Maryland Man Has Thunderbird Sighting

A man in Maryland, along with two other witnesses, claim to have seen what can only be described as a thunderbird.

The black feathered bird was reportedly perched on a 40-feet-tall tree and measured “about 5 feet from head to talons”.

“The weight of bird had branch bending very much. Had a beak that was close to an eagles with tip pointed down. When it took off from perch, the amount of air it displaced was incredible as he was trying to get airborne, with tree limbs moving violently. Wingspan tip to tip, aproximately 12 foot. Conservative estimate.”

The newspaper press operator told Cryptozoology News that the unidentified bird was “absolutely not a turkey vulture”.

“I have no doubt it was the Thunderbird.”

For more, click here. 


  1. #vegasisbutthurt,,,,,#1



    1. Quick question, in real life do you notice the people around you politely nodding their head yes in the hopes the conversation ends soon, or are you oblivious, and just keep talking?

    2. At least I have a real life!

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Did Stuey say that he has a life? 24/7 pleading for the attention of people on the internet and he has a life?

      Wow... Just f'n wow.


    5. Howdy Iktomi!!

      Im still laughing over the claim above! :) LOLZ


    6. AnonymousMonday, March 3, 2014 at 2:38:00 PM PST
      When I said , I will smash the faces of all bigfoot believers and Coonbo Joe, I men't it. You think im just a fat little geek that cant get hot women,, Nope ,,IM 6-5 260lbs of muscle and a14"johnson..soo when I say I will smash your faces, I Mean it. and I dont live in a basement...

      Notice those ",,,," in a certain someone's comments before? That's right, F-AC AKA Stuey has been melting down for YEARS... Literally. His comments go way further back than that too. That's just what I could be bothered to look for in the last ten of minutes. And look what some anonymous poster wrote about him back then...

      AnonymousWednesday, March 5, 2014 at 1:07:00 PM PST
      Crazy "Coonbo" Troll: Highly illogical, extremely small IQ and angriest of the trolls. Carries on conversations with himself pretending he's more than one person trolling. Probably the dumbest of the bunch. Super repetitive use of extremely lame humor. Completely infatuated with Joe F. Full of nonsensical conspiracy theories surrounding Joe F. Thinks everyone posting with a login account is Joe F. Thinks Joe F. is now an American because it brings Joe F. closer to home. Probably has a hand-penciled drawing hung near his keyboard that he calls Joe. Probably talks to the only 2 people he knows in real life about this guy named Joe, but they don't care. Thinks text is audio and that he can hear text. Sociopathic tendencies and threatens people with violence. Also hates women. A true Internet tough guy but would crap his pants if faced with adversity in real life. In a state of permanent self destruction. Parents are douche-bags.


    7. One sock puppet asks about my real life and then his other sock puppet personna declares that I don't have a real life. Which is it psycho? And who is the one melting down "literally"? Ha ha ha!

    8. YEARS... You are literally scarred for life, bro.

      You take care now, Stuey.


    9. SANTA FE, N.M. (KRQE) – KRQE News 13’s Larry Barker first exposed a UNM expedition to find Bigfoot back in October — a foray into the forest paid for by you. Now, a lawmaker wants to make it illegal for state-funded colleges to go hunting for mythical creatures.

      The bill comes from a Gallup senator who Larry Barker spoke with during his investigation. The bill would stop trips like the one Dr. Christopher Dyer of the UNM-Gallup campus took last year.

      “We took one day and we went up there, yeah, walked around,” Dr. Dyer said.

      In response to what happened, Sen. George Munoz is sponsoring a bill that would ban public funds from being spent on “looking for or catching a fictitious creature.”

      “It’s sad that we have to do this, that they don’t have the ethics, that UNM doesn’t have the ethics to stop this,” Sen. Munoz said. “And now we have to draft bills to stop something that is not morally right,” Sen. Munoz said.

      The senator had a little fun with the bill. It also bans publicly funded searches for Pokemon, leprechauns and the Bogeyman.

      Sen. Munoz said what Dr. Dyer did was unfair to students because they pay a lot of money to go to school and it shouldn’t be spent on this.

      Outgoing President Bob Frank previously told KRQE News 13 that the Bigfoot expedition was inappropriate and would not happen again.


    11. Well Joerg, you might want to worry less about my real life and more about finding some decent evidence, so you can avoid more of the daily beatdowns that you've been receiving lately!

    12. 11:07 You don't relise everybody knows that You(iktomi) are a subversive Creep , and most of the posts you site are authored BY YOU!

      the boss of lil dum dum joe

    13. You're late AC. Too bad. Next time you'll be more diligent with the


    14. ^ what the heck? I just got there around 12:30, and now i just got back to respond,,
      I have been here for no more than 10min today!

      AC collins

    15. Chick with a Dick been here all year

    16. Triggered. Actually you did a good job triggering yourself with that comment at 8:50. HAAAAAA!

    17. ^ 8:50 ?? I wasnt even here at 8:50!,, if I was here at that time I would say so,,I dont care about nothing execpt the honest truth! AND ALL THE GOOD BFE FOLKS KNOW THAT TO BE A FACT !


    18. Oh I get it now Chick. yea, yea, haa haa. Bullchit


  2. "Negros are Apes"-Joe Fitsgerald

  3. This was sighted after drinking several bottles of Red Top Thunderbird wine - I guess.

  4. I would like to conduct a poll here:

    Press 1 if you think Kelly "The Iron Man" Shaw is the #1 Bigfoot and Cryptid researcher.

    Press 2 if you think Dr Squatch is the #1 Bigfoot and Cryptid researcher.

    1. Is there a Press 3 None of the above?

    2. Press 4 if you think trolls suck a rotten sausage.

    3. I just pressed option #4. My disappointing son is always sitting around my house with a rotten sausage hanging out of his gob.

      - Doreen Larkin



  6. I too have seen some thunderbird! It was on a shelf at the local State Store. Funny thing is you can buy it as well. I think it was real cheap at $3.99 a half gallon! It was located right next to the Ripple.


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