Bigfoot Rock Throwing captured On Video - Strange!

Buffalo Bigfoot on youtube posted the following video, where he captured rocks being thrown towards him from an unseen source. This is something that bigfoot reportedly does. Check it out:


  1. Replies
    1. Well it was made to look like an accident :) xx

    2. You disgusting super freaks really love to joke about feces and urine, don't you?

    3. 2:23, people who lack intelligence and creativity typically resort to juvenile bathroom humor.

    4. ^ likes playing with fat cock full of hot cum

      and licking dirty cum from well used minge ..

      is that adult enough toilet humor for you ?

    5. I see all the usual tossers are here - oh no,there`s the biggest tosser of all missing - where are you Joe ?

    6. ^ be careful what you wish for mate. The biggest tosser i see is you ! go gargle with pickle juice you dumb prat



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