Dad and Kids Escorted Away By Bigfoot

From PacWest Bigfoot on youtube:

Here's an encounter story about a father and his three children who were escorted out of an area by bigfoot near the Clackamas River. This type of behavior has been documented by different bigfoot witnesses over the years.
Dad And Three Kids Escorted Away By Bigfoot Near The Clackamas River


  1. Direct quotes from Itkomi

    " there is no proof of bigfoot "

    " I mean... I'm a buffoon after all "

    Finally some honesty!!!


  2. Hey Itkomi, what do you think about people who believe in portals, mind speak and the ability to sense electrical fields? Do you think bigfoot uses these powers? Do you think these people are a few kangaroos short in the top paddock?


    1. Nah he probably thinks hes a few pollos(illegal mexicans)shy of $1500 bucks

      El coyotes los unicos chingones!!

    2. It is odd how the believers accept some of the story yet dismiss others as a nonsense - they`ll loudly quote the tribesmen on bigfoot yet simply dismiss the other parts of what the tribesmen actually say - that`s hypocrisy for you and the biggest hypocrite of all, JizzTomi, is at the head of this particular queue.

  3. Has anyone noticed that most of these stories happened 20 -30 years ago with the ones who experienced it never giving their names?

    Sounds like something someone would make up to me.

    1. Gee, ya ever notice that people who have had sightings and post them in good faith as warnings to others have been traumatized and that it takes them years to get over it & go public because of (clearly justified) fears of just such thoughtless and hurtful criticisms like yours???
      Cowardly too, "Anonymous"...!
      Jeebus wept.

    2. Also, because of people like trolls, that make them feel foolish, for something they completely believe, because they were there, even though said troll wasn't. People believe a lot of things blindly, like Godx Jesusx etc. This is no different. They can't explain what they saw after eliminating what it wasn't, and we are left with the unknown. Trolls don't care, they judge for the sole reason of conflict, and I never bother. Bigfoot belief, politics, and religion, are 3 subjects that will never be solved with debate. Not online, not on the phone, and not from a bumper sticker. You think one way, or you don't. And most trolls, or people with differences in opinion, aren't looking to have their minds changed about those topics, when they engage someone. They just want to say how they're right, the other is wrong, and that kids, is how we got into the position as a country, we are in. All fingers, no equal compromise. The smartest thing, for believers and answers, is avoid feeding the trolls through confrontation. Like whispering the name of a devil, or whatever spirit you believe in, reacting to trolls, is the same. React, and it drives them.They will always try to step it up, by replying to your comments, and antagonizing us with statements of "idiot" & name calling, they try to bait you. Just don't engage. Ignoring them is the only solution. You won't convince them, because they're not interested in evidence of any kind. So just stop reacting. It's a waste of effort.


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