Bigfoot Hunt In SE Oklahoma

Check out the footage from the latest outing with Robert Dodson, and keep your eyes peeled for any possible bigfoot hiding in the area. 


  1. Bigfoot dont exist. Another year has passed with absolutely zero evidence of any actual bigfoots anywhere. Its a lost cause, a fools errand, a pipe dream in a sea of deludes fanatics. Bigfoot does not and has not ever existed. Get fking rekt.

    1. I don't even read or watch the stories anymore but just skip right to the comments. I already know how the stories will turn out after reading the same results over and over and over. At least the comments are sometimes entertaining.

    2. Dear Santa,

      Please please please PLEASE can I have some proof of bigfoot for my present just so I can show all the nay sayers that it is real ? Oh,PLEEEEEAAAAAASE !!!

      I will put my stocking at the end of my bed as always and leave some cake for you too,Santa.


      ps...can I have a gay magazine too ?

    3. Sometimes Santa disappoints. Sometimes God doesn't answer our prayers. Sometimes people fail us. Sometimes we don't get what we wish for. But hey - that's reality. Something Bigfoot believers will soon have to accept.

    4. ^ as long as I get a gay magazine I`ll be happy - satisfaction comes a few moments after reading the stories in it



    6. Tut, tut, tut... You see, the blog's resident idiot that has a logical fallacy; circular reasoning as a foundation for his drivel (Bigfoot doesn't exist, because Bigfoot doesn't exist) loves to pretend like he hasn't been annihilated a million times already about the current state of evidence. You see, this is where I start to reel off the many sources of evidence for the existence of relict hominins, and he runs off after providing mere lies and disinformation which are easily put to bed.

      First Type: The first level of disinformation might equally well be characterized as apparent incompetence by someone who assumes the task of offering criticism but for which he is not well-positioned to provide. This may be due to any number of factors, including lack of mental acumen, specific misunderstandings, or lack of familiarity with relevant evidence (simple ignorance).
      Second Type: The second level of disinformation occurs when relevant available evidence that ought to make a difference to a conclusion, hypothesis or conjecture under examination is simply dismissed or ignored. EVIDENCE IS RELEVANT when its presence or absence (physical evidence) or its truth or falsity (testimonial) makes a difference to the truth or falsity of the point at issue.
      Third Type: The third level of disinformation occurs by abusing the man (AD HOMINEM) in attacking the author or the editor of a work on irrelevant or misleading grounds that have little or nothing to do with the position the author or editor represents.

    7. Tsk, tsk ... all that and still no proof of Bigfoot. It's always just around the corner...always out of focus...just a DNA test away.

      In a way I feel sorry for you Joe - a Christmas wish that will never be granted no matter how many links you post.

    8. Rhetorically demanding proof when the creature you're crying about is already shown to exist in the physical evidence it leaves, is futile. Oh... And just a reminder, but the DNA for what is commonly known as "Sasquatch" has been sequenced, and is human.

      Go back to pretending things didn't happen, son.

    9. if the dna has been sequenced and came back human then what RACE IS IT ? WHAT IS ITS EYE COLOR? WHAT DISEASE AND SPECFIC CANCERS ARE THEY MOST PRONE TO? you see a quick $99 mito blast would give you answers to ALL ABOVE AND MORE


    10. It was found to be Angel DNA, so there's your race!

    11. To elaborate on this, one hair sample was verified after an instance where multiple government employees were witness to a Sasquatch and where subsequent tracks were accumulated. These hairs were later verified to be that of a currently unclassified primate by Dr Paul Fuerst of Ohio State University & the Oregon Regional Primate Research Centre. Dr Frank Poirier, chairman of the Ohio State's department of anthropology confirms this. Sykes has very recently studied this hair and...
      "Eventually I found a match in a rather obscure database from Central Asia. The Walla Walla sample matched an induvidual from Uzbekistan! How on earth could that be explained. I have not had long to think about it, but my immediate thought is that I find it very difficult to reconcile this result on the Walla Walla hair with the impressive provenance provided for it by Paul Freeman and his companions. The Walla Walla hair result is the most intriguing from among my North American samples. I scarcely think I can claim to have identified the sasquatch as a feral Uzbek, but that is the closest I have managed to get at the moment".
      - Dr Bryn Sykes
      It is important to note that this hair sample has consistency with 12 other samples that are all linked to their own sightings, physical evidence and general "Sasquatch" activity. These have been studied at length by Dr Henner Fahrenbach, a retired zoologist who has worked for thirty years as Chairman of the Laboratory of Electron Microscopy at the Oregon Regional Primate Center in Beaverton in Oregon. He has published numerous papers in a variety of journals in the fields of histology and neurobiology, in addition to several analyses of sasquatch biology.
      "I have by now a dozen purported sasquatch hair samples, all morphologically congruent (which rules out hoaxing) and all effectively indistinguishable from a human hair of the particular structure (great variability is available among the latter). DNA extracted from both hair shaft or roots (hair demonstrably fresh) was too fragmented to permit gene sequencing. That characteristic is also sometimes found in human hair that lacks the medulla (as does sasquatch hair - at least what I am willing to identify as such)."
      - Henner Fahrenbach
      So it is here, considering we have hair samples that have uniform morphology verified by multiple experts, as we do with biological dermatoglyphics verified at the same frequency, that we are at a stage of research that points to a human leaving it's sign. Sasquatch is ancient human, as DNA tested by Zana's lineage and as Dr Bryan Sykes will no doubt confirm in due course.

