chiropractic" degree.
Delete^ Squat is just a little kid that still not old enough to drive. Obviously a lying little kid too.
DeleteYou're the King of Stupidity & Jealousy!
DeleteHeLlO fRoM tHe TroLliTion! I aM TyReLl SteveNs Jr, JamiEs pEt SoCKpUppeT. ThIS weEK wE mAke fuN of MaTT JohNSon and wE tHrEW ShaNe PateRRSon unDEr the BuS.
DeleteThe WeASel stiLL isNT enDAnGereD and PGf SiTE waS nEVer foUND. PlEAsE seND baTTErY monEY. BYe foR NoW
You're the King of Stupidity & Jealousy!
DeleteJealous of what? A sock puppet with bad grammar?
Delete"Great news for the Humboldt marten! In response to a lawsuit brought by the Environmental Protection Information Center and the Center for Biological Diversity, a federal judge overturned a April 2014 decision by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service denying endangered species protection to the Humboldt marten. Therefore, the Fish and Wildlife Services will have to revisit their decision on the fate of our furry friends.
ReplyDeleteAlthough good news for the Humboldt marten may be ahead, the Trump Administration still believes in the "modernization" and "overhaul" of the Endangered Species Act. The ESA is one of the sharpest tools in the EPIC legal advocacy toolbox—without it—the fate of our forests, watersheds, and wildlife are in danger of being swept back into time. The battle is not over, support EPIC and help protect the Humboldt marten.
Small carnivores related to minks and otters, coastal martens are found only in old-growth forest and dense coastal shrub in Northern California, and southern and central coastal Oregon. Coastal martens were believed to be extinct until 1996 because of historic fur trapping and loss of their old-growth forest habitats, but are now known to occur in three small, isolated populations in California and Oregon. Since then, researchers have continued to detect martens using track plates and hair snares. In 2009 a marten was detected in Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park by remote-sensing camera, the first to be photographed in recent times.
Today, there are less than 100 Humboldt martens left in California. This number is so low that a single event—disease, poisoning, fire—could eradicate all the coastal martens from California. This number is also so low that the species could simply drift towards extinction. We have already seen an alarming dip in population. Between 2001 and 2012, the remaining population of Humboldt martens declined by 42%—and that was largely before the record setting drought!
The Humboldt marten is dependent on healthy forests. The hardwoods, shrubs, ferns, and forbes all make for prime habitat for the rats and voles and other small creatures that make up the diet of these iconic forest predators. Protecting forests and protecting wildlife go hand-in-hand, particularly in an age of dwindling forest resources and climate change."
STILL not endangered. Lying gollum trying to distract from his mole problem.
DeletePGF still not found.
GOLLUM says: < We know that gorillas exist. They live in dense and remote jungle areas. Often a new group like the one discovered as mentioned will not be known as a new group or a possible subspecies even unless a scientist is involved. People have been looking all over for Bigfoot in much less difficult environs, and finding essentially nothing. There is plenty of open habitat for such a creature to live within, but evading discovery would be a real challenge. Something like that should be leaving sign all over the land, and should be easily trackable.>
DeleteGollum always says he's an agnostic to bigfoot. Clearly he's a scoftic.
And a manipulating sociopath. It's what they do.
DeleteSays the cyberstalking sociopathic little creep, Ganglian.
DeleteThe statement above is not one of "scofticism," but rather a skeptical agnostic one. It accurately describes the state of "Bigfoot Research" today, after many decades, still failing to prove that the creature even exists. It *should* indeed be leaving clear sign of its habitation all over the place, if it is the large, lumbering monster described generally. Bears can be tracked, so why not Bigfoot? Why hasn't anyone who finds a supposed trackway been able to follow it to the ostensible creator of those tracks? The existence of Bigfoot is a possibility, indicated as such by the supposed sightings. However, the physical evidence of a real animal is still lacking. All of the YouTube gloryhounds posting endless videos of themselves bumbling on "Epic" adventures in the woods have proven nothing. That ought to tell you something. Either they are mostly idiots, or possibly Bigfoot isn't real. If it is real, it is incredibly elusive and rare, to such an extent that one has to wonder how it lives off the land without leaving clear marks and signs of its passing.
DeletePropaganda and proof of hypocrisy. Hovering here like a vulture. Claiming to be agnostic but saying sorta doesn't exist. But canot because bad for business.
