Alabama Couple Witness Flying Dinosaur


Mike, a 48-year-old Magret resident, told Cryptozoology News he and his wife were driving when they noticed the creature coming out of the trees located on the side of the road.

“We ducked our heads because we thought it was going to hit the truck,” Mike said. “Then, this very large flying bird thing stopped mid air over our front window of the truck and dipped its head, looked at us, then zoomed in ans flew away to the left of us,” he continued about the early morning incident.

The former military man claims he was able to gather a physical description of the creature.

“It had something red about its face or head. Its wings where very large,” he recalls, adding that the unknown animal was wider than their Durango SUV.

For more, click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Hey ya'all

      Many times when I was on second shift there was a very large owl that would swoop over my truck as I was pulling into the neighborhood. You can never get used to that. His wings were almost as wide as the wind shield and he would appear and then be gone in an instant. He was not two feet from the car. A excellent flyer for sure. Maybe he was greeting me because they are gregarious

      Happy new year


    2. Hey up there MMC! Great thats really interesting about that owl. I imagine it would make me jump every time it would say hello. They are just such fascinating animals.

      We have 2 Great Horned owls that really like the big trees behind the house here. They hoot and sing to each other. I stand outside while my small dogs do their business. I'm worried that if I dont I will look out to see a chihuahua flying over the fence. :)

    3. Hi ya Chick, be carefull with your cats AND small dogs, as great horned owls eat skunk,cats,rats,small possoms,even roosting birds of prey they are very strong predators

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Does bigfoot fly around on dinosaurs? Is bigfoot a dinosaur? Has anybody seen bigfoot walking his dogman to his flying dinosaur? Is flying bigfoot a skinwalkers?


    1. To answer your questions Dazz, yes, no, yes and no. Hope that helps.

    2. Dazz/Haints asks the dumbest questions then he wonders we people treat him like a snot nosed toddler.
      You're dribbling all over your bib mate


    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Sorry Joe, I will ask some serious questions ( smirk ). Does bigfoot mind speak? Does bigfoot use portals? Can bigfoot detect electrical fields? Does bigfoot speak like a samurai? I hope these questions aren't to stupid for you ( smirk ) they are things that bigfooters believe ( smirk ).


    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. "Please can I have some attention and then whine about it like some confused prat?"

      You should be focussing on what CAN be measured by science, balmy boy. Everything else afterwards is irrelevant when the creature you're trying to ridicule is by scienific methods being shown to be leaving its sign on the environment.

    7. I'm just trying to learn about the subject but when I ask a question Itkomi and his special friend Joe abuse me. I hope you guys don't have an abusive relationship. You need to find love in your own heart and then release that love all over your partner. Maybe then you can stop your abusive, negative and mean comments when you troll this site. :)


    8. This comment has been removed by the author.


    9. It's pretty simply Stuey, someone who feels powerless craves control; very basic psychology. And though any decent person around here is quite aware that they are lessening themselves by engaging with someone as morally & intellectually backward as you... You are never going to be important enough to make even the most smallest of dents in the legitimacy of this subject. So while you THINK you are controlling something in your life and having some impact on the lives of decent people... You'll always amount to a big fat nothing.

      That must hurt.

      : )

    10. " the subject " doesn't have any legitimacy. How could I make it less legitimate? It's a fringe subject that isn't taken seriously. People believe that only kooks and nuff nuffs take it seriously. Which one are you?


    11. For someone who spends every day of his life around a subject that he maintains is without legitimacy... You're either too stupid to demonstrate just how (considering it's apparently so obvious), or the subject isn't without legitimacy.

      Which one Stuey?

      You've never once presented even a remotely logical case against the scientific evidence substantiating this subject. In fact, the reason you're so preoccupied with trying to aggravate people around here is because you've had your meagre mind bent for the past few years of your life about it.

    12. if you wanna learn you came to the right place. Iktomi is just the person to school people like you . He really knows his bigfoot knowledge so take off those ear buds and listen up lad otherwise go find another forum to troll on


    13. Just like you pedo joe!
      and your losing argument that patty and bigfoot are homo sapien sapien,,
      what a fruit!!

      AC collins


      After your latest annahilation ^ you've still got a long way to go before you can be even considered in the same league as someone who can hold intelligent adult debate. And you're only projecting because you were caught out making child rape threats... Ucky pervert.

      F-AC is angry because he was identified as the leader of the toilet pizza eating club; a strange group of perverts who very much like to leave their signature calling card; a lone pepperoni on a toilet seat.

    15. And before F-AC tries making another comment section all about him, because as we know, someone who feels powerless craves control... I'm off to do something productive with my day.

      Peace (to the human beings)!!!