      As has been the response to you, a million times before F-AC... Just because certain information is not forthcoming, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    12. Iktomi like a little redneck teen is always overcompensating , instead of a JACKED UP PICKUP TRUCK.
      HE NEEDS to overcompensate with 100s of words and paragraphs, that by the way,
      EACH AND EVERY ONE OF HIS TALKING POINTS Have been surgically dissected and DEBUNKED BY,,, thats right folks good ole AC collins.
      Too bad Iktomi hasn't the IQ to get it, however the folks at BFE do!

    13. Anyone who spends most of his time claiming he's debunked something, instead of showing how he's debunked it... is a delusional loon.

  2. IKTOMI + GP(genral population)=
    5 new york minutes,,,FACT!!



      Joe F.

    2. sniffle sob sob sputter sob snuffle

      it`s nearly another whole year gone by without any proof again sniffle snuffle sob sob grizzled sob sob sob


    3. Hey mr 2:00,Do you think Matt or shawn really care about your complaints?

    4. not only do we have fake Joe but we also have fake Joe F
      two coconuts who fell from the same bloody tree !


    5. ^ Oh look,there`s the 3rd Joe - his role is the long thin length extending from the two "coconuts" - the prick .

    6. ^ toddler who got into mummy's eggnog


  3. 1:34, Correct Bigfoot does not exist on this site!

    I have all the proof you need!
    Just got these yesterday!


      This is all the proof I need squat

    2. DS is the classic example of a person being interested in Bigfoot, but not having the intelligence, patience or the ability to "research" effectively. See, he bought a new 4K camera, he figured it was the the missing element, because up until then, he hadn't produced a dog turd. He honestly felt this was going to be a game changer, the camera would lead to quality evidence. So, when that doesn't happen, what do you do? You start producing your own "evidence". Keep in mind, he's so foolish and conceited, he doesn't actually know he producing his evidence. He has himself fooled into thinking he's actually catching Bigfoot that look like Rene from "Finding Bigfoot" or a Ninja (full outfit) with his dog and I really don't understand the shadow people he sees or why he drew a dick on one. He has no idea how crazy he is, or how bad he looks every time he opens his mouth. The fact that he has zero, ZERO physical evidence just means that's your problem, not his. He reads the definition of the word pareidolia and thinks it doesn't pertain to him. He refuses to challenge his own "research", which in my opinion tells you everything you need to know about his character. You truely are everything that is wrong with Bigfoot. Reasonable people look at the garbage you produce and think, if someone is this desperate to find Bigfoot, it must not exist.

    3. ...and with that, MERRY CHRISTMAS to you Dr. Squatch. Your a crazy guy but you sure are entertaining. We skoftics still think your the #1 researcher.

      Your absolutely correct about one thing - no one is ever going to find Bigfoot.

    4. Yes Virginia, there is a bigfoot, he lives in the hearts and minds of the simple and gullible.

    5. more fake AF photoshopped garbage from the squatmaster

      kaboom !

      Yours truly


    6. Thank you Doc Squatch for demonstrating the stupidity of Bigfoot and driving dingbats like Iktomi off this blog!

    7. Vegas, I feel bad God's blinded you from seeing the truth, but i guess when you turn your back on him, it's to be expected!
      I don't have a 4k camera, show's your stupidity once again!
      Funny how no one listed any better pics, or a better researcher, LOL!
      How's Noel coming along with his $100/person scout, that won't have any evidence whatsoever!

  4. Replies
    1. yes, nothing for you this christmas
      sorry bud

  5. Merry Christmas to y`all.

    xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx


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