DeleteThen the whole job is battery begathon.
One trick pony. Books coming out soon.
ReplyDeleteMike Kevin "Ganglian" Humphrey. What a guy! All he can do is troll. Troll on, trolly troll. Keep on Trolling, Team Trollin' USA.
DeleteWe thought we were RMSO. You should maybe get away from your dust bin.
DeleteIt's called sociopathic gang trolling.
DeleteGanglian and KellyBot do it together, with their Aussie friends and a few more of whom we are aware. These are the same dudes who take a hypocritical stand on their "Ethical Bigfooting" and other ridiculous pages.
ReplyDeleteWe know who you are, because we busted both of you on reddit. Pathetic little trolls, trying to make out as if you aren't trolls, when it's clearly what you do.
GOLLUM sez: linking to a troll page isn't trolling.
ReplyDeleteBut it really is.
We made the "anti-troll" page to reveal you, what you do and have done for some two years now. You are the Real Trolls, and it's all too obvious. You're not going to find us creeping around posting lies on local Craigslist and reddit pages, but you do that. We don't make fake identities to follow you around and post ridiculous, childish vandalism on your Facebook pages and personal walls, Youtube videos, Twitter, and 4Chan... but that's what you do, the real trolls. Yours is a campaign of cyberstalking and harassment, and it's creepy as all f*ck.
ReplyDeleteEmbelleshment is an ugly thing as is spreading caa caa
DeleteGOLLUM doesnt get that his wittle anti-troll page is in fact a troll page. He and his wittle gang are gang trollers. Sad.
DeleteIt documents what *you* do, Trollbot Shaw and Ganglian. It has proof in hundreds of screen captures of your stupid trolling harassment. That's just the tip of your iceberg, liar. You don't see us going and pasting crap on your personal Facebook wall, now do you? Have you seen is going to Utah local pages on Craigslist and reddit and trying to damage your business and personal life with lies? Nope, you haven't. That's because you're trolls and we are not.
DeleteLiar liar pants on fire. You just do that crap yourself for the attention don't ya turd ranger?
DeleteTrolition is guilty. There are thousands of screen shots going back several years. Categorized for patterns. You are the trolls.
DeleteAnd a right good little study group. Cheers!
DeleteYou're hilarious. Your screen captures only prove how *right* we are, whereas our screen captures of you prove that you are malignant trolls who go all across the internet to spread lies. If you come into our *closed* group as a mole and take screen captures of our discussions that is not US trolling; it is YOU trolling.
DeleteIf you can't handle a skeptical Bigfoot discussion group critiquing the claims of the so-called "researchers" you really need to grow a set. The scrutiny we apply is light compared to that which the world of science will apply to you.
If your supposed "Bigfoot Evidence" is good, it will stand on its own, without you trolling anyone or coming on here like a fourth-grader and calling us names and lying about martens and film sites.
Screenshots of damNing things where you mole and you troll. You have your undies in a bunch bexcuse the scrutiny has you accountable now.
DeleteYou mole
You troll.
you lie. You manipulate.
You smell like book mold.
You're a paranoid fool. The fact is that I don't mole or troll any groups or pages, and if I comment here I'm only responding to your BS. Coalition doesn't have any organized effort to troll other groups. We comment of the affairs of the Bigfooting world, and you can't handle it. That's the fact of the matter.
DeleteThe many screenshots say otherwise
DeleteHa ha ha. The funny thing is you know I'm right and you're just a scummy lying troll. Any screen captures you might have from Coalition only serve to show how right we are and always have been. Meanwhile, the evidence of your trolling is with lies and ignorance is beyond comprehensive. You just go around repeating yourself like an idiot wasting enormous amounts of time and every that you really should be spending bettering yourself and your own supposed research. If you have the Coalition and our skeptical views then fine, just go away and don't read our conversations like a silly, cowardly mole in the ground.
DeleteHa ha ha. The funny thing is you know I'm right and you're just a scummy lying troll. Any screen captures you might have from Coalition only serve to show how right we are and always have been. Meanwhile, the evidence of your trolling us with lies and ignorance is beyond comprehensive. You just go around repeating yourself like an idiot wasting enormous amounts of time and energy that you really should be spending bettering yourself and your own supposed research. If you hate the Coalition and our skeptical views then fine, just go away and don't read our conversations like a silly, cowardly mole in the ground.