    16. LOL joe sure is triggered lately. Someone sure has got under his skin. Keep it up Dazz. Great stuff!!

    17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    18. Accusing someone of feeling emotions that you are intentionally trying to provoke, is yet another sign of psychopathy.

      Don't believe me? Look it up.

      : )

    19. 4:30 is probably Dazz/haints or one of his various sock puppet creations on here.
      Iktomi, you are correct about him being a psycho


    20. ^ sockpuppet (doubles as a handy residue wipe)

    21. Bigfoot is actually an underground dwelling lizard man so he is actually a dinosaur, hope that helps enlighten you all, halitosis, halitosis

    22. Joerg believes in anything and everything, as long as it is pro bigfoot. His lunacy knows no bounds.


    23. Exorcism needed here or there wont be enough rooms left in the county hospital^.

    24. How is that used up cooter of yours chick? Are you busy servicing minorities again today? Is it true you do not know who the father's of your children are?

    25. ^ suffers from mentally tormenting visions of men with hard dicks

    26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. OMGoodness. Does anyone actually believes this BS story? I doubt it.

    1. I believe it. Everything that is posted on this site is 100% true. If you don't like it then go to another site you troll. I'm so sick of you skeptards. Flying dinosaurs are used by bigfoot to get around unnoticed.

      Tiddly Doo


    2. ^ Stoopit boy believes in fantasy figures yet has never left the decrepit mining village his forebears broke their backs in.

    3. Pretending to be Joe and then pretending to be another person responding to that pretend Joe... I bet you don't know whether you're coming or going.

    4. ^ knows when other people are coming up his slack brown hole - gets him going

    5. I should be flattered they pretend to me me so many times a day . I'd be honored if it were decent people but they are nothing but trolls and sock puppets .


    6. It's a shame the dear Queen's aids is taking a toll on her stinky wrinkled hide at long last. GOD BLESS OUR GRACIOUS QUEEN. Joe

    7. Mike B and the gay sense of humor never cease to dissapoint. Mike has been playing the role of "Joe" for quite a while now. And it still is gay.

    8. ^ and playing the role of the nasty troll is haints once again
      Bravo Haints, you've just shown everyone you have no bloody life


  4. Same old bollocks here.

    Jotomi can suck `em.

  5. There is no such place as Magret, AL however there is a Margaret located in St. Clair county where it supposedly happened. Makes you wonder what else they got wrong on that story.

    1. The flying dinosaur monster sounds out of place, so does a Durango


    My mouth is short of words, i am so so happy because Dr.Aluta has healed me from HIV ailment which i have been suffering from the past 5years now, i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy and alive, i have tried all means in life to always become HIV negative, but there was no answer until i found Dr ALUTA the Paris of African who provide me some healing Medicinal spell that he uses to help me, i never believe in spell doctor for the healing of HIV but i decided to take a step to see if it could save me from this deadly disease. behold it work out in a way i could never believe after sending me the herbal medicine i took it and went for test after the first Month it was HIV Negative my doctor could not believe until i went for the second text on the 3 month it was still Negative there my doctor told me that this was a miracle. now i am glad telling everyone that i am now HIV Negative, i am very very happy, thank you Dr.Aluta for helping my life comes back newly without any form of crisis, may the good lord that i serve blessed you Dr.Aluta. so i will announce to everyone around the world having HIV positive and also the cure of cancer in any part of the body to please follow my advice and get healed on time, because we all knows that HIV disease is a deadly type,contact Dr.aluta for your HIV healing spell today at: .

    1. Sock puppet Haints/Ac begging for more attention again^

    2. ^ envious that he doesn`t attract the rational reader (probably Joe posting)




    1. When did you start reading the Wanking Times?

    2. Thats something Eva. The Bee video was something. Almost feeling a bit guilty swatting flies. Wonder what they could do.. :0

    3. Buzz feces and land on your food

    4. Flies could raise your children better than you chick. Maybe if you cared more about them than this place. It is amazing social services has not intervened with you yet.

    5. Yeah really, leave it go already

    6. Yeah bee's are brighter than Stuey it seems Chick :) xx

  8. Bizarre Vanishings and Mysteries of Pecos, New Mexico

    1. Confronting a Pumpkinhead on the Road

    2. Vanishings and High Strangeness at Africa’s Cursed Mountain

  9. Wow. The recent drug epidemic has really ravaged the rural South.

    1. Isn't that where you live H.

    2. I was suggesting that perhaps there was a chemical component involved in this sighting.

      And yes, it is where I live. They cook more meth here now than turnip greens and black eyed peas. The Ocala National Forest produces more pharmaceuticals than Merck and Pfizer combined.


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