DeleteRepetition is a sign of insanity. Good luck with that
DeleteI know you won't stop, because you are insane. Like with the 50+ identical stupid comments you repeatedly posted on my Facebook wall the other day using two fake identities. Ganglian? Kkkie Shaw? Nigel? Jack? Which one will you be today?
DeleteIt's oh so amusing how much of your like you waste on trolling me.
I know you won't stop, because you are insane. Like with the 50+ identical stupid comments you repeatedly posted on my Facebook wall the other day using two fake identities. Ganglian? Kkkie Shaw? Nigel? Jack? Which one will you be today?
DeleteIt's oh so amusing how much of your like you waste on trolling me.
It's obvious that it's either your pal Jamie's new sock puppet tyrell doing it. Or just pathetic old YOU trolling rmso and yourself for the attention.
DeleteThat's messed up.
No, paranoid one, I do not "troll" RMSO, nor do I know anyone else doing it.
ReplyDeleteYou lie and deny. You troll RMSO and you troll yourself for attention. And you or Jamie troll your own group with an obvious sock puppet. What the fuck is wrong with you?
DeleteNotice he doesnt deny trolling himself for attention.
DeleteYour lying never ends. This is more of your ridiculous imagination. I don't "troll myself." What is wrong with you for saying such an idiotic thing?
DeleteJaimie's "sock puppet" is for humor. Perhaps you're to dense to notice? Funny how you, Mr Sock Puppet Fake himself, would comment on such a thing.
DeleteIt's you posting this. You seem confused.
DeleteNo, it isn't, you obsessed freak troll.
DeleteOkay "Tyrell" whatever you say. Damn you're fucked up.
DeleteI see your obsession still continues. Clearly you just can't seem to live without me.
DeleteYou lie about weasel statuses. You lie about your role in locating the irrelevant pgf site. You troll yourself in an act of seeking attention.
DeleteThe smear campaigning against Dr John, RMSO and the rest of your enemies list.
You can't help yourself. You're the perfect lab rat for the study.
Clearly *you* can't help yourself, because you're an obsessed, hypocritical troll. You like to think I'm a "lab rat" in your little trolling game of libel and harassment. You'd like to say that we or I "smear" or "stalk" Johnson or Shaw, but even if that eye true (it's not), how does that excise your own behavior, which is fast worse than the critique and analysis of things publicly posted as Bigfoot claims by such as Johnson or Shaw? We don't stalk them, don't harass them on their personal pages, don't follow them around on the internet everywhere. It's you who do that sort of thing. In Coalition we have every right to express our views as an exercise of free speech and add an analysis of the various Bigfooting claims. As far as the marten goes, there are only an estimated 100 individuals of the recognized subspecies left. Fish and Wildlife don't want to manage a subspecies separately, so they contradicted their own science. They were sued, and just the other day a judge ruled that the matter will be readdressed. As far as the PGF site goes, I'm the one who found the big trees seen in the back of the film, and it was my group who documented and proved all of the other artifacts and aspects of the site. Certainly Bluff Creek is just as relevant as any other area of claimed Bigfoot sightings, just like the ones Kelly Shaw drives all over the place to try to visit. We found the exact, precise location. Shaw rarely accomplishes that. And really, Bluff Creek truly kicks the as* of "Sasquatch Canyon." Shaw and the rest of yoy trolls are just jealous, and you know darn well that the Coalition group is the most insightful and interesting of all of the Facebook bigfoot discussion groups. That's why it eats you up inside constantly that you just can't be a member.
DeleteClearly *you* can't help yourself, because you're an obsessed, hypocritical troll. You like to think I'm a "lab rat" in your little trolling game of libel and harassment. You'd like to say that we or I "smear" or "stalk" Johnson or Shaw, but even if that were true (it's not), how does that excimuse your own behavior, which is fast worse than the critique and analysis of things publicly posted as Bigfoot claims by such as Johnson or Shaw? We don't stalk them, don't harass them on their personal pages, don't follow them around on the internet everywhere. It's you who do that sort of thing. In Coalition we have every right to express our views as an exercise of free speech and add an analysis of the various Bigfooting claims. As far as the marten goes, there are only an estimated 100 individuals of the recognized subspecies left. Fish and Wildlife don't want to manage a subspecies separately, so they contradicted their own science. They were sued, and just the other day a judge ruled that the matter will be readdressed. As far as the PGF site goes, I'm the one who found the big trees seen in the back of the film, and it was my group who documented and proved all of the other artifacts and aspects of the site. Certainly Bluff Creek is just as relevant as any other area of claimed Bigfoot sightings, just like the ones Kelly Shaw drives all over the place to try to visit. We found the exact, precise location. Shaw rarely accomplishes that. And really, Bluff Creek truly kicks the as* of "Sasquatch Canyon." Shaw and the rest of you trolls are just jealous, and you know darn well that the Coalition group is the most insightful and interesting of all of the Facebook bigfoot discussion groups. That's why it eats you up inside constantly that you just can't be a member.
ReplyDeleteYa kinda posted that twice spaz
DeleteYou're kind of obsessed, aren't you troll?
DeleteWhy not post it twice? You do. I've seen you post the same exact thing 50+ times a day.
Maybe if your books are so rare little man why expose them to the weather on your porch where they're easily stolen?
DeleteNot very good at stuff you do huh? And jealous of a group of gossips? Are you that sad?
"Little man," says the little maniacal troll who just can't stop trolling. Pathetic.
DeleteSale books on the porch are a very common thing to do on the used book business. Why do you even comment about books? Likely because it hurts your brain to read.
You're kind of obsessed, aren't you troll?
Why not post it twice? You do. I've seen you post the same exact thing 50+ times a day.
"Little man," says the little maniacal troll who just can't stop trolling. Pathetic.
DeleteSale books on the porch are a very common thing to do on the used book business. Why do you even comment about books? Likely because it hurts your brain to read.
You're kind of obsessed, aren't you troll?
Why not post it twice? You do. I've seen you post the same exact thing 50+ times a day.
We are repetitive today aren't we?
DeleteYes, YOU ARE, troll.
DeleteYou're kind of obsessed, aren't you troll?
Why not post it twice? You do. I've seen you post the same exact thing 50+ times a day.
Nope you are. You have to chase down every disagreeable comment.
DeleteIf that isn't obsessed what is. Your group of cluster fucking gossip are nothing to be jealous of. Just a good study in mental illness. You play your role well.
Suck it troll.
Don't hesitate to respond. You know you must.
Ha ha ha Ha. I thought you didn't like IKYABWAI? Pathetic troll. You know you're the perpetrator and the one who starts this crap. Deep down in your duplicitous, rotten core, you know I'm right, and it haunts your filthy Ganglian dreams at night.
DeleteIky bamay. Dully noted. YOU are an obsessed Lil psycho. The study is thriving nicely tonight. Don't forget to bring your books in before you lock up.
Delete"Iky bamay" is what you just did, you dull, perverted creepy stalker. F*ck you and your slimy "study," you troll. Seriously, get a freaking life, sociopathic loser-boy. I know you can live without me and the Coalition. Give it a try, one day at a time, bro. You can do it.
DeleteSilly self trolling troll. You would dry up without any attentiom. It is why you self troll and lie about weasels and all that.
DeleteIt certainly isn't the glamour of driving a crappy Xara or selling romance novels that keeps you going.
Notice here how the specimen, having failed to gain a reaction for his trolling now resorts to what can only be called a tantrum. When the smear campaign tactic fails he, the specimen lapses into a tantrum like state of frustration.
DeleteYou've probably heard this phrase numerous times before. It's the cardinal rule of being in an internet community, and with good reason. Avoidance is and has always been the best course of action, hands down. The majority of trolls thrive on the confrontation—after all, their singular goal is to get attention—so the more you ignore them, the better. Downvote their comments or block them if you're on a forum that supports such features, and move on. It's incredibly tempting, but try to ignore them the best you can. Don't respond to them, not even to call them out as a troll, and they'll go away. Even a simple comment like "please stop" or "go away, troll" can bring attention to their comments (either by lengthening the thread or, in some forums, actually causing that thread to move higher in the chain). If a troll returns to their computer with zero replies, however, or if their comment just floats to the bottom of the thread, they'll go looking somewhere else for the attention they crave. Showing them that you can be baited, even a little bit, is just asking for more.
DeleteA different tack is to draw them out and study them. Show their methods and motives. Such is the case with the Trolition.